hoshikistarlette · 2 years
BITCH. im sorry for like replying to your asks late. im just very busy with student council. but i made something for all my moots bc well half of it is for the event we’re having in school but still its for my moots
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love u mwah mwah /p
Love you too mutual😋 /p
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
im bored.
so im gonna friend u on genshin—
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
i had iftar. give me my chocolate milk
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
when mutuals use my name im like yes!!! that is me
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
I got hit in the face and fell down the stairs face first that's why</3
It's my fault for removing Bennett on my team I'm sorry Bennett I promise to build you and let you join my team again
I'm starting to get Bennett's bad luck now
homie 😭😭😭😭😭 what happened??? 😭😭😭😭😭
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
Reblog and write your URL with emojis in the tags.
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
Another day of abuse👍 holding my tears was kinda hard
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
OSFISJWJ YES YES YES IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT I love your writing sm!! You should be proud of it >:(
Can I request reader(any gender you like) to like play a break up prank on the genshin boys? If it's too much you can choose whatever characters you want! I prefer angst to fluff but it's up to you!
Not gonna give too much restrictions so go wild with it!!
Liked this one so I did all of them. lmao. Thanks anon.
Scenario: Break up prank on your Genshin boyfriends
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, gn!reader
Warnings: slight elements of crackfic, mild angst to comfort, some of these might be a little yandere? used April Fools as an excuse, I don’t actually like playing these kinds of pranks but it’s pretty fun to write, I don’t suggest you do it in real life (but I know a lot of people do, haha. You do you, no judgement here) If my husband pulled this on me I’d go feral, poor him.
Personal favourites in this work: Bennett, Ayato, Dainsleif
What you said
“Have you got some time today...? I just wanted to talk to you about something important. You should probably sit down...Uhm...So...lately...I just feel like things aren’t going too well with the two of us...I just...Maybe we’re not a good match? What I’m saying is...It’s probably best if we part ways here,”
already gets the “oh crap” vibes as soon as you say you need to talk about something important.
The moment he sits down, his body language tells you he’s incredibly tense and nervous. Hands closed up into fists, brows furrowed, leaning forward to listen to you closely.
It doesn’t really hit him that fast and he has this blank look on his face until you stand up to leave--that’s when he snatches at your wrist.
“W-Wait,” he’s both confused and cautious. Like what he says next might change the whole thing. “Did I--Did I do something wrong? Cause if I did I--” he gulps the lump that’s forming in his throat and his eyes are getting misty. “I’ll make it right, I promise,”
“Oh gosh, Aether, I’m so sorry, it’s just a prank! I’m just joking! I know it’s stupid, but um...April Fools!” 
His whole body slumps backwards on the chair while heaving a huge sigh of relief, head lolling backwards. He can only mutter “Y/N don’t do that again...” with a voice that’s a little wobbly.
Give him lots of kisses after please
Does not get the vibe you’re trying to give at all.
He actually thought it was something practically “important” like how you might not have enough firewood for the next few days up on Dragonspine. (Yes that merits a serious conversation for him)
When you get to the part where you say you’re not a good match his head tilts the slightest bit sideways but his expression is still blank.
He doesn’t hear the rest of your sentences after that because he’s trying to go through his memories of the past few days and wondering if something was amiss. 
He can’t come up with a conclusion because everything was normal up until today. 
But he’ll still respect your decision
He’ll look down solemnly at his hands, “...Being with you... was a great privilege.” his hands start to grasp at each other when it sinks in that you want to leave the relationship. “Perhaps you’ll find a better match than I could ever be,” 
Basically you’ve struck his secret insecurity that he might not be good enough for you.
Get down on your knees and apologize this instant!!!!!!
“Oh, Albedo... That’s not... It’s just a joke, it’s April Fools today dear... Do you really think that way? I’m so sorry...”
Cue a long conversation that got deep because of a prank. You reassure him he’s more than enough for you and you don’t stop telling him all the wonderful things you love about him until his eyes subtly light up again.
that might have backfired on you.
He’s so used to business negotiations or the ‘sit down and lets talk business’ scenario so he didn’t think much of it.
He listens closely. I mean CLOSELY. It’s his job to negotiate with others so he has to clearly listen to what all the parties have to say for themselves.
When you get to the “maybe we’re not a good match part” he lifts a hand to his chin and lets out a hum.
He closes his eyes for a moment, his face is still calm, like he heard nothing at all. But then he decides to question YOU. “You say that we’re not a good match. Though, you say it with uncertainty,” smiles pleasantly at you “Care to tell me the reasons why you think we aren’t a good match, dove?”
You really thought you could argue with this guy lmao
So you grasp at straws and tell him the first thing you can think of. “W-Well... You’re an important man and I’m...just plain old me,” you laugh nervously because you’ve accidentally opened up about your honest insecurity.
But he considers that seriously. He asks you another question, “But do you love me?”
“And I feel the same way. Where there is true love, nothing should be allowed to stand in its way...On the contrary, my love, you’re far from plain,” his hand moves away from his chin to graze his fingertips on your cheek. “You are...quite extraordinary. I only wish you could see yourself through my eyes,”
You’ve forgotten that you played a prank and just fell harder for the guy
No but he definitely knew something was up anyway.
He thought that you just wanted to say you didn’t wanna join his adventure team anymore
So when you finish your whole speech his mouth is left slightly agape and he’s staring at you trying to process the moment. 
“...I-It’s just the adventuring, right? If you’re tired of going out all the time you can always rest up! That’s no big deal! I can go by myself from time to time!” He raises a fist to pump himself up but he only manages a small, uncertain smile.
“No? That’s not it? Oh...” His whole mood goes down and it’s like a gloomy cloud has set atop his head. 
“Well... I was thinking my luck was running out anyway... You know? Hehe,” He still picks his head up and scratches the back of it with a wobbly smile. “I mean, I’ve been so incredibly lucky all that time just spending it with you! I guess...that whole chunk of luck is just coming back at me with a whole chunk of bad...”
As a last effort, he gives you the brightest, still genuine smile that radiates love. “But it was great, it was really great! I loved it and...and...I love--” his voice breaks off at the end and he tries so hard not to cry and you quickly explain to him that it was all just a joke for April Fools.
“R-Really?” but his tears have already spilled out and is falling down his cheeks. He sniffles and wipes them dry while saying with a trying hard not to break voice “You--You really got me there!” 
(Everytime I write for Bennett it always has something to do with his bad luck and adventuring. I’m sorry.)
Scared. Like literally hands trembling scared the moment you say it’s important in that serious voice. 
Serious eyes that are boring into you as you speak. They slowly soften around the edges when you come to your conclusion.
It’s like his heart shatters. He’s a somewhat shy and reserved guy that takes a while to warm up, so it literally shakes his whole world when you, someone who had been so patient with him up until this point, wants to break up with him. 
“I...” He wants to be mature and say he’ll accept your decision but he can’t even form the words. 
“I understand,” but his eyes are already filling up with tears and they start to cascade down his cheeks even with him not blinking. 
Has more of a physical response than a wordy response. Hands crumpling his pants as he grips at them and tries to keep his bearings.
You can’t take it and apologize immediately, wiping away his tears and telling him it’s all just a joke, but he continues crying, dips his head down, puts an arm to shield his eyes as he tries to get his composure back.
“S-Sorry, I...That really scared me...”
You’re mean.
Dainsleif (might contain 2.6 quest spoilers)
Troubled, because you rarely say that it’s something important. You don’t usually draw attention to yourself so when you say that it’s something of importance Dainsleif is all ears.
Dainsleif is...quite alone, in some senses. He doesn’t think that anyone should suffer with him, so accepting that you wanted to stay by his side was also a hard decision for him. He resisted for a long time, but eventually just realized you really wanted to be there for him.
So when you come around saying this, he’s almost offended, eyes narrowing at you “Where is this coming from?”
He just doesn’t get it and it doesn’t add up. His eyes searches yours and he’s not trying to be scary but he does exude some intimidating vibes. He’s merely trying to understand if he did something wrong or if you’ve always thought that the two of you were “not a good match”.
“...I don’t think that what you say is true...If so then you wouldn’t have insisted to stay with me,” and he starts to doubt whether or not he made the right decision, letting you accompany him to journey’s end. 
You see the conflict and battle in his eyes and decide to just tell him it’s a prank without it getting too far. 
He huffs and crosses his arms above his chest. “I thought so... You wouldn’t do something...so foolish,” his words are spaced out because there’s still a bit of doubt in him and you catch on to it, reassuring him that you don’t have any intention of leaving him at all.
He sighs and gingerly thumbs your cheek. “I can only hope so... This curse...This burden...I daresay it’s made easier with your presence. Let me be selfish this once and ask you to stay...”
He trusts and knows you, so when you said it was something important he merely thought it was just you talking about being worried about his health again cause he works too hard (you often tell him that)
But when you start talking and get to the end of your speech he’s rather astounded and concerned more than anything. 
“How long have you felt like that?” He takes this to a whole new level of serious now. Asking himself questions like ‘How did I not notice?’ ‘Which parts can I do better at?’ ‘Could we not have talked about this before it came to this conclusion?”
Reaches out with his hand to move your chin at an angle convenient for him. “Y/N, look at me. We should talk about these things before jumping to conclusions. A lot of things can be solved by talking,” 
In truth he’s panicking a little inside. What if you don’t want to talk about it anymore? What if your mind is made up? What if that’s it?
