hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
I found out atlaass
Wet sins and dry wisdom
These are the words of poetry
Ain't no definite of my reality
Poetry makes everything better
Some fashion sentences did made it beautiful
mud there is
Will always be in my heart
I see the world differently than before
I just think i can notice more things than before and i would try to observe myself into it
I have silences in my doings so that i won't die of reality but I'm deluded in the desert far away from the true widsom
Staying alive for the awakening
Bringing myself into death whenever my thoughts cross between my deeds
It's enough for me to just stay alive rather than finding something to live for
I'm at this point where everything is enough
I'm livin on my own
I'm consuming my own heart
In the oblivion
I find there is nothing other than self importance
My days keep going onto nothingness
The more i live
The more i accept myself
The more i have never cared or just forgot i had good things in my life like a clown
Like the old man in the war
Im torn into pieces but my eyes and my mind keep on drifting through life calmly waiting to hear the end
The thought of improving myself
Since the day i was destroying myself
I think that i made some small differences
I'm waiting to be better
I'm waiting
Thats the problem,
When i look at my life and its secret colors i feel like bursting into tears
Albert Camus made every deep feeling
The only thing i had to was to wait in exile and accept my natural greif
Exile as in distress of life
My greatest pleasures of my life would be Camus finding me in my dreams and telling me to understand more carefully than before and that's what I wanted to hear
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hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
I'm what I'm
Fixing and thriving
Gotta do what i love
I don't want me to interrupt anything i love or believe
I have my patience to take care of my distractions
I'm not frightened
I'm sorry that I'm
But I'm not helpless
I do things that i can
I'm a creature of habit but
Im not obsessed with my problem anymore
Solutions over drama
Mindfulness over unnecessary thinking
I just wanna enjoy whatever i see
At the end i can just say i did it to myself
From now on I'm livin for myself
I'm the cause and the effect
Lover and the sinner
I'm the master of my art
And the faults are my Wall to protect myself
Cowardly and wisely
I'am what I'm
What i do defines me
Not what i think or say
I rule my mind
No one else
I hide behind my desires
Through the creaks
I see the beautiful World with a wound
I don't know what i did to myself
But i had the possibility to learn me
And my environment would be smooth
My eyes could see whatever i want
But my heart insist to resist my desires
To fulfill what i Love the most
I just want live peacefully
To suffer without complaint is the lesson i only need to learn
Just like that
A one good deep breadth
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hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
Times changed for good-
I'll have a good evening with my friends than trying to get a women
I wish I could stay with my umma for the rest of my life
I'll take the quiet life than ton of money
I'll get some sleep than doing drugs
Wish i could just stop smoking too
Wish i didn't make it a part of my life
Wish i could get up in the morning breeze
Have a good dream than sleeping like a crackhead
I would try to shut up and smile when i argue with people whos never going to adapt or atleast think about it
I'm won't let my ego kill my appreciation towards people
I'm no seeker for rich mans gold
But inbetween i make mistakes
Like anyhuman human but i have always token responsibility for my cowardnes
I didn't live as i wanted but I've been trying to make things better
I do know it's not working fast as i thought but i can feel the patience in me than before
It's the circle of life
It's the way we have been livin
No matter how we try
Slowly fading into the pleasures of life
I'm getting calmer and calmer to sustain what's wrong
In dead of the night
When im screaming for sleep
Deep under my heart
I want to cry and rejoice this solitude night
Like the stars of the dark
I'm glowing only through curiosity towards knowledge
I wish I could sleep but how can I sleep when I'm entertained by the wonders ?
And how can I be bored when i like to think?
Day by day
I'm realising how easily i can have everything but to crave more knowledge and solitude is a. Eternal blessing
Now i know that i don't want anyone to make my day happy
But with the memories of some people made my existence meaningful and i had the possibility learn a good lesson
I keep thinking about the good things in my life
I wonder when is it gonna end?
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hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
Dive In Deeper: Metaphor, Simile and Analogy
Hello, hello! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted, but I’ve been busy! But that’s really no excuse… anyway…
If you guys have any questions about any specific type of writing advise or grammar advise etc let me know and I’ll try my best to help or create a post dedicated to it!
