hotlandarchives · 4 months
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hotlandarchives · 4 months
ENTRY ███ The old woman in the Ruins gave Sans notice earlier today that she was going to have her, um... guest. Try and talk to him while she went shopping. According to her, he was... pretty badly hurt by. A... "plant monster". And she's been trying to get him to make more friends in an effort to have an area of support if he's attacked again. . . . It followed him all the way there. What... what does it WANT with him? I don't know. Undyne's been searching everywhere for him. I haven't said anything. Sans hasn't either. It's... technically not lying, if I don't know for SURE that Parchment's behind that door, right...? That's what I tell myself. I... almost asked Sans to tell him I'm sorry, but... the words caught in my throat. Again. It's probably best that, um, I... we don't freak him out any more than he already is. I don't think Parchment knows that Sans is the lady's friend, and, hopefully, he won't... recognize his voice through the door. I don't want him to think we're, um, hunting him, or... ... I don't know. It seems like all I ever say about these things is "I don't know". I wish I could help, or... solve things. I can't stand seeing everybody like this. Um... Anyway. According to Sans, he seems happy over there. Maybe it'd be best if he stays put and we just... leave him alone. . . . In any case, Sans is going there today. Toriel asked him to be patient, given that he, um... how did she say it... "can be a bit lacking in social knowledge"? He's... pretty good at keeping his cool, so... I just hope it goes well.
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
Sans talks to an old woman who still lives in the ruins, through the big door at the very end of the snow fields before Snowdin Town.
Apparently, today, when he went to chat, she said that...
A strange monster appeared at her side of the door, bruised on their neck and shoulders, completely unconscious on the ground. She took them in.
That... That has to be Parchment.
How would he have even gotten in there? I mean, I guess he could have gotten through a crack between the doors, but I don't think he can just... fully liquefy on command, can he...? I know he got away from Undyne by making his neck semi-solid, but...
I don't know. What are we even supposed to do?
He's safe in there, if it is him (I have no idea who else it could be, and I don't want to think about what might have happened to him if it isn't), but we have no idea if he... told her everything, or not. Sans said she talked about it feeling terrible for hurting people in the past, but she didn't really... get into detail.
Sans really isn't thrilled. He didn't tell her he was involved. It's probably for the best. Parchment needs somewhere safe to stay, for now.
I'm trying to figure out what to do.
I don't know if I can.
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
ENTRY ███ Sans thinks he might have a lead.
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
I still haven't been able to find him anywhere. I feel horrible.
I can't imagine how scared he must be. I... I really hope that flower didn't get back to him.
Sans has been helping me to look, but we've combed everywhere we could think of.
At least I know he's safe from the guard. Undyne would tell me if he was caught.
... I hope.
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
ENTRY ███ i looked everywhere i could for parchment. i'm such a coward. why didn't i say anything? why couldn't i bring myself to do something to protect him? i haven't been able to get myself to talk to undyne yet. i... i know she was just. trying to do what she thought was right. but the way he looked at me, when she had him by the neck, pushed against the wall. he was... horrified.
sans found papyrus's scarf folded up neat in his mailbox. it looked like it had been washed and wrung dry.
i don't know where he is. there's nowhere left he could go. i can't stop thinking about the way his face looked when i didn't answer him.
why didn't i do anything?
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
[DOOR OPENS. CONVERSATION FROM UNDYNE AND ALPHYS TRAILS OFF UPON ENTRY.] PARCHMENT: OH, ALPHYS, YOU'RE BACK! AND IT SEEMS LIKE YOU BROUGHT A GUEST- GGHK! UNDYNE: You know, I thought you had to be stupid to try and pull this out in the forest, but you must be a real IDIOT to do this here. A handwritten APOLOGY LETTER? REALLY? ALPHYS: U-U-Undyne, put him down, you're- you're going to scare him...! PARCHMENT: U-UNDYNE!? UNDYNE: SCARE him? And what about us? It runs away and hides like a coward after tricking us and trying to KILL you AND Sans, and I'm going to SCARE it? ALPHYS: I told you, it- it doesn't remember! Please, you- you can- you can ask Sans about it, it's been through a lot, it- I don't- UNDYNE: Yeah, sure, it doesn't remember. This thing has put EVERYBODY through a lot. Don't you think Sans has been through a lot? Or yourself? Don't you think PAPYRUS- [PARCHMENT MAKES A MUFFLED WHIMPER OF PAIN.] UNDYNE: Has BEEN THROUGH A LOT? We've all had enough. You've taken enough advantage of Alphys's kindness, you've taken enough advantage of Sans's patience. You've squirmed your way past consequences for long enough, FREAK. PARCHMENT: I- I PROMISE, IF- YOU... WWWWOULD, JUST- LUH- LUHHH-ET ME- UNDYNE: You've had your chance. You've had it MULTIPLE times. You just get your kicks like this, don't you? You make me sick. You can't even stand your ground for a second. You run, you lie, and you hide. You can't bring yourself to face danger for a second, even if you've earned it. Pathetic. [PARCHMENT GASPS FOR BREATH.] PARCHMENT: AAAL-PHYS...? [ALPHYS STAMMERS.] [SILENCE. SHUFFLING.] UNDYNE: Tch... Even after all of this, you're still trying to use her as a shield? You really are completely spineless. This ENDS. HERE, AND NOW. You're going to get- [GURGLING. SLOSHING. METAL CLATTERING ON TILE.] UNDYNE: UGH! What the... HEY! No, you- GET BACK HERE! NOW! [DOOR SHUTS. ARMORED FOOTSTEPS RUNNING.] [DOOR OPENS. DOOR SHUTS.]
