hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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*points* you get a lucky flannel! you get a lucky flannel!!
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
Alexander : What do you do when you see someone gorgeous ?
Jefferson : I stare.
Jefferson : I smile.
Jefferson : Then I put down the mirror.
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
it’s SPOOKY WEEK on DanAndPhilGAMES! we play a game that will make you never sleep again - Little Nightmares 🛌💀
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
happy pride to everyone who’s still closeted
happy pride to everyone who’s been kicked out
happy pride to everyone who lives somewhere where it is illegal to love who they love
happy fucking pride to all of you, i love you with my whole heart and i promise you it will get better
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
Who can handle THIS MUCH LOVE~?   #TATA #BT21
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
Integrate Language Learning into your Daily Life: a Handy Guide
Internet is your friend! Fill your social media feeds with content in your target language: follow blogs you like, news outlets from other countries… The occasional absent-minded scrolling can thus turn into a more productive experience!
Treasure the little things: when I was a kid, I would read literally anything I happened to lay my eyes on… which included cereal boxes at breakfast time. While not overwhelmingly exciting per se, nutritional values, ingredients (and somewhat troubling warnings) often come in more than a language; small occasions like these are more common than you’d think in our daily life, and grabbing them is definitely worth a shot!
Books you know, stating the obvious since 1997: if given the choice between reading a novel in its translated version or in the original language, I usually go for the latter. Goes without saying, but: don’t overdo it. Challenging yourself is great, but if you tackle Crime and Punishment two weeks into learning Russian the whole thing will hardly end up well. Choose books suited to your level that you feel comfortable about, that will neither bore you to death because of their easiness nor drain your vital energy with their killer prose.
What’s not to love about music, right? Thanks to YouTube (plus numerous streaming services), the average learner has decades of songs from all around the world at their fingertips. Browse through playlists, try different genres, and enjoy a resource you can take with you anywhere!
I was never the type to listen to the radio all that much, but I must say I’ve had to change my mind: many international stations provide web broadcasts that can prove extremely useful in your learning journey.
Needless to say, YouTube is a gold mine: look for interesting content in your target language and enjoy! An additional tip if you want to work on your speaking as well: pause the video every once in a while and try to mimick the pronunciation.
Eavesdropping isn’t normally a habit to be encouraged, but we’ll make an exception for language learning: trying to catch glimpses of conversations half-heard on the bus or while walking around the city can be very stimulating, and is a good way to train your ear.
Watch TV shows and movies. Others are firmly against using subtitles if you’re doing it for learning purposes, but I’ll have to disagree: while I get that it makes you focus less on pronunciation, they can be vital to fight the initial disheartenment that could turn the whole experience into a self-inflicted chore. Depending on your level, I’d suggest you start out with subtitles that are in your native language, then abandon them as soon as possible to move on with subtitles in the target language (and then, when you see it fit, get rid of subtitles entirely).
This doubles as reading: translate a lot, both from your target language into your native one and the other way around. The object of your translation doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s something that holds some interest for you: songs are usually fast and fun to do (also, check out this website: https://lyricstranslate.com/), but this can be applied to anything, really.
Most people will recommend you try keeping a journal, and I must say I agree. You don’t have to write something every day, but as you start to get the hang of it you’ll find out how useful that can be: having to look for the words to express your very own thoughts effectively will provide you with vocabulary that could be crucial in later interactions.
Chat: Tumblr, discord and Telegram, among others, are good places to find fellow learners, and if you don’t feel like actively studying having a chat in your target language is definitely better than nothing! Besides, you’ll probably end up learning a bunch of useful slang words, plus some essential colloquial expressions that will make you sound more natural.
Sing in the shower. Really, do. There’s nothing like a little karaoke session to get a hang of new sounds!
Talk to yourself (preferably when no-one else is around, but ultimately you do you). Pick a random topic and ramble freely. Recording yourself is also a nice trick: you’ll be able to spot the things that don’t sound quite right and work on them with a better focus.
Read aloud, and, once again, record yourself while you do it: you can check out later terms that were new to you (and, if need be, their pronunciation).
Don’t fear the natives! It’s easier said than done, I know, but if you try to grab any opportunity you get to speak your target language the overpowering dread will later give in to a pleasant sense of satisfaction, and you’ll end up looking for a chance to speak far more often than you’d think!
