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THE HOUSE OF DAWNSWORN "Wreathed in blood and flame!" • Country: The Kingdom of Quel'thalas, Eastern Kingdoms • Progenitor: Elo'Tharn of the Moonsworn Highborne Caste • Faction Loyalty: The Grand Alliance • Parent House: The Dawnsworn of Quel'Thalas • Titles: Duchess of Aran'Thalas, Marchioness of Elo'Tharn'Aranal • Founded: 6,800 Years Ago (Estimated) • Current Head: Duchess Aelorelle Dawnsworn (Contested) • Cadet Branch: (Details forthcoming, sired by Thilinaere Dawnsworn) • Current Heir: Auroryn Dawnsworn (Heir Apparent) Thorelle Dawnsworn (Heir Presumptive) HISTORY UNABRIDGED "The Dawnsworn High Elves are descendents of the Moonsworn and Moonstrider Highborne. They were loyalists to the Dynasty of Sunstrider, and while their homage was not repayed with a marriage to a descendant of Dath'Remar, they were bestowed expansive holdings within the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas. For their affiliations with the Thalassian monarchy, the Dawnsworn were one of the most venerated throughout the country of the High Elves and they frequented affairs catering to socialites and warriors alike. Because their progenitor, Elo'Tharn, was beheld with a mane of ghastly white, the Dawnsworn praised their ivory strands as being a blessed crown from Belore. Children born with white hair were upheld and praised moreso than those born without, a regular topic of contention between Dawnsworn High Elves and High Elves who were married into the surname. The Dawnsworn were regarded as proficient magi and rangers who, with a number of families, bred a unique class of ranger known as "spellbows." These were archers who imbued their bows and arrows with magical attributes, and they can still presently be witnessed fighting within the ranks of the Silver Covenant. While the Dawnsworn are not the sole progenitors of the spellbow rangers, they believe a considerable amount of credit is deserved. They were not opposed to marrying their children to spellbreakers, but it went mostly unheard of. Formidable in combat, it was common for four Dawnsworn to be named guardians for a member of the Silvermoon Convocation who took an interest in their affairs. They were heralded as "Phoenix Guard," and were often the successors to the Dawnsworn holdings--even if they were ill-equipped for sovereignty. Before the splintering of Thalassian elves, Aelorelle Dawnsworn was married to a scion of the elven family of Dawnfury, a family who united several villages under their name in the Hinterlands to fend off the threat of a forest troll resurgence. Bandits were also a problem, scavengers who picked at those who remained after a troll raid. Under the Dawnfury High Elves and the assistance of the Wildhammer, some peace was maintained. Theladris Dawnfury was something of a problem, as he was reputed to have display xenophobia toward human serfs and peasantry. This caused several villages to forgo his protection, though others did not for fear of the returning bandits and trolls. While at first the arrival of the Dawnsworn heiress made many apprehensive, Aelorelle proved herself a seasoned diplomat, regularly visiting the villages to distribute alms and employing carpenters from the capital to restore damaged homes. Despite having first taken on the task to be generous to her husband, she took a liking to the feeling come of assisting those less fortunate. Her nature and reputed beauty charmed Theladris, who after several counsels by his wife, accompanied her on her good works. Tragedies are recounted as tragedies for their time of occurance, during times of calm and relative peace. Theladris had been dispatched to Northrend with the Silver Covenant and Aelorelle was beholden to the people of the Dawning Vale. While Aelorelle did not romantically love her husband, she still hoped for his return. Her hopes were dashed when a High Elf courier delivered to her the heirloom of his family, "High Talon." With no kin and no heir, his holdings were deeded in entirety to his widow. For a time she became reclusive, shut-in by her grief. Her good works were done by attendants, and she seldom visited the capital. The circumstances of her return to society are mostly unknown, but upon her return she began the Dawnsworn Covenant for the sake of good works. Under her sovereignty, villages returned for protection and benevolence, thus the Dawning Vale became Aran'Thalas (Fair Home) or The Dawn's Rest, in common. While succession dictates Duchess Aelorelle is to also claim the Dawnsworn holdings of Quel'Thalas, her claim is contested by the Dawnsworn Blood Elves."
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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Hello friends!
I apologize for the abrupt and unannounced hiatus. Away from this tumblr, I have several responsibilities both in-game and IRL, and lately both have been very demanding. However, there are still some submissions left that I will post, and hopefully more to follow!
