hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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That’s one good crossover
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
There’s this new tumblr that’s basically jumping on the “JKR reveals too much new info” meme. Just the same tired, bullshit joke over and over again. 
But it got me thinking. I’ve been following JKR for a long time. I used to visit her original website a lot to see if she’d posted anything new. There was a section called “FAQ Polls”. She would put up a poll with several different frequently asked questions and fans would vote as to which one they wanted answered. The questions were about elements of the books. People used to beg her to build on the Harry Potter world. They were desperate for new information, for secondary canon world building. And every once in a while she provided it. 
Can you imagine what this has been like for her? Going from having to filter through requests for more information because there were so many to “Somebody stop her”. The ironic thing is that at the point that bullshit started she hardly ever revealed any new information anymore. On twitter, every once in a while she’d reveal a birthday. On Pottermore, essays now and then. And the normal behind the scenes interviews all creators give about their own work. 
There’s zero basis to the idea that she’s hemorrhaging new facts about canon. Zero. It’s a myth created by people who read nothing but clickbait headlines, bad social media posts, and memetic essays written by Rita Skeeters desperate for clicks on their third rate media websites. 
It must be so strange for her, witnessing this drastic change in the fandom culture from “Please tell us more” to “Shut up, HP is ours now”.  Fandom must look insane to her.  Like a neverending pack of rabid, barking dogs.  
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
Fuck you and fuck that baby too
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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yesterday i read this article and it just made me so happy
I particularly loved this quote:
“We are sure they would be good parents because they were so nice to their stone.”
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
He loves his toy son 😂😂
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
Two days ago and I’ve been depressed ever since
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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RIP Toni Morrison, Feb. 18, 1931-Aug. 5, 2019
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
I want to explain how weird dolphins are...
In anticipation of being able to clean a dolphin skull I’ve been thinking a lot about how completely FUCKY dolphins and other cetaceans are anatomy wise… Like they are some of the strangest, most alien mammals out there. Specifically their skulls and heads. 
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So this is your typical dolphin, a smooth round head with a cute smiling beak. You would think their skulls would be shaped like their heads, that’s usually how skulls work. Something like this….
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But In reality their skulls actually look like THIS flat alligator thing…
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I’m sure you are thinking… “Where is the forehead”??? What if I told you that entire big lumpy forehead isn’t actually its “forehead” but rather something called a “melon” which is actually part of the NOSE or nasal apparatus.
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Its essentially just a big gross fluid/jelly blob masquerading as a decent forehead. The melon has evolved as a way of amplifying and detecting vocalizations used in echolocation. Other terrifying facts:
They have no ear holes, most sound is picked up by a combination of the melon and vibrations through the jaw bone. 
They can’t breathe through their mouths. There is something called a  laryngeal plug completely separates the respiratory and digestive tracts. Cetaceans have been known to drown if their blowhole is obstructed.
Their breathing is not automatic. They must constantly think and chose when to take breaths. 
Sperm whales (Also cetaceans) are the loudest animals on earth. If you were to swim right next to their giant heads as they released a sonar pulse the shockwave could cause internal bleeding and nerve damage. Partially thanks to their giant “melon” amplifying and directing the pulse. 
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
That set up 😍
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I wish the world would understand..
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
Love her
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this is simply the greatest video i have ever seen
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
At this point there’s no excuse for a baby boomer to be technologically incompetent anymore. It’s just willful ignorance, this shit is not fucking hard
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
It’s okay, it’s one step, trust me!
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
the stuff some of y’all find problematic makes me wonder if y’all ever go outside and interact with actual people
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hoverpigprinciple · 5 years
You better believe it
yeah i understand women. they all want daggers and swords. it’s quite simple really
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