horrorvixx · 1 year
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Wesker practising his menacing moves in the mirror :)
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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I love his blonde eyelashes omg im giggling twirling my hair hes so pretty tome
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Who tf names his kid Albert
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Pog performance indeed.
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Capcom, I beg you, give us sitcom about S.T.A.R.S!
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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In my hc he is really flat but whateverrrrr i luv boobs,,,,,,,
Original idea by @art-bears 😳
Why do I feel like I fucked up his face,,,
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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some stupid things i didn’t want to post but changed my mind after abt 2 month,,? hphp
wolf just reminds me a lot of hunk,,,
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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🔗⛓️ ASKS OPEN ⛓️🔗
The Entity has become increasingly displeased with Albert's behaviour within the realm. Perhaps working on the survivor side of things will straighten him out.
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horrorvixx · 1 year
There's a bottle of whiskey -Moonshine might be the more correct term however- on the desk with a note written in a loopy writing that looks like that of someone who learned to write later in their live and who has no filter between thoughts and paper:
'With regards. C. PS: 'Tis from them flowers what bloom 'round October in here, and I know yer kinda as big on making some nasty brews outta flowers, so I thought I give ya one o' me own.'
((yes, this ask is being sent out to multiple accounts. why not :3))
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Wesker is the type of man to wear sock garters
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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He can smell Chris from a mile away
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horrorvixx · 1 year
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Some Chrisker Chibis from stream ^^
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horrorvixx · 1 year
Hello hello 😄
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horrorvixx · 1 year
Wesker spanking and Fingering you with his gloves on
*runs away*
HELLOOO!! Also sorry everyone but asks are going to be slow since I have 31 and I'm very tired at the moment. Please don't be shy to not ask but I'm going to take a while. I hope you understand<33
Wesker x reader
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He had you bent over his lap, ass up and legs spread apart. You were quivering and a moaning mess. Wesker was currently fingering your wet hole. Your toes curled at the feeling of his leather gloves plunging in and out of you.
Wesker chuckled at your state and licked his lips. "Aw look at how pathetic you are" he teased. You squirmed and looked up at him with doe eyes. He groaned at the sight of your face. He moved his fingers in a scissoring motion. He pulledhis fingers from you entirely and bring down his hand on your ass. You jumped and let out a squeal, "A-ah" he brought down hishand again.
Your cheek turned red and he kept hitting your sore ass til he saw a clear hand print on it. You bit your lip and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. "W-wesker" you moaned out "Your such a filthy whore aren't you?" He said. You nodded your head "I-im your whore" he chuckled
He traced your wet and abused hole with his index finger and then rammed it in you. You moaned again and after a few more thrust's you came all over his hand. He brought your juices to his mouth and licked it.
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horrorvixx · 1 year
Wesker reacting towards an affectionate s/o 😭😭 he’s a grumpy man but I want to melt his cold exterior
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Whether you're a civilian, Umbrella, or even S.T.A.R.S, he's gonna be tight lipped and stoic. Albert just doesn't understand why he should have to be nice, or acknowledge you. Though this begins to change as your contagious sunshine starts to wear away at his stone exterior.
He may start cracking small jokes here and there, being a complete smart-ass about things. Al let's his walls fall down a bit, though it takes months to even get to this point.
You have to be diligent, and patient. It absolutely pays off, his smile is warm and perfect. He should wear it more often. You tell him this and he flushes, shaking his head and ignoring your words.
You're getting to him. Al starts worrying about you, making sure you've eaten, bathed, taken medication etc. His compassion comes off very sterile and bleak, but that's just how he is.
Once you're able to touch him without him pulling away, you know you've finally pierced his stoicism. Al smiles more often around you, allows you to hug him, then eventually you can kiss him.
He's a sap, and old fashioned. Lots of flowers, and lots of jewelry, doesn't matter the holiday. He doesn't say a whole lot but shows his love through his actions. Making you coffee in the morning, allowing you to shower first, covering you up when you fall asleep on the couch.
Yes. Albert Wesker is just a very large cat in a trench coat.
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horrorvixx · 1 year
Theres Only One Bed...