“Is there anything we can do to make things better? Has my recent sleepless nights bothered you that much? I’ll change things around to make you comfortable. You’re right, it hasn’t really done much for my health...”
When you don’t reply to anything he says there’s a bit of defeat in his eyes and his shoulders slump a little. “Y/N please...” he just wants you to say something. Anything.
“U-Uhm...Well...April Fools!” 
There’s 5 seconds of silence before he drops his hand from your chin and glares at you. It’s half mocking, half real and he stands up to walk away “I’m going back to work,” 
Is a little salty but you follow him around all day and suck up to him saying sorry in a sweet way and that you’ll make it up to him. 
(Okay, I wanted to use the Filipino word “lambing” just then. lmao. Is there an English equivalent, my Filo friends?)
Military minded, so he doesn’t immediately think it’s about something personal.
When it dawns on him that it’s about something personal, and what more, it’s about your relationship with him, he freezes up. His ears stop twitching and his tail is frozen. 
His body language changes, he suddenly doesn’t look so confident and his whole body droops. His ears start to flatten down. 
“Were you...Were you really that unhappy? I didn’t even realize...” so much regret in his voice and he’s more worried about you than he is over himself. 
“I’m sorry, it might be too late to ask now but, is there anything I can do? I’ll...try my best! I just... I just don’t agree...I think we ARE a great match! But if you don’t think so...” hesitates back and forth whether or not to see things your way or keep with his beliefs. 
He really does think you’re the perfect companion to his otherwise busy life and you’re a delight to be around. 
He doesn’t really say much about what he thinks, opting to think before talking but his look says it all and you apologize after telling him it was just a prank. 
He blinks up at you. His ears start to twitch again and his tail swishes every so slowly. “O-Oh! I see!” 
Breaks into a bashful, neck scratching grin. “R-Right! It’s April Fools! Wow, you got me good on that one,”
Doesn’t tell you that you basically broke his heart and mended it back together all in a span of a minute.
Is secretly 1000% more attentive towards you
The word “important” is not really in his vocabulary...Well, it is, but it’s linked with things like beetle fights and food.
So he thought you were just gunna talk beetle fight strategy with him. lol.
Has this huge smile on his face when you start talking and it just gradually droops into a deep frown. 
Still tries to play it off. “Whaaaat? No way! We’re a great match! Remember that time we accidentally ordered the exact same thing for lunch, drinks and all? That was pretty cool!” 
Grins but it falters when you don’t say anything. He finally properly thinks about you actually leaving him. “I--At least we can still be friends, right? I mean, who’s gunna hype me up during my beetle fights now? My gang...? Well, yeah... they’re great and all but...”
Lips start to tremble. “Th-They’re not you, you know? It’s different! Huh? No! It’s not just about the beetle fights!” 
He has this puppy dog look on his face now “I mean, it’s all the other things too! Who-Who’s gunna kiss my hand better when I accidentally hit a boulder too hard? O-Or...” 
Goes silent, then suddenly decides to man up...but in a childish way...
“Y-You know what! Fine! If that’s what you want then...then...” but can’t finish his sentence and his lips are really starting to tremble dangerously.
So you decide to put him out of his misery and tell him it’s a joke.
“April fools...?” He looks up at you, still trying to process it...and then he breaks into a watery eyed wide smile. “APRIL FOOLS!!!” like he just discovered something great.
He manages not to shed any tears but wraps his arms tight around your waist and snuggles into your stomach while he’s sitting down. “You can’t go for real, alright?”
Amused and intrigued in a “What do they have up their sleeve this time?” sort of way.
He crosses his arms midway through your speech and gives you this smirk while tilting his head sideways. As if challenging you. 
“Oh dear, what an unfortunate problem we have here indeed,” he chuckles, but its not laced with humor, more of mischief.
“Not a good match you say?” He leaves his seat and saunters over to you fluidly, confidently wrapping an arm around your waist and dipping his head lower, to come face to face and almost forehead to forehead with you.
“Look me in the eye and tell me that again, kitten,” he breathes out and you have a hard time repeating your words at the sudden proximity. 
“There isn’t a better match for me anywhere in this world, Y/N. I’m afraid you’ll have to try harder than that to get rid of me,” he chuckles genuinely this time, as if thoroughly amused. 
You finally tell him it’s an April Fool’s joke and he just shrugs. “I figured. I’d like to think I’ve taken good enough care of you to make you stay for a lifetime, love.”
He presses a kiss on your forehead, “Now to worry about charming you in the next one,” and he winks.
calm, curious with a bit of an optimistic view. The type to go “I wonder what they want to tell me today,” but smile at the thought rather than be overly worried about it. 
So when he hears your speech, he’s taken aback. You sound so serious too! Is it a mistake? Maybe a joke? But you wouldn’t joke about this, would you?
He’s been lost in thought for a while so you ask him if he heard you.
He places his gaze on you with a small smile. “My apologies, dear,” he’s still calm about it but he’s secretly thinking of ways to solve this without having you walk away.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to learn about your thought process a little more. What aspect do you feel is “not going too well”, if you mind me asking?” 
You answer generically and tell him that you feel like he’s too good for you and that he’s extremely kind and loving while you’re not really able to contribute or give him anything.
His eyes widen for a fraction of a second but mellows off to a gentle gaze. “...You have done...a thousand more than I have for you, my love,” He closes his eyes, as if he’s sailing on a ship peacefully. “You’ve kept the nightmares away, the...solitude that used to visit me every night. Instead of waiting for the day to end, with you, I always look forward to its beginning instead,”
He opens his eyes and you see that they’re a little glassy. “So if you could just find it in your heart to reconsider, Y/N, perhaps we can work it through?”
He’s still polite than ever and you tell him it’s just a joke. His face stays passive, but he actually breathes out a sigh of relief. “Ah...I see...It’s that day today...”
He finally finds it in him to chuckle. “Well, I must say that you caught me unprepared for that one,” 
You hesitate to even try and do this to him because explaining what you want to say and then telling him it’s a joke sounds to be something that might be gravely misunderstood by him. 
But he understands and the moment you finish talking you can already see his face contort into a wince. Like something had just stabbed him painfully in the gut. 
His face scrunches up but he bows his head to hide it from you and tears just non-stop cascade from his eyes to the ground. 
“I...n-never see... Y/N again?” 
The poor thing is more of an action than words type of person and it shows easily that he’s upset. 
You immediately hug him and try to explain to him the occasion today but he still pouts and is slightly upset the rest of the day, complaining about how it’s not a good joke at all.
You agree with him and ask how you can make it up to him.
He simply asks you to stay forever.
unbothered. sits down as if he’s the boss of the conversation and just stares at you through the whole thing.
When you finish, he smirks.
And it’s not just a normal smirk. It’s the go-ahead-and-try-running-away-from-me-im-just-gunna-pull-you-right-back-over smirk.
“Who put that nonsense into your head?” Raises an eyebrow and gazes at you, wondering if someone has told you that dating him was a bad idea or some crap like that. (He doesn’t deny that it’s a bad idea but you’ve stuck with him for a while now and you suddenly saying that is weird and extremely annoying to him)
He’s basically pissed off.
“Tch, go ahead if that’s what you want,” then attempts to stand and ignore you to walk away. You stop him and gape up at him. “What? That’s it? You’re just gunna walk away?”
He raises his eyebrow at you again. “I don’t have time to be playing these types of games, Y/N. If you don’t want to stay, then go,” 
In truth he might be a little, teeny, tiny, secretly hurt inside and is salty.
You huff and tell him “It’s an April Fools joke!” 
He stares at you for a good moment, then flicks your forehead really, REALLY hard. “Owww! What’s that for??”
He scoffs “For thinking of a stupid joke like that, and to remind you who you belong to, fool,” before walking away.
Turns back 5 seconds later and snatches your hand to pull you along with him.
More curious than worried. So he sits down with that slight wide-eyed, ‘I’m all ears’ type of look.
He blinks and looks at you incredulously as you finish. Then, a laugh escapes his lips. It’s a strange laugh. A mixture of amused, dark and forced.
“Darling you’re...joking, right?” has a pleasant smile on his face but you can’t tell what he’s thinking.
He’s probably thinking of some ways to keep you with him, no matter the method and then he suddenly feels sentimental, thinking about that time you visited his family with him and his siblings loved you to death.
You haven’t said anything so he continues down that hole and proceeds to think about how long it took him to find someone who embraced his craziness and chaotic life like you did. 
He gets a little fidgety and instead of actually wanting to force you to stay he gives you the respect he thinks you deserves. “Y/N I... I understand it well... I don’t want you to be caught up in certain things either but...Just let me tie up some loose ends and maybe...”
but then he knows it in himself than being with him might cause a lot of trouble for you, he doesn’t really know what’ll happen in the future, what with his affiliation with the Fatui and the Abyss.
“...I promise I’ll protect you,” he doesn’t beg for you to stay but he looks at you with pleading eyes. So you tell him it’s an April Fools joke.
He blinks and opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it again. Doesn’t know whether to feel sad or annoyed but in the end he sighs and gives you a grin. “A joke like that deserves some sort of punishment, love. Let’s see... what would be a fitting one,”
He looks like he’s having fun all of a sudden.
Definitely worried to the point of anxiousness.