- The Archivist / Admin
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THE HOUSE OF EMBERBANE • Country: The Kingdom of Quel'thalas, Eastern Kingdoms • Progenitor: Lord Baemthaen Emberbane • Faction Loyalty: Horde • Parent House (If it has one): None • Titles (If any): Lordship • Founded (Rough time estimate): 597 (New Lordship) • Current Head: Lord Mat'thas Emberbane • Cadet Branch (If any): The Dragoons • Current Heir: Lord Erizaen Emberbane HISTORY UNABRIDGED "House Emberbane only recently earned their noble title, in fact as the family now mourns the year anniversary of the Old Father’s death, they also near the Fortieth anniversary of the Family’s rise in the social world. Due to the actions of the first Lord Emberbane, Lord Baemthaen Emberbane, the family was acknowledged as an important part of the social and militaristic parts of the Kingdom. The Emberbane family have already made a name for themselves as a strong, loyal, and determined family."
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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THE HOUSE OF EVENTIDE • Faction Loyalty – Sin’Dorei • Founded – Year 10 • Current Head – Lady Matriarch Elenaris Eventide • Current Heir – Lord Vel’adir Eventide, Viceroy, Heir Presumptive HISTORY UNABRIDGED “As years passed and heirs came and went, the crown and jewels of the Eventide Lords before him finally fell to Lord El’ithol Eventide. He came to marry Lady Elenaria Shadowsong, a noblewoman from within the triumvirate of families. Together, they had five children; two sons and three daughters. It was here that began the family’s slow decent into near crumble. Unwisely decisions upon the death of the eldest son and heir apparent, Aryynn Eventide, brought much ruin and loss to the family. Lord Eventide’s fortune was locked away by his wife, their children separated for fear of attack from enemies that were recently made due to these decisions. In the end, the Lord and Lady fell deceased, leaving but pieces for the children to pick up once they came of age to take rightly their place. Here, Elenaris rose to the call of her station, placing the emerald jeweled ring upon her finger and has continued to pull forth her family from the corners of the world and lift them once again. It is always a question of what their actual purpose is. Their outside demeanors show they are a kind and welcoming bloodline and legacy, though their past shows a grasp for power at many opportunities. It is difficult to say what plans the Matriarch holds in store for her family and those that support her, though no matter what they are, she remains ever the traditional elder noblewoman and expects such from her family as well.”
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THE HOUSE OF ASHFURY The swords, crossed and brandished, represent the house’s prowess in combat and in military strength. The flower represents prosperity and political flourishing, a virtue the nobles of this family have retained a strong belief upon. • Motto: Righteous in Wrath • Established: -218 (Rough estimate) • Loyalty: The Alliance, Northrend • Head of Household: Duke Thoratun Ashfury, of Worgswood Duchy • Heirs Apparent: Emily Ashfury / Bragir Ashfury • Living Members: Thoratun Ashfury, James Ashfury, Rivena Ashfury, Grant Graham-Ashfury, Bryndan Black-Ashfury, Emily Ashfury, Bragir Ashfury, Tytos Ashfury. • Locations:The Northern Dominion (EK), Northrend HISTORY ABRIDGED “Formed ages ago, in the kingdom of Lordaeron, House Ashfury was established by the warrior Tyrasius, who took on the name ‘Ashfury’ for his vehement display of combat prowess, and holy capabilities. Following on, the family took a particular interest in continuing this trend of light-wielding warriors. Akin to their military prowess, the house’s political warfare was just as cunning and relentless. Reports even say that numerous minor houses in their regions were extinguished during times of Ashfury power. Some reached out to the land of Northrend, seeking land, treasure, or an attempt to prove their power in a barren land. Some remnants of this bloodline remain, but are mostly obscure. Thoratun Ashfury, for instance, is a direct descendant of such settlers. As generations passed, the family eventually split into two sub-houses; These were Wolfwhisper, and Ashfury. These groups were apart in many ways, particularly their beliefs in the Light, and the shadow left in its wake. Wolfwhisper soon became known for its necromancers and shadowy practitioners, whereas Ashfury maintained its glowing reputation for honorable paladins. On a fateful day, near a fortnight from autumn’s death, a child was born. Thoratun Wolfwhisper, was his official name, and he was to spend his childhood amidst Gilneas, and the darkening nature of his parents. It wasn’t long, however, until his uncle heard tell of this child’s birth. The veteran knight, Tytos Ashfury, stole the child away and raised him within the halls of Stratholme, training to be a paladin and a knight, and so he did. Thus was born the current Head of House. When Stratholme fell, Ashfury’s strength had seemingly ended. Tytos had disappeared, and Thoratun was left scrambling for the safety of the southern capital of Stormwind. But, despite his poor position, he knew that there was a legacy to uphold. Upon arrival, he took up the mantle of his household, as his uncle had wished, and revived the house’s influence. Now, as the family of Ashfury draws together once more, Lord Thoratun has ensured the stability of their northern fortifications. The house and its retainers now reside primarily in the reaches of Northrend, a prominent noble presence aside from that of House Haethon, and House Winterscar, the latter of which has joined in alliance with Ashfury.”
