How to reset PayPal password without phone number and security questions?
If you have forgotten your PayPal password, you can always reset it yourself. Resetting your password is a simple process that will only take a few minutes. If you have forgotten your old password, you can also use a password manager to help you keep it secure. You will be able to change it at any time. Moreover, if you have forgotten it, you can also contact PayPal's customer support centre for help. You can easily change the PayPal password with the help of the steps mentioned below:
First of all, you should visit the official website of PayPal. Once you have reached the page, click on the Login button. 
Then, enter your email address. 
Then, click on the link that PayPal sends you to confirm the recovery process. 
Now, you should enter your old password and your new one. 
You should also create a strong password to protect your account from fraudsters. 
This procedure will ensure that your account is safe from being hacked, and you can start making purchases.
Once you have entered your primary email address, go to the recovery page of PayPal. There, you can type your new password. 
After you've entered it, you'll receive a message asking you to enter your security question. Make sure to answer the security question correctly, and you'll be sent a new password. After entering the new password, you should see the box that says "reset password." 
If you didn't choose a secure answer, you'd be prompted to answer a security question. After you've answered the security question, you'll be given a new password.
How to reset PayPal password without phone number and security questions
If you forgot your PayPal password, you might be wondering how to reset it without security questions and phone number. This process is fairly simple and will not require you to know your phone number or answer security questions to recover your account. If you're using Yahoo, you can enter two or three emails and choose "forgot your password?" Then you can type in a new password. After several tries, you can try again later if you forget your password.
To reset your PayPal password without security questions and phone number, the following are the steps that you need to take:
Visit the official paypal website.
Click on "Login" on the home page. 
You'll need to enter the correct email address and password. 
If you have forgotten your security question or phone number, you'll receive an email with a verification code.
Follow the link to confirm your new password. You'll need to enter this code twice to complete the process.
To confirm that you entered the right email address, click the "Send me a new email" button. This will send you a new email that has a password recovery link. 
Once you've successfully reset your account, you'll be prompted to enter your new password. If you're not able to do this, you can contact PayPal's technical support team.
Can I reset my PayPal password without a security question?
To reset your PayPal password without security questions, visit the PayPal website:
Sign in to your PayPal account and log in to your account. Click on the Profile section, and then click on the password.
Click on Security Questions, and then click on the Change button. Your new password should be at least 8 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters.
Click "Edit" to change your password..
How to change PayPal Password via mobile phone?
For security reasons, you may have forgotten your PayPal password. Thankfully, you can easily reset it and continue to shop on millions of websites. Simply visit the PayPal official website and click the Login button to get started. Next, enter your email address and security question and click the link in PayPal's email. Next, you'll need to confirm the new password. Once you've done this, you'll need to set a strong password to protect your account.
If you're having trouble remembering your PayPal password, you can contact PayPal Customer Support for assistance. Unlike other companies, the PayPal customer service line is available round the clock to help you solve your problems. Whether you're trying to reset your account password to prevent unauthorised access or re-encrypt your account after you've forgotten your password, PayPal has a team of highly trained and certified executives waiting to help you.
Once you've successfully verified your account, you're ready to change your PayPal password. You'll need your email address and a unique CAPTCHA code. This will be sent to your phone as a text message, an email, or an automated phone call. In the next few minutes, you'll receive a link to enter your new password. Once you've confirmed your identity, PayPal will send you a confirmation email.
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