Albert Wesker x GN!Reader
if you saw this post before no you didnt <3
Count- 3963 words
Summary- Youre a spy for STARS about to go on a mission, but this mission is also your yearly assessment where your captain tags along to judge your work on the field. Getting to the hotel was easy, but they only have one room open, and theres only one bed.
CW- GN reader so there is mention of 'Mx' being used for the reader
No description is used for the reader so have fun! This is the first fic ive posted on tumblr! reblogs and feedback is always nice thank you!
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Undercover missions were always your favorite. Getting a new name, cover, identity, it was so fun in a weird way. Being able to melt yourself into a new persona at the drop of a hat was always a talent of yours, something your high school theater teacher highly praised. If there was information needed, you were the spy to be sent before the STARS team would swoop in and deal with the issues.
Currently you were on an assignment, an easy one, just a simple gaining intel then book it kind of ordeal. There was one downside to this assignment though, this was also your yearly work assessment, where your captain would tag along either in the shadows on coms or with you in person to see how you are on the field. You've never failed an assessment before but to have captain Wesker listen in, breathe down your neck, or just be near you when you were working, freaked you out a bit, what if you messed up and it costed you your job? It never did though, and any minor slip up you had would be easily fixed in a heartbeat by you. You were a professional hired onto STARS for this exact role, and you were proud of what you did.
Wesker was to meet you at your currently temporary base of operations, which was a semi small hotel not too far away from where you would be working tomorrow, so you weren’t surprised when you pulled your car into the parking lot to see a completely sleek black unmarked van in the parking lot with your captain, in regular civilian clothes, leaning against the van waiting for you.
It was weird to see him in every day wear, in fact it felt almost wrong, naked even. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up at his elbows, black dress pants, a watch on his wrist, and a black belt with a silver buckle tying his outfit together. Even as the day starting to fade into dusk, he still adored his sunglasses, which you were thankful for, he was already in civilian clothes it would be alien for him to not have his glasses too.
You pull into the parking spot next to him on the side where he’s leaning making sure to leave some room for him and you to get out of the car. A thought crossed your mind that if you feel like it’s weird to see him out of his uniform maybe he had the same feeling about you, sometimes you did feel weird when you weren’t wearing your uniform honestly. Putting the car in park and turning the key, you got out of the car and closed the door behind you gently. Wesker glanced up at you when you exited, his arms crossed.
My gods he looked amazing like this. There’s no shame in thinking someone is attractive and Wesker was very attractive. You looked him up and down once, trying to be subtle and not draw attention to the fact you’re checking out your boss. Your eyes were mostly drawn to his arms, the way his shirt hugged his muscles, the way the watch rested on his wrist, even at the angle he crossed his arms you could still see the veins that rose on his skin. The watch was just a nice silver with a black leather strap, and my gods did it make his hands look attractive.
You dragged your eyes off him and looked him in his eyes from behind his glasses, nodded at him, “Captain Wesker.” you greeted.
He nodded back at you greeted you in return by calling your last name. Hard to take the military out of a man you guessed.
There was little small talk about the mission and you both grabbed your bags from your respective cars before heading into the hotel lobby.
The lobby was cold as you walked in, and you took a in a deep breath, man you loved the way hotels smelled. There was a lady at the front desk who looked up your way when the sliding doors opened, she looked tired. Dragging your suitcase behind you with Wesker carrying a duffel bag, the two of you walked over to her and politely smiled.
“Good evening!” she slightly bowed her head in a polite greeting, “How can I help you two?”
“Hello,” you stood your suitcase up next to you as you leaned on the counter. “We would like to book a room please.”
“You’re just in luck, we have one last room available.” She typed something on her keyboard before confirming one room was okay, that the stay would only be for two nights, you signed some papers with your fake name and paid in cash, she told you about the pool hours and breakfast times.
“Alrighty Mx. and Mr. Doe, your room is on the top floor, the elevators are to the left of you. Y’all have a great night!” She slid two keys on the desk to you.
You grabbed the keys before you even registered what she said. Instantly you were flustered, jaw dropped slightly like a fish, before you straightened yourself out and thanked her before grabbing your suitcase and turning away. Your brain was on fire and you felt heat rise from your chest to your neck enveloping your face, your cheeks felt warm but you had to swallow it down.