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
this post is writing sins and making tragedies
dont u hate it when its nine in the afternoon but ur eyes are just normal sized
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
Tips for students
On daily routine:
- As soon as your alarm goes off, sit up in your bed and turn it off. Don’t press snooze, it will only become harder to get up. -Always have a glass of water next to your bed, so when you wake up, you can drink as soon as you are up. If you like, you can put cucumber in it, it will be even more refreshing.  -Put on your socks and a pullover or sweater or nightrobe or whatever you like, and go to the bathroom. -Wash your face, then use your face creme if you like. -Have breakfast if you have time and appetite for that. -Then wash your teeth, and use some lipbalm if you like. -Dress up in an outfit THAT YOU FEEL GOOD IN. (Also don’t forget about the weather… take care of yourself.) -Pack your lunch, check if you have everything important (keys, phone, money, ID, etc.) -On the road, do something that puts you in a good mood, or prepares you for the day. For example, you could catch up on your reading, revise the things you’ll do that day, run through your notes if you have a test that day, listen to music, etc. -DON’T TAKE LOOOOONG NAPS IN THE AFTERNOON. It may feel as the most refleshing thing, but you will regret it: you lose a lot of time, and the worst is, that you won’t sleep thight that night. MY TIP is to rest for 1- 1 and a half hours when you get home. You could eat something, or rest your head for a good half hour. Then start studying. If you really can’t focus on studying after a long day, that’s totally fine. Go to bed a bit earlier, and wake up earlier as well! You’ll see that in the morning, you will be more efficient, which will keep you moving all day long. -DON’T DRINK CAFFEINE IN THE AFTERNOON- it’s the same as naps, but (for me) it’s totally worse!!!!
On self-care:
-drink water -eat when you are hungry -go to bed in time -every Sunday, make your night a self-care night (long bath, hairwashing, face hydratating, manicure, pedicure, anything you like…) -use face scrub twice a week -wash your face twice a day -don’t sleep with your make up on -wash you hair 3 times a week
On studying:
-stay motivated: always set your goals, make your notes nice looking, so you want to study from them, WATCH GILMORE GIRLS (idk if it’s just me, but it inspires me a lot) -know what type you are (visual, auditive, kinesthetic) -if you are feeling tired, but want to study something, watch documentaries -always be prepared -throw away old pens and pencils -TURN OFF YOUR PHONE -teach kids or your classmates on materials you don’t want to forget, or is hard for you to study (for ex.: I teach children English, because currently it’s not among my subjects at school; and I became good at maths thanks to my friend, who never understood a word, and I had to teach her the material. Thanks to that, now we both know maths.)
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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ft. @amazingphil wearing @danielhowell‘s new merch
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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And even though I laughed with them, it felt like I was watching the whole thing from somewhere else, like I was watching a movie about my life instead of living it.
Turtles All the Way Down - John Green
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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this post will consist of more general tips than how to, for instance, study intensively. i’ve linked some other helpful masterposts that’ll cover that more in depth than i will. good luck in all of your classes! you can do it!
there’s always gotta be that one class that’s harder than the rest to beat and maybe even harder just to pass. here are some tips and tricks that i hope can get you by and even exceed your expectations!
the night before:
review any and all material taught before your next class. skim over older notes that you have reviewed more in depth before and really begin to understand the ones from last class or a few before that. 
you can do this by rewriting the notes from the previous class, making flashcards of definitions, or do whatever suits your studying style like walking around and reading notes aloud or making a mind map.
pack your bag! this is a general tip for all your school days but it’s important that you don’t forget anything for this class. one day without your notebook or binder can really set you back.
get a lot of rest. again, another general tip but depending on how early or late in the day your class is, you’re going to want to be energized and focused. 
the morning of:
go through your normal routine with notes close by or flashcards in hand. it’s important for classes like these that you stay on top of things because things can move fast and you don’t want to be stuck on chapter one while the teacher is on chapter six.
a good way to implement this is read your notes while you’re eating breakfast or brushing your teeth. keep your mind active!
drink your tea or coffee, any boost will help. again, you’re going to want to stay focused and not asleep during this new lesson.
give yourself a pep talk! if the teacher is tough or lesson plan is seemingly impossible, let yourself know before you walk in the room that you can do it and everything will be okay.
during class:
stay diligent! if the time seems to be passing slower and slower try to remind yourself of what you need to be doing in that class. motivate yourself to keep going!
take thorough notes. write down as much as possible and if there are powerpoints online, print those out and write your notes next to it of what the teacher doesn’t mention on those slides. 
try to sit close to the middle, a little towards the front. if this is a class with an intimidating teacher, it’s understandable to stay away from the very front. just make sure that you’re in a place where you can pay close attention to what is going on. 
after class:
if you have any questions that didn’t get addressed in class, don’t be afraid to ask the teacher or a star student what something means or how it works. 
