hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
Clearly you aren’t having the right kind of male bonding. 
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Fuck...I laughed hard at that. Don’t have the type of sacrificial bonding I think most people should have. That’s a unique thing at least when it comes to me and you.
Besides wanting to do that, how you’ve been? Getting into trouble? The answer better be yes.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: I don’t think I’m very much like I was back in high school, but I also have a very limited perspective, to be fair.
Blaine: When were you planning to tell ME that, hmmmmm? Surprises are only surprises when you share, Matthew.
Blaine: Can you sing? Dance? Make people cry with one of the most iconic duet reprises in musical theater? I hate to break it to you, man, but I think Jesse L. Martin MIGHT be cooler than you. Just a smidge.
Matt: Do you think I would have gotten along with the high school you? You might find this hard to believe but I've tone down a lot over the years. I used to be a bigger idiot. Was on the soccer team and did some theater.
Matt: Surprises are best when you don't share and eventually show the person without them expecting it!
Matt: I'm not a professional singer but I do like to hit up karaoke whenever I've got a free night. Fine! I'll go ahead and say that he's better. Happy now?
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: Yeah, I’m kind of picking up on that. I also get the impression that you still approach the single life like you’re in high school, 😋
Blaine: No, you’re just lost. This seems to be a running theme, though, so I forgive you, 😉
Blaine: I also offered you a very obvious out in the form of coffee, but nooooooo you have some adapted beer hat contraption that you insist on perfecting first. (You’re a very slow inventor, btw.)
Blaine: ...I could see that, actually.
Blaine: I’ve seen no seasons of SVU, so you’ve still got me beat. Suffice it to say that Jesse L. Martin is much cooler than either of us could ever hope to be.
Matt: Can't say you're wrong about that. I updated my hairstyle and clothes but that's about it! There are a few other changes but nothing worth going into.
Matt: I did make it! I just haven't given it to you because I wanted to surprise you with it but way to go with making me spoil it.
Matt: I'm cooler because this is me we're talking about. I think I'm pretty damn fantastic.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: You have a low threshold for ‘effort’ in a relationship, don’t you? And a very loose definition of ‘relationship’. (If there is a list, you’ll never see it)
Blaine: Pretty much. Ad libbing on the fly is a skill just like anything else, professional performers SHOULD be able to recover and make it work. But, you know – schadenfreude. (Gesundeit.)
Blaine: I’m already practicing a put-upon sigh, just fyi. Also your fascination with my ass (which you have never seen) is amusing.
Blaine: Kind makes me wonder if you’re a Hans or a Kristoff. Or a Sven. That would be exactly the problem, and I didn’t watch Law & Order enough to know which one he is, tbh. IMDB says Detective Ed Green?
Matt: I have a good time is what I have! And going to be honest with you but I don't have a ton of relationship experience. Dated here and there in high school but after that just went into single life having fun.
Matt: I have no idea what is even being talked about anymore!! Did you just tell yourself bless you?
Matt: That's because you keep insisting we keep to just talking on here and never meeting in person! I can just tell you've got a great ass through these texts.
Matt: I thought I'm an Olaf!
Matt: I've only seen 1 season of SVU. So I don't know who that guy is.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: I scrolled up. I clicked the two buttons to screencap. I hit post. This is some incriminating stuff right there, I tell you.
Blaine: Not COMPLETE disasters, but I think part of the appeal is tuning in to see who might forget their lines. Musical theater schadenfreude, if you will. They've been moderately successful so far, but not Avengers level events, obviously.
Blaine: ...Another musical.
Blaine: You're going to be this exhausting every time I talk about musical theater, aren't you?
Blaine: Probably the fact that you knew that the Flash is DC in the first place. And it's either that or 'that one guy from Law & Order', so I gambled. (Also I notice you didn't protest being a Frozen guy...)
Matt: See! You still had to do some scrolling and clicking which is a helluva lot more effort than I'm willing to put in. You're already doing more in this relationship and I think it's because you're adding it to some list about how you put more of an effort than me. How cruel of you.
Matt: With schadenfreude it makes me want to say bless you. Do people just wing it whenever they forget their lines? I imagine that fucks things up for everyone involved with that scene.
Matt: You bet your sweet, musical loving ass I will be.
Matt: Deep down inside we're all frozen guys. And which Law & Order are you talking about? There's a thousand.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
So I’m just a sacrifice to you?
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I can respect taking credit, it would’ve been a good joke, lol. 
Well, duh .I mean...we haven’t exactly met before and I think you sacrificing yourself for me is the best type of bonding experience two guys can have. Tell me something better and maybe we’ll do that instead.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: What, go back and screencap the very first message you sent? I cannot imagine where you got that impression at ALL. (I am picking up on this, though.)
Blaine: I’m hoping the whole fiasco will make tv execs reevaluate their approach to live shows, if nothing else – but they advertise heavily based on who they cast, so probably not. They cancelled (or postponed) ‘Hair’ this summer, so the whole live tv musical trend may be on the downswing now.
Blaine: You’re TRYING to hurt me, aren’t you? My soul hurts.
Blaine: ...Elsa from Frozen and the Flash’s dad, 🤦🏻‍♂️
Matt: YES! Because that's what you did!
Matt: Aren't most of those live shows giant disasters? I can't think of one where I heard people talking enough about it for me to even be aware of what's going on.
Matt: What's Hair?
Matt: I'm not trying to do anything! Your soul's just sensitive.
