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He didn't mean to kiss him longer than a few seconds, really. Although he couldn't help himself once he found that Tamaki was kissing him in return. Kyoya felt the blonde's arms wrap around him and pull him closer, and he felt his heart beating a mile a minute. But his composure was kept calm, and he made sure to keep the kiss as sweet and gentle as possible. It technically was their second kiss, after all, and he did not want to get too carried away with anything.
Kyoya wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted, it felt like more than a few minutes. The onyx haired boy was hesitant to pull away, the blonde's lips were soft, and warm, and he was an exceptional kisser for someone experiencing their second kiss. Perhaps Tamaki was just exceptionally skilled at everything. Finally came the moment when Kyoya would pull away for air. He rested his forehead against the taller boy's, his fingers that were earlier caressing Tamaki's cheeks were now gripping at his blazer. Kyoya couldn't find any words to say, so he simply smiled.
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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"You didn’t—," his sentence was interrupted by Kyoya grabbing his head gently with his hands and something incredibly soft and warm touching his lips. It took him all of about five seconds to realize that the soft, warm, thing touching his lips were another pair of lips. Kyoya’s, to be exact. His scent enveloped him, causing his insides to completely turn to mush. Oh, this definitely made up for the first kiss that was ruined. For all Tamaki could care, this could be considered their first real kiss. After all, this was a much better kiss than he could ever ask for.
Taking no time, he eagerly responded to the kiss by moving his arms around Kyoya, hugging the other close to his body, holding him gently as if he would just shatter in his arms. His lips moved against his soft lips, keeping the kiss gentle and sweet. For Tamaki, this was all so surreal. Kissing his male best friend hadn’t been on the agenda before, but he couldn’t be happier with the unexpected twist that life handed him. Kyoya was a damn good kisser.
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Kyoya stood in comfortable silence, all of the tension had vanished, and was replaced with a warm feeling that surrounded the both of them. The shadow king was hoping that silence would be broken soon, in all honesty. He wanted to be completely sure that Tamaki was no longer upset with him, even if that matter had already appeared to have been forgotten. In terms of their relationship, even the smart, calculating shadow king had no idea what this meant for the two of them. It could lead to something more, or they could just leave it as is. Kyoya hoped for something more.
The smile stuck as Tamaki stepped closer, and Kyoya nodded in agreement. Sensing that Tamaki was nervous about their situation, Kyoya decided that he should attempt to put him at ease. "I really am sorry for making you feel that it was simply for profit, and that I ruined your first kiss for you...," Kyoya stepped closer, and cupped Tamaki's head gently into his hands. "But I can make it up to you with this," he said just before pressing his lips onto the blonde's.
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For some dumb reason, Tamaki felt more nervous around his best friend more than he ever has before. Actually, he didn’t think he ever felt so nervous around Kyoya ever.. It was the sudden sort-of confession that had thrown him off guard, and the fact that his mind was still reeling from him admitting that he liked the kiss. This was all new to him, he didn’t know exactly what to do. While Tamaki may seem like such a charming man to the ladies that visited the host club, he was completely clueless in the real-life world of relationships. He had never dated anybody, so he was confused as what was going to happen next.
That brought Tamaki to his next thought. What was the next step for them? As mentioned before, he was clueless as to what to do. He cleared his throat, looking down at the ground for a moment, too shy to do anything else at the moment. After a minute or so of composing his thoughts, he took a small step closer to Kyoya. “Y-Yeah, me too. I don’t like fighting." He said softly, looking at the other. “S-so.." His words died in his throat, unsure of how to continue that.
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The shadow king couldn't help but smile as Tamaki became incoherent. He guessed that he hadn't been expecting that at all, and he was very pleased with this reaction. It was much better than being glared at, and upset with. Kyoya noticed the blush. That idiot, he really needed to get a hold himself. This whole scene was quite endearing to Kyoya, though. He cleared his throat as Tamaki finally seemed to be calming down, smiling at him, and nodding his head. 