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hotlandarchives · 6 months
I... gave Undyne the letter.
It went badly.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
AUDIO TRANSCRIPT FROM LABCAM_ARRAY. SANS: you, uh, wanted to talk...? ALPHYS: U-Um, yeah. Look, I... I- [ALPHYS STAMMERS.] ALPHYS: Um. It's about... Parchment. SANS: did you track that thing down? ALPHYS: I-I... Technically...? Um, it... Well, it's been- it... [ALPHYS SIGHS.] ALPHYS: . . . I've been... letting it. Stay, um. In the lab. With me. [SILENCE.] SANS: ... what? ALPHYS: Look, I- I wanted to say something, b-but- but I couldn't figure out a way to bring it up, a-and- and it showed up, on- on its own, but not on purpose, n-not to find me! It- it was just trying to find somewhere to go. It could barely stand up by itself, and- and when it saw me, it didn't... it didn't recognize me, a-at all. I couldn't let it l-leave, it was hurt... [SILENCE.] ALPHYS: ... Sans? [SILENCE.] SANS: . . . it didn't get you. ALPHYS: What? SANS: it didn't. get you. i was looking at you. i can tell, you're fine. which, y'know- just makes this even more confusing. to me. ALPHYS: W-What do you... SANS: do you remember what it did? to me, to you? to undyne? i thought, you know, you'd have to be not thinkin' clearly to just, heh, do that. but, no, that's... that's what you did. right. you tell her about this yet? [SILENCE. SHUFFLING.] ALPHYS: ... N-No. [SILENCE.] SANS: look, al, you- you have a big heart. that's what makes you great. but we gave that thing a second chance already, and look where that got us. ALPHYS: B-But- I... I know- I know what it did. But I'm- I'm telling you, it... it's like it doesn't remember any of it. And- And even when it was acting like that, when it hurt you, I-I think... I think it's because it was starving, and- and it even left...! It ran away. I-I went back to the woods, after Undyne almost caught him the first time- [RUSTLING.] ALPHYS: I found this. SANS: ... an. apology note. ALPHYS: H-He's been trying to apologize. That's a-all he can think about. SANS: ... people have been calling in reports about seeing it in town. s'that part of the, uh, apology strat? ALPHYS: That's the thing, it- it's been here the whole time...! It- Before it came to me, it was hiding with the help of, um, what it said was a... talking... flower? But- SANS: a talking flower? ALPHYS: I-I know, it sounds... silly, I- I honestly, um, don't know if it means some kind of plant monster, or- or what... [ALPHYS CLEARS HER THROAT.] ALPHYS: But he... he told me, it was "helping" him. To, um, get better, or something- but... I think that's who's been putting the calls in. That help, the way he described it, it was hurting him. Telling him awful things, berating him, even just- just LYING, telling him he did things he didn't even do. I wouldn't put it past them to- to try and... frame it. To see it get hurt. I... I know that- that everything happened, but... I-I can't let it just go back out there. [SILENCE.] SANS: ... fine, okay. and you haven't let it back out? at all? ALPHYS: It's like he doesn't even want to go out. He gets, u-um, really nervous when the door opens. SANS: ... okay. that's... okay. we know where it is, so... there's... that. thanks for, uh. telling me. about this. you know you've gotta tell undyne, right? ALPHYS: I-I know, I know, I... I just... I d-don't know how to bring it up. I know she'll be... pissed. SANS: ... yeah, well, not at you, probably. she just wants to make sure you're safe. [SANS SIGHS.] SANS: as much as i'm, uh, conflicted- to say the least -with your choices, that was a brave thing to do. t'put yourself in danger like that, just to make sure somebody else is safe. even if that someone is, uh... that. ALPHYS: ... Thanks, Sans. [EXTENDED SILENCE.] ALPHYS: It's... really, um. Itching to... apologize... to you. SANS: . . . right. yeah.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
I shouldn't have brought that toy here.
It was saying awful things to Parchment. Stoking his fears, threatening him...
