houseplandrafting · 2 years
Ceiling Fan Installation Benefits in Sydney
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Ceiling Fans Vs Air Conditioning in Sydney
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Looking at each method’s respective pros and cons, it becomes clear that your options are:
A low risk/low reward method in the ceiling fan: It’ll be cheaper to run with no ongoing maintenance costs, and you’re unlikely to have to spend big bucks on fixing a broken fan.
A high risk/high reward method in the air conditioning: An air conditioner will be much more effective at cooling you down and making you comfortable, however it’ll require more money spent on energy, ongoing maintenance efforts, and potentially hefty expenses if your unit breaks.
A lower-risk/medium-reward method in combining both: This is done by combining the benefits of both an air conditioner and ceiling fan at a lower cost than air conditioning alone, but with more adequate levels of cooling than ceiling fans alone. Your mileage may vary with this method.
At the end of the day – that long, sweltering summer’s day – your decision will really depend on how bothered you are by the heat. If you constantly find yourself unable to stand daytime temperatures then your best choice is definitely the air conditioning, but if you’re not too bothered by the hot weather and don’t fancy larger energy bills, you might want to stick to using your ceiling fan.
However, if you don’t fit neatly into either of those categories, you could always try using both – a combination of the two on medium intensity can prove to be more efficient and effective than the use of either one on its highest setting. Overall you have three main options; try them all if you can and see what yields the best results for you.
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ProsConsAir Conditioners
Very effective at cooling spaces
Actually cools a space rather than indirectly cooling your body
The effects of AC are felt much quicker
Can be set to maintain a specific temperature
Reverse cycle units can also keep you warm in winter
 More expensive option in terms of running cost
Can use as much as 2,200 watts per hour
Require regular maintenance in order to keep the filters clean and functioning
Can break, and will most likely be expensive to fix
Can dry out the air being conditioned, which can have adverse health effects
Inefficient in open spaces
Ceiling Fans
Cheaper to run than air conditioning
Uses only about 65 watts per hour
Doesn’t require maintenance, and is unlikely to break or malfunction
Efficient in more open spaces
Doesn’t dry out the air
Don’t actually cool space, rather push air around the room, which then indirectly cools your body
You basically need to stand directly under a fan to feel its full benefit
Limited temperature control
Generally doesn’t have the power to reach every corner of the room
Ceiling Fan Benefits in Sydney
Ceiling fan installation are a great way of cooling down in the summer months. Installing a modern, efficient ceiling fan reduces reliance on your costly air conditioner which will lead to savings on your energy bill. Fans can be stylish, providing added decor to your ceiling centrepiece, come in different sizes to suit your living space while offering relief from the heat. Not only will ceiling fans cool you down but in winter they can circulate the air by helping to push warm air downwards in living areas to keep them rooms warm. Ceiling fans are energy efficient and the average ceiling fan installation costs 3 cents per hour to run, the equivalent of running a 60 Watt globe for an hour. So installing a ceiling fan will have minimal toll on your energy bill, also reducing your effect on the environment.
Did you know – Fans have a Summer & Winter Mode? In Summer, a ceiling fan pushes cool air down, evaporation perspiration and creating the wind chill effect on your skin, making a room feel up to 8 degrees cooler. In Winter when we heat a room the hot air will naturally rise to the top half of the room making the top hotter than the lower half of the room. By using your ceiling fan in Winter Mode, This reverses the direction of the fan, blowing towards ceiling, circulating warm air at the top of the room throughout the room without creating a draught on the occupants. By Utilising the warm air will reduce your heating bills.
As part of our clean up service, we will remove any existing light fixtures or old ceiling fans that you are replacing with your new fans – including fan packaging and other materials that came with your new fans. We will even tidy up our work area and restore your home to its previous condition of cleanliness. We provide Ceiling Fan Installation services to all areas across all the Sutherland Shire including Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Bonnet Bay, Burraneer, Caringbah South, Caringbah, Como, Cronulla, Dolans Bay, Engadine, Grays Point, Green Hills Beach, Gymea, Gymea Bay, Illawong, Jannali, Kangaroo Point, Kareela, Kirrawee, Kurnell, Lilli Pilli, Loftus, Menai, Miranda, Oyster Bay, Port Hacking, Sutherland, Sylvania, Taren Point, Wooloware, Woranora, Woranora Heights, Yowie Bay.
The post Ceiling Fan Installation Benefits in Sydney appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/insights/ceiling-fan-installation-benefits-in-sydney/
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houseplandrafting · 2 years
Electricians In Sutherland Shire
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source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/blog/electricians-in-sutherland-shire/
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houseplandrafting · 2 years
The Importance of Safety Switches
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True Local Electricians Explore the importance of RCD Safety Switches
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A safety switch is a useful safety component for your home’s electrical system. When used in tandem with circuit breakers and surge diverters, safety switches provide maximum protection against electrical fires, power surges and electrocution. This is especially important if you have small children who don’t yet understand proper safety measures when using electronic devices. Here’s what you need to know.
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What Is a Safety Switch?
A safety switch is a device that attaches to your home’s circuit breaker. It monitors the flow of the electric current and shuts off your power if it detects any discrepancies. For example, if you are using a hairdryer and drop it in the sink or bathtub, the safety switch will almost instantaneously shut down the power to your bathroom to prevent you from electrocuting yourself. Similarly, if you were working with power tools in your garage and accidentally cut into the power cord for the device, the safety switch would kill the power once again.
Are Safety Switches Easy to Operate?
The answer to this question is a resounding “yes”. Once the switch is installed, all you’ll need to do is test that it is working properly from time to time. In the event that a power surge or other electrical fluctuation triggers the switch, you simply need to flip the switch to turn the power back on after you have resolved the issue. That’s really all there is to it!
Is a Safety Switch Really Necessary?
You wouldn’t drive a car without wearing a seat belt or let your child ride a bike without wearing a helmet, so why would you take the chance with electrical safety. An electrical fire could burn your entire house down or your child could get electrocuted, resulting in serious injury or even death. Is that a risk you’re willing to take? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “no”. While there are no legal requirements for having a safety switch in your home, it is a good idea to have one to ensure you and your loved ones are as safe as possible.
Get Your Safety Switch installed by True Local Electricians today
True Local Electricians can install RCD safety switches in your Sutherland Shire home. Reach out today for more information and to request a free price quote for your safety switch installation.
The post The Importance of Safety Switches appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/insights/the-importance-of-safety-switches/
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houseplandrafting · 2 years
3 Phase Electricity Upgrade
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source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/insights/3-phase-electricity/
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houseplandrafting · 2 years
How to reduce your electricity bill
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How To Reduce Electricity Costs in Sydney
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With inflation topping out, electricity prices are on the rise which significant increases coming from power suppliers like origin, agl, energy Australia & red energy. A lot of Sydney households are now searching for tips on how to decrease their energy consumption to provide some relief on their electricity bill. Your electricity bill should not be expensive if your home is setup efficiently and you are utilising modern appliances and fitting. We have put together a list of common electricity savers which we come across when customers call us for advice on how to lower their electricity bill.
Compare your electricity plan
We have seen customers being charged as much as 50c per kw and other customers being charged as low as 19c per kw. It pays to shop around and call your enegy provider for a better deal, or change to one which provides a better deal! Here is a free government website setup to compare enegery providers – how does your energy provider sit?
Off peak hot water
Heating hot water can com at high price if your switchboard is setup to heat your hot water anytime of day or night on the single tariff. Have your hot water put onto the off peak cycle so that you are paying less for the hot water tank to only heat during the middle of the night when power prices are cheap.
LED Lighting
New LED lighting technology is far more advanced than only incandescent lights and bulbs. LED options are far brighter while only using a fraction of the electricity usage. Your average incandescent light bulb is 60w, while the equivalent in the LED range is as low as 7w. If you were to change all the lights in your home then by doing the maths there is quite a power saving to be had! Please call us for a quote to upgrade to LED downlights, LED Oyster Lights or LED Batten Lights.
LED Downlights
Similar to the LED point which we just made, Halogen downlights are a large power hungry light. Similar to other incandescent bulbs, halogen lights can be up to 50w each, and in a single room you may have from 4 to 6 – that’s a lot of electricity required to run these lights due to the amount of lights you have in your Sydney home. We can change halogen lights to LED lights which are around 7w each and will save you a considerable amount of electricity on your power bill.
House Re-wire
If your home was constructed prior to 1960 it pay contain cotton cloth wiring or vulcanised Indian rubber cable. This style of cable is inefficient and can be a danger as it ages and the outer layers fall apart. If you feel that your house wiring needs replacement, please call us for a free quote.