Let’s begin with todays post!
What Is a Metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares one thing to another for rhetorical effect
One of the most famous examples of metaphor in the English language also happens to be a great example of this technique.
Ex: “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” Shakespeare As You Like It
What Is a Simile?
Unlike metaphors, similes create a comparison using like and as.
Ex: “ Life is like a box of chocolates.” Forrest Gump
What Is an Analogy?
An analogy serves a similar purpose to simile and a metaphor
The point of an analogy is not merely to show, but also to explain.
when it comes to analogy vs. metaphor, an analogy is more complex.
Ex: “What you’re doing is as useful as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.”
What’s the Difference Between Metaphor, Simile, and Analogy?
While these figures of speech are used to compare different things, here are some clear rules to help you distinguish between metaphor, simile, and analogy.
A simile is saying something is like something else.
A metaphor is often poetically saying something is something else.
An analogy is saying something is like something else to make some sort of an explanatory point.
You can use metaphors and similes when creating an analogy.
A simile is a type of metaphor. All similes are metaphors, but not all metaphors are similes.
There you all go! Something short and sweet!
Please like and follow and reblog if you find my page helpful!
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hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
Off to mantra🤤
Gotta put some mysteries in my head
Busy with the thought
Thought is thought
Black is white
Me and me
Me and no one
Kider hey tumara Dil ka raasta
Fluent in heart language
Fluent in silence
Leave me alone in the woods
I gotta get this thought from my head
Kider hey Mera mind?
Let me find myself first!
So,where are you going?
Will you come back?
Will you keep me inside your dil
Whereever you go ???
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hopeforfreedomm · 2 years
Don't let
the echoes of
the pain of yesterday
The gift
of the fresh breath
that is today.
Breathe for you.
Breathe for the miracle
of a new beginning.
Breathe for acceptance.
Breathe for clarity.
Breathe for the hope
that your wings
will remember
how to fly again,
but this time
may the dream
that you believe in
be you.
-J.Wool, Breathe for You, Soul Whispers
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
I look for the things that i want
But do the things that would fuck me up
One thing that changed me is knowledge
My desires are in my hand
Now i can recognise what is something
I believe this is enough
But sometimes feeling of being hightend is a lovestory
I crave for it everyday
But who cares i can sleep
You can sleep too
Nothing has an answer
Builded with mysteries
Surrounded by humans
By somany opinions
It's hard to believe
Everybody just believe themselves
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
- is this desitiny or fate?
We're Brave enough
But not enough
We're happy enough
But not that much
We're sad enough but for unnecessary stuffs
We have enough to be enough
Most of the people do get love
But not from the person they wanted
Is there anything that's in our way?
There is
But your thinking won't go there
Freeway and food
Nice room temperature
Comfort chappals
Money to get high
Suns shade issa comfort
Every breadth counts nothing
We are just hopeless dreamers
Finding void in majority
Findin mistakes in every idea
How our perspective goes to negative is still a mystery
Can't you see when you wake up
You're still involved in this world
You're fate only belongs to you
Something in the way?
There is always something
There is always nothing
The leaks in our brain
The hate in our words
The lack of appreciation in our conversations
The lack of understanding between your loved one's
How ungrateful we are
Somany ideas to get fucked
But There is only one way to peace
Somany people
Somany evil heads
Somany bad influencers
We are Clowns for believing them
And pretending to be cool by your exterial accessories
Worried like a woman who Hit 18 for most of his life
Man is a prisoner for his egoself
To be better than others
To be better
To be better
Than humans
Who are you then?
What's something you can get other than Money and fame
What's something you can get by violence other than fear and proud
Look for these things you would end up like the old man said
Doomed in the pleasures of life
Making himself believe that he's valuable
In the end
Men always searched for love
Men always wanted to be loved
Men always always lived under great lies
They thought it's something they have to do
But they covered their human part to be something society wanted or something they created to interact with confidence
All the things we do is for the opposition
Nothing is fixed
Everything can change
Never the same
we are humans and we are destined to
Castaway by the pleasures of life
We reach down the hole
Then realise this isn't what i expected
Looking for the dots than solutions
Trying to win an argument than being in peace
If i stay here
Will you listen
If i begged you to understand what I'm saying
Will you listen
Will you even consider?