"Yes, I did." he replied with confidence, coming to his senses and allowing himself to make up his mind about Tamaki Suoh. Kyoya had been struggling far too long with his feelings for the blonde. Denial, after denial, but he still couldn't help how he felt, and now he finally knew just what he was feeling. Although he wouldn't allow himself to think that far just yet.
He quirked a brow at Tamaki's final response and smiled softly. "Well, I'm glad this is all settled then."
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
As soon as Kyoya finished his sentence, a light pink hue dusted across his cheeks as he fumbled for words, but all that came out was some babbling and stuttering, but no real words. He couldn’t find anything to say at that moment, all he could do was stand there and make weird sounds from his throat. What was he supposed to say to that?! Was that some sort of confession? His mind was going in all sorts of directions right now, his body temperature was rising, his stomach was flip-flopping and his heart was pounding. Really, all he could do was stand there and blush like an idiot.
"You—ah—wanted to?" He said quietly, swallowing thickly. He almost couldn’t believe it, his long time best friend.. possibly liked him? To be honest, he had kind of thought something, well everything, about Kyoya was attractive, but he never pursued it simply because they were best friends, and he had assumed Kyoya was as straight as a line. Hell, he had thought he himself was. This was all happening so fast, he felt dizzy. But finally, he managed to utter the words that had been swirling in his mind all night.
"To be honest.. I-I’ve wanted you to, as well.." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
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Again, Kyoya sighed. All he had wanted was to simply be done with this whole ordeal. The shadow king accepted the fact that he had made a mistake, and apologized for it. Even if he knew how Tamaki was, the blonde was still making everything much too difficult and it wasn't helping the situation. What else could he have possibly wanted from him? "You're absolutely right," he agreed purposely because he didn't feel like arguing anymore. 
His expression softened up, and he thought about answering Tamaki's question seriously. Kyoya was big on pride, but he owed it to the blonde to tell him the truth. Although he hesitated, he inhaled softly and proceeded to tell him, "You want to know why I did it? Alright. First off, as I've said previously I thought it was in your best interest. Secondly, and truthfully... I may have wanted to."
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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"Of course it was," he snapped back at Kyoya, eyebrows twitching in frustration. The club had been founded simply because he liked making people happy. And what better way to do that then to form a host club? The students who came there always left with a smile on their faces, and it made Tamaki feel good inside, like he was making a difference. “Yes, but.. a kiss is something different. The fact that you did it without even asking for my consent is even worse." He sighed softly. “We could have found a way out of it, I’m just curious as to why you did it." He shrugged.
Perhaps he really was reading too much into this, and Kyoya was just thinking of their profit. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to keep the guests pleased and everything.. but still, Tamaki could feel that vice grip around his heart that squeezed every single time it beat against his chest. Why did he feel that way? He had no clue, it was a strange feeling.. He figured he was just upset about the whole ordeal.
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Kyoya sighed heavily, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He was contemplating ways that he could get Tamaki to calm down, he was really making a big deal out of this. Apologizing should've been enough, but apparently that wasn't the case. "Tamaki, honestly, if I were a complete and total idiot I wouldn't have apologized at all." The onyx haired male, said. His eyes widened at the last thing the blonde had said, and narrowed his eyes.
"Look, I know that your first kiss was important to you, and I know I took that from you, and I'm sorry." Kyoya was growing slightly irritated with his best friend, but sighed again to relieve himself. "I know that you're angry, but at the time that I did kiss you I thought it'd be in your best interest to please a guest. It's what you founded the club for, am I correct?" he questioned. In all honesty, he cared for Tamaki, and he didn't want him to believe that the kiss was solely for profit... because he himself enjoyed it.
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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He was surprised when Kyoya apologized, not expecting that. Normally, his friend was not one to apologize and if he did… it was rare. And he wasn’t going to admit it, but it kind of stung when Kyoya didn’t even mention the fact that Tamaki basically said he wouldn’t of minded it Kyoya kissed him, if it was for all the right reasons. But, his first kiss had instead been stolen for all the wrong reasons. Another thing, Kyoya admitting he was wrong? That was something completely new as well.