We hope that this quite has been helpful on how to lower your power bills in your Sydney home. We are electricians servicing all of Sydney and can assist with any electricity bill questions you may have. Please phone us for a free quote on 0423 562 257
The post How to reduce your electricity bill appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/blog/how-to-reduce-your-electricity-bill/
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houseplandrafting · 2 years
Blown Fuse – How To Check And Fix A Blown Fuse
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Blown Fuse - How To Check And Fix
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Are you searching google for how to check and fix a blown fuse? If so, it sounds like you have unfortunately had a fuse blow in your residential home or commercial property. Not to worry, we have a completed guide on what a fuse is and how to check and fix your fuse. True Local Electricians are specialists in fuse box repairs and fuse box upgrades. If you need any assistance in repairing or replacing a fuse, please phone us for 24/7 emergency service.
Lets start with the common questions which people ask about home fuses
What is a fuse?
Fuses are porcelain ceramic devices which are installed in a fuse box of your home. Fuses are now obsolete however they were commonly installed in homes prior to the 1980’s. Fuses are a protection device which is designed to blow in the case of overloading, instead of the cables in you home burning or catching fire.
Why do fuses blow?
Fuses blow as a means of protecting your home from fires and cables burning. If your fuse has blown, the electrical circuit in your home has been overloaded by a device causing the wire in the fuse to burn/break therefore cutting the power to the device before damage is done to your home electrical system.
How to remove a fuse?
Fuses can be safely removed by pulling on them in an outwards direction. It is important to do so in a safe manner as there is live electricity in proximity. Sometimes, fuses can get jammed into the fuse holder if they have been there fore years and not removed. If you have trouble removing a fuse we suggest calling a licenced electrician to do this for you and avoid any electrocution.
How to remove a fuse?
How to tell if a fuse is blown? Inspect the fuse wire which is fuse is wrapped in, if you see a break in the fuse wire then the fuse has blown. Other signs the fuse is faulty is the presence of black burn marks or burned smells coming from the fuse.
Where to buy fuse wire from?
Fuse wire is no longer made or sold as fuses are now obsolete. If you have a blown fuse, to fix it you will need to call an electrician to upgrade the fuse to a circuit breaker or RCD Safety Switch. RCD Safety switches are now a legal requirement in the AS/NZ3000 wiring rules in Australia.
What to do when you have a blown fuse?
Years ago, most homes would keep spare fuse wire inside their fuse box which could be used to re-wire a fuse when it blew. However times have changed in the current day. New rules have now come into place which mandates the upgrade to a RCD safety switch in the event were you have to make changes or repair an existing circuit. Home owners are now required to phone a local electrician when a fuse blows to have the fuse replaced with a RCD safety switch or circuit breaker. True Local Electricians provide all fuse box and switchboard repairs.
What is a Fuse Box?
A fuse box is the term given to the electric box on the outside of your home which contains all your homes fuses and power circuits. Power comes into the fuse box and is distributed to the rest of the home via its circuits. The fuse box is an old term, it has now been replaced with the word Switchboard.
We hope this has been helpful information to diagnose why your power is out or lights not working. If you require rapid emergency service, please phone True Local Electricians on 0423 562 257.
Blown Fuse Electrician
24/7 Fuse Repair Electrician
We hope this has been helpful information to diagnose why your power is out or lights not working. If you require rapid emergency service, please phone True Local Electricians on 0423 562 257.
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Email Address
Description of Work
The post Blown Fuse – How To Check And Fix A Blown Fuse appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/uncategorized/blown-fuse-how-to-check-and-fix-a-blown-fuse/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Emergency Electrician
Do you need an Emergency Electrician in The Sutherland Shire?
We are a 24/7 Emergency Electrician locally based in the Sutherland Shire and are ready to rapidly respond to your Electrical Emergency. For 24hr service call 0423 562 257
24hr Emergency & Same Day Service
Our Electricians near you are On Call 24 Hours & will attend to your electrical emergency no matter what time of day or night
Fully Licensed & Insured
Our professional Sutherland Shire Electricians are fully Qualified, Licensed & Insured to work on both Residential & Commercial properties
Free Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee during business hours. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
The post Emergency Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/emergency-electrician-4/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
About Us
Who Are True Local Electricians?
True Local Electricians are a family owned and operated Electrical Services business based in the Sutherland Shire NSW. We are specialists in all residential and commercial electrical services covering all of the Sutherland Shire and surrounding suburbs. All staff are proud Aussie Sutherland Shire locals, supporting other Locals from the Sutherland Shire.
Why True Local Electricians?
Expert, Honest & On Time service for an affordable price tag! Being local, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote to give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
Specialists in a range of Electrical Services
Whether you need a light bulb replaced or your home re-wired, we can provide you with expert service at affordable prices!
Our Services Include:
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Security & Sensor Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Fuse Box Repairs
Smoke detectors/Alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
Level 2 Defect notice rectification
House Wiring & Rewires
Meter box relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – Safety switches (RCD’s) and circuit breakers
Switchboard Repairs
Surge Protectors
Hot water tank repairs – thermostats & elements repalcement
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai Car Chargers
24hr emergency electrician service
Contact us for a FREE quote today!
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship and Labor
The post About Us appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/about-us-3/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Caringbah South Electrician
We Service Your Area! Caringbah South, NSW 2229
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Caringbah South, NSW 2229? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
We are an Aussie family owned business supporting Caringbah South Locals for over 15 years and would love to use our expertise to help you with your electrical needs!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Caringbah South. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
Our Electricians near you are On Call 24 Hours & will attend to your electrical emergency no matter what time of day or night
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
Our professional Caringbah South Electricians are fully Qualified, Licensed & Insured to work on both Residential & Commercial properties
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Caringbah South, Electrician 2229
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Gymea electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Gymea. Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Gymea Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Gymea Bay 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Gymea Bay electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
After 15 years of experience in Gymea Bay we have come across all residential electrical emergencies and commercial building electrical emergencies. Common electrical hazards and power failures we see are:
Overloaded power points and sparking sockets Emergency
Blown fuses, burning smells and consumer main faults
Power surges from storms & lightning strikes to faulty wiring
Upgrades and repairs to your switchboard
Tripped circuit breakers & tripping safety switches
Electrical cable which is damaged, corroded, loose, chewed by pets or burned
Hot water repairs and installations including thermostats & elements
Beeping smoke alarms, faulty light switches and any other emergency repairs
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Gymea Bay electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Gymea. Our Gymea technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Gymea Bay, NSW 2229
Gymea Bay is located 27 kilometres south of Sydney in the Sutherland Shire local government area. The area on the bay is characterised traditionally by verdant bush with a large number of shade giving trees, and takes its name from the Gymea lily that is found prevalently here. The lily has become the emblem of Gymea Bay, and though harder to find, can still be found in the Royal National Park. The locality and suburb of Gymea Bay are located in southern Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Gymea Bay is 27 kilometres (17 mi) south of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the Sutherland Shire. The postcode is 2227, which it shares with the adjacent suburb of Gymea. The Gymea Bay locality takes its name from the adjoining Gymea Bay, a small bay on the north side of the Port Hacking estuary). The locality included only the single peninsula between Gymea Bay and the North West Arm of the Port Hacking River, bounded by Coonong Creek on the north and, on the west, by an unnamed creek flowing south of Gymea Bay Road between Barraran Street and Coonong Road. Gymea Bay became a locality within the suburb of Gymea. Early street directories show the locality of Gymea Bay as part of the suburb of Gymea. In 2008, the NSW Geographical Names Board suggested a much enlarged area for a suburb of Gymea Bay, taking in much of former Gymea and even part of the suburb of Miranda which are separated from the locality of Gymea Bay and its settlement by a deep valley with no roads. This suggested suburb’s extremities are defined by Forest Road on the northeast, Avenel Road on the north, Dents Creek on the west, and the waters of North West Arm and the bay itself to the south. These suggested boundaries remain contentious as the proposal to the NSW Geographical Names Board was made without the required community consultation. The locality was characterised by large amounts of verdant bushland.
Electrical Services in Gymea Bay
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Gymea home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Gymea homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Gymea Bay home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Gymea Bay home on 0423 562 257.
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Gymea Bay Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Gymea Bay home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Gymea electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Caringbah South Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/caringbah-south-electrician-2/
0 notes
houseplandrafting · 3 years
Burraneer Electrician
We Service Your Area! Burraneer, NSW 2230
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Burraneer, NSW 2230? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
We are an Aussie family owned business supporting Burraneer Locals for over 15 years and would love to use our expertise to help you with your electrical needs!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Burraneer Electrician
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Burraneer electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Burraneer Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Burraneer Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Burraneer, Sutherland Shire Council 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Burraneer electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Burraneer electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Burraneer. Our Burraneer technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Burraneer, NSW 2226
Situated 26 kms from Sydney’s CBD in the south of Sydney is the small suburb of Burraneer. Burraneer is part of the Sutherland Shire and is located on the peninsula of Burraneer Point near Port Hacking and Gunnamatta Bay. Burraneer is an Aboriginal word, fittingly meaning “point of the bay.” There is a small handful of shops in the suburb, but Burraneer is mostly residential. It is also surrounded by lovely bushland of the Royal National Park.
