houstofcards · 9 years
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Ulamog model
I’m really happy to share the finished product of this with everyone. After seeing the new Ulamog art I instantly set off to build the eldrazi monstrosity and one of my favorite commanders. This will be my totem during the prerelease, so every player can cower before the might of the titan himself.
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houstofcards · 9 years
August Update
I’ve had several people ask about the rest of Poke-BFZ, wondering if the project was abandoned and other things. I”ve been working hard on the Pokemon Battle for Zendikar Series, and in the next week or so I will have all the drawings done. I’ve done 2-3 drafts of each Pokemon, not settling until theres something resting perfectly in the uncanny valley. I don't want to “phone in” any pieces and aim for a high quality image that is worth my time, and eventually good enough to produce as tokens.  I’ve had an outpouring of positive responses and will be excited to show you all the finished product.  I apologize for the drop off of articles and decks, I’ve been busy with our local commander group finally getting consistent, and really want that to keep going. Also, I am in the process of getting my judge certification, working closely with local judges to be 100% ready. Lots of exciting magic related stuff is happening soon, and hopefully next week I’ll have some more spawn for ya.
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houstofcards · 9 years
250 follower giveaway!
So I’m super stoked because I’ve been sittin at 249 for like a while now, but here we are folks, let’s do it.
Rules are standard, winner is randomly selected from the notes. Likes and Reblogs both count, but be warned, only your most recent reblog shows up in the notes, so spamming reblog only changes what random number you are, not how many times you show up. You’ve gotta be following me to win, so if I randomly select somebody who isn’t following me, I’ll re-roll.
You’ll be competing for one of these quality leatherworks made by yours truly!
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Winner gets to choose which one they want, but you’ve gotta have asks enabled and be willing to send your address. The winner will be selected at 10PM, EST on July 26th. If they don’t respond within 48 hours I’ll randomly select somebody else.
Oh, and I know it’s a long way away, but when I hit 500, I’ll probably be giving away one of these.
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houstofcards · 9 years
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Quick cosplay: Gideon
In honor of Gideon’s Planeswalker Positivity week, heres a cosplay of gideon with just excess costumes laying around. 
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houstofcards · 9 years
Meta-Flavor: Relic Seeker/Renowned
Relic Seeker is a valiant soldier, but which relic are they seeking? Which Soldier has found what they were sent to find? Let’s dive in deep
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The card is a 2/2 Human Soldier for 1W, the same base stats as Glory Seeker. They have Renown, which I’ll delve into in a minute, but for now lets focus on the last ability. When they become renowned, you search for an equipment and put it into your hand.
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So we know they are seeking an equipment for the glory and honor of whoever sent them on their quest. On Zendikar, such a quest would take 5 seekers to obtain such a prize. (which also happens to be the ideal size for a raiding party in this adventure world) But where are we? Who sent us here?
Lets look at the art.
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Both soldiers are in ruins, clad in armor of their planes, but each is from a different plane. The seeker in the promo art is holding a crested helm, and wearing a red cloak, both of which are things we’ve seen in Theros. While not the typical style of Theros, its not far off enough to rule it out. Let’s take a look at a very similar looking helm, also from Magic: Origins
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Immediately, Helm of the Gods brings the myth of Perseus to mind. The Hero was destined to slay the Gorgon, Medusa, and the gods all rallied to bestow gifts upon him to aid in the task. Zeus gave him a sword to slay the wicked creature, much like how Heliod gave the Godsend to Elspeth to help her dispatch Xenagos. From Athena, Perseus received a mirrored shield that was crucial to killing the gorgon, and from Hermes he received winged sandals to fly speedily to the lair of the gorgon sisters. The least well known item was a shadowy helm from Hades, that could help him hide. In Theros block we get this in the form of Prowler’s Helm, but it lacks the gravitas of being blessed by the gods. The flavor text, enchantment theme, and card name all solidify this helm on Theros. The architecture and clothing may be a tad bit off, but this is a buy-a-box promo art from a core set, where the style guides are generally a bit looser. Given the state of the skeletons around our Relic Seeker, this city may have been in ruins for a very long time. The key here is there is an arrow sticking out of the back of one of the skeletons, so we know where we are not...