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THE HOUSE OF BLACKFYRE • Country: Kingdom of Stormwind, Eastern Kingdoms • Progenitor: Commander Warlund Blackfyre • Faction Loyalty: Alliance • Parent House: House Blackfyre • Present Title: Lord Commander • Founded: In the year 26 • Current Head of House: Lord Warlund Blackfyre • Present Heir: Tayela Greywind-Blackfyre “House Blackfyre was established as the year 26 was winding down, war in the Outlands was fierce and destructive, lives back in the Eastern Kingdoms were highly interrupted with the Alliance military filtering and out of the Dark Portal. Warlunds family had long moved to the southern regions, settling themselves into a nice sizeable cabin in Elwynn Forest. The Greywinds were a family with a strong belief in strength and unity, and even though they were lowborn commoners, Warlund had become well-read and well-versed. When he became of age he joined the Alliance military as a Private and rose in rank over the course of several years, finding himself on the precipice of the Third War when he was summoned to the capital of Stormwind to be presented with commendation for his service and talents in warfare strategy and was elevated to the rank of Commander. Throughout his time in the Alliance military, Warlund diligently supported his family and knew that he could additionally support his own family. So he set out to do just that and broke away from the Greywind family to forge his own future, fortune and land. He worked tirelessly and volunteered for nearly every war campaign the Alliance participated in and banked all of his gold for the day when it would make a difference. That day has come and gone, and it’s its wake House Blackfyre has risen both in size and stature. The House is centrally located in Lakeshire, surrounding itself with the Burning Steppes, Duskwood, Westfall and our glorious capital, Stormwind. House Blackfyre’s efforts will focus on bridging and maintaining trade routes between the lesser towns as well as forging new alliances with the north in an effort to draw interest in trade and commerce between Kingdoms. In addition to the Houses interest in bettering the lives of others, we are active participants in assisting other Houses with their stock and supply as well as aiding in caravans and vendor stalls at various tournaments and festivals. Presently, Lord Warlund Blackfyre is about to wed the Lady Adhelin Holt, formally bridging a long lasting alliance between a greater House such as House Holt, and that of the smaller House Blackfyre.” FAMILY MEMBERS Deven Greywind - Father Madalynn Greywind - Mother Ralf Greywind - Uncle Tayela Greywind - Daughter LIVING GREYWIND F��MILY Ralf Greywind Tayela Greywind
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THE HOUSE OF STYGIAN “The Fire of Stygian. A phrase of nobility, regarding our House. Never forget it, as it burns in the blood of all whom take our oath. As long as we remain, though few or many, our light will consecrate a path, which even the darkest of days cannot veil.” - Lady Stygian THE SIGIL A golden, howling wolf beset crossed gold briarthorn, fierce upon a field of rich, dark crimson. Often in honors, wielding a rose. PHRASES OF REVERENCE • “Fire of Stygian Blood" • “Unto the Wolves!” HISTORY UNEXPURGATED “House Stygian is one of the elder houses of the Eastern Kingdoms. Its repute and providence of prosperous and fiscally fruitful trade have been known throughout the South Seas tariffs, proceeding the ascension of the youngest and only daughter of Uriya Stygian, Natalie ‘Miso’ Brooke, named after an early relative, Lady Natalie Stygian of Stromgarde. Historical records depict their earliest predecessors as wealthy and unanimously respected in their feudal in the Kingdom of Strom, due to their sensible practice of business, as well as their continuous, unflinching military support during the Trollbane campaigns. However, the House of Stygian were not always so prosperous and bountiful in its long, resilient influence in Stromgarde. After the governing bodies of Strom had become defunct due to the mixture of overly allocated funds to warfare, and the corruption’s spread within the ruling hierarchy, House Stygian’s heir, Lord Vincent Stygian, found his flourishing business and noble house bankrupt due to the collapse of the economical foundation of the empire. His dues and debts were