Electrical Services in Burraneer
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Burraneer home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Burraneer  homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Burraneer home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Burraneer home on 0423 562 257.
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Burraneer Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Burraneer Bay home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Burraneer electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Burraneer Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/burraneer-electrician-2/
0 notes
houseplandrafting · 3 years
Caringbah Electrician
We Service Your Area! Caringbah, NSW 2229
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Caringbah, NSW 2229? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Are you a resident of Caringbah and in need of a reliable, trustworthy and friendly electrician service? For all domestic electrical problems around Caringbah, True Local Electricians are your preferred licensed & insured Electricians.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
We are an Aussie family owned business supporting Caringbah Locals for over 15 years and would love to use our expertise to help you with your electrical needs!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Caringbah, Electrician 2229
Affordable Aussie Electrician in Caringbah
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Caringbah electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Caringbah . Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Caringbah Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Caringbah Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Caringbah 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
We are Caringbah Switchboard Upgrade Electricians. Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Caringbah electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
After 15 years of experience in Caringbah we have come across all residential electrical emergencies and commercial building electrical emergencies. Common electrical hazards and power failures we see are:
Overloaded power points and sparking sockets Emergency
Blown fuses, burning smells and consumer main faults
Power surges from storms & lightning strikes to faulty wiring
Upgrades and repairs to your switchboard
Tripped circuit breakers & tripping safety switches
Electrical cable which is damaged, corroded, loose, chewed by pets or burned
Hot water repairs and installations including thermostats & elements
Beeping smoke alarms, faulty light switches and any other emergency repairs
You can read more about our Emergency Electrician in Caringbah service by Clicking Here
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Caringbah electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Caringbah. Our Caringbah technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Caringbah, NSW 2229
Caringbah is located in the south of Sydney, 24 kms from the city centre, in the local government area of Sutherland Shire. Caringbah is surrounded by other suburbs such as Taren Point, Port Hacking and Lilli Pilli. The name Caringbah derived from an Aboriginal word meaning “pademelon wallaby.” Originally, the area was known as “Highfield,” but it is unclear as to whether this corresponded with the suburbs position or if it was named after an early resident. Today Caringbah is a strong mix of residential, commercial and industrial properties. Caringbah is a suburb in southern Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Caringbah is 24 kilometres (15 mi) south of the Sydney central business district in the local government area of Sutherland Shire. Caringbah once stretched from Woolooware Bay on the Georges River to Yowie Bay and Burraneer Bay on the Port Hacking estuary. A number of Caringbah localities have been declared as separate suburbs but still share the postcode 2229. These suburbs include Taren Point to the north on the Georges River, and Port Hacking, Lilli Pilli, Dolans Bay and Caringbah South, located on the Port Hacking River to the south. Caringbah South is a suburb located on the Port Hacking coastline in southern Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. It is located 25 kilometres south of the Sydney central business district in the local government area of the Sutherland Shire. Caringbah South sits on a peninsula, on the north shore of the Port Hacking estuary. The suburb forms the eastern border of Burraneer Bay and the western border of Yowie Bay. Caringbah is the only northern adjacent suburb, whilst Lilli Pilli, Dolans Bay and Port Hacking are adjacent southern suburbs.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Caringbah home on 0423 562 257.
The switchboard controls how all of the electricity is routed throughout your home, ensuring power can reach all areas of your home. However, the switchboards of the past weren’t designed to accommodate the higher electricity needs of modern appliances, as the technology didn’t exist at the time. If you have old & obsolete ceramic fuses, your switchboard may need to be upgraded to a newer model to give your appliances and other electronics the stable current they need to operate optimally. We will convert your ceramic fuses, or out dated circuit breakers to individual RCD/RCBO safety switches. Switchboards with ceramic fuses present a fire hazard with modern day electrical demands, and as such should be replaced. Ceramic fuses could put you and your family at risk of electric shock and be a fire hazard to your home. True Local Electricians are Switchboard Specialists in Caringbah and can update your electrical panel to new circuit breaker/safety switch RCD’s. If you have Porcelain Fuse’s in your Caringbah switchboard you should upgraded as soon as possible
Other reasons to request a Free Switchboard safety inspection from us if you have:
Hard-wired circuit breaker switchboard.
A renovation is approaching, and you need to relocate your electrical switchboard
Having air-conditioning installed
Smell a smoky odor, a power outage, or the lights flickering.
Your home has recently been revamped, and your electrical load may have increased.
A pool pump was added
If you would like to schedule a FREE safety inspection of your switchboard in your Caringbah home, phone us on 0423 562 257
Ceramic Fuses & Old Wiring need to be replaced immediately. Hazards to look out for are signs of black smoldering or any melting around the ceramic fuse and cabling entering the fuse holder. If black smolder marks are present in any of your home wiring then you should consider having your switchboard upgraded immediately to safety switches which will provide you with protection. With modern appliances requiring more power draw wattage, your old switchboard was never equipped to deal with the new power consumption demands and over time new appliances will trip, overload and possibly short circuit resulting in damaged cabling which will add to your repair costs. Do your Lights Flicker or have you noticed the lighting socket is Black/Brown when you remove the old incandescent globe? You may have fluctuation in voltage issues which you need to have inspected. Over time your voltage is increased by your supply authority making it much harder for your old switchboard to handle the changes. Adding safety switches will prevent this problem and make you and your home safer and AS3000 compliant.
RCD/RCBO – Residual Current Device/Residual Current Device Overload
An RCD has one function where by it protects and detect the circuit of any earth leakage currents in your homes electricity circuits. In other words, an RCD is protecting you against a fatal electric shock when coming into contact with exposed electric wires or copper piping. On the other hand, an RCBO provides two functions – it will protect you against earth leakage currents but will also protect the circuit in the event of an overload fault on your switchboard. An overload fault has the potential to occur when you have to too many appliances or devices running on the one safety switch which is protecting your appliances from burn out and catching fire. RCD’s & RCBO’s are usually rated from 6 to 40 amps. Typical amp requirements to expect on common circuits: 6 to 10 amps for lighting, 16 to 20 amps for power sockets, 20 to 25 amps for ovens, 32 to 40 amps for cook-top/stove. All new switchboard installations in the Sutherland Shire since 2019 must be build according to the Australian standards. This Act states that all newly installed switchboard upgrades must have RCD’s & RCBOs installed on all individual circuits.
You can read more about our Caringbah Switchboard Services by Clicking Here
Electrical Services in Caringbah NSW 2229
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Caringbah home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
True Local Electricians Caringbah specialise in all LED lighting including:
Residential LED Lighting Upgrades, including Downlights, Pendants, Battens, Oyster, Chandeliers
Commercial Shop LED Lighting Upgrades, including High Bay Lights
Office Lighting – Troffer Lighting
Feature lighting to enhance your indoor space – Kitchen, Bathroom or Leisure Rooms
LED Strip Lighting
Outdoor Security Lighting, Including Sensors
Flood Lights & Spot Lights
Energy-efficient Lighting options to Save on Your Bills
Commercial Lighting Electrical Installation
Warehouse Lighting Installation
Factory LED Lighting
Dimable Lighting and IXL Heat Lighting
Led Down lights
Track Lighting
LED down lights are a small recessed energy efficient ceiling light that direct light down in the form of a narrow beam. LED downlights contain a microchip to emit light, and a transformer that steps down voltage from 240v to 24 or 12v. The Downlight is then connected to a 10amp plug-top to insert into a plug-base. LED downlights can be used in a range of places in your Caringbah home to light up spaces in bedrooms, bathrooms, provide brighter lighting in the kitchen where you prepare meals, under cabinetry to light up a bench-top and in the ceiling in any room. We use SAL (Sunny Lighting Australia) LED Down lights – SAL are a well known and trusted Australian brand & are renowned for making high quality brand name Down lights. SAL Down lights are Tricolour, meaning you have the choice of selecting the colour temperature via a switch and includes a 3000k warm white, 4000k day light or 5000k cool white setting, so that they are sure to match any household. SAL warrant their down lights for 5 years in a Residential capacity and to date we have not experienced a single failure, in comparison to the cheaper overseas variants. You can read more on their products by Clicking Here.
