hopecleansed · 8 years
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if anyone has finished up sun / moon over here yet……. hmu for my lillie blog’s url
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hopecleansed · 8 years
she draws a matching heart on chisa's cheek! and also a little star on the other. beautiful.
better be school appropriate or a fire extinguisher is coming your way || accepting!
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  Both hands come up, one finger from each pushing up her cheeks to show off her student’s art.
   “ That felt like a star and a heart, right? Thank you, Nanami-san! I bet they look great. ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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u ever just cry remembering how much yukizome loved her kids and then junko went and absolutely destroyed any sense of genuine emotion in her because I Sure Do
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hopecleansed · 8 years
Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse's body. )
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hopecleansed · 8 years
The somber atmosphere of the course felt more like a home to him now. The quiet, un-changing environment filled with dreary students who just want the day over with instead of embarking to new adventures was comforting in a way he couldn’t describe. Maybe it’s the fact no one expected anything that the disappointments in this place were very rare. 
Either way, it was place he could feel like he could call his own. Normal, a bit monotone and offered no illusions of grandeur or false promises. Maybe it was kind of sad, but it was something he felt like he needed all alone. 
His attention shifts when he hears a familiar voice call his name. He wished that he’d never have to hear this voice again, but the soft spoken intonations of it managed to strike every nerve he thought he forgot about.
Chisa Yukizome. All he could relate to her was false warmth now that was not from love and care, but from a knife stabbed and twisted in his back. 
She didn’t really care. He knew this much. 
She would’ve tried to stop him that day if she did, but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she didn’t notice because she doesn’t deem him too significant, but she was one of the people who let him almost climb the stairways to death. 
He wanted nothing with her. 
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“Don’t you think it’s a little too late to look for me here? If it’s nothing too important, just spare us both this conversation.”
  Yep, just as she thought... bitterness is obvious and his tone and she can feel his gaze jab into her like a thousand prodding fingers asking for answers. Why didn’t you do something to help? What would’ve happened if he went through with it? If you worked faster and had more power, could you have put a halt to such an unethical project before it even began?
  The questions swirl, Chisa’s smile faltering with a twitch of her lip. Stay focused, Yukizome, she tells herself. It isn’t good to fall so far off topic, to allow something like this to choke out most other thoughts in such a way. Being rational is what a teacher does best, right? 
  Exhaling softly, her hands set the books onto the podium once more, fingers lacing together. Eyes shut briefly before reopening to stare her student down, unsure of how to continue without stepping into anymore pitfalls.
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  Talking won’t get her out of this. You can’t expect to betray someone and have them treat you with forgiveness upon the next meeting.
  “ ... I’m not looking for you specifically, Hinata-kun. I’m a teacher here for the next half year and... I just wanted to say hello to someone I know.
   As well as apologize for everything. ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
    “Look.  If I wasn’t going to be ultimately held responsible for whatever came from this, I’d leave you to it.  You know that.  But Munakata sure as hell isn’t going to pin it on you, so I have to nip it in the bud right here.”
     He extends a hand, offering silently to relieve her of a few of the traps at least.  Their sheer numbers are nothing if not impressive.  He doesn’t ask if there’s any more hidden around the room, around the building, even - Yukizome does have a tendency to get carried away ( what she holds in her arms is testament enough to that ) but she isn’t a liar or a cheat.  And what’s more - she is right.  Anyone who would risk severe injury by…
     …Heh.  Well.  They’d deserve it.
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     “…Thanks for cooperating, Yukizome.”
  “ ... I wish you were wrong, but you really aren’t.  He’s a pretty stubborn guy when he wants to be, I guess. ”
   Eyes land on the calloused hands held out to her, Yukizome blinking twice. A smile is flashed to him, fingers retrieving one trap as if playing Jenga before a few more deposit themselves into the boxer’s hands. With a portion of the weight split with her friend, she shifts the rest into one arm. One arm comes up and pats Sakakura’s shoulder, smaller beaming up towards him.
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  “ No problem! Better to think of a plan that could be more effective and less likely to cause trouble than keep up with this one, right? ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
@bareknuckle liked for a starter!
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  “ I mean, I don’t really see how I’m the one in the wrong here, Sakakura-kun... ”
  There certainly are quite a few mousetraps gathered in her arms, all sprung so they won’t snap on her fingers as she holds them. Seriously, why is she the one being punished for someone else’s lack of self-control? Eyes narrow at the fridge nearby, the cold seeping through the small metal parts of the traps into her skin.
   “ If some people didn’t think it was okay to steal my food, I wouldn’t have had to set these in the first place. ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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      “Not here, obviously.”
      He told Nanami this would happen—despite his appearance, Fuyuhiko is, in fact, able to pull off plans like this if determined enough. The fact that their teacher didn’t catch wind of it in the first place is something he takes immense satisfaction in, even if she’s starting to suspect him now. At the very least, he can take comfort in the temporary silence that he had.
      Would she punish him? Well, probably. He can’t bring himself to care.
      “So what if it is? Not like anyone else is going to show up today. What’re you gonna do about it?”
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  Yep, still as snarky as day one.