Thoma is used to multi-tasking, he always has a few things in his mind that he needs to juggle but when you say something like that he might be the type to not be able to focus on anything until you finally have the conversation.
He’s stunned when he hears your whole statement and definitely turns sullen. He suddenly starts to think about your time together, from the first date all up until today, it’s been a long journey and he begins to imagine walking through life without you.
He gets goosebumps at the thought of it. “I...I don’t think I can...live that way,” he gulps and continues. “Excuse me if this is too heavy of a statement for you but...I’ve always thought of you as the one I’d spend my whole life with, just suddenly losing that isn’t...”
It’s like your life with him just flashes by in his eyes, remembering all the good times, the smiles, the laughs and just the limitless love he has for you. “...I can’t accept it just like that... I don’t have the right to ask you to stay and you can walk away but...” and he gazes at you with extreme determination. “...but I’ll come looking for you again, and I’ll prove to you that there isn’t anyone else in this world that I’d rather be with,”
He smiles but it’s rather downtrodden and painful. “It’ll always be you, Y/N,”
Cue you telling him it’s a joke “Ahaha...Well... April Fools!” 
He immediately slumps forward and buries his face in his hands and gives a deep sigh. You repeatedly apologize as he does this.
He straightens up after a moment and gives you his sternest look ever (it just looks like he’s scolding you but he’s not very menacing at all because he’s a little teary eyed.)
“Out of all the things you could joke about...” he sighs again but draws you in and smiles tenderly, instantly forgiving you. “Just a kiss from you, love, and I’ll forget about it,”
Hears the word “important” and thinks that this might be a conversation that needs dandelion wine.
“Okay!” Still has that playful lilt to his voice, but will take it as seriously as he can. 
He listens to what you have to say and he becomes quiet. His smile disappears and he moves his gaze away from you towards somewhere faraway. “...You know, Y/N... Mondstadt is the City of Freedom,” 
He’s unusually soft and quiet when speaking, a serious undertone to his voice. “I’ve seen...all of you. The good, the bad... I may be a God, but I’m the God of Freedom so asking you to stay is...not something I can do, even if I want to,”
Nods his head optimistically with a smile that looks genuine, “Besides, someone as special as you...the world deserves to see it. Keeping you by my side...they’re missing out on a lot, ehe,” 
He does sound sincere and doesn’t sound bitter about it at all but you can’t help but feel sad about it. You apologized and tell him it’s a joke for April Fools.
He’s surprised, but mostly because he nearly felt as if tears were upon him and it’d been a long time since he shed tears. 
But he emphasizes that he’s not joking and if there ever came a time that you’d really like to go, you’re free to do so. 
You remind him that you don’t want to and he finally gets his usual laugh back.
“Well for that, you owe me a lifetime’s supply of dandelion wine!” 
He’s looking forward to the “lifetime” part more than the “dandelion wine” part.
This is someone who usually doesn’t open up to people, but he did for you and you’re coming around telling him you don’t want to be together anymore after he’s lowered down all his walls. Think about that. 
He gets angry and it’s obvious. His eyebrows are drawn together and there’s a scowl on his face. He feels utterly betrayed. Thousands of years he decided to shelter himself because he thought that associating with others would bring them no good, and the one time he accepts someone in, they go barreling right out just as easily as that.
“What emotion does it stir in you, when you make crass statements like that?” you can practically feel the disappointment radiating off of him.
“It didn’t mean a thing to you, the burden I shared... The sides of me that...I’ve forgotten was ever there,” he curls his fist tight “I should’ve known...”
Oh, man, you might have messed up playing that prank on him but you immediately drop it and tell him it’s an April Fools joke. 
He recognizes the event cause he’s heard people talking about it before but he definitely disappears and doesn’t show up in front of you for the rest of the day.
Knowing Xiao, you give him his space and eventually he seeks you out again but you’re terribly guilty once that happens and you apologize to him profusely.
He stays silent and hums a little, drawing you in for a one armed embrace muttering about the foolish pranks mortals play on each other. 
“...My karmic debt is incredibly heavy, Y/N... yet...the thought of losing you...seemed heavier than the karmic debt I’ve carried for years.”
Just a simple curiosity. Wondering what might be so important. 
He’s at a loss of words when you finish, the book he’s holding slips from his grasp and he’s weirdly unable to form proper words.
He adores you, and suddenly getting told this is like a splash of water to his face. 
“Is it--Is there--” he pauses and clears his throat to get his composure back. “Is there something unsatisfactory? Perhaps...” he doesn’t even know what to say, he genuinely thought the two of you had enjoyed each other’s company up till today. “Perhaps I...have overlooked something? I’d be more than willing to discuss it,”
When you say it’s not that and you just think the relationship has run its course he’s back to being speechless.
“N...No? But...” there were no signs at all, he wanted to say and he was confident that he would’ve been able to spot it if there were any signs. “...I might not be the...most likeable person... but I assure you that with me, you’ll always come first,”
You tell him its a joke and he immediately relaxes, he kind of sensed that there was something weird about the suddenness of it anyway. It was too out of the blue.
However, he coughs into his hand to hide his embarrassment and asks you to make it up to him. You ask him how and he hands you the book he dropped. “Read this to me, will you, my sunshine?”
He puts great value in the things you say, so when you say it’s important he merely takes it as a sign to be more attentive. 
You finish and you cannot read any expression on his face whatsoever. However, he seems to have stopped drinking his tea and is in deep thought, looking away from you and over to the teapot, just keeping his gaze there.
“...Zhongli?” You softly call him back and his eyes fly towards you. 
“Mm,” he simply lets out, and closes his eyes. “Might I tell you how I feel about this, Y/N?”
You nod your head and let him speak.
“I...was under the impression that everything had been progressing well, between the two of us...” he touches the rim of his teacup but doesn’t put it up to his lips. “I apologize, if that hadn’t been the case on your side...and I apologize further that...you seem to be unhappy with the current state of things...”
He closes his eyes and continues, “...Truthfully, I would not like it to end this easily... Your importance to me is far higher than that of just a few words... Beloved, if you’re not opposed to it... allow me to work through this a little longer with you...” 
He opens his eyes again and there isn’t anything there but respect and gentleness. You can’t help but smile and apologize to him, telling him it’s a joke. 
He doesn’t breathe out any sigh of relief but on closer look, his shoulders relax and he goes back to lifting his tea cup to his lips and gets a big gulp out of it. “Ah, I see...I’ve forgotten the occasion today...” seems to brush it off but adds after a few seconds later “But if there is something amiss, do not make a habit of keeping it to yourself, darling,” 
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
Genshin voicelines for the reader??? Like maybe they talk about them??? Would love Albedo and Xiao please. asjkfbdskbfjkebkbf I hope I'm not too late for the requests
I've actually done this for Albedo, but I posted it when I was shadowbanned, once upon a time.... hahaha.... Here is the complete ABC voicelines for Albedo:
As for the other ones, I'll do a short one for each since I like this prompt :) Thank you anon!!!
Characters: Aether, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, gn!reader
Warnings: suggestive if you squint (Kaeya), some crackfic/funny elements in there, let me know if there are pronoun slips.
Scenario: When someone asks about you and you are their S/O
“Companion? You mean Paimon? Oh...You mean Y/N. They’re not really my companion...They’re more like...a...hm...well...”
*Paimon butts in* “They’re dating!”
“Paimon! Uhhh...Well, that’s...basically it. *nervous laugh* I’m not embarrassed, I just...sometimes I still can’t believe that I get to experience every day with Y/N,”
“I don’t usually divulge my personal matters to others but...If you ask about Y/N, there is only one possible word to describe them: Adorable...Specially when they’re subjected to my constant “badgering”. Their annoyed expression is quite the sight. *cheeky smile*”
“Y/N is super nice to everyone and the best thing is, they’re super understanding! Y/N always picks me up when I’m down...Hehe...*scratches head then whispers* Uh, they can get kinda scary though, specially when I start blaming myself or my bad luck for something...They’ll start scolding me! But I guess that’s cause they really care,”
“!!! *small blush starting to form* Wh-Where did you hear about Y/N? Huh?! Why do I like them so much? Ahh... Mmm... They--They understand me! *in a smaller voice* and also they’re really good at making my special popsicles... *flustered* B-But of course that’s not the only reason why!”
“...A persistent and rather stubborn human being. I tried several times to keep Y/N at bay yet they... persevered at so called ‘getting to know me’. How did it end? *coughs into hand* It didn’t end, I suppose I never wanted it to.” 
“...Have you ever witnessed the sunrise at Windrise? At the break of dawn, streaks of light touch the grass. As the sun rises, its light touches more of the massive oak tree. Its roots, its trunk, until you see the vastness of Mondstadt covered in sunlight...In a lot of ways, Y/N came into my life in the same way. They were always there, quietly providing warmth and light in places that I once thought never needed it,”
“There isn’t anyone else I trust with my life more than them! They’re great company too. Y/N somehow always knows exactly what I need, whether it be a serving of tricolour dango, a glass of dango milk, or a barrage of sweet kisses---ah, um...-ahem-I...better get back to work!”
“Y/N?! Where?! *starts swerving his head around looking for you* Oh, you’re asking about ‘em. Hah! Psh, Y/N’s a legend! You gotta see ‘em to believe it! Forget about explainin’ to ya, you’ll never get it!. Let’s go look for ‘em instead eh? Then you’ll understand!”