As a partner of Beacon Lighting, we can either supply a product from their range which you select, or install an item purchased in store. Beacon Lighting’s range can be viewed by Clicking Here
You can read more about our Lighting Services by Clicking Here:
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Caringbah homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Caringbah home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
True Local Electricians Caringbah are specialist providers of GPO Power Point and Light Switch installation to Caringbah. Whether you need a normal 10amp outlet, or upgraded 20amp to 32amp outlet for machinery & equipment at your office or business, we can help! We provide both residential services and also testing and tagging to offices from Caringbah to Cronulla. From upgrade of a single, to a double or a quad power point, or need additional power points installed, we will work with you to ensure that you have the correct number of power points at the best locations to suit your home or business.
We are Specialist in:
Repair of Existing Power Points and Light Switches
Installation of 15 amp, 20 amp & 32 amp Power Points for businesses
Upgrading Existing Single to Double Power Point GPO’s
Replacement of old yellow stained Switches & Power Points
Installing Additional Power Points
Upgrading of Existing Power Points
Testing Power Points for Safety – FREE Safety Inspections
Testing & Tagging
Installation of Power Points with Usb Ports for Charging
Slimline Power Point
Child Security Power Points
Skirting Duct Power Points Mounted
Industrial Water and Chemical Power Points
Outdoor Weatherproof Power Points
Home Entertainment Power Points Combination
Power Points for Air Conditioning
Power Points to Wet Area
Light Switch to Dimmer Installation
Clipsal Power Points & Switches We Use
We are True Local Electricians only use the best quality Light Switches and Power Points available which allow us to offer you the maximum warranty available. We supply and install Clipsals C2000 range of power points and switches as standard however we can provide premium outlets from Clipsal’s range at your request. Classic C2000 Series has smooth curves and clean lines, also making it one of the most versatile. Whether you need elegance or something a little more subtle, the C2000 Series suits both modern homes and old favourites. Click here to view the range.
You can read more about our Caringbah Power Point Repair & Upgrade Service by Clicking Here
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans in Caringbah are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Ceiling fans in Caringbah are a great way of cooling down in the summer months. Installing a modern, efficient ceiling fan reduces reliance on your costly air conditioner which will lead to savings on your energy bill. Fans can be stylish, providing added decor to your ceiling centrepiece, come in different sizes to suit your living space while offering relief from the heat. Not only will ceiling fans cool you down but in winter they can circulate the air by helping to push warm air downwards in living areas to keep them rooms warm. Ceiling fans are energy efficient and the average ceiling fan installation costs 3 cents per hour to run, the equivalent of running a 60 Watt globe for an hour. So installing a ceiling fan will have minimal toll on your energy bill, also reducing your effect on the environment. Did you know – Fans have a Summer & Winter Mode? In Summer, a ceiling fan pushes cool air down, evaporation perspiration and creating the wind chill effect on your skin, making a room feel up to 8 degrees cooler. In Winter when we heat a room the hot air will naturally rise to the top half of the room making the top hotter than the lower half of the room. By using your ceiling fan in Winter Mode, This reverses the direction of the fan, blowing towards ceiling, circulating warm air at the top of the room throughout the room without creating a draught on the occupants. By Utilising the warm air will reduce your heating bills. We install an trust a range of ceiling fan brands including Lucci (Beacon Lighting), Martec  &  Mercator. As a proud partner of Beacon Lighting, we can either supply a Ceiling Fan from their range which you select, or install an item purchased in store. Beacon Lighting’s range of Fan’s can be viewed by Clicking Here
You can read more about our Caringbah Ceiling Fan Installation Service by Clicking Here
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
You can read more about our Electric Car Charger Installation Service to Caringbah by clicking here
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Caringbah Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Caringbah home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Caringbah electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Caringbah Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/caringbah-electricians-2/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Bonnet Bay Electrician
We Service Your Area! Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
We are an Aussie family owned business supporting Bonnet Bay Locals for over 15 years and would love to use our expertise to help you with your electrical needs!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Bonnet Bay Electrician
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Bonnet Bay electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Bonnet Bay Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Bonnet Bay Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Bonnet Bay, Sutherland Shire Council 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Bonnet Bay electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Bonnet Bay electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Bonnet Bay. Our Bonnet Bay technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226
Situated 29ks from Sydney’s CBD in the south of the city is Bonnet Bay. The suburb is part of the Sutherland Shire and is situated in the eastern bank of the Woronora River. The suburb was established in 1969 and was named Bonnet Bay after a cave found in the area shaped like a bonnet. The area has some lovely bushland reserves that are perfect for a walk through the bush or a relaxing Saturday afternoon with friends and family at Bonnet Bay Shopping Centre.
Electrical Services in Bonnet Bay
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Bonnet Bay home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Bonnet Bay homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Bonnet Bay home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Bonnet Bay home on 0423 562 257.
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Bonnet Bay Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Bonnet Bay home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Bonnet Bay electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Bonnet Bay Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/bonnet-bay-electrician-2/
0 notes
houseplandrafting · 3 years
Barden Ridge Electrician
We Service Your Area! Barden Ridge, NSW 2234
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Barden Ridge, NSW 2234? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
We are an Aussie family owned business supporting Barden Ridge Locals for over 15 years and would love to use our expertise to help you with your electrical needs!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Barden Ridge Electrician
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Barden Ridge electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Barden Ridge Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Barden Ridge Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Barden Ridge, Sutherland Shire Council 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Barden Ridge electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Barden Ridge electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Barden Ridge. Our Barden Ridge technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Barden Ridge, NSW 2234
The town of Barden Ridge is located in the south of Sydney, 31 kms from the CBD. Barden Ridge is part of the Sutherland Shire and is close to Menai, Lucas Heights and Engadine. Barden Ridge is located near the Woronora River. Along the river is a popular recreational area boasting some great walking and cycling tracks which many of the Barden Ridge locals enjoy. There is also a popular sports facility in Barden Ridge known as The Ridge Sports Complex.
Electrical Services in Barden Ridge
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Barden Ridge home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Barden Ridge homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Barden Ridge home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Barden Ridge home on 0423 562 257.
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Barden Ridge Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Barden Ridge home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Barden Ridge electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Barden Ridge Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/barden-ridge-electrician-2/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Bangor Point Electrician
We Service Your Area! Bangor, NSW 2234
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Bangor, NSW 2234? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Bangor Electrician
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Bangor electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Bangor Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Bangor Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Bangor, Sutherland Shire Council 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Bangor electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Bangor electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Bangor. Our Bangor technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Bangor, NSW 2234
Bangor located in the Sutherland shire council, 28kms south from Sydney CBD is the suburb of which sits along the southern bank of Georges River.  The name “Bangor” was chosen by Owen Jones in 1895 who was the landowner of the time. He named the area after his birthplace in Bangor, Wales.
Electrical Services in Bangor
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Bangor home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Bangor homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Bangor home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Bangor home on 0423 562 257.
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Bangor Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Bangor home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Bangor electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
The post Bangor Point Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/bangor-point-electrician-2/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Alfords Point Electrician
We Service Your Area! Alfords Point, NSW 2234
Need a Licensed Residential Electrician in Alfords Point, 2234? Call 0423 562 257 for 24/7 Emergency & Same Day service.
Why Choose True Local Electricians?
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee to Gymea. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
What Can We Help You With?
Whether you need a Light Bulb replaced or have an Electrical Emergency, we are here to help with Expert service at Affordable prices!
Home Renovations
Lighting & LED Upgrades
Power Points & Switches
Switchboard Faults & Upgrades
Emergency Electrician / Power Restoration
Ceiling Fans
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
See All Electrical Services
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
Special Offer
Click to Book Online!
Local Alfords Point Electrician
Affordable Aussie Electrician
True Local Electricians can help! We are your local Aussie Alfords Point electricians specialising in residential & commercial electrical repairs and installs. We are an honest, reliable and local Aussie owned family business supporting other Local families in Alfords Point. Being local electricians near you, we offer FREE Quotes & No hidden Call Out Fee’s…. Ever. From our family to yours we are happy to attend your property and provide a FREE in-home quote and give you our expert advice on your electrical jobs. We offer affordable fixed prices which are fairly priced before we begin work, so there is no nasty surprises! We always look after our Local Alfords Point Seniors – if you have a valid pension card we will apply a Seniors discount to your service making it even cheaper!
All Jobs Big & Small!
Whether you are renovating and need your home re-wired, looking for options to upgrade all your lighting to low power LED options, or simply need assistance in changing a light globe, we are here to help while guaranteeing friendly and on time service.