For whom we are keeping
For whom we are believing in destruction
I'm all out of hope
I'm all out of me
But i don't wanna be a part of this circus of reality
My soul is screaming under the smoke
I can feel head go down in the misery
I don't know if I'm tiring or resting
But it's not pleasant as it seems
I'm ready to get out from this anxiety attack i have by philosophy
But I'm blessed to have some meaning in my life
I had the possibility to understand what i did and i had the possibility to look for solutions than blamin anyone
After knowing this little part of the world
I'm improving little by little
I hope i can be
Hope there is in my life
I thank Allah for that
In the ways of serenity
I'm smiling in the morning bliss
I'm hightend by the sea
I sleep under the shade of the moon
I love there is something
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
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‘another angle into everland’
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
Add some flowers like patience into your life, add enough to understand anything invigoratingly
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
The dream is to feel nothing
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
I am pieces of all the places I've been, and all the people I've loved. I've been stitched together by song lyrics, book quotes, adventures, late night conversations, moonlight, and the smell of coffee.
-Brooke Hampton
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
-Behind my imaginary blue's
I almost told you
You're special
Special to me in words that i can't understand
Like the hidden treasures
You're so hard to reach and find
To keep you close
I willing to walk anywhere
No , i don't hardly know her but
I think i could love her
I can't see me loving nobody but you all my life
Without you i wonder is my mind is goin?
With you in my arms it soothes my heart and all around me would flourish
Like if the world was ruled by a wise man
I wonder if any of this were even real?
You were far away
Yet my heart keeps aching for you
I couldn't even feel you
I wasn't even close to you
Yet something in me always said
Why do i look for someone else
When you are perfectly taking good care of my heart without even having a conversation with me
It feel so odd
I mean im no fool
It is imaginary
But i do know what true or not
I feel like I'm not ready for any kind of relationship
I wish i knew what's happening to me
To step aside from human connection
To find solace in the way of nothingness
It's terrifying to imagine something so pure that it might leave me broken
Till i awake
To me it was beautiful than a full moon
Cuz you shined bright in my dreams
I felt like smiling even tho i was asleep
Realistic than a moment of relief
Yet my mind is never controlled by you
I was free
I was myself
Asleep but as awake as one can be
I don't wanna be a coward who dies a thousand times in his lifetime
to be happy in the moment is the happiness of a lifetime
I wish it is true as i thought it would be
If the fate didn't cope up with me
I'll still be alive
I mean thats all that matters
To adapt and to have to no regrets
To be honest as possible
To be true to oneself
to love something truly and even lose myself if it was necessary
Maybe it wouldn't
Atleast i didn't give upon you because of anyone or any idea
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
Sucks to be human-
Sometimes i think that we are useless cuz we have everything we want yet we want somethingelse
We all have that thing we never got but still there is something we can have and don't want it
Cuz you didn't build up what you expected
The scenerios
The self pride to own something that's only important to you
I mean what's the point in happiness if it's by wealth
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hopeforfreedomm · 3 years
Ashes for Ashes-
Life isn't really a mess
No matter what happened
No matter how much we make ourselves believe it's important so that we can have no guilt
We humans tend to forget what's unbearable
How you hold the rain with an umbrella is the way should avoid expectations cuz somehow some drops will find you like some expectations you dreamt about ,but you don't care because you haven't reached home
Same goes with everything in life
Everything we want is right infront of us
Just don't have the patience to realize how random gestures can affect you
Like there was sun
There was freedom
The dark takes away what's most important
The more precious we make it
The more burden will eat you up
In this world nothing will bring you peace if you don't know how to sleep
Be still in your mind to sustain the thoughts that eats you up every night
I long to escape from this inadaptable humans
They become vulgar if its not in their way
Most of them doesn't have the time to notice what's an kind moment would feel like
I want people to notice some feelings is enough to keep them hopeful
If you don't hope
Your ego will never accept the truth
Sometimes I feel like i crave for something that's non existent on this earth
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