*is secretly just wanting to look for you even though the two of you had probably seen each other in the morning* 
“Ah, my little snowflake? *chuckles* Don’t be fooled, they’re quite feisty, but of course they are, being with me must have sharpened their senses. I make it a point to keep things interesting in the relationship. Hm? How? Oh but are you sure you’d like to know? *laughs* I jest. I just mean that I treat them with absolute affection every day,” 
“Y/N? Hm... Home. Y/N makes me feel like I’m home. And for I who have wandered through lands and who’ve been away from Inazuma for a while, feeling like I’m home is a rare occurrence. But with them? Just their smile will turn even the darkest of days into a blessing,”
“...Y/N, very warm...Even in snow or in rain...Always warm.”
“None of your business,”
Yes, that’s all. He ain’t gunna talk about you to someone he doesn’t even know or doesn’t even care about. Okay but let’s pretend that he does, I guess.
“None of your business, but you better keep your hands off. I’m watching you, *glare*”
Yes, that’s all.
“My, my you’ve got a keen eye! What can I say? Y/N’s a pretty charming person. Charming people just tend to attract each other. *laughs* Well, in all seriousness, next to my family, Y/N’s my greatest treasure. They give me that extra energy I need for a hard and exciting battle,”
“Ahaha! *nervous/shy laugh* Yeah, Y/N’s my partner. We’ve been together for a short while. Probably 3 years now? Hm? 3 years isn’t a short while? Hm... I guess what I mean is that it only feels like yesterday... I doubt even 10, 40, a 100 years or even a lifetime with Y/N is enough for me...Sometimes I even wish I met them sooner! *chuckles*”
“Y/N’s my dandelion wine supplier! Ehe~ I’m just kidding. The truth is, Y/N is keeps me out of trouble! Hehe. But they’re quite the troublemaker themselves too! Always getting away with things, specially stealing kisses and hugs from me. It takes a special person to get away with that!” 
“*narrows eyes* What’s your business with Y/N? ...My relationship...with them?... Nothing out of the ordinary...They just...like to hug me from time to time...and I... let them...”
*basically overprotective at first, then doesn’t admit that he enjoys your company way too much*
“I often think that Y/N is a work of art. Like something out of Calx’s paintings. Just too enchanting for this world! *sigh* I consider myself lucky that they’ve chosen to stay by my side. Compared to them, I’m rather plain, though they always tell me that’s not the case. *shy smile*”
“My partner, but also one of the most trustworthy people I’ve met. I give them my utmost respect, and I value their insight above anyone else’s. As a lover, Y/N’s quite thoughtful and attentive, more so than I am, though they would disagree. It’s my hope that our bonds remain strong,” 
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which you decided to spend your day reuniting with old friends and encounter an old flame.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato, (later) diluc ragnvindr
CONTENT. fluff/angst, modern!au, mentions of death (minor), mentions of break-ups, mentions of car accident
TAGLIST. @scaraslover @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @aqualesha @mrkamisato @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @coleluuviida @034ven @dear-dairiess @luv3rxcha @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @elychee @rion-s @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestess @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @cottonkendi @uchihaeirin @abvolat @kokushiboswife @kyomihann @jiyujinsstuff @durptwit @elegantcecile @crowbird @mnemosyneechan @s-adidass @belovedxiao @deimmortales99 @veyu002
WORD COUNT. 5.1K words
NOTE. please make sure to check the end of the post for extra notes by the time you’re done reading (just to clear certain things up !!)
SPECIAL NOTE. was gone for a few days and came back to life. i will be gone again after posting this probably. have fun with this meal <33333
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You felt sick to your stomach. 
Yesterday, as soon as you and Zhongli returned to the Grand Goth Hotel after buying the wedding gift, you suddenly came across Ei and Yae Miko, who were about to leave the hotel for an unexpected reason.
“...You guys were looking for me?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows. “You guys should’ve texted me instead, I was busy finding a wedding gift.” 
“We wanted to tell you in person rather than messages since it’s important. Besides, we wanted to spend our dinner somewhere outside since the food in this hotel’s not to our taste, or Ei’s specifically.” Yae explains casually, her mouth curving up. “Do you mind if we could talk in the lounge area? We want to talk about something related to tomorrow.” 
Hence how you found out that you’ll be meeting with your old college friends today. 
“Are you still uncomfortable, ( Name )?” Zhongli asks with a concerned look as he watches you staring at your food down in deep thought. 
Right now, the both of you decided to try and eat in Goth Grand Hotel’s finest restaurant area for breakfast. Although you’ve enjoyed the foods the hotel provided, the thoughts of what will transpire in your reunion has never faded away.
“I wouldn’t say I’m uncomfortable,” You spoke up. “Just… nervous, that’s all.” 
Don’t get yourself wrong, you’re truly happy that you’ll get to reunite with your dearest friends after being away from them for so long, but you couldn’t help but feel nervous due to the fact that you haven’t talked to them ever since you went to Liyue after one year of graduating. 
Maybe you should just pretend to be sick and try not to go to this meeting–
“You’ll be okay,” Zhongli assures you, cutting your thoughts off with his calm voice. In all honesty, his smooth voice never fails to soothe you no matter what he’s saying. “I’m sure your friends would be delighted to reunite with you after being away for so long. Besides, you have your boss and your colleague with you, am I correct?”
You nodded slowly, your shoulders slowly relaxed. “Yeah.. you’re right…” 
He then moves one of the meals forward with a cheeky smile. The food contains plenty of seafood. “Now go eat your breakfast before it runs cold, a good meal can heal one’s mood after all.” 
You laughed at his attempts in finding a way to not eat the food – that was offered by some ginger-haired man who was for some reason interested(1) in your friend – and grabbed your eating utensils to take a few bites. 
It’s delicious, you admit. The ginger-haired man made a good choice, but it’s too bad that Zhongli despises seafood. 
“It’s good,” You hummed in a content tone. “You should try it, that strange man just offered you free food, you know?”
He continues to smile. “Have you decided what to wear? Or will you be going shopping?” 
He really just changed the topic, huh. You mused.
“I have decided. What will you be doing while I'm gone, if I may ask?” 
“Perhaps it’s not too bad if I explore around the hotel, and maybe stroll around the city if I have the time to do so.” Zhongli answers, patting his mouth with a napkin gently. “Do you need me to escort you? The restaurant sounds pretty far from what Venti told me.” 
You shook your head with a reassuring smile. “No worries, I have Ei and Yae who rented a car, we’ll be meeting by the lobby later at 11:00.” 
The man frowns. “Do you think they’ll be late?” 
You shook your head once more. “I’m sure they won’t. This is a special occasion, after all.” You said confidently. 
If only you knew how you were wrong.
“...Fools.” You mumbled with an irritated look, looking around the lobby to look for the two women. “Why on earth are they late?” 
Then again, you know they always have tardiness, but did they seriously have to be late and keep a person waiting for them?! 
You huffed before pulling out your phone to contact them. 
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As you continue texting them, you suddenly hear someone clearing their throat, causing you to flinch slightly and look up at the person in front of you, only for your eyes to widen at the sight of the stranger. 
The stranger turns out to be Ayato. 
“Hello, ( Name ).” He spoke in a gentle tone. 
And somehow, the tardiness of your two friends suddenly became your least of your worries. 
You shifted uncomfortably, now realizing that there are people eyeing at your direction in curiosity due to the fact that you’re in front of a successor of an infamous company that everyone knows of. “Hel.. Hello, Mr. Kamisato.” 
It was clear that the awkward atmosphere between the two of you is strong, but you knew the very reason why it’s like that in comparison to college. 
It was because of how this is your first time having a proper conversation with Ayato after years of not seeing each other. 
Everything went downhill ever since you broke up with Ayato. 
For the past few weeks, you had never seen your ex at all. When you went to the area that connects all the dormitories where you’d walk to the university with your lover, he was no longer there anymore. Whenever you visit the Student Council, he’s either unavailable or usually takes his leave to buy boba tea. Whenever you tried to come up to him in the cafeteria or some areas around the school, he pretended to not know someone was calling him and continued his day. You hated how he even avoided the places you go to daily, something that you thought was once admirable from your ex, who knows you more than any other person in your life. 
It was obvious he was avoiding you.
And it hurts.
“I don’t know what I did wrong..” You spoke solemnly as your friends tried their best to comfort you in your dorm room. “Was I not that good enough for him? Was it because his parents hate me?” 
“Nonsense, ( Name). You’re being too harsh on yourself!” Yae told you, trying to soothe your fragile state as Ei continues to offer you food. While the two women comforted you, your other friends went out to buy something you didn’t manage to understand due to your breakdown. “That foolish brute had no right to suddenly break things off like that.. I’m sure the both of you can talk it out-”
“How can I…?” You whispered. “How can I talk to him when he’s been avoiding me like I’m some.. Some plague!” 
Ei pats your head, unsure what to do to help you. “Whatever his reason is, it must’ve been a bad one if he’s willing to go all out in avoid–”
The pink-haired woman nudges the blunt woman for her words. “What Ei meant to say is… Whatever his reason is, it’s not worth it. Don’t let him see you being so desperate to come to him, just avoid him too and see if he’ll actually be affected by it.” Yae clarified, shooting the purple-haired woman a warning glance.
“I don’t see how this helps..” Ei mumbled, to which Yae managed to hear but didn't bother retort back.