LED Lighting – Downlights, Battens, Pendants, Oyster Lights
Flood/Spot lighting
Sensor Security Lighting
Garden lights
IXL Bathroom Lights
Exhaust Fans
Smoke detectors/alarms
Ceiling Fans
Power Points
Ovens and Cooktop Installation
Level 2 Connect & Disconnect, private poles and points of attachment
House Wiring & Rewires
Meterbox relocations
Switchboard Upgrades – RCD Safety Switches & Circuit Breakers
Surge protectors
Hot water thermostats & elements
Fault finding detection
Electric Car Chargers (EV Chargers) – Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai
24hr Emergency Service to The Sutherland Shire
Emergency Power Restoration
Alfords Point, Sutherland Shire Council 24/7 Emergency & Same Day Electrician Service
Do you have No Power? Burned Fuse? Tripping Switches? Lights not working? Burning Smell? a Loud Bang? We are Electricians near you and on call 24/7 to help rapidly with your Electrical Emergency. Your Emergency is our priority! Is your residence the only one in the entire street without electricity or has a pet chewed up your electrical wiring? These kinds of electrical emergencies should be promptly resolved. Our 24/7 Alfords Point electrical contractors are always ready to assist you regardless of what time of day or night you may need electrical assistance. Just call us on 0423 562 257 and we will be there to provide you with electrical solutions & repairs on the same day.
Expert Master Electrician
True Local Electricians are fully trained master electricians which means that you get quality, long lasting work carried out by licensed professionals. Our team are all Local Alfords Point electricians servicing customers across all The Sutherland Shire delivering professional yet affordable electrical services to residents and business owners in Alfords Point. Our Alfords Point technicians are equipped with fully stocked service vans ready to fix a range of common electrical faults or issues right through to new installations of electrical appliances, lighting, wiring or electrical upgrades.
About Alfords Point, NSW 2234
The Sutherland Shire suburb of Alfords Point, is a 28 km drive from the Sydney city centre. Alfords Point is located in the Sutherland Shire Council and is close to Menai, Illawong and Bangor suburbs. Being next to the Georges River, Alfords Point postcode 2234 enjoys some great riverside parklands, as well as beautiful natural bushland which boasts some great trail walks. For all your shopping needs, head on down to Brushwood Drive where you will find a collection of shops in Alfords Point.
Switchboard Faults & RCD Safety Switch Upgrades
Safety switches protect you from electric shock. They turn off the electricity within milliseconds when a current leak is detected. This can happen if a faulty power point, wiring or electrical appliance is being used. If you have a blown fuse, or your switch clicks off with a “bang” or a “flash,” don’t touch it anymore! This is an indicator of a “hard fault” which could cause the breaker or the appliance to explode if you keep trying to close the breaker. Call us immediately for a FREE safety inspection in your Alfords Point home on 0423 562 257.
 The switchboard controls how all of the electricity is routed throughout your home, ensuring power can reach all areas of your home. However, the switchboards of the past weren’t designed to accommodate the higher electricity needs of modern appliances, as the technology didn’t exist at the time. If you have old & obsolete ceramic fuses, your switchboard may need to be upgraded to a newer model to give your appliances and other electronics the stable current they need to operate optimally. We will convert your ceramic fuses, or out dated circuit breakers to individual RCD/RCBO safety switches. Switchboards with ceramic fuses present a fire hazard with modern day electrical demands, and as such should be replaced. Ceramic fuses could put you and your family at risk of electric shock and be a fire hazard to your home. True Local Electricians are Switchboard Specialists in the Sutherland Shire and can update your electrical panel to new circuit breaker/safety switch RCD’s. If you have Porcelain Fuse’s in your switchboard you should upgraded as soon as possible
Other reasons to request a Free Switchboard safety inspection from us if you have:
Hard-wired circuit breaker switchboard.
A renovation is approaching, and you need to relocate your electrical switchboard
Having air-conditioning installed
Smell a smoky odor, a power outage, or the lights flickering.
Your home has recently been revamped, and your electrical load may have increased.
A pool pump was added
If you would like to schedule a FREE safety inspection of your switchboard, phone us on 0423 562 257
Ceramic Fuses & Old Wiring need to be replaced immediately. Hazards to look out for are signs of black smoldering or any melting around the ceramic fuse and cabling entering the fuse holder. If black smolder marks are present in any of your home wiring then you should consider having your switchboard upgraded immediately to safety switches which will provide you with protection. With modern appliances requiring more power draw wattage, your old switchboard was never equipped to deal with the new power consumption demands and over time new appliances will trip, overload and possibly short circuit resulting in damaged cabling which will add to your repair costs. Do your Lights Flicker or have you noticed the lighting socket is Black/Brown when you remove the old incandescent globe? You may have fluctuation in voltage issues which you need to have inspected. Over time your voltage is increased by your supply authority making it much harder for your old switchboard to handle the changes. Adding safety switches will prevent this problem and make you and your home safer and AS3000 compliant.
RCD/RCBO – Residual Current Device/Residual Current Device Overload
An RCD has one function where by it protects and detect the circuit of any earth leakage currents in your homes electricity circuits. In other words, an RCD is protecting you against a fatal electric shock when coming into contact with exposed electric wires or copper piping. On the other hand, an RCBO provides two functions – it will protect you against earth leakage currents but will also protect the circuit in the event of an overload fault on your switchboard. An overload fault has the potential to occur when you have to too many appliances or devices running on the one safety switch which is protecting your appliances from burn out and catching fire. RCD’s & RCBO’s are usually rated from 6 to 40 amps. Typical amp requirements to expect on common circuits: 6 to 10 amps for lighting, 16 to 20 amps for power sockets, 20 to 25 amps for ovens, 32 to 40 amps for cook-top/stove. All new switchboard installations in the Sutherland Shire since 2019 must be build according to the Australian standards. This Act states that all newly installed switchboard upgrades must have RCD’s & RCBOs installed on all individual circuits.
You can read more about our Alford Point Switchboard Services by Clicking Here
Electrical Services in Alfords Point
LED Lighting – Houses & Shops
If you are looking to have new LED lights installed or upgrade your existing lighting in your Alfords Point home, we offer comprehensive home lighting services including Downlights, Batten Lights, Pendant Lights & Oyster Lights. LED Lights are the latest in lighting technology boosting longevity, improved brightness and can use around 85% less electricity than standard light bulbs and last up to fifty times longer. We have years of experience & can help with expert advice on switching to LED lighting throughout your home to start saving on power today.
True Local Electricians Alfords Point specialise in all LED lighting including:
Residential LED Lighting Upgrades, including Downlights, Pendants, Battens, Oyster, Chandeliers
Commercial Shop LED Lighting Upgrades, including High Bay Lights
Office Lighting – Troffer Lighting
Feature lighting to enhance your indoor space – Kitchen, Bathroom or Leisure Rooms
LED Strip Lighting
Outdoor Security Lighting, Including Sensors
Flood Lights & Spot Lights
Energy-efficient Lighting options to Save on Your Bills
Commercial Lighting Electrical Installation
Warehouse Lighting Installation
Factory LED Lighting
Dimable Lighting and IXL Heat Lighting
Led Down lights
Track Lighting
LED down lights are a small recessed energy efficient ceiling light that direct light down in the form of a narrow beam. LED downlights contain a microchip to emit light, and a transformer that steps down voltage from 240v to 24 or 12v. The Downlight is then connected to a 10amp plug-top to insert into a plug-base. LED downlights can be used in a range of places in your Sutherland Shire home to light up spaces in bedrooms, bathrooms, provide brighter lighting in the kitchen where you prepare meals, under cabinetry to light up a bench-top and in the ceiling in any room. We use SAL (Sunny Lighting Australia) LED Down lights – SAL are a well known and trusted Australian brand & are renowned for making high quality brand name Down lights. SAL Down lights are Tricolour, meaning you have the choice of selecting the colour temperature via a switch and includes a 3000k warm white, 4000k day light or 5000k cool white setting, so that they are sure to match any household. SAL warrant their down lights for 5 years in a Residential capacity and to date we have not experienced a single failure, in comparison to the cheaper overseas variants. You can read more on their products by Clicking Here.
As a partner of Beacon Lighting, we can either supply a product from their range which you select, or install an item purchased in store. Beacon Lighting’s range can be viewed by Clicking Here
You can read more about our Lighting Services by Clicking Here:
House Wiring & Re-Wiring
If you have Electrical issues on a circuit or need an upgrade for a new appliance you have purchased, we can re-wire your homes wiring to the latest safety standard. Modern day homes now have a lot of power hungry devices which older Alfords Point homes may not be able to support including air conditioning, hot water induction ovens & cook tops
Power Points & Switches
Do you need a new Power Point installed for a new appliance you have purchased? We can install new Power Point outlets with our Clipsal C2000 range of switches and Powerpoints to your Alfords Point home. If you have old, broken & yellow switches & power points, we can easily replace with new outlets.
