hopelesswritings · 1 day
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from the moment beau first saw charlotte, they were instantly drawn to her, and the casual flirting from the get go on their behalf was just that of natural habit, not something that they had fully expected to be reciprocated, let alone even paid attention to. so when charlotte actually began to acknowledge it, and even threw a couple flirty comments of her own their way, it only fueled the fire. however with charlotte's sexuality not being public knowledge, beau knew that they were always playing a dangerous game of having people assume things that were quite obvious, though never confirmed. but honestly they seriously just couldn't help it, because they'd be lying if they said they didn't absolutely love the banter, and charlie was so damn beautiful. slowly their lips then began to twitch up into a smirk. "oh, is that so?" was whispered smugly. eyes then danced downwards as their lower lip slipped between their teeth, silence surrounding the two of them for a beat. "well, i definitely approve," finally fell into the open as beau raised their gaze back upwards, smiling sweetly at the woman before them. "thank you, babe." eyebrows then rose upwards at what was spoken, until the smile grew a little bigger across their lips. "how about i go freshen up and then take you back to mine? i can cook us something nice."
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charlotte spencer swore to herself when she got into sports broadcasting and presenting that she wouldn't allow a player to get close to her on a personal level - it was too unprofessional, more than likely a conflict of interest and her sexuality wasn't exactly public knowledge. beau kensington had managed to slip through a crack and charlie couldn't help but let it happen, like an avalanche speeding down a mountain. it had been hard to ignore the instant chemistry between the pair, a light shade of pink tinted her cheeks during every interview, no matter how hard charlie fought it, a constant loosing battle. beau's confidence and charm were too hard to resist. that, along with them being so hot and sweaty, outperforming everyone, did many things to her. every interview seemed like a game between the two, the tension so thick, so obvious around them. taking a moment to regather herself, charlie stilled feeling the hand trail down her arm, goosebumps spreading faster than she could register. her heart raced as she made her way to where beau stood waiting, immediately searching for the familiar eyes that she so often got lost in, "oh i could see. you do this thing with your eyes and then bite your lip, it's hot and very distracting." leaning into beau's touch, she couldn't help but blush, wanting more than anything to close the distance between them, knowing just how genuine beau was with their words "i don't think i could get tired of hearing that. i may have worn this outfit on purpose knowing you'd be here." her hand reached out to trace the number on their jersey, "you played so well," charlie whispered, her eyes studying beau's features, "take me out." quickly she justified, "some place, just us."
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hopelesswritings · 5 days
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in Grey's Anatomy 20.09: I Carry Your Heart
They would want us to push through no matter the cost. That is how we honour them.
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hopelesswritings · 2 months
starter for: @softdrabbles
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flirty comments. lingering gazes. smug expressions. there was no denying that trying to cut the tension that surrounded them with a knife would be an absolute struggle, but that was how all the interviews went whenever charlotte was involved. though it was always played off as being nothing serious, and that they were only messing around. now with the interview over, and their none the wiser teammates still huddled up celebrating the win they had just achieved in the locker room, beau was able to sneak away without anyone realizing. "come with me," they spoke quietly to the woman once they spotted her alone, a hand gently trailing down her arm as they brushed by her and headed off into a direction that was more private and hidden. immediately moving close once the other had joined them. "you seriously have no idea how difficult it was to not want to kiss you during that whole interview," a soft whisper as they stared intently, a hand raising to brush hair behind charlotte's ear while a delicate breath was brought in. "my gosh, you are so beautiful," genuine words as their heart picked up a few extra beats inside their chest.
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hopelesswritings · 2 months
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davi was still mentally kicking herself at how ridiculous she had just been as she watched bexley move towards her. tilting her head, her lips started to twitch into a small smile at the first response she had received, but then it began to slowly turn into a smirk when the blonde straddled her. though her heart also began to beat rapidly once more inside her chest. "i could wait," her voice coming out in a whisper as she paused for a moment. "but do i want to wait? that's the real question," was then let out as she was now starting to get her complete confidence back. "no, but seriously, if you're able to get off work early, then i'm all for it, but if you can't, that's cool too, i can wait." eyes then squinted as she stared briefly. "please, that was definitely not cute. it was an embarrassment," a soft chuckle accompanied her words as her face softened while her eyes having a mind of their own darted downwards to bexley's lips.
