hopescript-blog · 4 years
i have so many fucking ocs. the big question now is whether i want to dump ALL of them here or just the few i’ve already rp’d / want to rp
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hopescript-blog · 4 years
// my name is blue and i have once again decided to come back to this blog. let’s see how long that lasts
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hopescript-blog · 4 years
// Am I deadass about to start rping on tumblr again? Seems the fuck like it
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
tag dump
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
“Sure, I can get you that no problem.” She makes note of it on her pad, gaze returning back to him when he asks about her name. She sighs, but not out of aggression, instead there’s a soft and rather shy smile on her face.
“Nefeloma Marianela Leocadia. That’s my full name. It’s a rather strange name to give your child…but I find that over the years it’s been surprisingly fitting,”
Neff gives him a quick lookover while she responds. It was strange. Part of him seemed like a typical ‘New York Hipster’ type…but she knew better than most not to judge by that.
It was certainly a name he hadn’t heard before, not only because he didn’t know her but because he didn’t know anyone with her first or middle name. He knew the words, though. If there was something he did during his time at the library was read books about things one would thing would never be useful to him. But they always were, sooner or later, one way or another.
“Nebula...” He says softly, almost cautious. For a brief second, he eyes the door. If somehow his memory is failing him and he’s wrong, he’ll run away at the speed of light in his embarrassment. “That’s a very nice name. I take it you like astronomy, then? Since you said it’s fitting.”
With another soft smile, he extends his hand to her. “I’m Zeke. Ezekiel Aman Deene, actually. But just Zeke will more than do~”
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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evening routine
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
“Be with you in a moment!” 
That was a new face for sure, and honestly it made her rather happy. After finishing up what she had to do behind the counter, she grabs her notepad and walks over to his table.
“Good morning! My name’s Neff and I’ll be your server. Here’s the menu, breakfast is located right here. Until then w serve most typical breakfast drinks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate, chocolate milk, orange juice, grapefruit. Would you like any of those to start you off?”
It wasn’t his intention, but he couldn’t help staring for a little bit. It wasn’t every day that you meet someone with purple eyes. Part of him wanted to ask if they were contacts, but that wouldn’t be tactful, considering the circumstances and the fact that they had just met. 
But her name sounded interesting too, it wasn’t just her eyes. And that is something he considers he can ask about... After ordering, of course.
“Do you serve caffe mocha? I would like a big cup of that. With marshmallows, if possible. If not... A large cup of regular coffee will work just fine.” He pauses, and smiles. “Neff is a very interesting name. Is it just that? Or is it short for something? ...If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
@cosmicstardreamer ~
Setting his books on the table, Zeke looks around the place before drawing back a chair and sitting down. He hasn’t been in town for too long, but long enough to know enough coffee places and have a list of his favorite ones. That’s why it picked his interest when one day, while he was on his way to the library, he spotted a café he hadn’t visited before. 
He didn’t visit the same day, but two days later, on a Wednesday morning when things seemed to be slow. There weren’t many people in the place, and as he looked around, his eyes settled on a purple eyed lady standing behind the counter.
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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hopescript-blog · 6 years
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