"For a genius, you sure are an idiot." He muttered, shaking his head lightly. “A kiss is something you do because you l-love the person, or you really like them. A kiss is… a kiss is something you do because you want to let that person you know that you truly care about them.. at least, that’s what I believe." He shrugged his shoulders lightly. Apparently Kyoya had other ideas on what a kiss meant, it made him wonder how many other people he kissed for a profit. “Nice to know I was just some profit for you." He spat out. Tamaki was completely angry, and that was new for him.
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Kyoya took a step backwards when Tamaki slammed his hands onto the piano keys. The different notes that played sent shivers up his spine, and basically set the mood for the entire conversation that was about to go down. But then he stopped to think about it, was that all that he was upset about? The fact that Kyoya had taken his first kiss? Kyoya was never one for thinking that something like that mattered. Although he knew that to Tamaki, it did. His expression was blank as he started at the blonde, watching his emotional barrier break down.
"Tamaki," he spoke once the blonde was done talking, making sure to take a deep breath before proceeding. "I... I'm sorry." Kyoya started off simply. "You're right, I'm absolutely in the wrong. I shouldn't have done that without your complete consent. It wasn't right of me to do it for profit, either." It was really hard for Kyoya to outright say things like things, it wasn't him... but Tamaki was the only exception. 
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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Something inside of him snapped. He slammed his hand down on the keys of the piano, causing loud music to play before it died down within a few seconds. Standing up, he turned to face Kyoya, his gaze fixed on the dark haired male. “You stole my first kiss. And while it may seem childish and stupid to you, I think a first kiss should be special. Not something you do just because a guest requested it, or because you want to make more profit.” He snapped at his best friend, hands clenched into fists by his sides.
He stood there a moment, fuming to himself and trying to collect his thoughts quickly before he spoke again. “And you didn’t even ask, nor did you care how I felt! You just passed it off as being childish and sent me on my merry way. Yeah, well it meant a hell of a lot more to me than you seem to think. That was my first kiss, and you stole it, just like that!” He said, breathing heavily after getting all of that out. “If.. if you would have asked, I wouldn’t have minded.” He mumbled, tears forming in the corner of his eye. “B-but all you care about was the profit.” He said sadly, just wanting to leave. He couldn’t face Kyoya right now.. but he had no choice.
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Kyoya folded his arms neatly across his chest as he waited for Tamaki to answer him. He knew that he would lie, it was obvious he was upset but it was concerning that Tamaki didn't turn to face him and say it to his face. "You're absolutely sure about that?" Kyoya asked, tapping his foot against the floor steadily. If Tamaki wouldn't tell him what was up he was going home. Something in the back of his mind, however, told him that he was going to end up staying to comfort his best friend. 
Stepping closer, he didn't sit down beside Tamaki just yet, not until he decided to stop lying. Two things could be bothering Tamaki: his grandmother, or the kiss. Thinking about it, he knew he half-solved the problem he was having with his grandmother, so that only left the kiss as an option. It wasn't that important, was it? It was enjoyable, but he'd never let Tamaki know that. Then again he knew how sensitive Tamaki was when it came to things of that matter... he wasn't sure what to do.
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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Lost in his own thoughts, Tamaki didn’t hear Kyoya walking up behind him, He jumped at the sound of somebody’s voice, and was about to ask who it was when the person spoke. Well, think of the devil and he shall arrive.. Kyoya. He swallowed thickly and kept his back turned towards the other, not wanting to look at him right now, for he was afraid his facial expressions would give everything away. “Oh-yes! I’m fine, of course.” He lied. “I was just.. thinking, yeah! Thinking about a song title..” he continued to lie, feeling horrible for lying. But he wasn’t going to keep troubling Kyoya with his thoughts. Plus, he was probably being dumb and over-reacting anyway, so..
He just didn’t know how to feel. And with all the thinking about Kyoya and that kiss, and the fact that the dark haired male was a few mere feet away from him made his heart thump against his chest, his breath catching in his throat. This feeling.. what was it? It certainly was odd.. But, nothing would come of it. After all, that kiss was just something to benefit a guest and for profit, he supposed with a small grimace.