slowly compiled between that of shattered investments, as well soldiers and sellsword companies employed at the Trollbane fronts. Between the unsustainable house and their many functions, Lord Vincent turned to what the majority of nobility had denounced virtue to; the criminal group known as the Syndicate. Harboring information from his trusted placement in the Strom hierarchy, he acted in works of espionage for the organization that had primarily functioned to dismantle the governing bodies of the empire. Not long before the nation’s fall, Lord Vincent’s wife, Natalie Brooke, had discovered his workings as a turncoat within the Stromgarde House of Nobles. When Vincent were set to meet with a Syndicate contact on a late winter’s eve, someone had poisoned his drink, leaving the contact to enter the proposed room to the deceased Lord Stygian. The guard were tipped to criminal activity and a reported 'screaming’ in the Stygian manor, only to come upon the Syndicate contact standing baffled across from the poisoned Lord. The contact were killed during the arrest, though the cause of death were discovered by the evaluation of the body. Documents depict Lady Natalie having fled the city, by horse, in the night preceding the death. Many generations later, Lady Uriya Stygian refounded the noble House of Stygian with the assistance of her closest cousin, Sir Demic Brooke. Marrying to a Gilnean noble, Lord Petyr Julius, they had two children; Linathus and Reidiv. Lord Petyr died of grievous wounds during the battle of Alterac, and was laid to rest with a ceremony of prestigious honors. Six years later, Lady Uriya, with an unknown sire, gave birth to a daughter, naming her Natalie Brooke, second of her appellation. The current head of house, Lady Natalie Brooke II, placed a rose upon her family’s banner, honoring House Brooke. The commonly used golden wolf and briarthorn, on crimson, is more renown to the house. However, Lady Brooke II is known to use the rose as an honorific for those who pass the Stygian 'Trial of the Rose’; a knight’s challenge for glory, depicting the title of Roseguard to those intelligent, strong, and noble enough to complete it. Established: (Roughly) -1250 by Sir Tanicus Stygian and Lady Beverline Vanderley, unto the Kingdom of Strom TITLES AND HONORS • Nobles of the Coast • Ladies and Lords of the South • Brokers of the South Seas • Knights of Tempest PROSPEROUS SETTLEMENTS • (Southern) Surwich, Blasted Lands • (Southern) Cove of Golden Wolves, Stranglethorn Vale • (Consulate) Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest NOBLE TREATISE VASSALS: • House of Julius • House of Brooke • House of Mescudi • Nobles of Che'Ale • House of Summers • House of Harthfolde CLAIM OF LEGACY (HEIRS) • Lady Natalie ‘Miso’ Brooke (Current Head, bastard heiress) • Lord Linathus Stygian (Deceased) •Lord Reidiv Des Stygian (Missing) DISTINGUISHED NOBLE ALLIANCES • House of Wrynn • Coterie of Nobles (Humanitarian Function) • House of Ashfury • House of Dawnsworn • House of Rend
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THE HOUSE OF ARONTALA • Country: Lordaeron • Progenitor: Duke Earldok Arontala • Faction Loyalty: Alliance • Parent House: House Arontala • Current title: Duke of Tempest’s Reach • Founded: -243 • Current Head: Demon Lord Tyrolan Arontala • Current Heirs: Lord Arinvald Arontala, Lady Mistei Arontala HISTORY UNEXPURGATED “The Arontala were founded quite a few years back, a family that was brought together by two houses joining; both under the banner of Lordaeron. The names were forgotten in time, but the dual-headed raven banner was remembered. The house was formed during the winter of year -243. The whole of the family had been forgotten for quite some time, sadly. Around the year of -10, a group of assassins came through and murdered most of the family; leaving the manor burning to the ground. The house lord, at the time, had made some… bad calls. Forcing the last of his family to scatter. There were roughly four survivors of the main family that day, one of them heading south; towards Gilneas. His name was Foor, a man whom was going to be the next Lord of the main house. He wasn’t the most appealing man, he infact divulged most of his time in idle mishaps. Whore’s, gambling, murder.. he did them all; unfit to truly be the next lord, but as law dictates, he would be. Making his way down to Gilneas, he