Passing your boss on your way to the elevators you noticed a small amused smirk on his face. “Yes, let’s go, dear.” He turned his attention to you and began to follow after you. Any notion of any training left your brain for a second, was he teasing you or was he helping solidify y’all’s cover? You wanted to rip that smirk off his face, it made your heart flutter and made your stomach feel like it was in your throat. It was a suffocating feeling that you never really liked all too much, but you had to stop your brain to be able to calm your nerves.
Dear. The way it fell off his lips. The gravel of his voice saying the word, directed at you, rather convincingly that you were his spouse was enough to make your head fuzzy. He called you dear. It made your skin turn to flame, if you thought just being mistaken for being married was bad enough this was the one thing to kill you. He said it like he’s called you by this pet name a thousand times, it fell so easily off his lips, like it was your second name. Wesker must have been good at having a fake identity because there was no way he could say such a simple little phrase and make it sound so earnest.
The way to the room was a blur to you honestly, you were so busy trying to not think of his damn smirk, how he called you dear, and the woman mistaking you for being married, that you didn’t really pay attention to your surroundings. The elevator ride up was short but suffocating. You wanted to just get into your room and lay on your bed and sleep. You wanted to lay in the uncomfortable mattress and sleep until your alarm goes off to get ready for the intel snag. You didn’t want to wake up in the morning and get dressed and ready to be spied on while you spied on some illegal activity. The hallway was long and kind of creepy, the silence between you and Wesker was not uncomfortable but also not completely comforting, just the feeling of being in the break room not wanting to talk to each other. You arrived at your door and unlocked it, pushing the door open and lugging your suitcase in, moving out of the way to let your boss walk through first into the room. He made his way past the bathroom and into the main bedroom area as you closed the door and stood your suitcase by the closet.
“Hey captain, did you by chance bring any fingerprint powder? I have a small bit left.” You spoke up for the first time, rummaging through the front pocket of your case looking for said powder. There was a pregnant pause, Wesker hadn’t said anything which caused you to look to him. He stood facing away from you at the end of the small hallway, the wall blocking you from seeing what he was looking at.
“Wesker?” You cocked your head.
He let out an amused scoff as if he was broken from a trance, “Well. She definitely did think we were a couple.”
Your heart sunk and you hoped what he implied wasn’t true, standing up you made your way on over to him to see what he was seeing, and to your embarrassment only one bed was in the room, no couch, no nothing. Just the bed. The one single bed. The one single king-sized bed neatly made up. Wesker turned to look down at you and you glanced up at him. That damn faint smirk was on his face again, you wanted to tear off his sunglasses so you could tell what he was thinking and feeling. You think you can see a slight pink color on his cheeks but you can’t tell complete in the dark room.
You snapped out of it, “I’m so sorry Wesker, I’ll go down there right now and ask for another room for you, normally they give me two beds, she didn’t even ask me if I wanted two beds. And then she thought we were married so she must have thought we wanted one bed. I’m so sorry captain I’ll go down and have this fixed right away.” you were rambling in your embarrassment under Wesker’s gaze. You felt like you were a rookie again handing in the wrong files of paper work for your first assignment, you had a fear in the back of your head that this would get you fired for this, even if you knew you weren’t.
“She said this was the last open room if i recall correctly.” He stopped you from your rambling. You were so confident and flustered that you forgot what she had said. There was no other room for you to get changed out for, this was the only room.
“You’re right, sorry sir. I must have forgotten what she said.” You straighten out and reach to turn on the lights in the room.
There was a sigh as Wesker moved to put his stuff down on one end of the room, “There is no need to be formal, your assessment doesn’t start until the morning.”
“What about sleeping situations?” It’s better to get the question out now before it eats at you.
He paused for a second, he was facing away from you again as he opened his bag looking for something, “hmm.” he pondered for a second. “Shifts. You sleep first, then I will wake you up, take turns.”
“No offense Wesker,” you took a quick glance at his ass in the tight pants he wore. “But I’m not about to have you tired and judge my performance on the field.”
He gave a single light breath of a chuckle, “Oh? Don’t want to get a low score?”
“I don’t want to get pay docked because you’ve ended up sleeping on the job.” you follow with a laugh. The tense air broke and you were back to how you normally were with Wesker. Banter was rare with him, but when the two do you were alone you did enjoy it from time to time.