“If he’s affected by it.. Then he’ll eventually come to you himself.” 
You gulped, looking down with a hesitant look on your face. It wouldn’t… hurt to try, right?
Thanks to your friend’s words, you started avoiding Ayato as well. 
It was already obvious to everyone in the university that something happened between the two of you, I mean, who wouldn’t notice how the so-called high school sweethearts who are joined at the hip are avoiding each other? 
This was a good thing for those who had admired Ayato romantically. Everywhere Ayato went, there’s always one or more people trailing behind trying to make a chat with him in hopes of being close with him, but as always, he made sure to cut the conversation short and run away. 
Of course, you felt jealous, but who are you to be jealous of now that he’s no longer yours?
It wasn’t fact that the university knows about your break-up and the fact that Ayato now has admirers didn’t phase you,
What phased you is the fact that your ex did not look affected by your ignorance at all. 
It only took a couple of months for you to understand why. 
“...What…” You mumbled to yourself, staring down at Ayato – who’s in the area that connects all the dormitories for the first time in months – with a disbelieved look on your face. 
It didn’t matter to you that your ex has finally shown up at the place where the both of you always meet. 
What mattered to you was the fact that he’s with an unfamiliar woman. 
You felt chills run down your spine from how he’s looking at her with a gentle and genuine smile on his face, something that he only showed to you and only you. You despised the fact that envy started to grow in your body. 
You weren’t envious of the woman who managed to win his heart. You weren’t envious of the couple who obviously look happier than you and Ayato. You weren’t envious of how they have each other now. 
You were envious of how Ayato moved on.
He continued to avoid you since then.
“What brings you here in the lobby, if I may ask?” Ayato wondered. “Are you perhaps waiting for someone?” 
You nodded slowly. “Ye… Yeah. I’m waiting for Ei and Yae to come back down from their room to have lunch together outside the hotel.” You explained. You didn’t bother adding the fact that you’re reuniting with old friends, since him tagging along will only make things awkward. “And you?” 
“I’m waiting for a photographer who’ll be taking pictures for the wedding.” He answers. 
The two of you then fell silent afterwards. 
Despite the fact that you “moved on”, you can’t even manage to have a proper conversation with the man who ruined your heart years ago. Just being near him made you feel uneasy, as if something bad will happen.
“...How’s… Miss Chisato?” You questioned. 
“She’s fine. She’s currently shopping for her wedding dress with her bridesmaids and father.” 
Before the conversation started to get longer, you felt someone tapping your shoulder lightly. 
“We’re here~” Yae spoke up, smiling at you as soon as you looked at the person who tapped your shoulder. “We apologize for being late, Ei just couldn’t decide what to buy.” She explains apologetically.
You looked at Ei's direction, who holds a paper bag that contains what you assume is her dessert and sigh. "It's alright, I'm just glad you guys made it already."
The two women suddenly noticed another person’s presence, if you looked closely, you would’ve noticed how their eyes slightly darkened. “Oh, hello Mr. Kamisato.” Ei spoke up in a nonchalant tone. 
Ayato continued to smile, but it no longer reached his eyes like before. “Miss Shogun… Pleasure to see you after all this time. How has your business fared?” 
“It’s as smooth as always,” She answered. “I would like to congratulate you once more for your wedding.” 
He hums, placing his hand on his chest as a sign of gratitude. “You have my thanks, Miss Shogun.” 
While the atmosphere with you and Ayato was tense and awkward, the atmosphere with him and Ei and Yae was always intimidating and far from awkward.
In fear of having the situation go longer than to your liking, you immediately intervened in the “polite” conversation. “We should take our leave before we’re late for our reservation. I heard we won’t be able to apply for another reservation for the next few months due to the overwhelming number of customers if we were to miss it.” 
The purple-haired woman clears her throat, her face brightens up quickly. “Ah, right. We shall take our leave then, Mr. Kamisato. I wouldn’t want to let ( Name ) be hungry.” 
“( Name ) must be proud to have a friend like you then.” The blue-haired man commented with a small laugh. “I shall see you three again next time.” 
You gave him an acknowledged nod before the three of you left towards the exit, your smile immediately drops the moment you’re no longer seen by the groom.  
“You guys should’ve been early.” You grumbled. 
Yae laughs. “Yes, yes, we apologize again for being so late. You can tell us all the details on our way.”
As the three of you entered the car, you couldn’t help but glance at where Ayato walked away with a frown. 
Since when did Ayato stop avoiding you?
It felt like you guys had been driving around for an hour.
“...So how was it?” Yae asks as she focuses on the road while driving. It was the first time one of you spoke up ever since you left the hotel, if it weren’t for the music Ei was handling, the car would’ve fallen to an awkward silence.
You knew what the woman was referring to and answered, “He acted as if he hadn't avoided me.” 
“How pathetic,” Ei mumbled with a tsk. “Not even a single apology?” 
“It’s fine, I didn’t expect him to do it anyway.” You said, leaning against the window. “Besides, he’s the last thing on my mind right now.” 
“Are you still nervous about meeting the others?” Ei asks. 
“Of course. I haven’t seen them for so long.” 
“Cheer up, I’m sure things will go well. They miss you more than you think.” Just as Yae said that, the car suddenly stopped, and you realized that you finally arrived at the restaurant. 
Unlike most restaurants you’ve seen, this one had a more home-y feeling and has the kitchen being in the same room as the customers with the chefs being seen cooking. Not to mention how it’s all decorated nicely and suits the atmosphere outside.
Your eyes then land on a certain group whose table is by the window, and you wipe your sweaty hands on your lap with a gulp. Here goes nothing..
“Welcome to Good Hunter.” The guard stationed in front of the entrance spoke as he opened the doors for you and your friends to enter. You quietly thanked the guard in response, and decided to let Yae and Ei walk in front of you first. 
It didn’t take long before the others noticed your presence, and they instantly stood up from their seats and walked towards you three with excitement. 
“Took you guys long enough to get here!” Yoimiya(2) exclaims, giving a hug to the two women first before hugging you next. “I missed you three so much! I apologize that our conversation was so short yesterday, ( Name ).”
You hugged your friend back. “It’s alright, I’m just happy I got to see you again.” 
Suddenly, you felt huge arms wrapped around you and Yoimiya, causing you to yelp in surprise and look at the person, only for your face to beam at the sight of Itto. “Don’t tell me you forgot about me, ( Name )! Why didn’t you hug me first?” He whines. 
“I hugged them first, big guy!” Yoimiya retorted with her tongue out. 
Before the two of them could banter, they were instantly smacked in the heads by a certain woman. “Cut it off, you two. We just met ( Name ) after so long and this is how you’re acting in front of them?” Kujou Sara scolded. 
You laugh in response. “It’s alright, Sara.” You said reassuringly, your shoulders no longer tensed. What was I even nervous about? You thought as you mentally facepalm yourself.
“If you say so, it’s nice to see you again, by the way.” Sara replied. 
“I agree with Sara, it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, ( Name ).” Kokomi spoke up with a warm smile as Gorou waves at you. “...And Ei and Yae as well, we’re glad you guys had time to come here.” 
Yae hums, copying Kokomi’s facial expression. “We are happy enough to come here even if we’re busy. I must say, you’ve grown taller than before.” She teases, glancing at the brown-haired man’s direction with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You notice how Gorou flinches from the tall woman’s stare before avoiding eye contact, causing Yae to giggle. “And it’s nice to see you again, Gorou. You’ve grown more handsome than before. If you still remember what I told you, are you still up for cosplaying as a certain writer for my dearest readers?” 
“Wh-What?! No way!” He stumbled. 
Before Yae could continue to tease him more, you heard a familiar voice calling your name, causing you to look at the person by the table and see Thoma waving at you. 
“Ah ( Name ), come sit here! I saved a seat for you.” Thoma said with a smile as he pulled back the chair that’s beside his. “You should come and order your food as well, I’m sure you must’ve been starving the whole time on your way here.” 
Hearing the word food instantly caught Itto’s attention, and he immediately let go of you and Yoimiya before he rushed back to his seat to grab his menu. “Aw man, I forgot what I was supposed to order!” 
Yoimiya lets go of you as well, following Itto in a panic. “I forgot what I was supposed to order too! Was it the Barbatos Ratatouille or Sweet Madames?” 
Your eyes brighten when you see Thoma, remembering that he’s in the reunion as well.  You followed Itto and Yoimiya in excitement to talk with your friend once more after seeing him yesterday. 
“Thanks for saving me a seat, if it weren’t for you I would’ve been unsure which seat I should sit on.” You spoke as you sat down on your seat next to him. “How have you been? Isn’t it great that you’re back in your hometown?” 
The blonde-haired man nods happily. “Yeah, it’s just the same as I remembered! I visited my mother’s side of the family and they’ve all been well thankfully.” 
His smile is quite infectious, you thought, finding yourself smiling as well. “That’s good.” 
“What about you? How’s Liyue?” He asks. 
“Surprisingly well,” You replied fondly. “I made a few friends here and there, and the prices are certainly not as absurd as our home.” 
“I’m guessing that brown-haired man with you yesterday is a friend from Liyue?” Thoma questions, and you nodded in response.
“Yes, he and I are neighbors. He helped me a lot with Liyue’s culture and traditions whenever we hung out in his home. I’m glad I have him as my plus one.” You explained, wondering to yourself what Zhongli is doing back in the hotel. “He’s quite a gentleman too, just like you.” 