   It is unusual though. No one should be missing class after her first day’s run-around to gather everyone up (as well as Nanami’s efforts to bring them all together), much less for everyone to be missing.  The obvious person to blame for this is Kuzuryuu himself seeing as he’s the most suspicious one of the bunch as he’s the only one seated at his desk currently.
   ... Well, what is she going to do about it? The only thing she can.
   “ That’s just fine! You’re gonna be my partner in hunting everyone down for today’s class then! By the way, you don’t have a choice seeing as you’re the only student here. Gotta collect all of your hooligan friends, right? ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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i updated the playlist over here!!
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hopecleansed · 8 years
@inegotism liked for a starter!
  The reserve course’s drab atmosphere is going to drive her... somewhere with the way the day passes. Slowly without anything to ensure boredom doesn’t consume her while she’s there.
   How do these kids live like this?
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  It’s okay, she repeats to herself as a mantra, just get through this class and you’ll be fine.
  The bell ringing is her saving grace, students packing up and leaving. Faces blur together here; she can remember her original kids, yet the ones here... it feels like there’s no interaction between herself and them. No connection, nothing--
  At least she knows someone.
  “ ... Hinata-kun? Please come here. ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
iblising said: OOOOOOOOH
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  Here’s to hoping we get to go!
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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  Chaperones to Disney World? Count me in!
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hopecleansed · 8 years
                               SCREEN TURNS OFF && HAVOC ENSUES.
      DISTRUST has been placed in everyone’s hearts, plaguing them with the ability to doubt their own comrades—to fear for their own life, to fear for the life of others. A sneaky tactic that will ESSENTIALLY destroy the foundation. Nothing gold stays, && perhaps this is a prime example of how even the world’s one && only hope can be brought down, too.
     SEPARATION was inevitable, especially with everyone’s DESIRE for violence. One or two attempted to stop it, most remain silent && chose a side. To save himself the trouble, however, he walks away from the scene to try && find what he hopes is a safe spot. It’s not that he doesn’t trust anyone, so to speak, it’s just that IN THIS SITUATION, he can’t tell how some people are going to react && make a move on it.
     SURPRISE fills his face once he hears his voice from his assistant teacher fellow friend; Chisa Yukizome. Her hand lands upon his shoulder, && he turns his head slightly, welcomed with a smile of what he deems as utter relief. To this, either corner of his lips curve upwards, creating a soft grin that matches that of Chisa. It was pretty reassuring to find SOMEONE that’s not out for blood, huh?
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     ❛—CHISA-CHAN, what a relief! I’m glad to see        you’re holding up well…are you OK? Are you hurt?❜
  Scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off (especially Munakata, katana in hand as he goes after Makoto Naegi without a second thought), the Foundation truly is disappointing. An easy plan that even she can let come to fruition with no prodding towards making people get along. Silence is her tool here, not serving as an anchor for decisions as she had done in the past.
  The past. Words like ashes on her tongue, she spits them out without much thought. This building will fall and no one can stop it, not with the murderous intention that exudes from so many of the participants in this game. The knife makes itself known again in her pocket, the weight coming to mind as she pulls away and watches the side of her coat swing back.
   At least her target is someone easy; no remarkable skills as far as she knows, just a drunkard with a habit of being far too easygoing. Really, could she have struck gold any sooner? Besides, one of the people who could’ve easily been a challenge is gone (Bandai, the poor man; poison infecting a farmer almost made her laugh if that would have been an appropriate reaction).
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  “ I’m okay! Not a scratch on me, honest--     How about you? No one’s come to rough you up yet, right? ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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  I’m honestly beginning to wonder if Kizakura-sensei is ever sober.
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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  All right, all the jars are around the room!
  I hope everyone likes them!
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hopecleansed · 8 years
       fingers pick at the hem of her skirt, nervously fidgeting and somewhat embarrassed  by her praise. she honestly feels as though she’s done nothing great, like her attempts at being class rep were average at best. it’s comforting knowing chisa feels otherwise, but still…she hardly feels like she deserves anything nice.
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       “ah…anything is fine, really. even a convenience store would be alright.”
       although…teeth worry her lower lip as she thinks, her fidgeting shifting from the hem of her skirt to the sleeves of her hoodie. she hardly wants to be any trouble to her teacher, but given the choice, the chance…
       “a-actually… … …would it be okay if…well, there’s a cafe that i pass on my way home. it always smells really good so i wonder if…we could eat there?”
  Ah, the horrors of being a self-conscious youth. Considering the way Nanami was prior to becoming the representative, she can see an improvement no matter how small. That’s how teachers are, right? Pointing out the finer as well as the more rough details in their pupils is just one part of their skill-set in Chisa’s eyes.
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  Convenience store? She could buy that kind of the whole class if she wants to! 
   She places her arms at her side, shoulders lax as she awaits another answer. It seems like there’s something there, her original answers clearly not making it to the final stage.
   “ A cafe? Sounds like fun! I’ll let you lead the way, all right? You’re less likely to get lost since it’s on your route. Onwards, Nanami-san! ”
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hopecleansed · 8 years
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  All done!
  [ All candy jars are ready to be placed in the morning! She wipes off her forehead, proud of her accomplishment for the night.
   Now to just clean up the ribbon shavings that litter the floor. ]
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