True Local Electricians are specialist providers of GPO Power Point and Light Switch installation to Alfords Point. Whether you need a normal 10amp outlet, or upgraded 20amp to 32amp outlet for machinery & equipment at your office or business, we can help! We provide both residential services and also testing and tagging to offices from Alfords Point to Menai. From upgrade of a single, to a double or a quad power point, or need additional power points installed, we will work with you to ensure that you have the correct number of power points at the best locations to suit your home or business.
We are Specialist in:
Repair of Existing Power Points and Light Switches
Installation of 15 amp, 20 amp & 32 amp Power Points for businesses
Upgrading Existing Single to Double Power Point GPO’s
Replacement of old yellow stained Switches & Power Points
Installing Additional Power Points
Upgrading of Existing Power Points
Testing Power Points for Safety – FREE Safety Inspections
Testing & Tagging
Installation of Power Points with Usb Ports for Charging
Slimline Power Point
Child Security Power Points
Skirting Duct Power Points Mounted
Industrial Water and Chemical Power Points
Outdoor Weatherproof Power Points
Home Entertainment Power Points Combination
Power Points for Air Conditioning
Power Points to Wet Area
Light Switch to Dimmer Installation
Clipsal Power Points & Switches We Use
We are True Local Electricians only use the best quality Light Switches and Power Points available which allow us to offer you the maximum warranty available. We supply and install Clipsals C2000 range of power points and switches as standard however we can provide premium outlets from Clipsal’s range at your request. Classic C2000 Series has smooth curves and clean lines, also making it one of the most versatile. Whether you need elegance or something a little more subtle, the C2000 Series suits both modern homes and old favourites. Click here to view the range.
You can read more about our Alford Point Power Point Services by Clicking Here
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are a must for any home because they are a great way to save on cooling costs during the summer. There may be no more energy-efficient way to feel cooler than with a ceiling fan, they are far cheaper to buy and install than air conditioning, once installed, a ceiling fan consumes about as much power as a 60 watt light bulb.
Ceiling fans are a great way of cooling down in the summer months. Installing a modern, efficient ceiling fan reduces reliance on your costly air conditioner which will lead to savings on your energy bill. Fans can be stylish, providing added decor to your ceiling centrepiece, come in different sizes to suit your living space while offering relief from the heat. Not only will ceiling fans cool you down but in winter they can circulate the air by helping to push warm air downwards in living areas to keep them rooms warm. Ceiling fans are energy efficient and the average ceiling fan installation costs 3 cents per hour to run, the equivalent of running a 60 Watt globe for an hour. So installing a ceiling fan will have minimal toll on your energy bill, also reducing your effect on the environment. Did you know – Fans have a Summer & Winter Mode? In Summer, a ceiling fan pushes cool air down, evaporation perspiration and creating the wind chill effect on your skin, making a room feel up to 8 degrees cooler.In Winter when we heat a room the hot air will naturally rise to the top half of the room making the top hotter than the lower half of the room. By using your ceiling fan in Winter Mode, This reverses the direction of the fan, blowing towards ceiling, circulating warm air at the top of the room throughout the room without creating a draught on the occupants. By Utilising the warm air will reduce your heating bills. We install an trust a range of ceiling fan brands including Lucci (Beacon Lighting), Martec & Mercator. As a proud partner of Beacon Lighting, we can either supply a Ceiling Fan from their range which you select, or install an item purchased in store. Beacon Lighting’s range of Fan’s can be viewed by Clicking Here
You can read more about our Alfords Point Ceiling Fan Service by Clicking Here
Electric Car Chargers
We cater for installation of all EV Electric & PHEV car chargers including popular brands including: Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X EV Charger Installation – Including Tesla Supercharger & Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able to quote on 3 phase power upgrades to suit required power delivery. Specialists in Level 1/Type 1 AC (J1772, SAE J1772), Level 2/Type 1 (IEC 62196, Mennekes), Level 3/Type 3 Rapid DC Fast Charging
Oven & Stove Installation
If you have purchased a new Hot Plate & Stove, Ceramic Cook Top, Induction Oven & Range hood and need a Licensed Alfords Point Electrician to install it – we can help!
Exhaust Fans & IXL Heat Lamps
We can supply, replace and install all types of IXL light, heat lamp & fan combination, as well as Wall & Ceiling Exhaust Fans to your bathroom or kitchen. Fans are a great way to extract heat, steam & moisture and smells from your Alfords Point home.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms reduce the risk of death in a house fire by more than half, but to be effective the alarm must be working correctly, installed and maintained. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical uses a new technology of detecting visible particles of combustion which means they literally see smoke which helps in quickly triggering the alarm. If you need a qualified, experienced local Alfords Point electrician to install smoke detectors in your home, we have the expert knowledge to advise you on what type of smoke alarm would be best for your home.
  The post Alfords Point Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/alfords-point-electrician-2/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Gymea Bay Electrician
The post Gymea Bay Electrician appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/locations/gymea-bay-electrician-2/
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houseplandrafting · 3 years
Level 2 Electrician Update
Level 2 Electrician Sutherland Shire
$0 Call Out Fee & FREE Quotes
Book Online Today
Fill-in your details below and we will get back to you within 30 minutes or less for your level 2 electrician service!
Level 2 Electrician
Sutherland Shire
$0 Call Out Fee & FREE Quotes
Book Online Today
Fill-in your details below and we will get back to you within 30 minutes or less!
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee for Level 2 Electrician Work in the Sutherland Shire. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
24hr & Same Day Rapid Response
Our Electricians near you are On Call 24 Hours & will attend to your electrical emergency no matter what time of day or night
Qualified, Licensed & Insured
Our professional Sutherland Shire Electricians are fully Qualified, Licensed & Insured to work on both Residential & Commercial properties
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla, NSW.
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Lifetime Warranty
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
Level 2 Electrician Sutherland Shire
True Local Electricians are qualified Level 2 Electricians in the Sutherland Shire & can assist you with all Level 2 electrical requirements including consumer mains replacement, private pole installation, switchboard repairs, switchboard upgrades and switchboard meter panel upgrades. Level 2 Electrician services are different from your normal electrical services and require a specific ASP Accredited Service Provider license which allows for specific technical electrical work such as connecting and disconnecting power from the electricity network.
As a Level 2 electrician in the Sutherland Shire we can disconnect and connect power supply to a premise if it is undergoing substantial renovations, and can setup temporary electrical power for builders etc. True Local Electricians provides residential, commercial and 24 hour emergency call out electrical services throughout the Sutherland Shire region. We have over 15 year’s experience in the electrical industry and pride ourselves on delivering high quality workmanship.
If you are experiencing an emergency, we offer 24/7 After Hours Level 2 Electrician services to the Sutherland Shire. If you need afterhours service, call our Level 2 Electrician on 0423 562 257
Electrical Defect Notice – Level 2 Electrician Sutherland Shire
If you have received an electrical defect notice please contract True Local Electricians to have the issue rectified. Defect notices require a Level 2 electrician to inspect and correct your issue. Defect notices are issued by Ausgrid, Vector, Transgrid & Endeavour energy as your electrical equipment is in breach of NSW Safety requirements. Common reasons can include: dangerous or missing equipment, broken point of attachment hanging off the roof , old switchboards with fuses, old or missing service fuses, asbestos switchboard panels, low hanging overhead cables, fm:7100 metering installation defect, metering family defect, tree’s falling onto cables, sagging powerlines, and rusty power poles.
The property owner has up to 21 days to contact a level 2 electrician to fix this problem. If you exceed the 21 day period, the property will be disconnected from the main power network which will result in the loss of all access to electricity until repairs are complete.
Our Level 2 Electrician Sutherland Shire Services
Switchboard Repair & Upgrade
The switchboard controls how all of the electricity is routed throughout your home, ensuring power can reach all areas of your home. However, the switchboards of the past weren’t designed to accommodate the higher electricity needs of modern appliances, as the technology didn’t exist at the time. If you have old & obsolete ceramic fuses, your switchboard may need to be upgraded to a newer model to give your appliances and other electronics the stable current they need to operate optimally. We will convert your ceramic fuses, or out dated circuit breakers to individual RCD/RCBO safety switches. Read more about our switchboard repair services here
Other reasons to request a Free Switchboard safety inspection from us if you have:
A fuse box with hard-wired circuit breakers or plug in fuses
A renovation is approaching, and you need to relocate your electrical switchboard
Having air-conditioning installed and need three phase power
Your electrical switchboard is causing safety concerns
You smell a smoky odor, electrical sparking, have a power outage, or the lights are flickering.
Your home has recently been renovated, and your electrical load may have increased.
A pool pump was added
Your house wiring is old and under sized and may need re-wiring
If you would like to schedule a FREE safety inspection of your switchboard, phone us on 0423 562 257
Consumer Mains
Why Upgrade Old Consumer Mains?