Matt: You talk like I'm supposed to know these things! And what makes you think I'm a DC guy?
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM: Okay he was good in bed, his head game could have been better but everything else was on point.
No worries about that, I didn’t look at you as some sex crazed womanizer cause I would never be someone seduced by you. But caring isn’t a bad thing Matt, sometimes we all need to know people care. 
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PM: I want to say what I’m thinking and I almost did but then I don’t want you looking at me like I’m only saying it because I want to prove a point. But by saying that you have an idea what I’m thinking so I’m just gonna sit here and wink at you from a distance.
Never? Wow. Okay....Now I have to ask why you’re so sure about that? You know, for science.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: [ https://bit.ly/2JbeVFL ]
Blaine: Some parts of it were still live, that didn’t involve that actor – but yeah, it threw the whole thing off, and I guess live TV productions don’t cast understudies.
Blaine: Yeah, sort of, although they weren’t supposed to be high school students, at least, :p I personally am willing to suspend a little disbelief for Idina Menzel and Jesse L.
Martin in the roles they originated.
Matt: 😮
Matt: You know, when you do shit like that it tells me you have fun with our conversations and it'll keep me acting like a dumbass. Not that it's hard or anything since that's me 97.7% of the time.
Matt: That's fucking stupid. TV should be treated the same as the other. It's not like people are immune to getting sick or hurt or whatever. Look at how many injuries there are in movies/shows and even sports.
Matt: I don't know who those people are!
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: It probably would, at that. Be fitting, I mean – not look stupid.
Blaine: A month. And I’m still desperately disappointed you aren’t Beyonce messaging me.
Blaine: Your heart can watch the live one if you want, but I’m out, in that case. It wasn’t really LIVE, since one of the leads injured himself and they had to air a pre-recorded dress rehearsal, and in general it was just kind of underwhelming. The movie version is a little odd because all the actors were older by the time it filmed, but at least it has (mostly) the original Broadway cast.
Matt: I don't get the Beyonce reference!!! 😫😫😫😫
Matt: Then why the hell they called it live when it was basically a desperate thing to throw a half finished production on the air. Didn't they have an understudy? I thought theater world does that???
Matt: So the movie version is like how Grease was cuz those actors were OLD.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: That visual is WHY I’m very sorry I asked. And you missed a golden opportunity to 😏 instead of 😉, you know.
Blaine: That’s good – if you didn’t have a heart in there somewhere, you’d just be an idiot, and this conversation probably would have petered out a long time ago.
Blaine: Film version, or original Broadway cast recording? Rent Live that aired earlier this year is NOT an option.
Matt: I should find a way to merge those 2 emoji's together. It'd look stupid but it'd be fitting for me.
Matt: And look at us now. Going strong for what? A month? Two months? I can always bounce back to the first message and check but I'm too lazy to do that.
Matt: Why's the live one not an option? What if I had my heart dead set on that? Will you deprive my heart what it wants?
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
Oh, good, throw me under the bus.
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Is that your way of calling me a bitch?
That’s what I’m great at! That bus and I have a great friendship. A sacred bond. So I’ve got to feed every once in awhile.
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hahahah maybe. 
And kidding!! Not what I was aiming for but you pointed it out and I wanted to take credit. But...nah. Not calling you a bitch. 
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM: Whoa, whoa who said that he was good in bed? No one said sex stuff. Its okay, its nice to know that you care and I am okay with us being friends. I guess I started all this off so bad. 
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PM: I’m assuming he was. Was he not because if not then you were just surrounded by a lot of disappointment there. 
Eh, it’s cool. I have a way of coming across like some type of womanizer. Sex maniac. Someone who just wants to have a good time and not deal with the consequences. And...to a degree I’m the latter but like I told someone just now, I do have a heart beating in this chest. Not out of necessity to keep me alive but also because I give a shit.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Blaine
Blaine: ...I'm VERY sorry I asked.
Blaine: Well, you did drop the fun and games when I mentioned my homophobic grandmother, so I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I can still change that, though...
Blaine: Please don't.
Blaine: Not EVERYTHING, just the really culturally important ones. Like Rent.
Matt: No you're not. Now you can't get that visual out of your head. Trust me, it won't disappoint. And I just winked at you. Felt like saying it instead of emojiing it. Emoji-ing it. That the right way? There's too many i's.
Matt: Nah. Lets keep it. And I may be an idiot most of the time but I've got a heart in here somewhere.
Matt: Sure. Culturally important. Show it to me sometime.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM || Matt & Sam
Yea I know. I was trying my hand at dry humor.
I guess there’s that. But I rather be discrete. Did you invite Mercedes? Is this a roommate bonding thing?
While mine was revealing a sad, sad, saaaaaad fact about myself and the people I find most attractive. I find other people attractive, too but they never want to really fuck around with me. Scared of getting with me because I’m too irresistible. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
We can make it a roommate bonding thing. She’s been dealing with that breakup from shithead. So, I think it can be good.
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hot-damn-matt-blog · 5 years
PM: Thanks for at least trying to understand. I am gonna sulk for like another day and then I gotta pull myself together. But I mean Matt he was gorgeous, and at times so sweet, but good looks like that comes with his backwards ass and that is where the problem lied. 
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PM: Maybe he was hot and good in bed but it doesn’t excuse his shitty personality and beliefs. Still. I’m sorry. And I’m also sorry I came off the way I did. Just...I’m used to looking after my sisters so it just comes with the territory. Even if you want to keep things at a roommate level I’m still gonna care.
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