Thoma felt flattered. “Y-You think I’m a gentleman–?”
“Hey ( Name ), what did you order?” Itto interrupts. “If your order sounds tasty I’ll order the same!” 
You chuckled in response, opening the menu as well to check the available meals. “I’m not sure, to be honest. There’s a lot of good food here.” Your eyes scan through the numerous names.
Unnoticed by you, Thoma stayed quiet, still thinking of your compliment.
By the time the server has received your orders, all of you have started talking to one another. Whether it’d be college memories, struggles in certain subjects and topics, and love lives–
Ah, how you despise love lives so much.
The moment someone brought up love life, you could instantly tell what the others are thinking thanks to how they’re glancing at your way with a hint of sympathy in their eyes, especially Itto, who’s easier to read than a children’s book. 
“So, ( Name )...” Yae spoke, trying to think of a way to lighten up the conversation. “That plus one of yours seems very interesting, don’t you think so?” She giggles. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile, knowing where the woman is going with this conversation. “He is, but we’re only just friends.” You explained. “Don’t tell me you’re interested in an older man, are you?” 
She immediately laughs. “Oh my… Don’t make this about me, besides, Mister Zhongli is not my type so you don’t have to worry about me snatching up your man.” 
“He’s not my man nor someone I’m interested in that way.” You clarified, crossing your arms. “Besides, I don’t think I’m interested in anyone.” 
“Ooh what about Mister Tartaglia?” Yoimiya chimes in. “I saw him walking towards your table during breakfast, and you seemed like you like the food he offered for free!” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “You were there?” 
The girl giggles sheepishly. “Sorry I didn’t come up to you, I didn’t want to ruin your conversation with Mister Zhongli since you looked so serious.”
You nodded in understanding. “I see… But Mister Tartaglia gave the food to my plus one, but Zhongli despises seafood a lot so I decided to eat it to not let free food go to waste.” You clarified. 
“Hm.. Mister Albedo seems interesting, have you met him?” Kokomi chimes as well as Gorou agrees with the pink-haired woman’s words. “He has great talent with his art skills, maybe you should try to talk to him–”
Your eyes widened when you realized what the others were trying to do. “Woah, woah, woah! I didn’t ask for you guys to be my wingman and try to pair me up with some guys I don’t even know much!” 
“( Name )’s right, you guys should let them choose who they want to choose.” Thoma joins in, patting your shoulder in a reassuring gesture that he has your back. 
“You guys should mind your business, ( Name ) can choose whoever they want without our help.” Sara interjected, being on your and Thoma’s side as well. 
Unfortunately, your comment as well as Thoma and Sara’s went to deaf ears.
“Mister Albedo? Pfft, please, ( Name )’s better off with uhm…” Itto stops for a moment to think. “Uhm.. Ooh! Why not be with my bro, Xiao?” 
“Isn’t he younger than ( Name )?” Ei questioned with raised eyebrows. “He’s the same age as Kunikuzushi–”
“Ei, they’re both the same age as our dear ( Name ).” Yae corrected.
“Ah,” Ei clears her throat, looking away from the pink-haired woman. “Then.. How about Mister Diluc? I heard from a friend of mine that he knows ( Name ).” 
Everyone suddenly stops talking the moment the purple-haired woman mentions the fact that he knows you, causing your eyes to widen from the mention of the man who paid for your wedding gift. 
Ah shi–
“When did you meet? How did you two meet? What is he like? Is he nice? Is he mean? Is he handsome?” Yoimiya immediately asks, eyes sparkling as everyone curiously tries to hear your answer as well. You honestly forgot how nosey your friends can be, to which you don't mind since they know when to mind their own business.
“Uhm…” You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should really tell them such unnecessary information. “Well, I guess he and I met when we bumped into each other in the lobby.”
“Then what happened?” Yoimiya asks eagerly, urging you to continue talking.
You look away from the girl’s gaze, and she gasps. “You’re lying! Something did happen!” 
“I won’t say it!” You said defensively. 
“From the way you look, it’s obvious that something did happen to make you look so embarrassed.” Yae comments with a giggle.
You felt your cheeks warming from being exposed so easily. That woman really can bring out your embarrassed self with just her teases, you can understand why Gorou’s always avoiding her. 
“Well.. either way… I don’t like him, he’s rude.” That was a lie, and you knew it. However, you knew mentioning the fact that you don’t mind him as well as the wedding gift incident will only give them – especially Yae – more reasons to tease you and not bring the topic down at all. 
“That’s just because he looks like it, if anything, I think he’s quite a gentleman like Mister Zhongli based on my first meeting with him for business reasons.” Ei retorted casually as she took a sip of her drink. “You should give him a chance.”
Before you could respond, the waiter suddenly interrupted the conversation with the meals beside him, causing you to sigh in relief. “Your orders have arrived.” 
Thank you, waiter! You thought gratefully, watching as he hands out all the food to your friends, who are all eager to eat the delicious Mondstadt meals that they ordered, the conversation they just had with you had all been forgotten. 
Unnoticed by you, a certain man whose table is beside yours heard the whole thing with his ears flushed. It was a coincidence that he’s in the same place as you once more, and you and your friends are pretty loud enough for him and nearby customers to hear. 
They’re still mad at me? Diluc thought, bringing out his phone before calling someone with a huff. 
“Kaeya you liar, you told me buying an item for a person will make them forgive me.” 
As you enter your hotel room, you immediately yawn in exhaustion. 
Thankfully, your friends decided to talk about something else besides your love life. In all honesty, you really appreciated them for helping you find someone you can date, but you sincerely think you can’t fall in love just as easily as before. Nevertheless, the reunion ended on a good note as a smile never leaves your face. 
“How is it? Did it go well, I hope?” Zhongli asks, looking up to your direction from his book as he lies down on his bed. 
You nodded happily. “Yeah.. I don’t even know why I was nervous in the first place.” You answered with a laugh, remembering how you didn’t feel well thanks to your nervousness. 
He hums. “I’m glad you enjoyed your day, care to tell me all about it over a cup of tea?” He asks, gesturing towards the table nearby that has a teapot and teacups on it. 
“...And facial skin care?” You ask with a cheeky grin, imagining Zhongli wearing a face mask with cucumbers on his eyes as he tries to drink his tea.
Besides chatting over a cup of tea and helping Zhongli out with his inconveniences in the apartment, the both of you had also spent the night having a sleepover during occasions when the electricity would go out of nowhere, leaving you to visit Zhongli to have some company and give him a facial skin care routine that he finds himself enjoying a lot. 
Your friend laughs. “And facial skin care.” 
Your eyes brighten. “Alright, Just give me a moment to change my clothes and get my facial products ready for the both of us.”
He nods in understanding, watching as you grab your clothes from the closet and rush inside the bathroom. It was quite amusing to see you so excited over something such as this, but he didn’t mind. As long as you’re happy, then he’s happy as well. 
As soon as you leave, his smile instantly disappears, remembering a certain incident that occurred while you were out with your friends.
“...Good afternoon, Mister Kamisato.” Zhongli greeted, eyes slightly widening in surprise from the sight of Ayato standing in front of the door of his hotel room with an unexplainable look on his face. He doesn’t recall you telling him that Ayato would be visiting. “May I help you?” 
“...Is ( Name ) here?” Ayato asks, smiling politely. 
The brown-haired man shook his head. “Unfortunately not. They’re outside hanging out with Miss Miko and Miss Shogun.” 
He watched as the blue-haired man’s smile slightly dropped at the moment, before regaining his facade once more. “Oh… I see… I was hoping I was going to talk to them about something..” 
Zhongli guessed it was about the break-up that you told him, your tear-stained face haunting his mind. “You can visit again tomorrow. From what I remember, ( Name ) won’t be having any plans in mind on that day.” 
Ayato nodded slowly. “I understand. Thank you for telling me.” 
The man didn’t move at all, still standing in front of Zhongli in silence for a moment. “If… I may be bold to ask, what's your relationship with ( Name )?” 
Zhongli tilted his head slightly. Where is he going with this? “...( Name ) and I are neighbors. We’ve been friends ever since they traveled to Liyue.”
“I see,” He murmured, his shoulders slowly relaxed. “...I take it that they’re doing well in Liyue?” 
“Why don’t you ask ( Name ) that when you try to talk to them tomorrow?” The brown-haired man retorts with a stiff smile. “I’m sure they’re willing to tell you. That is… If you have good intentions when you come up to them.” 
The blue-haired man is taken back for a moment, before he chuckles in response. “You’re a good friend, Mister Zhongli. Rest assured that I don’t have any ill intentions towards ( Name ).” Ayato spoke. “I shall not waste your time any longer, thank you for answering my questions.” 
“It’s no problem, Mister Kamisato.” The older man nods. “Have a good day.” 
Zhongli lets out a small sigh, hoping that whatever the groom intends to do when he visits your room again will be nothing bad like he claims.
He honestly feels conflicted from how Ayato treated you as if he didn’t break your heart and didn’t even explain himself nor apologize for it. Perhaps it’d be good if apologizing was Ayato’s purpose when visiting your hotel room. 
But who’s to say that would be enough to help you officially move on? 
The man could recall certain moments when you still had a sad look on your face whenever Ayato was mentioned, and he could tell that you aren’t as happy as you are back in Liyue ever since the both of you had arrived at the hotel for the first time. Not to mention how Zhongli noticed you having a hard time sleeping when he woke up in the middle of the night to pour himself some water, so seeing you so happy after meeting with your old friends is a relief.