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Bant is a White centric world where champions meet each other on fields of combat, and all fighting is done like a medieval duel, face to face. There is no armor on the back because no one on the plane is dishonorable enough to stab their opponent like a coward.  Mechanically this was shown as Exalted in the past, but in Magic: Origins, We see Renowned used similarly to give the knights and soldiers of the Green-White-Blue plane some extra power. Here’s a few examples of Banti inhabitants.
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The style of the soldier in Volkan Baga’s breathtaking art is spot-on for Bant. We see Relic Seeker holding a sword with 2 gems in the hilt. Some art from Alara block shows a very similar sword in the hands of the planeswalker, Elspeth.
Is this the Godsend?!
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No, the Godsend is a weapon forged on Theros, and was given to Elspeth by the sun God, Heliod, when he made her his champion. Gods are too busy with their own matters to take the time to find their gifts, they have people for that. Elspeth was not the first Champion of Heliod, it is a title after all. Heliod may have sent another white aligned solider to seek the Godsend in these ancient ruins. Since Origins is a look to the past it would make sense that they haven't found Relic quite yet, but they will in time.
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In the regular art, Elspeth had sent one of her soldiers to find a sword for her while she was on Bant. He does so and puts it into her hand. I don’t know if this is lining up with Gideon’s time on Bant, but we know Elspeth spent quite some time on the shard calling it home before the Conflux.
Now for Renown
There have only been 2 creatures with “Renowned” in their name and they both have a fun interaction with this story. Renowned Weaponsmith also interacts with equipment, but in a way that works for Tarkir’s time travel story.
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The other creature is Renowned Weaver. This card is based on the tale of Arachne, a mortal who caught the ire of Athena with her skill on the loom, dueled the goddess in a weaving competition and was turned into a spider as punishment. Renowned Weaver was a nice flavor nugget before but “Renowned” means something mechanically now. It means before she dealt any damage she was a 0/0.
That’s right, before the word got out that she was the best at making tapestries in all of Theros, she was practically nothing, she would blow away with the wind (once you check for state based effects) She boasted about her skills, dealing damage to Karametra, the God of hearth and home, before the moment we see her on the card, ready to spin for the rest of her days as a spider. Thank you all for reading, You can ask me flavor questions or make suggestions for future articles, and follow me on tumblr or twitter at houstofcards. -Tony Houst
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houstofcards · 9 years
I asked mostly because I wanted to know and didn't want to do 6 days of research :P You’re a true oracle vorthos. Not the kind that makes masks and props and ponders about costumes. The kind we brave the elements, scale cliffs and quest to reach the secluded monastery where your study resides to ask a portent of the past present or future.
Who do we know is alive/dead on zendikar currently in the story?
There aren’t many characters who have canonically died in the stories. Listing all in their last known condition and including characters based on relevance and odds of returning.
Dead:All of the Joraga (currently unconfirmed)Speaker Sutina of the JoragaAnyone who was in Fort KeffAnyone who was on the Na PlateauBloodchief Tennihas (Ghet)Urdom of TazeemMira and Tau of OnduIlvoro of HalimarThe Gurgel BrothersTuktuk (kinda?)
Alive:NirthuNissa RevaneChadirNoyan DarAll printed Legendary creatures from the blockJavad NasrinHamadi of GreypeltBahkut, Alira, Sha’heel, and KhaliAll of these unappreciated ally non-legendary adventurers 
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houstofcards · 9 years
Lili’s Tiara
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It was late fall, the frost was setting in during the morning and Liliana was wearing her thick sweater for the first time that school year. She carried a large stack of books from the library, ready to bring them home for a long night of studying.  “One quick stop at my locker and I’ll just take the back exit, and head home” she thought
She awkwardly managed to sling her bag over her shoulder and make it down the steps when hanging out at the back door was HER.