“Alright then, what else do you have in mind? We can’t get another room and if you haven’t noticed, there is only one bed and two of us.” He turned to face you and asked.
Your confidence faltered, there was only one other way that you could think of and here he was wanting you to say it. The warmth returned to your face again as you looked away as he turned around to face you. He was setting you up to say it. He wanted you to say it as if he loved to see you flounder. You watched him as he took his sunglasses off and placed them on the desk in the room, his eyes never left your face as you looked away yet again not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“Well, I mean, if you don’t have a problem with it.” Your voice didn’t waver yet your mind did. It was freaking out and screaming. We’re you really about to suggest sleeping in the same bed as you really hot boss that already made your stomach flip just by your fingers touching as you handed him a coffee cup in the break room? It was the only solution, and honestly you weren’t too opposed on the idea. You took a deep breath and tried to make the next sentence you would say sound better than the jumbled flustered mess that your brain wanted to say.
“We could share the bed? It’s a king size so there’s more than enough room.” Instantly your face was hot. “We could even build a pillow barrier if you’re uncomfortable with the idea.” You added in a haze.
It was quiet for a moment. Wesker was thinking, you took a quick glance at him to see his eyes still on you, observing you. He was watching you squirm under his gaze at the mention of sleeping together. There was a glint in his eye that you didn’t know the emotion of but there was something there, almost as if he enjoyed dragging out the silence after your awkward question just to make you more embarrassed and uncomfortable. You locked eyes for a second before you glanced them down. It felt like a few minutes have passed of drowning in embarrassment, your heart mirroring a stampede in your chest. It felt forever but it was more like half a minute has passed before he took a breath in to respond.
“Hmm.” he mulled over it, as if trying to taste how his answer felt on his palate before answering. “It is our only option so it would seem.”
His answer didn’t really help your heart at all. The tension in your body both doubled and dissipated at the same time somehow. The question was asked and answered but now you had to actually sleep in the same bed as your boss. You wanted to escape the feeling. To be freed from the twisting feeling in your guts, but it wouldn’t end until you woke up the next morning, wake up to him in the morning. Your face was hot and your body was a flame, butterflies and moths made nests in your lungs and stomach as they flew around inside you, you felt like you were going to explode. So much for a being a seasoned spy who could change at the drop of a dime, it was easier when you were pretending to be someone else, but playing as yourself was a different story.
“Yeah, I’m sorry captain, I should have planned this out better.” you gave him no time to respond before you jumped topics, “I’m going to get my stuff ready for tomorrow and get in the shower before heading to bed for the night.” you explained as you moved to the hallway once more to grab your luggage to drag it into the bathroom with you.
He agreed and explained he would set up his post for tomorrow as well and head to sleep, you hoped he would be asleep before you got out of the shower. Setting up your costume and such wasn’t hard, just setting the outfit out along with a wig and some makeup, it was some work to be a new person but an easy set up the process wasn’t so much. The shower was also uneventful. Using all the provided soaps and such, thinking about the mission tomorrow, you tried your damndest to not think about the man outside the bathroom setting up for bed, what would he wear? What does captain Albert Wesker wear to bed? You mused yourself over the idea of him wearing a funny nightgown and cap like Scrooge wore even including the hand-held candle, funny white long johns, before your mind settled on him wearing just sweatpants. Sweatpants with his boxer band showing. Grey sweatpants. No shirt. You were going to melt in the shower and it wasn’t because of the hot water, you were now slowly killing yourself by imagining your boss in different outfits. Black tight spouse beater with grey sweatpants, a loose white tee with boxers; but your personal favorite to fantasize about was him shirtless with grey sweatpants, his watch still on his wrist as his hands were in his pockets, you imagined him to have a blonde happy trail on his stomach and that sent you to turn the hot water to cold. You almost screamed as it woke your body out of the trance it was in.
Getting out was the hard part. Knowing you had to face your boss in bed was worse than anything you’ve seen in your time on STARS, and you’ve seen some things. You took a deep breath while drying yourself off, focusing on keeping your heart down and your breathing calm as you dressed for bed. You gave yourself a little shake before you opened the door and turned off the light making your way to the main bedroom.