For now, the best thing Zhongli can do as a friend is to make you happy and not get sad over that jerk who broke your heart.
“That is what friends do, you know.” Guizhong once told him as he watches her placing her bags by the trunk of her car. “We make each other happy and care for one another.”
“She’s right,” Azhdaha chimes, carrying two more bags towards the car. “That’s why we’ll make sure to video chat with you once we arrive at our universities. Don’t worry about us, Morax!” 
The man smiles in sadness from the memory, staring down at the book he’s holding as he fondly remembers how Guizhong used to love reading it. 
“I’ll fulfill your promise, my dear friends,” He whispered, trying to forget the image of their corpses inside their car that was hit by a drunk driver as well as the two funerals he had to attend alone.
“I’ll make sure to be a good friend like how you were both to me.” 
(1) "by some ginger-haired man who was for some reason interested(1) in your friend" - the interest tartaglia has for zhongli depends on how you guys see it, just don't let it boil your blood if you see how some people see it as romantic or however else they see it.
(2) "Yoimiya exclaims" - If you guys wondering why on earth Yoimiya's in the reunion meeting despite being younger and being in the same batch as Ayaka's, it's because of certain circumstances that led Yoimiya and the others to become friends during college.
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
Not-So-Scary Moments With The Yan. Genshin Boys.
Characters: Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Scaramouche, and Ayato.
Word Count: 3.1k.
TW: Borderline Shitposting, Imprisonment, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Physical Emotional Abuse, and Slight Codependency.
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He stalled in the doorway. “What is it, angelface?”
“I just wanted to ask…” You trailed off, fishing the empty glass vial out of your pocket. “Do you know what happened to my perfume?”
Childe turned away pointedly, dropping his eyes to the floor. Despite the dark sky, despite the raging snowstorm that’d only just let-up, he was fully dressed, his attention corrected focused on his boots. “Nope. No idea. What’s perfume? Some new trend in Liyue?”
You hummed, leaning against the nearest wall. “I guess you won’t mind telling me where you’re going, then.”
“Oh, it’s uh— a mission! A big, secret mission, from the Tsaritsa herself.” He was a terrible liar, especially to you. His voice shook, he stumbled over his words, and his expression gave it all away – distracted, distant, vaguely pained in a way he couldn’t quite hide with a tense smile and a stilted laugh. “The messenger just left; you must’ve missed him. It’s very, very important, and very covert, so don’t ask me anything about it.”
“The Tsaritsa assigned you a mission personally? Out of all her harbingers, she came to you?”
“What can I say? She picks favorites.”
“And she sent out a messenger in the middle of the night, during one of the worst snowstorms of the season, to your cabin in the woods, miles out from the nearest village?”
“Happens all the time. You’ll get used to it, in a few months.”
“He came, told you everything you need to know about a mission so important you can’t tell me anything about it, and left while I was in the bath? Three rooms away? Which, by some miracle, was just far away enough for me not to overhear your conversation or notice we had guests at all?” You paused, taking a step closer and crossing your arms. “And none of this has anything to do with the fact that your breath smells like Inazuman Sakura Bloom?”
He opened his mouth, then closed it again just as quickly.
“You were taking so long, and you locked the door, and—” He slumped forward, pouting. “It smelled so much like you. I thought I could get away with a sip, but I didn’t realize the bottle would be so small, and I didn’t know when you’d come out, and I knew it’d burn a little but I didn’t think it’d actually hurt that much—”
“Do you want me to walk you to the healer?”
“Yes, please.”
No response, predictably.
“My love.”
Silence, utter and complete.
“Darling, light of my life, precious and only gem of my heart,” He sighed, knocking softly. “Please, open the door.”
You didn’t move, doing your best to keep your voice steady, monotone. “Section D, Clause IIII, Item 2.”
There was a moment of quiet, followed by a slow, agitated exhale. “But I am your husband.”
“I am married Morax, Lord of Geo, God of Contracts. I don’t know anyone named ‘Zhongli’.” A useless point of contention, but one that was easy to dig your heels into, to grasp and hold onto and refuse to let go until his annoyance bordered on anger, until you were on the precipice of earning something more dangerous than his irritation. It was petty rebellion, more a reminder of your stubbornness than any meaningful show of defiance, but after spending so long by Morax’s (now Zhongli’s, you supposed) side, you’d learned that nothing frustrated him more than being forced to play by his own rules. “You were the one who insisted that I never share my bed with anyone but my rightful, legal husband. I’m sorry you didn’t take the time to consider the weight of your demands.”
“You’re being—” A low growl, soft and throaty. “You know very well that ‘husband’ is a situational title, and I’d still technically be considered—”
“What's that? Did you die and come back as the God of Technicalities—”
There was a sharp, sudden crack from somewhere above your head – a scaled, taloned fist breaking through solid wood like damp paper. You stepped back, clasping your hands in front of you, preparing to plead innocent, but the harshness of his scowl as he tore down what was left of the ill-fated door stopped you from voicing your naivety.
“I think,” He said, taking you by your robes, his glare only growing more bitter at the sight of your beaming smile. “it’s time that we re-assess the terms of our contract.”
A sharp inhale, followed by an airy, hitched sigh. His back arched, briefly, then he bent forward, bracing himself against the mirror, resting his forehead against the glass. He tried to breathe, but it was shallow, hitched, more akin to a gasp than anything else, anything more substantial. He was flushed, his pale skin tinted red, and when he tried to straighten himself, to regain his dignity, he faltered quickly, failed even faster, his knees nearly buckling as he struggled to hold himself up, despite everything.
You loosened your grip on the corset strings. “…are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine,” He snapped, barely glancing in your direction. “Keep going. I only have a few minutes before I’m supposed to be downstairs.
Right. You could already hear distant voices from the first floor of his mansion, soft music playing just loudly enough to cover the sounds of whispered conversations and aimless footsteps. You weren’t sure what the party was for, or if it was actually a party at all and not a gala or a banquet, but you knew better than to pry for details. Asking would only make you want to go, and that’d only bring on another lecture, another scolding, another day kept at a comfortable distance from every other creature with a pulse, lest you allow yourself to be swept out of his oh-so-suffocating embrace. It was better not to try. It was better not to get your hopes up.
It was better not to wonder why you still had to help him get dressed, despite knowing you wouldn’t be leaving his bedroom for the rest of the night.
Mistaking your silence for confusion, he went on, bracing more of his weight on the mirror as he spoke. “It helps with—” A pained groan as you tugged, followed by a string of muttered curses, each more unbefitting than the last. “Fuck, it helps with back support. Have you ever tried to lift a claymore?”
“Would you ever let me?”
“When Teyvat freezes over, maybe.” One last pull, more forceful than it absolutely had to be, then the final knot, a simple bow just over the small of his back. He took a second to gather himself, to roll his shoulders back, to pull his coat on and check his reflection before starting towards the door, leaving you trying futile to rub the deep, stripped indents out of your palms. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Can I assume you’ll still be here to lend a hand?”
“I’m more than willing to take another stab at choking you half to death, if that’s what you mean.”
“I can only hope you succeed.”
He was later than he usually was, tonight.
By the time you head the door to his apartment unlock, it was already well-after midnight, hours past when he said he would return. You were perched on a loveseat, your back against the arm and your attention flickering half-heartedly between the novel in your hands and the window carved into the farthest wall, just big enough to provide a modest view of Mondstadt’s residential district. The streetlamps were just starting to burn out, windows dimming before going completely dark, and if you looked closely enough, if you stared long enough, you could make out figures, knights making their scheduled patrols, drunkards stumbling home from bars and taverns. You could see stray dogs wandering through alleys, hounding shopkeepers for spare scraps, and crystalflies circling lazily around the city’s tallest spires.
You could pretend Kaeya hadn’t already found you, that he wasn’t already stumbling towards you, struggling to keep himself on his feet. It took you a moment to process why his grin was so crooked, his eyes so glazed-over, his laugh so erratic as he tripped and fell to his knees in front of you, his face soon buried in your lap. When you finally reached your realization, it wasn’t a pleasant one.
Oh, Barbatos.
He was drunk.
And happy about it, too, judging by the way he nuzzled into your thighs, how he chuckled as you placed your book to the side and raked your fingers through his hair, tilting his head back, letting him lean into your palm and remember how to use his tongue. “Pretty baby,” He slurred, an arm wrapping around your calves, forcing himself that much closer to you. “Did you— Do you know that I love you?”
“Of course. You never talk about anything else.”
“And you know that I miss you, whenever I have to leave. You're all I ever think about. I’d open you up and crawl inside you, if I could. Live just underneath your skin, so we’d never have to be apart.”
Grisly, but not unexpected. Intoxication certainly made him more honest, but sobriety had always been something he only grudgingly subjected himself to, and you were no stranger to his visceral declarations. “I’m aware.”
You glanced towards him. He was facing you, his expression hopeful, his visible eye bright. “…and?”
“And you love me too, right?”
