hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
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Luna Nera: Tebe & Leptis
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
mornings with you | tebe x reader
gif credits: @lieshauntedmyfairytales
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The sky was lighting up with rays of the morning sun and slowly waking up all the witches.
Tebe was always the early bird, at this hour she would already be up getting ready for the day. But today was diferent.
When she woke up she noted Y/N, her lover, her soulmate, her other half, still sleeping peacefully beside her.
The memories of the night before now flooded the woman's mind. Memories of her lover kissing her body and vice versa. How she kissed every inch of Y/N's skin making sure she felt all the love Tebe had for her. How sweet her lover tasted, like the best wine she ever drunk, her lover's moans were the most beautifull melody she'd ever heard.
Y/N and Tebe's sweat covered bodies dancing so rhythmically under the sheets, their lips attached to each other's, nothing could pull then apart. Declarations of love and devotion being said to each other as climax washed over them like waves crashing into the shore.
Waking up every morning next to the girl was something Tebe loved, the feeling of having your body near hers was marvelous, the sight of you was what made her heart beat faster and a smile to light up her face. You felt safe with her, nothing bad can happen when you are in her arms.
Mornings between you two are treasured, they are calm, just you and Tebe laying under the covers enjoying each others company, listening to the birds sing as you discuss life, future and what plans you got for the day.
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
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The first time i saw Tebe i felt a gay vibe
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
Thank you for this!!!! 😍🍷
TWW series 4
Hello all! I should note here that I am going on holiday abroad in April and might not be able to see the series through to its end (I’ll try!) but I’ll keep this going until then.
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
Thank you!!!!!! You are the blessed one!!! 🙏😁💓💓
TWW series 4
Hello all! I should note here that I am going on holiday abroad in April and might not be able to see the series through to its end (I’ll try!) but I’ll keep this going until then.
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
Who's the blessed soul that is sharing season 4 of Worst Witch with us poor souls that don't live in the UK?
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
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Autumn Winds
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
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Today we will be making a laughter potion. Timing is crucial in comedy, so be sure to stir it for exactly the right amount of time.
The Worst Witch S01E04: New Girl
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
I'll just leave this right here. 🎃👻
Too many songs about parties, not enough songs about witches performing midnight rituals
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
“I only know one tune Mildred Hubble, and i can’t dance to any other.”
— Constance Hardbroom (via laurencottrellhasablog)
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
There is so much truth in this one image. LoL
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
I love this show. Had to reblog. Lol
i am absolutely BEGGING yall to watch this scene where catherine ohara laughs without moving her mouth grghsdzuvjsc
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
Oh my goodness! You're so sweet! That sounds wonderful! Thank you for letting me know this. I had no idea they recorded these plays. I was sad to think they were lost in history and I'd never get to see Kate perform in them. Thank you so much! I plan to visit next year sometime! I'll have to book online. Would be fun if we got some Kate Duchene fans together and we all go see. 😊💓 I'm so excited now. You're the best luv! Thanks!
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There’s no agony we already feel. No agony already suffered.
Kate Duchene | Women of Troy | 2007
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
Thank you for the info!! But how does that work? Is it digital or do I have to be in the UK to watch it? I apologise for my ignorance. I'm from America, sadly. Lol I mean I'll toss all the money at it if I can rent it or buy it. Otherwise I know what I'm doing for a day when I get over seas. Lol
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There’s no agony we already feel. No agony already suffered.
Kate Duchene | Women of Troy | 2007
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
I wish I could have seen this. 😭
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There’s no agony we already feel. No agony already suffered.
Kate Duchene | Women of Troy | 2007
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hotstuffhardbroom · 5 years
This is why I love the women villains of Disney. (Except for the murdering puppies into a coat part.) Let's just pretend that wasn't a thing.
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