With consumer mains, older mains wiring was designed to cope with the technology of the time they were installed. Many mains cables in older Sutherland Shire homes older systems are subsequently not built to meet the power consumption needs of today modern appliances. In this scenario, the consumer cables are more likely to overwork which can lead to fires, burning and other hazards. These hazards can include:
Electrocution – If you were to touch wiring that is exposed or when there is a large amount of voltage running through the older cables, the result can be fatal. Even in the event the wires are not touched, the cables are still a hazard and can lead to severe issues.
Fire Hazards – as cables become worn or receiving too much voltage over the years, they can spark, increasing the chance for an electrical fire
Power Outages – when cables are overworked, older consumer mains  cannot take the amount of voltage which can lead to overload. Most power issues that lead to outages are often linked to the older consumer mains having failed. Old consumers mains cannot keep up with all the electrical appliances in use and will simply stop working.
Consumer Main Types & Sizes
Consumer main sizes of old Sutherland Shire homes range from 6mm – 16mm, and commercial offices from 16mm plus. If your home has mains of the smaller size cable, and depending on its type, it can mean there may be over load issues in supplying the needed power and voltage. Generally speaking, a 6mm cable has a rating of 40amps, whereas a 16mm cable rates to 63amps and should be used accordingly.
Today, there is more electrical appliances in modern buildings and homes in the Sutherland Shire, therefore there is greater need for power. In these circumstances you need to be aware of multiple devices on at once and needing the amps to run, therefore  putting strain on the outdated consumer mains to overload point. In these circumstances you should consider upgrading your Consumers Mains to modern day standards.
VIR Cables and Consumer Mains
The older the home in Sutherland Shire, the chance of it being installed with VIR (Vulcanised Indian Rubber) increases. These outdated wires are no longer used and a hazard as they do not age and often linked to the cause for serious issues. Common issues include, electrocution, electrical fires, electrical short circuits and other problems are often a result of these cables. Typically, as they get older, the insulation deteriorates away from the conductors which increase the risks. Furthermore, VIR cables was often installed in steel conduits which therefore poses a further risk as the exposed wire may contact the metal.
If you know that these are installed in your home, or require a FREE safety inspection, contact us today to discuss your options on having this cable replaced.
Consumer Mains Electrical Defect Notices
Commonly due to age and danger of old consumer mains, Electrical Defect Notices can be given to Sutherland Shire residents to have them removed. In NSW, the older consumer mains will need to be upgraded, and new ones installed in their place – please visit ‘New South Wales Standard Electricity Service & Installation Rules’.
In these circumstances, Ausgrid will deliver an electrical defect notice requiring that the building needs new consumer mains. In this instance you will need to contact a Level 2 Electrician to install new consumer mains in your Sutherland Shire Property. For more information on how to handle Ausgrid Electrcial Defect Notices and Endeavour Energy Notices, please contact us.
XLPE Cabling – The Modern Standard
Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) consumer mains are the safest and modern day solution for consumer mains. This cable is now the norm in any new installations in Sutherland Shire domestic & residential buildings and have a minimum size of 16mm in all applications.
XLPE is safer and works with modern power needs with stronger insulation,  tensile strength increases, elongation and impact resistance. Furthermore, carbon block is included in the mix which provides cut through resistance and hot deformation for further improvement. These cables are a great solutions as they are designed to last longer, not melt/ deteriorate and can handle the voltage increase.
Please note – when working with consumer mains and XLPE, you need to have work completed by a Level 2 Electrician. Your normal electrician does not have the training, and legal authority to do so. Hiring a skilled and certified level 2 asp electrician from True Local Electricians is the way to go.
How to Install House Mains & Consumer Mains
Consumer main cables which a level 2 electrician installs are usually installed using the roof cavity by the Point of Attachment, where the main overhead cables are located and attached to the house. Alternatively they can be installed through underground measures, at a private pole within the property. This is done through a green electrical transformer box or at the street light in front of your home.
Electricity Metering Panels – Smart Meters
Electricity retailers are progressively rolling out upgrades to Smart Meters across Sydney. If you have received an electrical defect notice for your switchboard and require a Level 2 Electrician to rectify the issue to allow the upgrade to smart meters please phone us on 0423 562 257 for a quote.
An electrical meter displays the amount of electricity which is being consumed  for billing measurement purposes. Your electricity retailer then uses this information to calculate your charges. Typically, a meters measures the number of kWh used, or energy consumed, during a billing cycle which is sent to your energy retailer. Most meters now days are digital and report back to the electrical retailer, however for older homes a meter reader might perform quick electrical inspections a few times a year.
There are three types of meters which could be installed in your Sutherland Shire home to measure electricity usage.
Accumulation Meter
These meters measure the overall electricity consumption irrespective of the time and usage of the electricity. These types of meters are in alot of old Sutherland Shire homes – the electricity retailer will not charge the rates on the time of day but will rather will charge a flat rate. These meters are commonly called a flat rate meter due to it charging at a flat rate.There are three different types of accumulation meters which will display the reading in different ways
A digital display as the number electrically displayed
A dial display that displays 5 digits where a hand will indicate the amount of electricity used
The cyclometer displays the meter reading through an analogue clock
Generally in Sydney & The Sutherland Shire, the billing period is every three months where a meter reader will inspect your switchboard to determine the amount of electricity used in kWh.
Interval Meter
Interval meters will measure the electricity used per half an hr, which allows  retailers to determine the amount of electricity used during the day. Retailers then offer either a flat rate or tariffs to be used when being charged. The meter reader still arrives quarterly and reads the information to the electrical retailers to be charged.
Smart Meter
The latest of all meters is the Smart meter. They are similar to interval meters however more importantly does not need a meter reader in person to analyse the information. Electricity usage is sent electronically to the retailer and you as the individual can read the data electronically when ever you like at your switchboard. When performing meter installations, it is compulsory to have smart meters installed.
Sydney Peak and Off Times
Within NSW the main electrical retailers are Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy. Each provider can measure consumption depending on usage during peak, shoulder and off-peak times, measuring when electricity is consumed and cost.
Peak:  Monday – Friday, 2pm – 8pm (excluding public holidays)
Shoulder: Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays), 7am – 2pm and 8pm – 10pm. Weekends and public holidays, 7am – 10pm
Off-Peak: All other times
Endeavour Energy Peak: Monday – Friday, 1pm – 8pm (excluding public holidays)
Shoulder: Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays), 7am – 1pm and 8pm – 10pm. Weekends and public holidays, 7am – 10pm
Off-Peak: 10pm – 7am each day
Essential Energy
Peak: Monday – Friday, 7am – 9am, 5pm – 8pm
Shoulder: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, 8pm – 10pm
Off-Peak: All other times
How Does an Electric Meter Read Power?
Most meter readers will read power by kilowatts per hour. One watt is produced by one voltage and amperage measuring the electrical potential. The amount of electricity used will need time added into the formula to give an accurate reading. Every hr the number of kilowatts used is measured, with one kilowatt per hour equalling 1,000 watts. This means that if a light with 100 watts is used for 10 hours, then 100 watts by 10 is 1,000 watts consumed.
How to Choose the Right Electrical Tariff?
Tariffs will be applied depending on how energy is utilised in the property with their being two main types:
Flat Rate or Single Rate Tariff – these will not be influenced by off-peak and peak times but will charge a single rate. This one rate will be charged no matter the time or the day electricity is used. When there is a lot of electricity used on a retry this type of tariff will be favoured one. Regular households can also benefit from a single rate especially as most people are home at one specific time.
Time of Use Tariff – the time of day will influence how much electricity was used will be charged. Peak periods are more expensive and off-peak periods are less expensive. This means that if electricity was used during peak times then it would cost more than if it was used during off-peak times. If electricity is mainly used at night or at times during usual off-peak then a person could favour this tariff. Using electrical mainly during off-peak times will cost less than a flat rate.
True Local Electricians Sutherland Shire will work at any time to carry out reliable and professional electric meter work. Our electricians are licensed to operate with any electrical meter type while operating with meters under any electrical retailer. We work across all of the Sutherland Shire, and are able to assist you with any Level 2 work.
Private Power Pole Replacement
Private Power Pole systems are what deliver electricity to your Sutherland Shire home beyond your connection to the electrical grid in the street. You as the property owner is responsible for maintaining that the cabling and system is safe and working at all times. If your system is deemed to be unsafe, an electrical defect notice can be issued in which you will be required to phone a level 2 electrician like True Local Electricians for assistance.
Erected on a property, a private power pole is the electrical source for the residence. Private poles are attached to the house by cables and the point of attachment connecting it to the main electricity grid. Connections are able to be shared amongst multiple homes, then the private pole electrical power line allows the electricity to be diverted to a single property. The connection then then flows to to the main electrical switchboard where it then can be transmitted to any part of the house.