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Becky was snickering with her friends as Liliana looked down at the floor, holding her books up to hide her face. She walked past them, balancing her books on her knee as she reached for the door when... All her books fell on the floor and she anxiously scrambled to pick them up, she looked up at the Angels of Caligo High.  “Way to make such a Vess, Lili” Becky snickered Becky was the most popular girl in school, and still wore her homecoming crown from 4 years ago. No girl or boy could walk past her without paying some sort of tribute, a compliment, a gift. Everyone at the school knew to get out of not only her way, but her posses way as well. All except Lili. “Oh lets see what we have here” sneered Becky “Sarpadian Empires VI: The Empires Strike Back, What a Nerd” “Its for Foreign Affairs” “Esis for Saving: healing and dealing with the root to do it”, This must be for your deadbeat brother isn't it. You know the football team has been winning ever since Josu caught his cold. He should just stop faking it and quit the team, make it easier for everyone” “Shut up Becky, He could die” “Oh really, is that what this is for too?” Becky picked up a black leather book with a Ravens skull on the front.
“What do we say to death? Nevermore: A guide to restoring life”?, You have GOT to be kidding me LeeLee, once you start up with this kind of business your social life will officially be dead”
Liliana clenched her fists and wanted to hit her in the face, but she couldn't muster the strength to do so. Becky threw the books outside in the mud. 
“Go home to your lifeless brother, and don't come back to school till you get a life.”
That was the last time anyone that Liliana was seen at Caligo High. Her brother died that day, and her entire family wouldn't talk about it. Her tutor, Lady Ana, would just scowl when then locals asked what happened. “Where in the world is she?” they would ask Ana. She’s not...
Becky had grown bored in the past few months. She no longer had anyone to pick on or oppose her, everything she wanted. 
“You can’t seriously think that you actually miss her, or worse, feel sorry for her?” the Archangel thought to herself. ”And don't come back to school till you get a life.” The words stung like white hot pricks in the back of her heart.  She looked out the window of her room over the woods, and saw something moving into her lawn. It was one of the players on the football team, Becky’s boyfriend from 2 months ago, no wait, last week. “Sigh, this is what I get for being irresistible” thought Becky, as she threw on a bathrobe, slippers and tiara before heading onto the backyard. “Hey Brick, I told you, we’re done. you just gotta get over yourself” The quarterback looked up with lifeless eyes as he fell over. Behind him lay the entire football team, with the cheerleaders, band, and most of the school behind them, all dead on Becky’s lawn. Becky backed away slowly when she heard behind her...
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“Don't Come Back Until You Get a Life”
Liliana said with quiet searing intensity. “But why stop with one”
“What did you do?”
“I freed them, I freed them all from you. Now its time I get one more life,Yours” with that last word Liliana’s runes on her skin glowed bright violet  “I’ve come home, Becky where is my Crown?
“You have got to be kidding me LeeLee. Over my dead body”
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Liliana cackled as the lifeless hands of all her school mates scrambled to drag Becky into the dirt. Her wings bent down, arms bound, only her head was visible from the heap of zombified high-schoolers.
“I’ll just take this” Lili said as she daintily plucked the crown from becky’s blond hair. “Any last disses?”
“You still have no life” barked the fallen angel, right before the mountain of bodies toppled over her.
“Oh contraire Becky. Now, I have Two″
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houstofcards · 9 years
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Magic Origins: Absent Minds
“Tread that path carefully,” said the sphinx. “In time, you will become more terrifying than you can imagine. And fear, once inspired, can seldom be eased.”
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Artists | Chase Stone, Jaime Jones, Kieran Yanner, Slawomir Maniak, Yohann Schepacz, Cynthia Sheppard, Ryan Barger, Lin Yan, 
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houstofcards · 9 years
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Relic Seeker is a valiant soldier, but which relic are they seeking? Which Soldier has found what they were sent to find? Let’s dive in deep
Meta-Flavor: Relic Seeker/Renowned
The card is a 2/2 Human Soldier for 1W, the same base stats as Glory Seeker. They have Renown, which I’ll delve into in a minute, but for now lets focus on the last ability. When they become renowned, you search for an equipment and put it into your hand.
So we know they are seeking an equipment for the glory and honor of whoever sent them on their quest. On Zendikar, such a quest would take 5 seekers to obtain such a prize. (which also happens to be the ideal size for a raiding party in this adventure world) But where are we? Who sent us here? 
Lets look at the art.