stay away from the material for a bit. take a break! you can study later, just don’t let this class consume you.
get in touch with a friend in the class to do the homework with so you both can have someone to help you out if you get stuck on a question.
when receiving a bad grade:
everyone is bound to get that less than satisfactory grade at least once every semester (unless they’re a literal genius) and you’ll definitely get your fair share in a tough class like this one. here are some tips for dealing with it:
know that you can come back from it. check your grades as they are now and make sure you show yourself that you’re not doomed.
talk to a friend who is in the same boat as you and gripe about the test or quiz. it really helps to vent!
go over questions you got wrong if you can and understand how to do them right for the next time around. 
if you can’t access the questions, review the material that the test focused on and go over any weak points. 
improving your grade:
start a study group! chances are you’re not the only one struggling and having two or more other people that can progress with you through the class can really help!
if you’re more of lone wolf, make your own fun! play some games with yourself to liven up the studying and set rewards!
talk to your teacher about what you can do. don’t be afraid to ask for help from them! if you’re really in a pickle, they’ll be able to tell you what you have to do to get yourself out.
do any and all extra credit even if it’s inconvenient or tough to do. 
how to study for a subject you hate by @llterature
mp of study skills by @schoollifeandstuff
how to start studying by @littleant-studies
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
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After almost a month of work this monster is DONE! Congrats Mark on your well deserved 20 million! I can’t wait to see what your beautiful mind will bring us next~
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
God dammit YouTube!
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ANOTHER update to YouTube nobody wanted or asked for. And the fact that they didn’t tell anyone just pisses me off. I miss the days when YouTube wasn’t owned by Google…
Also y'all might want to keep a close eye on your list of subscriptions to make sure everyone’s accounted for. Call me paranoid but I just think there’s something particularly fishy going on.
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
crush facts #3
the average amount of time a boy stares at a girl he finds attractive is 8 seconds. do you stare at your crush? does your crush stare at you? 
i give crush advice btw
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
10 steps to flirt like a pro:
By the end of this lesson, you will totally be a flirt sensation, I follow these tips myself and it totally works! So if you want to know how to flirt like a pro; keep reading! Here we go!
Step 1: Talk to them! I know it seems obvious but have you actually opted to say a quick hello and spark up a light conversation? If not this is a good way to start haha!
Step 2: Laugh, laugh and laugh some more! Everyone likes to think that they are funny - just throw them a bone and laugh along (not too hard you don’t want them to think you’re too crazy!)
Step 3: Use your eyes If you avoid eye contact, your crush is never going to know that you like them! So make sure to give a few meaningful looks - use the old “look, look away, look again” technique, it does wonders! Make sure you don’t stare though. And if you find it hard to look someone in the eye; look in between their eyes at their nose, they won’t know the difference!
Step 4: Smile! Pair that look with the beautiful smile I know you’ve got!
Step 5: Compliment them A few subtle words can make a major difference on how a person sees you. If you give compliments you are going to be more likeable as a person. It doesn’t have to be a long explanation of how everything about them is perfect; it could be as simple as “you look nice today” or “I like your shoes”. The simpler, the better.
Step 6: Think of them! If you are watching the match of your crushes favourite sport or even if you see the funniest youtube video you know they’ll love, TELL THEM! It will give them the idea that they are on you’re mind, which is obviously completely true!
Step 7: Body language This is key! Body language reflects how you feel, so if your feeling awkward it will show. Just relax. Do things like leaning in a little bit when you are talking to your crush, lightly brush past them or even maybe touch their arm in mid conversation. All these things will hint your into them. (Warning: sitting on their lap may be too far).
Step 8: Social media This is perfect if you are shy or you just want to be in contact with your crush at home and outside of school/work. Like a few photos or statuses, send funny links to each other or even just strike up a conversation. Don’t be too stalkerish!
Step 9: Ask for their opinion Whether it’s about homework or an outfit or if you should eat an apple or an orange… opinions matter! Asking for you crushes opinion will not only hint that you like them but will show that you care what they think. This will give them a confidence boost and also get you a step closer to making your crush a reality! It’s a win win!
Step 10: Be yourself! Don’t be willing to change for your crush too enormously as that shows you don’t think your good enough, which is completely not the case. If your crush is genuinely interested in you they will like you for who you are. So be confident, be unique and most of all just act like you always do! If you are happy with yourself this will reflect in your presence - and think what kind of message that sends your crush!
You are now the most flirty flirt I know, go try it out on your crush and let me know how you go!
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hoodiefam-blog · 6 years
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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