horridtemper-blog · 9 years
I fucking knew I wasn’t enough
And I never will be enough (via do-drugs-kids-trip-balls)
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
it’s been made very clear that no one would ever pay for my art or any other service i may be able & willing to provide. but my family is getting worse every day. my father got fired from his job because his boss lied about him to get him fired over some small disagreement they had and my mother quit her’s because she has not been paid in who knows how long. but we have dried all of our bank accounts and no one else can afford to help anymore.
i’m begging you for help, not for me, but for my sister who just started first grade. does she not deserve to live in a home that can guarantee her dinner? Please, if you can spare ANYTHING it’d be an enormous help. I’m so sorry to have bothered you with this but I am desperate and no longer know what to do. I feel useless and this is my last resort. Please. If you can spare any bit, send it to our paypal @ [email protected] thank you
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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                  I’m sick of crying, tired of lying;            Yes, I’m smiling, but inside I’m dying.
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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the blog is done and it’s ready to go out !!! I just need a promo and I’ll be all set !! If you wanna go ahead and follow, starrycycd is the url. I’ll be there today !!
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
my life
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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the blog is done and it’s ready to go out !!! I just need a promo and I’ll be all set !! If you wanna go ahead and follow, starrycycd is the url. I’ll be there today !!
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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        Based on his superior height, one could easily see the difference in their stature. He carried at least two feet in height over the female and carried over a hundred pounds of muscle as well. Intimidation was a natural response for this girl to feel as even he believed his appearance to be frightening. The male lowered his torch to illuminate the others face, and in the same act shade his own. The tension in her body seemed to slowly release as the seconds passed, which would mean perhaps he could reason with her.
        “Then you best reconsider where you direct that intent. A real huntress would realize traveling and night alone puts far more danger on your person than is necessary. Couple that with your youthful appearance and I can assume you are still in training from that. Am I wrong?”
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        Hazel irises averted from the other, gloved hands           coiling into loose fists. The man’s stature induced her intimidation,           however she seemed to still stand with her chest out and shoulders           pinned back. The act was to try and make herself look bigger, but           due to her small, 4′9 form and tiny body type, it didn’t really work. 
                            ❝ I can’t go back. I have something I need to do.                                I’m not going back and I’m not going to let you                                sway my decision. ❞
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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          “ hey – no, it’s okay ! here —- “              & with boot’s toe placed upon the              culprit, a gentle tug removes it              completely, leaving ruby to offer a              smile of sheepish nature. “ ah, it              was just a little toilet paper. no big               deal !! i’m sure no one really saw it. “
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          A light blush coated her cheeks, her body              tensing as she watched the younger girl remove the              horrid object.
                            ❝ O-Oh ! Th-thank you. . . I didn’t notice                                that was there. ❞
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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Alright guys my OC is almost ready. I’m going to try and get stuff done here though bc I haven’t rlly been very ic here.
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
send “▶▶️” to get a glimpse at a scene from my muse’s future. send “◀️◀️” to get a glimpse at a memory from my muse’s past.
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
a small PSA but if you are ever lost in a starter you’re making for me &. don’t want to use the usual TROPES for said character, do n o t be afraid to send me an ask asking if its okay to do something or not! or even plan a p r e - e s t a b l i s h e d relationship! it doesn’t have to anything over-exciting either but when you have to answer 10 of the same starters by different people, you feel less willing to answer them ALL &. just the first few. so to recap: JUST HMU IF YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THE SAME THING YOU SEE EVERYONE ELSE DOING FOR A STARTER.
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
how i deal with my feelings
never talk about them
barely acknowledge them
hope they go away
i don’t, basically
that’s what i’m saying
i do not deal with my feelings
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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i’m finally home but i’m way too exhausted to do anything. I might try to work on my OC but if not, i’m just gonna get a shower and pass out.
however I have to listen for our food to arrive and i just ???? i have to see people and i’m kinda freaking out bc wow i can’t see someone right now i look awful and i probably smell atrocious. 
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horridtemper-blog · 9 years
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sorry I haven’t been here today, guys ! I started making my fandomless OC. I’m incredibly proud of my work tbh !
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