Both soldiers are in ruins, clad in armor of their planes, but each is from a different plane. The seeker in the promo art is holding a crested helm, and wearing a red cloak, both of which are things we’ve seen in Theros. While not the exact style of Theros, its not far off enough to rule it out. Given the state of the skeletons around her, this city may have been in ruins for long enough for the fashion trends to change. The key here is there is an arrow sticking out of the back of one of the skeletons, so we know where we are not.
Bant is a white aligned world where champions meet each other on fields of combat, and all fighting is done like a medieval duel, face to face. There is no armor on the back because no one on the plane is dishonorable enough to stab their opponent like a coward. The style of the soldier in Volkan Baga’s art is spot-on for Bant. We see Relic Seeker holding a sword with 2 gems in the hilt. Some art from Alara block shows a very similar sword in the hands of the planeswalker Elspeth.
Is this the Godsend?!
No, the Godsend is a weapon forged on Theros, and was given to Elspeth by the sun God, Heliod, when he made her his champion. Gods are too busy with their own matters to take the time to find their gifts, they have people for that. Elspeth was not the first Champion of Heliod, it is a title after all. Heliod may have sent another white aligned solider to seek the Godsend in these ancient ruins. Since Origins is a look to the past it would make sense that they haven't found Relic quite yet, but they will in time.
 In the regular art, Elspeth had sent one of her soldiers to find a sword for her while she was on Bant. He does so and puts it into her hand. I don’t know if this is lining up with Gideon’s time on Bant, but we know Elspeth spent quite some time on the shard calling it home before the Conflux. 
Now for Renown;
There have only been 2 creatures with “Renowned” in their name and they both have a fun interaction with this story. Renowned Weaponsmith also interacts with equipment, but in a way that works for Tarkir’s time travel story.
The other creature is Renowned Weaver. This card is based on the tale of Arachne, a mortal who caught the ire of Athena with her skill on the loom, dueled the goddess in a weaving competition and was turned into a spider as punishment. Renowned Weaver was a nice flavor nugget before but “Renowned” means something mechanically now. It means before she dealt any damage she was a 0/0. 
That’s right, before the word got out that she was the best at making tapestries in all of Theros, she was practically nothing, she would blow away with the wind (once you check for state based effects) She boasted about her skills, dealing damage to Karametra, the God of hearth and home, before the moment we see her on the card, ready to spin for the rest of her days as a spider.
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houstofcards · 9 years
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Meta-Flavor: Cruel Revival Liliana was born on Dominaria, the same plane of Onslaught Block, where Cruel Revival originated. It was on this plane that Lili inadvertently turned her dying brother into a creature of undeath, not quite a zombie and not quite human, think Khal Drogo at the end of Game of Thrones. Few Cabal fighters fear death. They fear what follows it.
The next time we saw the zombie resurrecting kill spell, it was in planechase, a multiplayer set where you bounce from plane to plane. Just like Liliana roaming through the Blind Eternities.
On Innistrad, Liliana embraced Necromancy, honing her powers by practicing on scores of the undead--- and sometimes the living The most recent printing shows Liliana using the Necromantic Spell of the Cabal, introducing the Dominarian death magic to the plane of Innistrad In short, Cruel Revival’s story mirrors that of Liliana’s. Something that on one world is feared, and on the other; embraced.
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houstofcards · 9 years
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houstofcards · 9 years
My Magic History pt 2
A continuation of a series of articles on my history with magic, and how it got me to where I am today. Last time we talked about how I started playing magic back around odyssey block in 2001.
Part 2: Artful Tactician
Throughout Middle School our play style stayed relatively the same. Picking up cards in expansions and evolving our casual decks. Mirrodin Block added isochron scepters to my burn deck, and viridian joiners to my insane Kamahl deck. The next year I played Snakes from Kamigawa and Ninjas from Betrayers, not fully understanding how to use my Jitte but liking it because of the flavor nonetheless.  The next block was ravnica, and the first guild i gravitated to was selesnya, as it fit the tokens and ramping play style I adopted with Kamahl. In Guildpact that all changed when I discovered the Izzet. The main conflict of the guild is instinct vs Intellect, and the guild embraces creativity and thinking outside the box. Add on to that philosophical grounding with experimental lightning magic and steampunk garb and I was hooked. I played a super fun isochron scepter Replicate deck and have found a way to play red blue in every format since. Flash Forward to the summer of 2014 at a tattoo expo, I had a rule that I would only get a tattoo if i wanted the same thing for 5 years, and that thing was the Izzet Sigil. I look down at my left leg every morning and think about what it means and how much the game has given to me. It helps affirm and fuel my convictions of being a creative and thoughtful person, and acting with passion first and foremost. 