set up his new home just atop one of the hills; keeping tabs on staying quiet. While he was there, he instead bedded a woman; whom after awhile spawned twins - Tyrolan and Arinvald. They would be the two next house lords, but they didn’t know that they were of noble blood; in fact not even the mother knew. Growing up with this fact, that they were simply dogs to nobility, they left Gilneas on a boat before the city was walled up. They ventured far south, their father leaving them the moment he learned of her pregnancy. Making their way into Westfall, they lived in poverty; not bothering to try and become anything, but as events turn. Tyrolan learned of his magical capabilities, and instead decided to use that power for the benefit of the new kingdom he now served under; Stormwind City. He joined the military, quickly spending his youth doing something he thought he loved doing. His brother, Arinvald, also joined. But It was only until further on, later down the road, after many many years of serving, did they learn that they were who they were. Up until the documents proving their nobility, they didn’t have a last name. Rather, they found themselves only using their first name in legal things up until that point. Mistei, now she was a unique story. Tyrolan knew of her, knew he had a sister somewhere due to a letter left behind by his absent father, but little did he know of just how she was. She was spoiled, got what she wanted when she got it; claimed and did anything she pleased. She held the Arontala name before, one of the few from the main family that was proud to be who they were; rather than hide. It was actually Arinvald who met her first, having during his search for his family for her. In the same year, a year or so after Deathwing’s demise, they also met Voltaine; a sort of grunt assassin that served in the Arontala’s Syndicate; not knowing who he was either until told himself by Tyrolan. And so that was the family, finally brought together. Lord Tyrolan, Lord Arinvald, Lady Mistei, and Lord Voltaine. Each of them finally under the same roof; a fairly sizeable manor in the Gilnean region; untouched by the Forsaken or Worgen. They had quite a fortune to their name, and with that they made their passage into Stormwind; becoming part of the House of Nobles that served beneath the king. To this day, they continue to spread their influence; doing anything and whatever they can to gain recognition for their heritage. Led now by Demon Lord Tyrolan and Lady Essence (Tyrolan’s Wife), they hope to one day reclaim their spot at the King’s side, becoming the trustworthy family that they truly are for the man they serve under.”
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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THE HOUSE OF EVENTIDE • Faction Loyalty – Sin’Dorei • Founded – Year 10 • Current Head – Lady Matriarch Elenaris Eventide • Current Heir – Lord Vel’adir Eventide, Viceroy, Heir Presumptive HISTORY UNABRIDGED "As years passed and heirs came and went, the crown and jewels of the Eventide Lords before him finally fell to Lord El’ithol Eventide. He came to marry Lady Elenaria Shadowsong, a noblewoman from within the triumvirate of families. Together, they had five children; two sons and three daughters. It was here that began the family’s slow decent into near crumble. Unwisely decisions upon the death of the eldest son and heir apparent, Aryynn Eventide, brought much ruin and loss to the family. Lord Eventide’s fortune was locked away by his wife, their children separated for fear of attack from enemies that were recently made due to these decisions. In the end, the Lord and Lady fell deceased, leaving but pieces for the children to pick up once they came of age to take rightly their place. Here, Elenaris rose to the call of her station, placing the emerald jeweled ring upon her finger and has continued to pull forth her family from the corners of the world and lift them once again. It is always a question of what their actual purpose is. Their outside demeanors show they are a kind and welcoming bloodline and legacy, though their past shows a grasp for power at many opportunities. It is difficult to say what plans the Matriarch holds in store for her family and those that support her, though no matter what they are, she remains ever the traditional elder noblewoman and expects such from her family as well."
