hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
Okay I said I wasn't gonna do a starter call but I totally lied. Like for a short starter! I'll cap at 3 with castmates exempt from the cap.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
(Hellooo, this lil anon has a quick question for the mun! Does your group allow RPs with people from other Open RP Groups? Thank you, and have a great day~!)
I think so! As long as my character does not go into your character's mfrp theme and vice versa. So basically as long as they both function as indies.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
“Okay,” he says, thinking, with his finger to his forehead. “This is sector six, right? How do you usually go back?” He’s slightly aware that he might be asking too many questions, so he dials it back, scrubbing a hand through his already very much drooping spiked hair with a slight but sheepish smile.
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He still has to ask the next one, though. “Do you think there’s any way you can disguise your ears? With a hood, or something?” (We are in a clothing store. I guess we could just buy something with a hood... ?) “I think there’s another door near the back. Let’s see if we can go around.” He stops for a moment, thinking back to what she said. “Wait, it’s been like... like this---” he gestures outside --- “for a long time? Why?” Back to the questions. It seems like he can’t avoid them.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
He’d been wandering, not aware of the rapidly rising tensions. The first he’d seen of them were in the streets that day: groups and crowds, protesting non-humans. Even if he doesn’t know the catalyst to the uprising, he can’t ignore that it’s happening, not when it’s literally pounding at the door of this boutique.
He almost jumps when a lady pokes her head out of the clothing rack, though.
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Swallowing back his surprise, Apollo follows her gaze. “Sure,” he says, without thinking much. He may not know the particulars of the argument or even this person, but the dynamics are all too familiar. “Where do you live?”
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♬♬♬ – SHE WAITS UNTIL SOMEONE THAT LOOKS friendly enough walks by. Then Gloria pokes her head out from between the clothes on a clothing rack at Polka Dots Boutique, eyes wide. “ P-please, ” she says quietly, “ C-can you get me out of here…? I… I don’t know what… ” the doctor looks past the other’s shoulder to the crowd of angry people gathered around the doors protesting non-human citizens. “ I don’t know wh-what they’ll do to me. ”
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
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when you missed the initial happenings so you have no clue what’s going on
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
This city is pretty chaotic, considering the vast number of people from different origins --- not to mention those who aren’t people at all, but rather non-humans. Apollo has tried to keep from thinking about those for now because he’s not sure his mind could wrap itself around the whole concept. Instead, he’s taken to morning walks along the streets and in the park nearby, the one that he usually gets up at ass o’clock to do the chords of steel routine in.
He’s thinking about turning around soon when he catches a glimpse of black hair and a dark blue uniform, and for some reason --- even though he’s never really paid particular attention to something like that --- it looks rather familiar. (Where have I seen that before? It looks like some kind of private school uniform.)
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After a second he realizes where he’s seen it before. There is no shortage of articles on Themis Legal Academy, and it seems like this bespectacled young man is a student there, if Apollo is remembering the uniform right. Curious, Apollo flags him down by waving a hand as he passes by. “Do you happen to go to Themis?” he says, maybe a little formal but falling back on old customs for people he doesn’t know.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
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come at me lloyd
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
❀❀✿✿ gimme two of each !
❀ --- As we know, Apollo dislikes the Gavinners’ shows and probably other rock bands too, courtesy of them being So Fucking Loud, but look Trucy really likes them. And Mr. Wright probably doesn’t let her go to any big venues on her own, so he’s on chaperone duty... which means that he’s inadvertently ended up with a good bit of band merch that just sits around gathering dust.
❀ --- There’s a bit of a disconnect between what Apollo thinks and what Apollo says. I mean yeah, sometimes he forgets his brain-mouth filter, but most of the time he’s pretty vigilant about it, especially when he’s talking with someone intimidating. He’s Very Desperate not to make them mad.
✿ --- Apollo and I probably have the same favorite color which is Obnoxiously Bright Red, though I very rarely wear it so maybe it doesn’t show...
✿ --- Tomatoes are good, I will very gently fight the naysayers.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
❀ and ✿ !
❀ --- Despite being mistaken as a demon probably more than once, and intimidating many the witness because of his hair, he’s fond of his hairstyle: he’s not even sure why anymore as it’s something he got accustomed to when he was a lot younger. Maybe he thought it looked cool then --- but now it’s more of a routine thing.
✿ --- I’m in an apartment right now and I’m pretty sure the guy next to us plays Overwatch because I’ve heard him yelling about Hanzo.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
❀ --- While of course Clay is the space man, Apollo isn’t new to the whole thing either: when they were younger, both of them were equally as enthusiastic about going to the space center. However, while Clay is more interested in astronomy, Apollo is into astrology. Nowadays he puts less stock in it but he still likes the ideas behind it and gives it credence when he can.