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Kyoya most certainly did not mean to hurt Tamaki in any way. The guest requested something, and by mistake he believed Tamaki would be okay with that. Being that it was all for the guest. Either way, the shadow king never did anything unless there was anything to benefit from it for himself. Kissing Tamaki was definitely rewarding, and pleasurable.
Although seeing Tamaki sulk around for the rest of the day made him feel guilty for not asking the president for his consent. He sighed to himself, wondering if he should apologize. Kyoya wasn't one for saying sorry, but he knew that for once, maybe he was in the wrong. Or perhaps Tamaki was still upset for having to deal with his grandmother? The shadow king would have to ask to get answers.
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"Tamaki, are you alright?" he asked as he approached his best friend.
Starter for hostclubvicepresident, perhaps?
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Tamaki didn’t know how to feel. One minute he was happy and blushing when he thought of the kiss Kyoya gave him, but the next he was upset and depressed because those words ran through his head over and over again;
“I already agreed to do it for free, idiot. It’s to please the guest and it would go by smoothly if you would cooperate.”
He only did it to please the guest, he thought sadly to himself as he sat on the piano bench, alone in the room of the music room, the only light source being the huge windows that were in the room. He didn’t want to be disturbed with thinking. He agreed to do it for free.. he didn’t do it on his own free will, he did it because someone told him to. “What a horrible way to lose my first kiss,” he muttered sadly to himself, swallowing thickly. Was he over-thinking? Was he being dumb..? Maybe he should just forget it.. 
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Kyoya had expected that Tamaki would go all soft on him. This made a gentle smile grace his features, "You're such a sap, did you know that?" he questioned, playfully nudging the blonde in the side with his elbow. "But I must say that I agree, who knows how much debt you'd be in if it hadn't have been for me." The shadow king wasn't often a cocky person, as Tamaki proved to be sometimes, but he knew that the host club would definitely not have been as successful if it wasn't for him being there to monitor Tamaki's actions.
But then he frowned as Tamaki continued to speak about how he was feeling. He shook his head, sighing softly, "The only reason that she is unhappy is because your Father fell in love with someone who didn't fit her criteria and had a child with her. Tamaki, I was highly annoyed with you when we first met, but you grew onto me. What I'm trying to say is that, eventually she'll come through, and if not... well, she has no other choice." the shadow king shrugged his shoulders, leaning his head against the blonde's. 
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His smile got slightly wider as he listened to Kyoya ramble on, nodding his head in agreement. “Honestly, I probably wouldn’t be who I am, nor would I be where I am if it wasn’t for you. Without you, I don’t think this host club would have made it very far,” he admitted. Tamaki was smart, there was no doubt about it. But, he wasn’t as smart as Kyoya was, that was for sure. Kyoya did all of their finances and kept track of money and all of that stuff. Tamaki wasn’t that good at math, so it was a good thing Kyoya was around.
“And I guess you’re right. I just.. sometimes I feel like I’m the problem. That if I wasn’t around, my grandmother would be happier. She would be happier with someone that wasn’t me. I do all I can to please her and it never works. I try so hard with school and other things to win her approval, but she is still mad at me, even when I get really good grades and accomplish everything I possibly can. She still isn’t happy..” he mumbled from Kyoya’s shoulder, sighing.
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outofprofit; Kyoya believes that Tamaki is being immature, but sees this as an opportunity to get some peace and quiet for once. x]
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outofking; Tamaki is currently angry and upset with Kyoya and is not talking to him. >_>
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"I'm not kissing you so you can make money! Ass." He snapped, turning on his heel and walking away.
Kyoya quickly snatched the host club king by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back. “I already agreed to do it for free, idiot. It’s to please the guest and it would go by smoothly if you would cooperate.” he spoke calmly before turning Tamaki to face him. He hesitated for a brief moment but eventually pressed his lips to Tamaki’s. The kiss was soft, and very short, and Kyoya couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed to pull away.
“See? No harm done, now you can go play.”
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I won't be paying you anything. I think that kiss would suffice as payment.
