houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Focusing your mind on relaxing and positive stimuli can help you fall asleep. In this article, we’ll discuss the effectiveness of hypnosis for sleep.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
This article will cover four benefits you can expect when listening to a positive affirmations audio and making them a part of your daily life.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
To provide the best and most effective relaxation audios, House of Wellbeing has put together a range of hypnotherapy and guided meditation audios specifically for sleep. We work with professional hypnotherapists trained in CBT, NLP and meditation practices to bring you powerful and long-lasting results.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to break the old cycle of anxiety and lack of confidence. Futhermore, listening to a hypnotherapy audio can be just as effective as a face to face session. By listening to our hypnotherapy audio on confidence you will be breaking unhealthy anxiety cycles, building your self belief and promoting your wellbeing overall.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
A fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, is a common phobia in the UK. In a recent survey, more than 50% of UK adults said they were uncomfortable flying by airplanes. This fear was perhaps exacerbated by the pandemic, with 72% of Brits claiming they have no travel plans by air in the near future.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to phobias. Listening to our hypnotherapy audios can be just as effective as a face to face session as our audios are created for specifc phobias and they incorporates Exposure Therapy and CBT to help reroute thinking patterns around those old deep routed fears and anxieties.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
If you believe hypnotherapy may benefit you, we would love to hear from you. We’ll be happy to talk to you through how our library of hypnotherapy audios can help you develop more positive thinking patterns.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Confidence is a vital quality in ensuring your happiness and your ability to go out every day and achieve your goals. In addition, healthy self-esteem is key to positive mental health and well-being. This is critical to handling anxiety, dealing with challenges, putting negative thoughts into perspective, and establishing necessary coping skills.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnosis can take your mind off the prevailing negative thoughts and refocus on more positive ones. As the body follows the mind, this can help you break out of the rut caused by anxiety and depression and develop healthier habits that make you feel better.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnotherapy to stop drinking too much is incredibly powerful and has been known to help you to develop the tools to master your urges. For example, it may help you remain calm in situations when stress might otherwise trigger your desire to drink. In addition, it may help you to create more positive habits around drinking alcohol for example only choosing to drink on social occasions rather than at home and drinking more water inbetween alcoholic drinks when you are drinking.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
If you are looking for ways to combat bad eating habits around sugar, hypnotherapy for sugar addiction may be a possible solution for you. We often suggest that you listen to our audios a minimum of four times to gain long term benefits but we have seen incredible results after just one listen.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Approximately a third of adults worldwide experience sleep problems of some kind. A report by The Mental Health Foundation found that in the UK, millions of people say that as a result of poor sleep and insomnia.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Positive affirmations are a popular self-help tool that contributes to personal development. Alongside other mindfulness strategies, positive affirmations have firmly settled into their place amongst meditation and healthy practices. In recent years, more and more people are using them to help improve their mental health and control their outlook on a world that has felt out of control and often frightening.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
At House of Wellbeing, we have a range of targeted wellness audios you can choose from. So it’s easier than ever to start on your journey to wellbeing, from managing sleep and anxiety to specific audios such as fears, phobias and self-improvement.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
There are many different options you can try to improve your wellbeing. However, improving your sleep is one of the crucial takeaway points. As we’ve noted, this can be done in various different ways, including hypnosis for sleep, which can help give you long-term benefits.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnosis for anger management has many benefits and could be the correct therapy route for you if you think you need help managing your emotions. It can help you achieve calmer, less reactive behaviour and help you to control your emotions, rather than allowing your feelings to control you.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Approximately 8 million people in the UK suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. Anxiety is not the same as feeling stressed but is a disorder that persists whether the sufferer knows what the cause of it is or not.
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