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(Their relationship has peaked my interest the most. It’s really sad how they keep misunderstanding and hurting each other without realizing.)
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Anime Season Fall 2012
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“You can’t tell me that I don’t understand when you’re the one who doesn’t fucking understand, ‘Taru! I know damn well how to take care of myself without your help! I’ve already told you, I won’t go down the same path you did, so you don’t hafta keep naggin’ me about it.”
Why couldn’t Hotaru understand that she wasn’t a little kid needing protection? Just because she was a girl living alone with barely any cash didn’t mean she was going to resort to dirty jobs or stealing.
“Besides, every time I worry about you, you just go all ‘macho man’ on me and tell me how nothing could ever hurt you, and then you show up a few days later after no texts or calls, covered in bruises! If anyone should be listening, it should be you!!”
@hottemperedskateboarder continuation from here!
Funny how she was calling him a little prick, considering how much taller he was than her. Had they not been in such a heated argument, he would have teased her about it…
“Dammit Saki, you don’t get it! I’m well aware of the shit I’ve done my whole life!! I’m only telling you ‘what to do’ in order to prevent you from goin’ down the same path as I did! Can’t I be worried about you for once without you getting on my freakin’ case!?”
It was odd, whenever others would chastise him about being a thief, he wouldn’t give a shit. But when his girlfriend, the one he loves with every fibre of his being, says it, it hurt so much.
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“Why can’t you listen to a single thing I say?!” (Genderbent Verse because angst and drama :'D)
"Because you're an irresponsible little prick who keeps telling me how to live my life! Why should I listen to someone who has been stealing all his life, huh?! Maybe if you got your act together and actually did something good and productive with your life, maybe then I would listen to you!!"Misaki was bristling in her anger, fists clenched at her sides, glaring at the tall man in front of her. Arrogant little... where did he get off telling her what to do?!(You wanted angst, I gave it to you. Ki's kinda angry.)
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RP starters: Heated argument.
content warning: death baiting.
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Leave. Leave right now.”
“What more do you want?!”
“I really wish you were never born.”
“I hate you!”
“Can you just fuck off already?”
“Shut up! Just.. Shut up!”
“All you do is whine.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I can’t do this anymore. Not with you.”
“How did that feel?”
“Oh my god, I don’t care!”
“No wonder nobody likes you.”
“Is this how little you think of me?”
“That hurt you son of a bitch…”
“Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight!”
“Leave me alone!”
“I can break your nose if I want to.”
“Are you going to cry now?”
“I wouldn’t miss you. Nobody would.”
“You’re so pathetic!”
“I won’t forget this.”
“I’m going to break your jaw if you keep talking!”
“Why can’t you listen to a single thing I say?!”
“I have a right to be angry.”
“This would have never happened if you wouldn’t exist.”
“Get out of my life!”
“You’re nothing! Did you hear me?! Nothing!”
“You ruined everything.”
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Saruhiko: I hate the Red King...he stole Misaki from me.
Misaki: I hate the Blue King...he stole Saru from me.
Mikoto: *texting Munakata* im bored. Let's clash and see Misaki and Fushimi angst.
Munakata: *texts back* How absurd. As if I'd want to see your repulsive face. It makes me sick.
Mikoto: *text* ...is that a no?
Munakata: *text* 7 pm, near central park.
Mikoto: *text* It's a date. ;)
Rest of clan members: Fuck this shit, not again.
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( in middle school )
Misaki Yata: Hey I'm Yata and you are
Fushimi Saruhiko: questioning my sexuality
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Kusanagi: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Munakata: Have everyone stand.
Kuroh: Bring three more chairs.
Yata: The best seven of the lot can sit down.
Fushimi: Kill three.
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[ If I could direct your attention to the blog @visual-nerd—
This is my other blog, along with its side blog, @monkeysmangoes (which despite its silly name, is my anime/manga nerd review trash whatever stuff blog).
visual-nerd is all about my ramblings, as well as my responses to others’ ramblings, etc. posts on visual media. This includes anime and manga (light novels as well, on occasion, if they’re related), graphic novels and comics, video games, movies, etc.