✿ --- I like melon ramune (this counts as a fact, right...?)
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
Send me a ❀ for a fact about the muse and a ✿ for a fact about the mun.
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
“Help me get this mini fridge past the security guard.”
“You — what?”
That’s pretty much all he can say. Apollo’s pretty sure his brain short-circuited when he came across this tiny girl, lugging a fridge behind her to what looks like a concert venue. His brow is furrowed in disbelief. (What does she even have in there…?) “Can’t you just take it in there? Is it not allowed?”
He’s almost afraid it’s illegal contraband.
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But despite that, a mere few minutes later he finds himself waiting for her signal as she talks to the security guard. A flick of her head will tell him that he needs to carry the fridge past while the guard’s distracted. (How did this happen?)
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
due to all the light pollution, it was sometimes hard to see the stars at night, but certain places in Sector o6 were ideal. Stargazing was one of those things that people seemed to forget about; the stars were always up in the sky, but everyone went about their business without looking up.
Nico liked to watch the stars and make little stories up in her head about them. She liked to look for constellations and even make up her own. It was like looking for pictures in the clouds, but with stars!
so, it only made sense that she would be ecstatic when a shooting star made its way across the sky.
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“Ooh, ooh, ooh…! Apollo! Apollo! A shooting star–! Make a wish, hurry…!”
she’d noticed he seemed a bit…wistful, looking up at the stars, so she wanted to make him feel better. maybe the shooting star would help?
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal
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hosukes-blog1 · 8 years
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Starter Meme [1]
*Note: The pronouns now are simply ‘they/them’ from what has been said originally. Simply change it to whoever you’re sending it to, or keep it gender neutral. Feel free to change the quote, add on to it, or whatever you need to suit your character when sending!
“Wow. I definitely did not see that one backfiring.”
“Help me get this mini fridge past the security guard.”
“Yeah, I’ve been there my friend.”
“This doesn’t make me like you any better.”
“Well, with a regular (person), it’s bad. With (Name) – Oh, dear God!”
“We will give you ten dollars.”
“Wow, you’re good! After this, we should solve crimes.”
“I am better than great, I’m good.”
“I like being on my own, I’m, uh, better off this way. I’m a lone wolf. Y'know, a loner. Alone… All alone. Forever. What’s a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here?!”
“I won’t be speaking with you for several weeks.”
“Honey, I wish you’d get over (them). I hate seeing you like this. Is there anything I can do? Do you want to look down my top?”
“What the mother crap is up with this stuff?!”
“You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to get in my sweats and eat in bed.”
“I’ve dreamed about this for years! *Nervous laughter* Why have I not been preparing?”
‘Okay, I’ll give you one chance to change my mind. You got one minute.”
“Well, maybe you could date (them), then. That would save me the trouble of killing (them).”
“Yeah I know. You’re a bit of a drama queen.”
“Oh, hey, (Name). I’m so glad someone’s here. Could you zip me up?”
“Oh my God, I want to trade lives with (Name)?!”
“Uh, look, I don’t normally ask out (people) that I meet in coffee houses.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“I always knew there was something weird about that dude.”
“Okay, so, all right I haven’t been in a relationship that lasted longer than a month.”
“You know, I’m trying to remember the last time I opened a door and you weren’t there.”
“I just think there’s somebody better out there for you.”
“I think I can make you happy.”
“In fact, I’ll close my eyes to make it less awkward.”
“What’s going on?”
“Well, let’s see – the first one is, I don’t want to, and the second one – I’m not going.”
“You need to learn some new slang.”
“You have to do something. Knock that door down!”
“I would, but I bruise like a peach.”
“I guess they’re not coming. Want to just order?”
“That’s a great story. Can I eat it?”
“If you were bigger, you’d hit me, huh?”
“They are without a doubt the funniest (person) I ever met!”
“Have you not talked about it yet?”
“To be honest, I think I’d prefer the five dollars.”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Oh, I forgot how hot he/she is.”
“Oh, I forgot how hot (they) are.”
“(Name), why did you lie to me about working here?”
“Because I was ashamed, okay?”
“I sold out for the cash.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“We’re going to figure this out.”
“But… you suck.”
“Are they still looking for us?”
“You know, we as a group, are not the coolest.”
“I mean, you just went out with my best friend.”
“You’re a pain in the ass, (Last Name or Name).”
“Damn it, man, pull yourself together!”
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