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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THE HOUSE OF ARONTALA • Country: Lordaeron • Progenitor: Duke Earldok Arontala • Faction Loyalty: Alliance • Parent House: House Arontala • Current title: Duke of Tempest’s Reach • Founded: -243 • Current Head: Demon Lord Tyrolan Arontala • Current Heirs: Lord Arinvald Arontala, Lady Mistei Arontala HISTORY UNEXPURGATED "The Arontala were founded quite a few years back, a family that was brought together by two houses joining; both under the banner of Lordaeron. The names were forgotten in time, but the dual-headed raven banner was remembered. The house was formed during the winter of year -243. The whole of the family had been forgotten for quite some time, sadly. Around the year of -10, a group of assassins came through and murdered most of the family; leaving the manor burning to the ground. The house lord, at the time, had made some… bad calls. Forcing the last of his family to scatter. There were roughly four survivors of the main family that day, one of them heading south; towards Gilneas. His name was Foor, a man whom was going to be the next Lord of the main house. He wasn’t the most appealing man, he infact divulged most of his time in idle mishaps. Whore’s, gambling, murder.. he did them all; unfit to truly be the next lord, but as law dictates, he would be. Making his way down to Gilneas, he set up his new home just atop one of the hills; keeping tabs on staying quiet. While he was there, he instead bedded a woman; whom after awhile spawned twins - Tyrolan and Arinvald. They would be the two next house lords, but they didn’t know that they were of noble blood; in fact not even the mother knew. Growing up with this fact, that they were simply dogs to nobility, they left Gilneas on a boat before the city was walled up. They ventured far south, their father leaving them the moment he learned of her pregnancy. Making their way into Westfall, they lived in poverty; not bothering to try and become anything, but as events turn. Tyrolan learned of his magical capabilities, and instead decided to use that power for the benefit of the new kingdom he now served under; Stormwind City. He joined the military, quickly spending his youth doing something he thought he loved doing. His brother, Arinvald, also joined. But It was only until further on, later down the road, after many many years of serving, did they learn that they were who they were. Up until the documents proving their nobility, they didn’t have a last name. Rather, they found themselves only using their first name in legal things up until that point. Mistei, now she was a unique story. Tyrolan knew of her, knew he had a sister somewhere due to a letter left behind by his absent father, but little did he know of just how she was. She was spoiled, got what she wanted when she got it; claimed and did anything she pleased. She held the Arontala name before, one of the few from the main family that was proud to be who they were; rather than hide. It was actually Arinvald who met her first, having during his search for his family for her. In the same year, a year or so after Deathwing’s demise, they also met Voltaine; a sort of grunt assassin that served in the Arontala’s Syndicate; not knowing who he was either until told himself by Tyrolan. And so that was the family, finally brought together. Lord Tyrolan, Lord Arinvald, Lady Mistei, and Lord Voltaine. Each of them finally under the same roof; a fairly sizeable manor in the Gilnean region; untouched by the Forsaken or Worgen. They had quite a fortune to their name, and with that they made their passage into Stormwind; becoming part of the House of Nobles that served beneath the king. To this day, they continue to spread their influence; doing anything and whatever they can to gain recognition for their heritage. Led now by Demon Lord Tyrolan and Lady Essence (Tyrolan’s Wife), they hope to one day reclaim their spot at the King’s side, becoming the trustworthy family that they truly are for the man they serve under."
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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“Since the beginning of Houses and the weaving of bloodlines, the lives of prominent and ruling families have been chronicled so that all might have the opportunity to glimpse their history. 
Some Houses have prospered and made their names everlasting. Others collapsed when tragedy befell them. All is written, all is recorded, so  that the descendants and otherwise might learn from history.”
Introducing “Houses of Wyrmrest!”
After having been mulled over since noble RP began to bloom on Wyrmrest, a method has finally been made in which players can feel more legitimized (hopefully) in their roleplay than before.
The detailed history you wrote for your character’s House can and will be stored here for all to read at their discretion, much in the same way someone wanting to educate themselves on the Houses of our time can simply go to a library or google them.
Given the different categories, you can submit any House that you created. Did you write up a House that is now defunct to further your character’s backstory? Detail the tragic end! Has your character’s House prospered for centuries? Regale us with their affluent history! Maybe your character has only just now stepped out onto the noble scene–begin a “Small House” and let us watch your IC ascent!
Worried about hate or negativity? Here is an excerpt from the guidelines: 
This blog is an archive and nothing more! Anonymous hate about certain players or their house will be deleted on the spot. If there is critique you wish to give a player for their house, do so privately with them. Failure to adhere to any of those guidelines will result in being blocked permanently from this blog.
This blog was created for you to express your creativity and for other players to take pride in the worlds and rich histories their peers can build.
What are you waiting for? Share with Azeroth the history of your character’s House,  great or small, flourishing or defunct, prosperous or landless.
A template for submissions can be found at the “Guidelines” tab!