A small warning, there will currently be a lot of Miyazaki content, as I’m in a Miyazaki class at the moment, and I have so many things I want to talk about concerning Howl’s Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke.
Just letting you guys know, if anyone is interested in checking out those other blogs of mine! ^^ ]
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Hotaru just smiled softly, placing a small kiss on her forehead. Walking through that blizzard was definitely worth the reaction she had just showed him now.
Seeing her happy made him happy, and reassured him that he was at least doing something right as a boyfriend, thief or not.
“How bout I put it on for ya when I’m outta of the bath?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Misaki smiled, and then her face turned bright red. “Oh, r-right. Bath. Um, I’ll leave you to it then...” She let go and quickly got up, storming out of the bathroom and slamming the door shut.
“I-I’m gonna make some food!” she called through the door before heading off to the kitchen to cool down.
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“Hey Saki, you’re getting wet…” Hotaru chuckled and leaned up to kiss her cheek. She was just so cute when she was flustered like this, truly adorable. Not that he’d say it out loud, she’d have his hide if he tried to.
“I’m glad you love it. I got it just for you, didn’t wanna come here without it.” The best part was that he had saved up his own money for it, and hadn’t actually stolen it like he would usually.
Now he can feel no guilt AND have no trouble with cops.
“Shut up, I don’t care...”
Misaki hugged him tighter, letting out a shaky breath as she tried to will the tears away before Hotaru could notice. He was ridiculous, risking hypothermia to get her a gift. One that he’d actually bought with money he’d actually saved up.
“You’re so ridiculous, ‘Taru.... thank you.” She loosened her grip enough to sit up slightly and smile at him. “Y’know I’m gonna wear it all the time.”
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Jealousy meme
requested by @momokitty27​! i set it up into a few different categories so it’s not just for couples but for a whole range of relationships!
for couples
“I noticed them checking you out.”
“Were you checking them out?”
“So… they’re good-looking, right?”
“Don’t lie to me and say you don’t think they’re hot.”
“Just admit that you like them.”
“Come on; even I know that they’re hotter than me.”
“It’s not fair that they get to be around you all day and I don’t.”
“They were hitting on you.”
‘I know you liked it when they were hitting on you.”
“Would you like me more if I was more like them?”
“They’re not (funnier / cuter / better looking ) than me, are they?”
“Are you going to leave me for them?”
“Would you leave me for them if you had the chance?”
for characters talking to their unrequited crush
“You deserve better than them.”
“They’re not even that good-looking.”
“What do you see in them?”
“Why do you stay with them?”
“Wanna tell me what they did to upset you this time?”
“If I had someone as wonderful as you, I would (never forget our anniversaries / always cherish you / etc).”
“You should just leave them.”
for characters talking about their ex
“I wonder what they’re doing right now.”
“Their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate) isn’t right for them.”
“I can’t stop thinking about them with their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate).”
“They moved on so quickly.”
“I get angry thinking about anyone else having them, even though I don’t have them myself.”
“Do you think they were cheating on me with their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate) before we broke up?”
“They never looked at me like they look at them.”
for friends
“I noticed you hanging out with (character’s name) lately.”
“You hung out with them and didn’t invite me?”
“I feel like a third-wheel.”
“They’re pretty fun, right?”
“Maybe I shouldn’t come and let you two hang out together instead.”
“I know that they’re more interesting than me.”
“You two have more in common, anyways.”
“It’s alright; I have other friends.”
for children characters talking to their parents
“No! I don’t want a new (brother / sister)!”
“You like (sibling’s name) more than me.”
“If I get a new (brother / sister), you’re going to love them more.”
“We haven’t played together since you had the baby.”
“I hate my (brother / sister)!”
“They’re not better than me! They can’t even use the bathroom right!”
“Am I hotter than that person?”
“So many people have achieved so much by this age, yet here I am.”
“I’m a better (cook / surfer / etc) than them.”
“They’re not even that good at (cooking / surfing / etc)…”
“I look better in this than them, right?”
“Do you think I could pull off that (hat / dress / etc) like them?”
“Whatever; I’m not jealous.”
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