Private poles are often installed in new residence and existing houses where the current pole is wooden or metal and showing signs of rust and deterioration.
Main Types of Power Poles we Install
There are two main types of private power poles which can be installed onto a Sutherland Shire property, timber and galvanised/ steel. Both poles have  positives and negatives to consider which comes with their installation and intended usage. However it may come down to individual preference from the Sutherland Shire home owner.
Timber Private Power Pole
Timber private power poles are more expensive than steel, and have a life of up to 30 years, which is the longest life you will get from a private pole. Wooden poles are non-conducive and safer for your surrounding area while offer a more natural look to the property. On the other side, timber poles can be more prone to being damaged by termites, especially in coastal area and when active termite mounds are observed. Timber can also rot more easily if living in an area that is higher in moisture – however rain is fine, as the poles are designed to dry quickly.
Galvanised Steel Power Pole
Galvanised and steel private power poles are increasing in popularity. First off a steel pole is installed, and then galvanisation is completed where a coating of protective zinc is applied to the pole to prevent rusting. You as the home owner are then free to paint the pole to a colour of your choice whilst not connected. Cabling is run inside the pole and not exposed like timber poles, therefore this pole can be more aesthetically pleasing. They are also smaller in size and more affordable. Unfortunately, once the layer of zinc wears away rust can form and begin to decompose the metal, especially prevalent in places near saltwater. Not lasting as long as timber, the life of a galvanised poles is around 15 years.
Private Power Pole Placement Safety
As the Sutherland Shire home owner, you are responsible for general maintenance of a power pole such as:
Regularly inspect the condition of the pole and the wires
After extreme weather including storms and heavy winds, making sure there is no damage
Regular landscaping, including trimming nearby trees, to ensure winds and the vegetation will not ruin the wires/ pole
Professional inspections, by licensed level 2 electricians, are often carried out for identifying any other damages which untrained people cannot
How Do We Install & Replace Power Poles?
If you require a private pole replaced or installed in the Sutherland Shire, we will:
Inspect the area and ensure it is clear from vegetation and it can be connected to the electrical network and property through the point of attachment.
Disconnect the power.
Safely remove the old power pole.
Drill a hole for the new power pole
Install and replace with a new pole
Reconnect to the electrical network
Electrical Defect Notices For Private Power Poles
If issues with poles are identified by a power company, such as Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential energy, they will deliver an electrical defect notice to the property. This notice can be issued for a number of reasons including if trees are growing too close to the pole and when there are visible damages present such as decay, termite damage or the pole has fallen. An electrical defect notice will contain a list of actions for a level 2 asp electrician to take with regards to the power pole. As the private power pole is the homeowner’s responsibility, it will be their responsibility to organise the tasks on the notice. Calling a licensed level 2 electrician is the most effective option to take and should happen as soon as possible.  The jobs outlined on the notice will need proper addressing within 21-30 days. If they are not, the main power supply to the building will be shut-off until the repairs are complete
Point of Attachment Replacement
Your Point of Attachment bracket or POT as commonly referred is the main bracket which supports the over head aerial electricity wires as they come in from the street to your home. Commonly the bracket will be attached to the eves of your home and feed your switchboard via consumer mains cables. In older homes, the point of attachment and its supporting wood can deteriorate causing the cables to sag or become dethatched. Your point of attachment can also be subject to a level 2 defect notice – it is important in these circumstances to phone a Level 2 specific electrician on 0423 562 257 to rectify your issue as soon as possible.
After Hours & Emergency Level 2 Electricians Sutherland Shire
If you are experiencing an emergency, we offer 24/7 After Hours Level 2 Electrician services to the Sutherland Shire. If you need afterhours service, call our Level 2 Electrician on 0423 562 257
Frequently Asked Questions – Level 2 Electrician Sutherland Shire
Why Have I Received An Electrical Defect Notice?
If you have received an electrical defect notice please contract True Local Electricians to have the issue rectified. Defect notices require a Level 2 electrician to inspect and correct your issue. Defect notices are issued by Ausgrid & Endeavour energy as your electrical equipment is in breach of NSW Safety requirements. Common reasons can include: dangerous or missing equipment, point of attachment issues, outdated switchboards, low hanging overhead cables, vegetation falling onto cables and weakened powerlines / power poles. The property owner has up to 21 days to contact a level 2 electrician to fix this problem. If you exceed the 21 day period, the property will be disconnected from the main power network which will result in the loss of all access to electricity until repairs are complete.
What Is a Level 2 Electrician Compared To A Normal Electrician?
A level 2 electrician is a specially trained electrician that can connect and disconnect a property to and from the electricity grid, which can include above and underground connections.
I Smell Electricity Burning, What Should I Do?
If you smell an electrical burning smell you should contact True Local Electricians immediately on 0423 562 257. Burning smells can be caused by loose circuit breaker wires, hot joins, overloaded wiring or faulty circuit breakers.
When Does My Electrical Equipment Need An Upgrade?
Your circuit breakers and fuses will need an upgrade when they becomes faulty due to wear and tear, you have added more load to your home electrical system or an electrical issue arises. If you are unsure about your homes electrical system, we can provide you with a FREE safety inspection for piece of mind.
Do I Need A Private Power Pole Installed?
Only level 2 electricians can install private power poles due to danger in the connection and point of attachment. If a tree has fallen on your power pole and you now have a point of attachment issue, True Local Electricians highly trained L2 technicians can carry out these installations and repairs across The Sutherland Shire .
What Does A Level 2 Electrician Do?
Some of the work a licensed level 2 electrician can carry out include repairing damaged cables and consumer mains, upgrading meter panel and switchboards, replacement of VIR & cotton sheath cables, and private power pole installations
What Is An Electricity Meter?
A meter is used to measure your household’s gas and electricity consumption. The average Australian household typically uses a single phase meter whereas apartment complexes may not be able to access theirs. If you need any help with your electricity meters you can contact True Local Electricians.
What Is An Electrical Tariff?
An electrical tariff is an amount charged to you in order to provide energy under your property’s contract. They are either located on the second or back page of your electricity bill and include both fixed and variable charges. A single rate tariff is suitable for home’s with relatively high energy usage.
What Does A Level 2 ASP Mean?
Electricians in Australia must go through advanced training and certification in order to work on different types of jobs. Level 2 Electricians performing work to the Sutherland Shire must hold an ASP (Accredited & Authorized Service Provider) qualification provided by Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy under the Electricity Supply Act 1995. Electricians can be certified at 3 different levels.
Level 1 ASP Electricians
Electricians holding this certification are permitted to connect residential and commercial properties to electricity network. They are free to extend your network capacity as well as perform electrical installations, electrical repairs and electrical maintenance to your residential and commercial electrical systems. Some of the specific tasks Level 1 ASP electricians can complete include:
Class 1A: Hanging, laying and jointing electricity cables
Class 1A: Assembling electricity poles and private power poles
Class 1B: Excavating underground cables trenches
Class 1C: Working with live electric cables
Class 1C: Constructing and working within electrical distributions substations
Level 2 ASP Electricians
This specialist electrical services qualification enables l2 electricians to work on live electrical services whether they be overhead or underground. Working on the electrical supply network requires advanced knowledge of safety as well as specialist knowledge due to the danger and complicated procedures involved. Those with level 2 electrical qualification can also perform electrical installations, electrical repairs and electrical maintenance works. Some of the specific work a Level 2 ASP is qualified to completed includes:
Class 2A: Disconnecting and reconnecting service lines at the point of attachment
Commonly referred to as D&R (disconnect and reconnect), this electrical service involves operating directly on electrical service lines which supply a building with power.
You may require this service after having receiving an electrical defect notice. Your property could have received this defect notice for a number of reasons
These can include your property having issues with upgrading consumer mains, point of attachment, point connection and private power pole connection.
Class 2B: Working on underground service conductors and wiring systems
Replacing and removing local electricity distributors
Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting underground service lines
Replacing service protection devices and neutral wiring links
Class 2C: Working on overhead service conductors and lines
Replacing and removing a local electrical distributor
Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting overhead service lines
Replacing overhead service protection devices and neutral wiring links
Class 2D: Working with network service equipment such as service protection device and fuses
Replacing and removing network service equipment
Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting service protection devices and fuse
Energising service network equipment
ASPs can only carry out this service if they are a provider with the Australian Energy Marketing Operator (AEMO)
Level 3 ASP Electricians
This base qualification only allows an electrician to deal with the design and distribution of an electricity  network either underground or overhead. Level 3 electricians are not permitted to perform connections, installations, maintenance or repair works. Some of the work a Level 3 Asp can carry out includes
Class 3A: designing overhead electricity networks
Class 3B: designing underground electricity networks
The post Level 2 Electrician Update appeared first on True Local Electricians.
source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/level-2-electrician-update/
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