“I would prefer to be payed for something like that to happen,” he mused aloud. “But I suppose I could make an exception for now.”
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"Perverted people are watching us."
“Think about the profits, Dad.”
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go kiss tamaki. now. kthnx.
“How much are you willing to pay if I do?”
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"Honestly, Tamaki, where would you be without me?" He jested with a light smirk. Kyoya was relieved to hear him chuckle, know that his mood would be lightening up now. He was so used to see Tamaki be so positive, and happy, that it was highly odd to see him seriously upset. But he always believed Tamaki to be the type of person who was open and honest with his emotions, so it seemed normal to him. Unlike Kyoya, who tried to keep to himself as often as possible. As an Ootori, he was supposed to not show too many emotions, he would come off as weak, something he didn't want to be known as.
Kyoya quirked a brow as Tamaki placed his head against his shoulder. Although he was used to Tamaki invading her personal space he certainly didn't expect that. "Never thought I'd ever hear you say those words," he commented, the blonde was usually so full of himself. "I wouldn't worry about anything, it's not you that's the problem. If certain people acted in certain ways, then you wouldn't have to deal with anything that you do now. It's not your fault." 
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He felt a small smile appear on his lips. “Yeah, you are right about that one.” He chuckled softly, feeling the tense mood leave, bringing a much happier mood to the room. Tamaki didn’t like it when things got to serious, he preferred keeping things bottled up inside and act like he was happy. He loved making other people happy, hence why he formed the host club. Bringing people happiness and joy was something he loved to do, not make things depressing. But, things could only stay bottled up inside for so long. How would he even admit to Kyoya he felt depressed half the time? Nobody, not even Kyoya, would believe that someone like Tamaki could feel that way.
His thoughts were soon halted as he felt Kyoya move beside him, sending him a surprised look. A loud sigh escaped his lips as he drooped his head on Kyoya’s shoulder, leaning on him as he closed his eyes. “I wish I didn’t have to be Tamaki Suoh sometimes. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about this stupid stuff,” he huffed. What brought him to lean his head on Kyoya’s shoulder, he hadn’t the slightest clue. But, he felt like it, and Kyoya brought him a sense of comfort. What were friends for, anyway?
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Kyoya couldn't help but clench his fists slightly at how unfairly Tamaki had been treated by his grandmother. All because his mother was someone she didn't approve of. It was certainly frustrating, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He only had experience with his father's own mental abuse, and slaps to the face for certain things he's done, and he himself knew that if either of them tried to stand up for themselves they'd end up disowned. It was the sad truth. Kyoya pushed his glasses up the brim of his nose, light reflecting off of the lenses, making them glint. "Is that all?" he asked, in as calm of a tone as he could. 
He stood from his desk seat and walked over to sit beside Tamaki on the piano bench. "I could get my work done in no time, besides, you would've begged me to stop sooner or later," he teased, trying to lighten up the mood. Kyoya paused for a moment to think of other ways Tamaki could avoid his grandmother. "You know you could always say that you have a project to work on, with me, as an excuse to come over." he suggested. "It wouldn't be smart of you to make a decision like that, one that involves standing up to her. I understand how she makes you feel, however, you've got to learn to deal with it if you want to prove to her that she can't upset you."
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He gave a slight bitter laugh, shaking his head. “She even commented on how surprised she was that I was doing some study group thing after school. Kind of made me feel even more stupid for lying.” He folded his arms across his chest, sighing. His grandmother had that ability, making him feel stupid for everything he did. Honestly, he should be used to it.. but all of this because his parent’s weren’t married when he was born? That wasn’t his fault.. but that wasn’t how his grandmother saw it, apparently. “I want to stand up to her so bad, but I know father would not stand for that.. neither would my grandmother for that matter.” He commented with a small shake of his head.
He’s been slapped by his grandmother before for making off-handed remarks towards her, and he wasn’t going to do that again. He looked over at Kyoya, playing with the end of his shirt while he sat there. He felt bad for bringing his friend into his problems, he had a lot of other stuff to do. He did manage the club and what not, he was a busy man. “I’m distracting you from your work, I’m sorry..”
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