The room was dark, a dim light came from a lamp in the corner of the room on the desk but it did next to nothing to illuminate the bedroom. There was a microphone, a computer, and a few other things set up on the desk, you assumed the camera and ear piece were for you for your mission in the morning. You took a hesitant glance at the bed only to find your boss facing away from you sleeping on his side. The covers were pulled up to his waist and only revealed the black undershirt he wore. Honestly you were a little sad he wasn’t shirtless but you also know that you would die if you saw his back muscles and shoulder blades. A weight fell off your shoulders at knowing you didn’t have to converse with him before slipping into the bed, you could just do it right now. Making your way to the other side of the bed you glanced at the clock that read 9pm.
You tried your hardest to not move so much as you got under the covers, waking the sleeping captain next to you wasn’t something you wanted to do so you lay there stiff. You could feel him next to you, feel his heat, the way the bed dipped under his weight, it drove you a bit mad. Here you were, lying next to your very attractive boss in the same bed, he was lucky he could fall asleep in a situation like this, your mind just raced with thoughts, thoughts of him. You couldn’t even relax in this bed; it was calling for you to untense your muscles and let sleep take you but just being able to hear Wesker’s soft breathing next to you kept your eyes open and your body rigged. You could feel his warmth from under the covers that the two of you shared, you could hear his soft breathing, you could feel the slight rise and fall of the blanket, it was intoxicating.
You couldn’t sleep. Glancing at the clock you find about forty-five minutes have passed with you just lying there with your eyes open. You sigh and wiggle a bit to try and get comfy but you instantly regret it. Wesker let out a small yawn as he pulled the comforter off him to twist around to lay on his other side, to face you. It all happened so fast you didn’t even notice what was happening. You watch as the very much asleep Wesker reaches his arm and wraps it around your midsection to pull you close to him, meeting in the middle of the bed, he used his other arm to slide under your head and used his hand to cradle your head, pushing your face into his chest, instantly your arms fold in between the two of you, pressed up against his stomach and your chest.
He’s,,, He’s asleep, but here you are, the new teddy bear for Albert Wesker. Youre tense in his arms as you both still, your eyes wide and you try not to move to not wake him up. There’s a pause before he moves again, mixing his legs with yours, which somehow pulls you even more flush against him. Your red-hot face was smushed against his chest where you could hear him breathing and his heart beating. He held you in a loose yet vice grip, the arm around your waist felt like it was burning. The fire of your face came back but this time worse and it swarmed your entire body in a flush.
If you thought today was already enough to make you die instantly this was the kicker, the real nail in the coffin. Your boss was now cuddling with you, something you didn’t think he could do with his hard and stone cold deminer, but with the way his legs were intertwined with yours makes you think it’s a perfect fit. If you were a computer this was how you bluescreened. You were somehow stiffer in his arms than you ever have been in your entire life, your senses were overloading. You could smell the body wash and cologne he wore, it smelled of apple cider and pine, like a autumn mix with a hint of spring, it smelled expensive and warm and nothing like what Chris or Barry wore. It made your head spin in the best way. You could feel his skin pressed against yours, soft and warm, you wanted to drag your fingertips across it in gentle patterns. Your heart sounded like a stampede in your chest. You could hear his gentle breathing and heartbeat, slow, soothing, and comforting.
You focused on his breathing, and soon began to match it. If you were stuck in this situation you were going to take full advantage of it and deal with the repercussions of your actions later, right now you wanted to be a little selfish, you wanted to enjoy this accidental moment to the full extent. Your body began to slowly relax in his arms, the sound of his heart comforting in ways you never knew existed. Your eyelids soon began to burn and droop, they begged you to close them, to make friends with sleep, every time you blinked, they drooped lower and lower. You took a risk and shifted in his arms, snuggling closer to his chest you made yourself more comfortable, moving your head so it was just under his chin and resting on his chest. You complied with your body and closed your eyes, it wasn’t long before sleep came to take you, but as you were right at the cusp of unconsciousness you felt something soft press against your forehead. You could hear something being said but it was muffled and sounded like it was underwater, the only word you could make out was 'dear', at least you think that was what was said, but by the time you realized it you were already asleep in the arms of the man you have feelings for.
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