houndsgutz · 9 days
FemPc / FemWhitney playlist. I mean honestly it probably works for all variations but lol lmao
It focuses on a high dom Whitney & how fucked it is that she knows what's going on to some degree and yet...
Some choice lyrics
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If folks were interested i could elaborate on the songs and stuff.
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houndsgutz · 13 days
Maybe I should do an album cover for my robin/mc/sydney mix and post it here???
The mc in mind is my girl Cujo, but it's probably applicable for everyone lol.
Cujo and Sydney can't ever pass that stupid ceremony, and in my head its because they're in love with Robin too and that complicates things immensely.
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houndsgutz · 13 days
Already have 3 kudos on my bailey/pc fic which isn't what I expected given it was an exercise in literally just refusing to edit anything. Hell yeah
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houndsgutz · 13 days
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My girl Micah-- I planned on romancing Whitney for the Feat, but it looks like Kylar may get there first lmaooo
... plus Micah encountering the local sewer menace. The fun part about role-playing a character is that I know something is dangerous but the character doesn't lmaooo
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houndsgutz · 15 days
I need it lmao
My girls tend to dwell more on the horror side of things anyway, and I've got some rambling writings somewhere about the fertility abstinence horror church. I have a lot of thoughts about that whole thing, mostly revolving around like... Jordan seeming to not know whats going on, being genuine, being a puppet for the jaws and teeth above, scolding the main character while the main character stands battered and horrified--
And the ceremony, throwing oneself into the flame --
Something something flesh and blood of the lamb.
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houndsgutz · 15 days
If my tablet weren't dead I would post more of my girlies fmdbdn
In the mean time I've been fuckin around in the code and working on my fucked up little vn thing
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houndsgutz · 15 days
I've been considering adding something similar or just modding combat to get more grotesque-- let the wolf transformation rip out bloody chunks, etc.
I was pretty interested in degrees of brutality for a moment until I realized it isn't... really about those as fetishes lol
The morgue idea would be interesting. Maybe working there impacts your status negatively but cannibalism gives you a raw animal magnetism. Could be a perk.
The dream would be like, luring someone to the wolfgirl pack lair to kill and eat or like, murder with Kylar or fucking with low dominance Whitney that way
But damn the morgue is a good ass idea. I need to poke around in the code more, because I have a vague idea of how things work.
ur title so real. do it.
I don't know how to make mods but I know how to talk a lot so
ok so my main problem there is that cannibalism kind of often results in yknow. death? except death isn't a thing in dol just rape or prison ig.
I think cannibalism could be a stat sort of like deviance, or maybe soemthing like the crossdresser status? that slowly increases when biting ppl during fight interactions.
once you get higher cannibalism stat you have more than the bite interaction, or the bite thing hurts the opponent significantly more bc pc is just like biting chunks of meat yknow.
the higher your cannibalism stat is the hungrier you get, and normal food doesn't fix it, so you have to go and eat people. for this you can either get yourself into fight interactions and bite ppl OR. add a new location : a morgue. you'd need a skullgery (is that how it's written help) skill to break into the place at night (too many ppl during the day) or you can work there and be sneaky. and then you can eat random dead ppl.
(this could also introduce necro stuff but u didn't ask about that so I'll shut up)
if you get caught ur obv in for trouble but I feel like cannibalism would uh. make ppl scared of u? yknow. so maybe you could use that to your advantage, if you're defiant enough mocking or demanding will have more effect maybe idk
other idea I have is blood bank, which is basically the same concept and you can also donate blood to get money if you're healthy enough (not intoxicated, pregnant or taking any medication)
fun thing that doesn't really fit with the test : cannibal transformation that gives you sharp claws and teeth to rip flesh apart and red eyes or smth
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houndsgutz · 15 days
Do you actually care about transmascs or do you just like slapping top scars on fictional twinks and talking about boy pussy
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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I had to carry a bunch of heavy bags from the store so my arms are kinda numb but I did finish Bunny Whitney. I will now spend the rest of the day playing DoL
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houndsgutz · 2 months
While I do have a Whitney ship its with one of my nastier girls-- my criminal motherfucker who makes bank off of theft and assault lfjsjfjsdj
Their theme is, to some degree, Tool's hit song "Prison Sex".
Not sure what I would call her, though -- "Finch the Boxer" maybe, as a joke on her habit of beating the shit out of people lnfsnsjs. She doesn't win every fight that the town's women put to her, but she fights damn hard.
(Yes, I think defiance being battered aside is more appealing than outright submission lmao)
Finch and Whitney fight physically fairly often, but they fuck hard afterwards; Finch needs someone who can stand up against her and Whitney has a partner who likes the pain and public reclamation. They work well enough together even though they're going nowhere fast.
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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Whitney has to be a butch dyke, of course. and Kylar, looking like she's gotten fleas off of the street or whatever.
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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i've sketched Robin one singular time and it's this. you're welcome.
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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-> Thalia's hands shook. Her first heave at rusted metal didn't so much as stir a flake from creaking joints. The second yank did just as little. Snarling in blind frustration, Thalia gathered herself. Great rage roiled in her belly, rippling up to burn her face a deep and ugly red. Tears rolled over twitching eyelids. Her third effort, accompanied by a violent scream that ripped a crack from Thalia's voice, proved successful. Old pipes slipped free. Below her, the rampaging Alpha looked up in time to see bouncing rolling clanging tubes spiderfall down towards him...
Some sketches of one of my favorite characters from my Omegaverse setting, Thalia. She's had to give up her dreams because of what she expressed as, and she takes vengeance by hunting and killing Alphas who "deserve it". Whether they actually do or not is a question you'd have to ask her, and she's usually not too keen on answering that.
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houndsgutz · 2 months
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I was asked for my take on Eden, and figured it'd be a good time to experiment with a new brush. In my mind, Eden is scarred up from years surviving in the forest and fighting wolves. We know she's strong, of course. In my headcanon, her disdain from the city comes halfway from adapting to living out in the wild and halfway from the fucked up shit that happened to her while she lived there.
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houndsgutz · 2 months
The World’s Most Special Girl Loves to Headbutt My Broken Leg
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