You could’ve said no. He wouldn’t hurt you for it – he was a lot of things, but he wasn’t sadistic, wasn’t the type to maim what he aimed to covet. He’d be dejected, crestfallen, and he’d spend a few hours locked away with a cheap bottle of wine and only come out when he thought you’d fallen asleep, when he thought he could slip into your bed and hold you close without leaving himself vulnerable, open to attack. He thought he was above you, above your misery, above caring whether or not you returned his feelings, and in his current state, it wouldn’t take much to drag him down, to leave him sobbing in your lap, to prove that you hated him just as much as you'd always claimed to. You could’ve. You wanted to. He would’ve deserved it.
But, you didn’t.
You wouldn’t. Not tonight. Not when it was already so late, and you were already so, so tired.
Idly, you carded your fingers through his hair, raking your nails gently over his scalp. He grinned, in response, drinking in your affection, your gentleness. Acting as if you’d never dream of showing him anything else.
“Is it done?”
“No, Xiao.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Xiao.”
“It looks done.”
“Well, it’s not.” The water was still boiling, the ingredients only just beginning to meld together in the pot, but trying to explain that to him was useless, a lecture delivered onto deaf ears. His scowl deepened, but he kept his hands on the countertop, his narrow gaze on to steam rising from the pot. “When was the last time you made something?”
“How long, Xiao?”
“Cooking is a mortal pastime. Such indulgences are unnecessary for Adepti.” You could’ve figured that out on your own. It’d taken you weeks to convince him to add a decent kitchen onto his abode, another month to coax him into bringing you something other than withered flowered and bitter herbs to actually use in that kitchen. Even now, you could tell he was hesitant, reluctant to let you use a knife or let you get too close to the open flame. Honestly, you were surprised he’d kept as much distance as he had, resigned to pressing himself against your side rather than latching onto your waist and peering over your shoulder like some overprotective, hyper-vigilant hawk. “Is it supposed to be doing that?”
“Several centuries.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, then batted his hand away as he reached for the bubbling water. “Be careful, alright? You might get yourself hurt.”
“You might. I can’t afford to be so fragile.”
“Whatever you say, oh great and mighty Alatus. Just try not to touch anything while it's still hot.” You pulled away, drawing back just far enough to lay your spoon over the rim and kiss his cheek – a small gesture of affection, fleeting and unsubstantial, but enough to keep him content and distracted while you moved to a cabinet along the opposite wall, to your meager supply of spices. He was stubborn, but not impossible, and with enough time, with enough promises and pleas, you could let yourself hope for something more, something less controlled. Fresh vegetables, exotic fruit, smoked meat and prime cuts of fish. A garden, even, if an adeptal realm was capable of that, if his hidden sweet tooth proved to be linked to his sparse sense of generosity—
Metal crashing against tile, water sloshing out and spilling onto the floor. A sharp cry, then a low growl, then your name called out, drawn into something cloying, something apologetic.
If you didn’t throttle him, first.
“How did you get in here?”
You turned the object over in your hands, touching it with care, but doing what you could to show it as little reverence as you could. A ceramic heart, made of rough clay and painted sloppily, the red already peeling away around the harsh edges. You could remember buying it from a child’s stall in the commercial district, having the agent Scaramouche sent to keep an eye on you pay double the listed price, but you could’ve sworn he’d broken it, crushed it under his heel as soon as he’d found it – or told you he had, at least. You were sure. His threats tended to blend together until you couldn’t remember if you’d be caned or collared for refusing to let him rest his hand on your thigh. He could’ve been talking about something else. He could’ve been lying.
“The door was unlocked.” You brandished the heart, flashing it across his line of sight before returning it to its designated spot on his desk. On his desk, of all places. If you’d found it in the back of his wardrobe or lying on some over-crowded table in a room he didn’t frequent, you would’ve figured that he’d forgotten to get rid of it, set it down somewhere and didn’t deem it worth the effort of destroying. He received guests in his office, spent long hours discussing convoluted plans with minds just as twisted as him. You couldn’t imagine what it would've been like to sit across from the Balladeer, dark and sadistic and feared, and his little clay heart. “I didn’t realize you still had it.”
“My beloved brat isn’t exactly showering me in gifts.” The words were dripping with something vile and sardonic, too cynical not to make you cringe and turn away, eager to look at anything that wasn’t his unabashed sneer. “Is it so strange that I’m willing to take what I can get?”
You didn’t respond, not to that. Anything you might’ve said would only feed into his distorted perspective. “Do you still have the note?”
It’d been short, simple, the ink stolen from his personal collection and scrawled across paper you’d torn out from one of your books. ‘So Scaramouche might finally have a heart’, or something similar enough, a cheap stab at his past and his cruelty. You could’ve tried to be more clever, to come up with something more cutting, but you hadn’t expected it to matter, hadn’t thought you’d ever have to remember it again.
“Of course not. What kind of idiot do you think I am?” Needlessly cruel, but what else had you expected? He’d never been one for flowery language. “I’d be the laughingstock of the Fatui. Your behavior puts my authority in enough peril already.”
“Ah, poor thing. I didn’t realize my imprisonment was so inconvenient for you.”
“Greatly so.” He moved, stepped past you, allowing his fingertips to brush against your arm. You allowed him too, despite your better judgment. “If I had any sense, I would’ve tied you up and thrown you into the deepest trench I could find ages ago.”
“I’ll be glad I caught the eye of such a fool, then.”
“Don’t push your luck.”
“I have an assignment for you.”
A gloved hand splayed over your collarbone, your chest, pushing you back, forcing you against the stone wall. He was close, too close, his body pressed against yours, his lips ghosting past your ear as he leaned forward, closing what little space between the two of you might’ve ever existed.
“I’d hate to ask anything of my favorite little assistant, but I’m afraid it’s of dire importance.”
Your eyes darted towards the entrance of the alleyway, towards the people walking past, unaware of what dwelled in the shadows. It was unlike him to try something like this in broad daylight – in the privacy of his chambers, perhaps, or the darkest corners of his estate, but not in public, not somewhere as crowded and as open as a marketplace. He’d never been one to hold his reputation in high regard, but he liked to keep his cards close to his chest, to limit his affection to wistful glances and chaste glances pushed into the backs of hands, nothing so unveiled, nothing so blatant. Nothing so telling, certainly.
“You see, I’m desperately in need of a favor, and I’m afraid you’re the only one I can turn to.” His fingers slipped beneath fabric, his mouth fell to the edge of your jaw, and you felt warm breath fan over your skin, the faintest hint of teeth against flesh. “I’m just not sure if I can turn to anyone else with my burden. You’ve always been so kind, and so patient, and—”
“For the Shogun’s sake, Lord Kamisato,” You cut in, planting your hands on his shoulders, pushing him away. “If you want me to talk to the saleswoman, all you have to do is ask.”
Immediately, he deflated. “She’s just so—”
“She’s pushy, and you can never turn her down. I’ve seen you speak to her, my lord.”
“And she always asks—”
“She always asks about your day, but you don’t know how to answer, and you’re afraid you’ll start rambling. I’ll take care of it, my lord.”
He fell against you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
“Pray you never have to find out, my lord.”
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
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[id: a light yellow userbox with a pastel blue border, and pastel blue text that reads “this user has lost their confidence from developing a chronic illness.” on the left is an image of a blue heart. /end id]
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
calling your boyfriend "husband"
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characters: aether & thoma
genre: fluff
warnings: gender neutral! reader, mention of dandelion wine in aether's, nicknames, lowercase intended, unedited
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"oh! it's the traveller and y/n!" amber cheered, excitedly sprinting towards you two. "hi amber, long time no see! how are you doing?" you asked, as excited as her. amber said her answer before asking you what you were doing in monstadt. "well, my husband right here really wants to try the famous dandelion wine. so we'll probably go to angel's share." you said calmly, except the person standing beside you wasn't so calm. aether freezed as soon as he heard the word leaving your mouth. he tried to hide his smile as he looked down, avoiding yours and amber's gaze. "ooh, i see what you're doing there, y/n. i hope you both got married soon, invite me!" amber winked and left you and aether a alone. "mhm, let's get going shall we?" you muttered. aether cleared his throat before wrapping his arm around your waist. "i'll marry you one day, it's a promise." he mumbled, still embarrassed from the current event. he didn't say it, but he surely likes that nickname.
"beidou! thank you for bringing me here. i'll make sure to bring you something the next time we meet." you cheered, giving beidou a sweet smile. beidou laughed and nodded at your words, giving you a thumb up. "hello everyone!" thoma greeted, greeting everyone who had just arrived in inazuma. "and, hi love." he called, giving you a kiss on your forehead. you gave him a big smile as you wrapped your arms around him, keeping him close. "hm, let's go? i have a lot of things to show you!" he excitedly said and was about to pull you before you stopped him. "baby, i have some things to discuss with beidou. can you wait for a bit?" "sure, i'll wait for you." he answered sweetly. you and beidou discussed about something related to liyue for a while until you're finally done. "alright, it's settled then. see you soon beidou! can't keep my husband waiting." you waved goodbye before switching your attention back to your boyfriend. "huh? what did you mean?" thoma asked, flustered yet confused. you ignored him and just dragged him away. "is this your way to tell me that you want me to propose to you?" he teased but you can clearly see a pink shade painting his cheeks. "don't worry, love. i'll do it as soon as i can." he winked before starting to ramble about the things he wanted to show you.
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reblogs or any kind of feeback are appreciated, thank you!
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
The only thing that's giving me motivation is my friend spamming me to finish that fic💀
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
reblog and put in the tags which character would you cosplay as 
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hoshikistarlette · 2 years
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