I opened it up to check, something had to be wrong, right? And it... it was full of golden flower overgrowth. Vines and roots wrapped all throughout the toy, but what was making it move was gone by now. It knew that... it'd be spotted.
That flower...
I didn't want to believe it, but it's what I thought it was, given the... evidence.
I threw the whole thing into a magma pit, just to be sure. The flower was gone, but... I don't know.
Parchment is... really upset. I walked in on him sobbing after I came back inside. He apologized for crying, which, um... made him... cry more. I went to go pat him on the back and he covered his head with his arms.
I asked if it would help, and be okay, if I gave him a hug... and he took a minute, but obliged. So, um, I did, and we sat there for a little bit. He calmed down after a while and eventually managed to get to sleep. I... feel horrible for giving that thing to him. I should have known. I don't know what I was thinking.
I have to make this up to him. He deserves it.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
Parchment had to hide upstairs in the bed all night. Undyne came and, um, decided it would be safer if she slept over. All of those reports have her on edge.
Which would have been completely amazing- the sleeping over part -if not for... everything going on.
I don't trust all of those calls. Parchment has been here the entire time, and way too injured to be doing any of that. Not that he'd even WANT to do any of that. Someone's trying to frame him. But I can't SAY that to Undyne, she'll think I'm... "sick", or something. This is a huge mess.
At the least, I'm going to try to make it up to Parchment for having to hide that long. I found one of those kids' toys in the dump, up near the top of one of the garbage mounds. There was a lot of dirt and overgrowth on it, but I cleaned it up as best as I could. I'm going to surprise him with it and some lunchmeat when I get home.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
Parchment's really been stressing about being able to apologize.
Despite, um, having... no personal recollection of... anything that happened, he still has that fixation on being "better".
That flower, he said, helped him to do that. He won't get too far into how, he said that he's "not allowed" to say. I have a feeling it's why he's so beaten up.
I wish I could help with the apology, but... I don't know what to say, either. I'm going to have to tell Sans and Undyne eventually. Hell, I'm going to have to tell Parchment that I'M one of the people he's trying to say sorry to. I have no idea how he'll take that.
I've already had to sneak him upstairs because Undyne came by, talking about calls they got of Parchment sightings- which makes no sense, considering he's here and can't leave. I don't know.
I just hope my stress doesn't rub off on him. He always looks sort of... afraid.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
ENTRY ███ Okay, it just laid down for a nap, so... Right. It just... walked right in, and- I mean, of course I, um. Screamed, a little, and jumped up, to which it seemed, um- really surprised. It held its hands up disarmingly and said that if somebody lived there, it would leave, and that it was sorry for the trouble. It... didn't. Recognize me, at all. It's almost like when it had that last huge meltdown, once it had hit rock bottom, everything... burned up. I was, um, scared. More than scared, really. Terrified. But it looked... really, really hurt. There were fracture scars all over its arms and legs, and that kind of thing doesn't happen from tripping while running from capture. It's like it was picked up and crushed by something, or slammed into a wall... And I... I don't know what I was thinking, but... I said it was fine to come inside. I still don't know. I just felt... bad. It looked so tired. Before I knew it, I made it some noodles, and we were sitting down, talking about everything. It... knows me, OF me, because it was talking about needing to apologize to me, and Sans, and Undyne, but... I don't think it had any idea who it was talking to. And it told me about all of the times that it's tried so far, and that they didn't go very well. It... seems genuine. A, um... Apparently, a... talking... flower. Was... helping it. For a while. It told me how they "kept it in line". It wouldn't tell me if it caused all of those scars. It just kept talking about them so... positively. I... don't want to think about the implications all of that has. Any part of it. . . . I said it could stay and hide in the lab. I feel so guilty. Sans... Undyne... I don't know what they'd think about this. But... What else am I supposed to do? I have enough "what-ifs" to worry about. If it stays here, then I know where it is, so there's no worries about it running around, and it can't get hurt. I'm sure I'll find a way to explain to the both of them. I'll have to.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
ENTRY ███ . . . It showed up. At the lab. I'll fill in later, but... things are. Okay.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
I went to the forest to see things for myself. This was tucked up under a makeshift bed I found, to the west of the caves.
... I...
I don't know what to think.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
The guard didn't find anything in the forest, but, um, they did find... drawings. That it made.
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hotlandarchives · 7 months
ENTRY ███ Undyne found it and had it pinned with a spear up against a tree, but it ripped himself off of it like... nothing. She couldn't tell if it couldn't feel it, or if it wasn't... worried about the pain. It ran after that. She looked for hours afterwards, and sent the rest of the guard sniffing around the forest. It completely vacated the area. ... Undyne said it... tried to trick her, by apologizing. But why would it run...? I don't know. She asked me to help by putting humidifiers throughout any populated areas, and I've been using some decommissioned de-humidifiers from the dump and reversing them for that, but a bunch went missing. . . . I'm not going to say anything about it.
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