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THE HOUSE OF STYGIAN “The Fire of Stygian. A phrase of nobility, regarding our House. Never forget it, as it burns in the blood of all whom take our oath. As long as we remain, though few or many, our light will consecrate a path, which even the darkest of days cannot veil.” - Lady Stygian THE SIGIL A golden, howling wolf beset crossed gold briarthorn, fierce upon a field of rich, dark crimson. Often in honors, wielding a rose. PHRASES OF REVERENCE • “Fire of Stygian Blood" • "Unto the Wolves!" HISTORY UNEXPURGATED "House Stygian is one of the elder houses of the Eastern Kingdoms. Its repute and providence of prosperous and fiscally fruitful trade have been known throughout the South Seas tariffs, proceeding the ascension of the youngest and only daughter of Uriya Stygian, Natalie 'Miso’ Brooke, named after an early relative, Lady Natalie Stygian of Stromgarde. Historical records depict their earliest predecessors as wealthy and unanimously respected in their feudal in the Kingdom of Strom, due to their sensible practice of business, as well as their continuous, unflinching military support during the Trollbane campaigns. However, the House of Stygian were not always so prosperous and bountiful in its long, resilient influence in Stromgarde. After the governing bodies of Strom had become defunct due to the mixture of overly allocated funds to warfare, and the corruption’s spread within the ruling hierarchy, House Stygian’s heir, Lord Vincent Stygian, found his flourishing business and noble house bankrupt due to the collapse of the economical foundation of the empire. His dues and debts were slowly compiled between that of shattered investments, as well soldiers and sellsword companies employed at the Trollbane fronts. Between the unsustainable house and their many functions, Lord Vincent turned to what the majority of nobility had denounced virtue to; the criminal group known as the Syndicate. Harboring information from his trusted placement in the Strom hierarchy, he acted in works of espionage for the organization that had primarily functioned to dismantle the governing bodies of the empire. Not long before the nation’s fall, Lord Vincent’s wife, Natalie Brooke, had discovered his workings as a turncoat within the Stromgarde House of Nobles. When Vincent were set to meet with a Syndicate contact on a late winter’s eve, someone had poisoned his drink, leaving the contact to enter the proposed room to the deceased Lord Stygian. The guard were tipped to criminal activity and a reported 'screaming’ in the Stygian manor, only to come upon the Syndicate contact standing baffled across from the poisoned Lord. The contact were killed during the arrest, though the cause of death were discovered by the evaluation of the body. Documents depict Lady Natalie having fled the city, by horse, in the night preceding the death. Many generations later, Lady Uriya Stygian refounded the noble House of Stygian with the assistance of her closest cousin, Sir Demic Brooke. Marrying to a Gilnean noble, Lord Petyr Julius, they had two children; Linathus and Reidiv. Lord Petyr died of grievous wounds during the battle of Alterac, and was laid to rest with a ceremony of prestigious honors. Six years later, Lady Uriya, with an unknown sire, gave birth to a daughter, naming her Natalie Brooke, second of her appellation. The current head of house, Lady Natalie Brooke II, placed a rose upon her family’s banner, honoring House Brooke. The commonly used golden wolf and briarthorn, on crimson, is more renown to the house. However, Lady Brooke II is known to use the rose as an honorific for those who pass the Stygian 'Trial of the Rose’; a knight’s challenge for glory, depicting the title of Roseguard to those intelligent, strong, and noble enough to complete it. Established: (Roughly) -1250 by Sir Tanicus Stygian and Lady Beverline Vanderley, unto the Kingdom of Strom TITLES AND HONORS • Nobles of the Coast • Ladies and Lords of the South • Brokers of the South Seas • Knights of Tempest PROSPEROUS SETTLEMENTS • (Southern) Surwich, Blasted Lands • (Southern) Cove of Golden Wolves, Stranglethorn Vale • (Consulate) Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest NOBLE TREATISE VASSALS: • House of Julius • House of Brooke • House of Mescudi • Nobles of Che'Ale • House of Summers • House of Harthfolde CLAIM OF LEGACY (HEIRS) • Lady Natalie ‘Miso’ Brooke (Current Head, bastard heiress) • Lord Linathus Stygian (Deceased) •Lord Reidiv Des Stygian (Missing) DISTINGUISHED NOBLE ALLIANCES • House of Wrynn • Coterie of Nobles (Humanitarian Function) • House of Ashfury • House of Dawnsworn • House of Rend
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