housebones · 5 years
Fred didn’t mean it, of course. His mother was perhaps one of if not the most important people in his life. He just didn’t know how to process this news since it drastically altered everything he thought about his heritage. If he wasn’t a Bones then what was he? Some unwanted little boy that his ‘father’ had taken pity on? He wasn’t even sure if he believed that his mother was his mother any more because be couldn’t imagine herself putting herself in that situation. She couldn’t be the type to tear a family apart, could she?
“But they’re not. They don’t want me either,” he muttered tearfully, burying his face in his pillow. He was mostly referring to his brothers. He never felt like he fit in with them and their idea of masculinity and morality. He was the weird Slytherin with a bad attitude, wasn’t he? As the weight shifted on the bed he did poke his head out. His expression softened when he saw how sad she looked but it soon hardened again when he remembered he had been lied to his entire fourteen years! “Who is it?”
“I’m sure Amelia would disagree and Edgar as well” She said softly, leaving off her other son on purpose. She was rather aware of his dislike of Fredrick, more or less so to his father’s doing and not anything Fredrick had done.  She had always had the intention of telling him. Sebastian had wanted to keep the news that his wife cheated him and another had fathered a child secret. He had only seen it as bad for his name. Never once considering the position that would put his wife and his children in. Elizabeth offered him a small smile as his expression soften, choosing to ignore the return to his return to a more hardened expression. “Your biological father?” 
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housebones · 5 years
“I don’t want to be your son,” Fred mumbled. He sat there until a crunching sound told him he ought to get out. He didn’t take her hand, he climbed out on his own and got into bed, dramatically pulling his sheets over his head. “If you didn’t want me to be hurt you wouldn’t have had me,” he protested, pressing his forehead against the wall. He was torn between anger and sadness and a little bit of relief. At least it made sense why his father hated him. He wasn’t sure what to call him now since he was no father of his. He wanted to ask questions but he couldn’t find it in him. He needed the moment to sulk.
Elizabeth bit back a sob as what he mumbled registered in her mind. She stumbled back slightly, completely caught off guard by what he had said. She moved away as Fredrick crawled out with her help and wiped a few stray tears from her cheek. She was determined not show how upset she was in front of him. This was his time to be upset, not hers. She’d have hers later, alone, likely in her office away from prying eyes. 
She watched closely as he climbed onto his bed and pulled the sheets over his head. She lent herself up against a wall, giving them both time to gather their thoughts before moving to sit on the bed with him. “Baby. I’m sorry I kept it from you. Okay? But I promise you, you are my son, your siblings are your siblings.”
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housebones · 5 years
Fred repeated the mantra over and over again under his breath, flinching when she touched him but he let her nonetheless. He stopped chanting when she didn’t deny it. That meant it was true. She was comforting him because she had done something wrong and she didn’t know what else to do. That wasn’t fair. He opened his eyes, blurry with tears and coloured unlike anyone in his so called family. He just thought it was some cool coincidence. Apparently not. He wondered what his real dad was like, or had he just left him behind? “I didn’t deserve that?” His eyebrows furrowed, a few tears spilling over. “It’s not true!” He tried to shift further into his hiding spot but there just wasn’t enough room. It creaked alarmingly under his weight like it was just going to let go and send him all the way down several floors.
“You are my son.” Elizabeth stated, she wanted to explain to him in much nicer place than the shaft he was currently hiding in, she wanted to explain everything while he was cradled in her arms but getting him out was the priority. “You are my son. By blood and by choice.” She repeated softly, she held her hands out for him to grab once more, hoping he’d grab them and she could pull him out before something terrible happened. “Fredrick, you are my baby, please come out of here so I can talk to you properly I don’t want you to be hurt!”
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housebones · 5 years
It had started with Fred doing something wrong just like it always did. With his teenage years came an argumentative attitude in the moments when he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong. This time he knew fine well that he hadn’t done anything wrong yet for some reason he was being punished. His father liked to pick on him most. His father? He wasn’t sure if that was true any more. The words bounced around his head as he climbed into his favourite hideout. Within the year he wouldn’t be able to fit any more but it would do for now. He just wanted to feel real for a second and there was no better way than to be squashed into a small space with the door shut. It wasn’t comfortable at all, his neck and ankles hurt as he pulled his knees up so he was in a ball. His arms covered his head and he sobbed with fury and fear.
He refused to believe that it was anything but a way to hurt him. You’re not my son. As if you could ever be. Fred bit back a frustrated sob as he pressed his back against the cold wood. As. If. When he heard his mother’s voice he stayed as quiet as he possibly could. He didn’t want to see or talk to anyone ever again. It wasn’t fair - if it was true - that no one had ever told him. If it was true then what about his real dad? Was it just that no one wanted him? He squeezed his eyes shut tight and whispered senseless words of comfort to himself until the door was opened, revealing the trembling mess of a young boy.
Usually his mother was the biggest comfort in the world, alongside his sister, but there was nothing she coukd say or do to make this better. Not unless she told him it was a cruel lie despite the overwhelming evidence. He looked nothing like his father. He barely looked like his mother - perhaps a vague resemblance to his uncle on his mother’s side but that was it. Neither of his ‘parents’ had his brown eyes. “It’s not true. It’s not true. It’s not true,” he mumbled, refusing to move as he shrank further into himself.
Elizabeth’s heart broke more and more every second as she watched how much this had hurt her son. She wondered if telling him sooner was the better approach, something they’d never find out. She forced back the tears pooling in her eyes and the lump in her throat. She’d neer forgive herself or him for this. “Baby listen to me, shhhh it’s okay, listen” She cooed softly as she gently stroked his hair. She wasn’t sure what to say or how to comfort him right now. The truth was what he deserved, no matter how much it hurt either of them right now. “He never should have told you like that. You didn’t deserve that baby. Come out here. Let me talk to you properly, let me hold you.”
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housebones · 5 years
Elizabeth had never been more angry with her husband in all the time they knew each. She watched as her son left the room, almost at a sprint after his confession. She could feel the anger burning in her towards both her husband and herself. Their Her son was now hurting because of him and in a way because of her. She wanted to yell and shout and finally throw her ring at him and never ask for it back but she didn’t. She had more important things to attend to. She glared at him before leaving the room to find her son.
They had agreed when Fredrick was born to keep his true parentage secret. It was glaring obvious he wasn’t Sebastian's son to anyone who knew the Bones family well enough, the dark hair and eyes were nothing like his siblings and just so happened to match a very charming Romanian intern in Elizabeth’s office. She never got the chance to tell him about his son, he was deported before Fredrick was born, something she held firmly against her husband who denied he had anything to do with it. 
Her husbands betrayal stung deep as she looked for her son. She forced back the tears as she searched his bedroom for him, she checked under the bed and in his closet, panic slowly setting in. “Fredrick?” She called out, cursing herself under her breath for how upset she sounded. She moved around the room, searching every spot for him, leaving the smallest space she knew he could fit last. 
“Oh baby” She said softly, as she opened the door to the dumbwaiter, she wasn’t surprised he was there. It wasn’t something new but she thought he might have been too big to fit now. “Come out and talk to me baby” she held her hands out for him to help him out.
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housebones · 5 years
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Zelda + her cigaretter holder
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housebones · 5 years
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#zelda spellman being 100% done with everyone’s bullshit
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