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Join me Next time when I talk about what I studied in college, and how Magic steered me towards there.
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houstofcards · 9 years
My Magic History pt1
In honor of Modern Masters Weekend and Make Magic History. I thought it would be fitting to tell the story of undoubtedly one of the most influential aspects of my life Magic: The Gathering. If it were not for magic I wouldn't be where I am today, wouldn’t have studied what I did in college, and wouldn't have met the wonderful people in my life that make it what it is. 
Part 1: The Gathering
It all started back when I was about 11 playing the pokemon tag, the insert card had a few weird symbols and talked of this other game called “The Gathering” I didn't think too much of it then. A year later I'm surfing through channels and see the same strange symbols on cards on a sports channel? That’s right, I had inadvertently tuned in to one of the only televised magic tournaments on espn2. The art looked kinda cool but the camera didn't focus on it too much and I couldn't understand what was going on. That year I started at a new school after having moved around several times due to my dad serving in the air force. We were told this was the last move we had to do, but after years of having to tell your friends goodbye I was skeptical of making new ones. On the bus rides to school a few rows behind me were other boys my age, playing a card game in between the seats. They were having such a good time that the next day I looked on to see what they were doing.  “Oh, no, not Trevah and Crosis!” I heard as I saw a horde of creatures being outclassed by 2 very different looking dragons. That summer hit and the first time I got lawn mowing money to spend on what I wanted, I bought an Odyssey precon “One-Two Punch” and a Judgement Booster with my first rare. Thriss, Nantuko Primus. I made my first friend through the game that weekend and traded a sylvan might for an Anger, which I still have to this day. That fall I was finally able to play with my friends, playing my green mantis deck as well as my red blue deck that they made me split up because it was too powerful. It played burn spells, Wonder and Anger to make all my creatures into flying hasty beaters. That christmas I got the first of many wintertime fat packs, opening one of my favorite cards of all time Kamahl, Fist  of Krosa. That winter break was the first time my best friend growing up, Jayson, came to sleep over, play cards and watch movies, a ritual we still practice to this day. My first deck evolved into an Elf deck with Kamahl, Thriss, and some mana elves to attack for hundreds. I made my wizard mill deck out of half of the WonderAnger Deck, and a mono red goblins deck that was rained on, and fell into a snowbank.  We kept playing the same way, casually adding packs as new sets came out.  
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When we return, we’ll delve into how magic inspired my first tattoo.
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houstofcards · 9 years
Trying to round up enough people for a draft
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houstofcards · 9 years
Sarkhan explaining to Narset why he changed the timeline like
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houstofcards · 9 years
Seismic Elevators for those times that you want to shake things up
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Wizards recently got a new elevator installed that’s different from all our others. I’m not sure I want to know what this button does…
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houstofcards · 9 years
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Monarch of Emrakul
Weeks passed, and the people of Turntimber had all sough refuge within gray pelt. They knew they were safe from the Eldrazi behemoths, but something more subtle and sinister had been infecting the minds of the denizens of Ondu. The days grew to darkness, and even the elves felt something in their minds slipping away. After all the druids had slipped away into the woods, the darkness was lifted only to reveal an otherworldly menace. Flying spawn of the Emrakul brood that drive men crazy when they gaze upon them. When the elves first spotted one, everything they saw split several dozen times into indestinct shapes. Now everyone who ventures onto Ondu is told to “Turn away from Turntimber”
Pokemon Battle for Zendikar
Day 12: 4-3 For more info on PokeBFZ http://houstofcards.tumblr.com/post/114501273166/pokemon-battle-for-zendikar-when-the-mtg-set-was
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