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it surprised bexley how davi continued to stumble on her words, something so unlike her. she waited expectantly for her roommate to finish what she wanted to say, her heart fluttering in her chest. the blonde moved out of the kitchen and towards the couch where davi was seated. she wanted nothing more than to kiss her so hard on the lips and make her forget all about the words she couldn't get out. "i would love to go out on a date with you tomorrow night." making her way around to davi on the couch, the blonde straddled the other woman where she was sitting playfully, "yes, absolutely yes." gently bexley brushed davi's hair behind her ear, "did you want me to find a reason to get off work early or could you wait until i finish?" softly she placed a kiss to the brunette's cheek, "you're so cute when you're flustered."
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hopelesswritings · 2 months
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when questioned about why she asked, davi's nerves skyrocketed, and her hand immediately rose up to brush the back of her neck. "oh, um... i was just-" her mind literally going blank, especially seeing the sweet smile that took over the other woman's features. "i was, uh, wondering... if you, um... if you wanted to go out... with me... uh, just me, and you, the two of us...uh, together...?" once that started to slowly fall from her lips in a mess of a ramble, davi's face immediately scrunched up, her gaze had already torn away from her roommate as they fluttered shut while she was talking. "what the fuck?" she tried to whisper only to herself, not knowing that it was said loud enough for the blonde to hear. seriously, at this point she wanted to kick herself, because what on earth was that? since when did she have such a hard time asking someone out on a date? never. that was the answer. shaking her head, she coughed to clear her throat. "a date!" then suddenly sounded into the room much louder and aggressive than davi really wanted, and she quickly rose her hand to cover her face, her head shaking in the process. "holy shit, what the hell is wrong with you?" whispering quietly to herself. bringing in a deep breath, she slowly let it out, staying silent for a moment longer, until she lowered her hands once she got her composure back. "let me try that again, because i honestly have no idea what the fuck just happened," a hesitant chuckle filled the space around her. "would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow night?" although it was asked more clearly and held confidence, there was still a hint of shakiness in her tone.
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hearing her name, bexley looked up from the dinner preparations on the counter in front of her to focus on davi over on the couch, "hey yeah-" it didn't matter how many times she saw the woman a day, she still got that butterfly feeling in her stomach. the question caught her interest as she went back to chopping the ingredients briefly, "i finish at eight but if you need me earlier, i am sure i can work something out to get out a little earlier." the blonde offered a sweet smile to the brunette, "why do you ask?" even though she had a few ideas or hopes, she was still extremely curious.
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hopelesswritings · 2 months
starter for: @softdrabbles
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glancing from the television to her roommate, davi allowed her gaze to linger for a moment. her heart beginning to beat rapidly inside her chest. honestly, no one has made her feel this nervous. "hey, bex?" finally her voice flowed into the open, nerves continuing to build. once the other had moved her gaze towards her, giving indication that she had gotten her attention, davi brought in a deep breath. slowly letting it out, she smiled a little and lowered her gaze briefly, not sure as to why it was seeming to be so difficult in asking such a simple question. "are you working tomorrow night?" eventually was inquired as her eyes moved back up to the other.
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hopelesswritings · 2 months
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collecting these. feel free to add more
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hopelesswritings · 3 months
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KAI BARTLEY- (they/them)
Grey’s Anatomy 19x03 | “Let’s Talk About Sex”
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hopelesswritings · 3 months
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hopelesswritings · 3 months
open: anyone muse: davi carvalho, bisexual, graphic designer connection: roommate
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unaware of what time it had been when she arrived home that morning, she was more unsure of just how early it was when her roommate decided to make their presence known, and loudly in that regards. "oh, stop! what the fuck?" a groan started to slip from davi's lips, face scrunching up in annoyance. this is what she got for deciding to just crash on the couch because she was far too intoxicated to actually make it to her own room. "seriously, shut up." the feeling of a ruthless headache already making itself known. "why do you have to be so obnoxious?"
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hopelesswritings · 3 months
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The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart — Season 1 Episode 7 for @butmakeitgayblog!
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
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CHASE SUI WONDERS as Samantha Yeung in CITY ON FIRE: We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us (2023)
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
what the fuck is this new dashboard
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
stop showing baby raso crying
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
absolutely heartbroken for my girls but so dang proud of them
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
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hopelesswritings · 10 months
hey wassup i’ve made  872  gifs of   SARAH PIDGEON  as young clare in tiny beautiful things. feel free to edit, crop, whatever, just please credit me ( tag me + link to post ) if u do ! likes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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