howdocloudswork · 2 years
How do different forms of embodiment in computational media affect users' sense of agency and presence in virtual environments?
How do embodied interactions with computational media influence cognitive processes such as perception, attention, and decision making?
How can computational media be designed to support and enhance embodied experiences, such as physical movement and social interaction?
What is the role of embodiment in shaping users' emotional responses to computational media?
How do individual differences in embodiment, such as body size and ability, impact the use and effectiveness of computational media?
Can embodied interactions with computational media support learning and skill acquisition in educational settings?
How do embodied interactions with computational media compare to more traditional forms of communication, such as verbal and written language?
How does the use of embodied interactions in computational media impact the creation and dissemination of knowledge and information?
Can computational media be used to create new forms of expression and communication through embodiment?
How do the affordances and limitations of computational media influence the possibilities for embodied interactions and experiences
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Ten interview questions on embodiment using interpretative phenomenological analysis
Can you describe a specific experience of embodiment using computational media?
What were the sensations and feelings you experienced during this embodied interaction?
How did your body feel during this interaction, and how did it respond to the computational media?
What thoughts and emotions were present during this experience of embodiment?
Can you describe any changes or transformations in your experience of embodiment over the course of the interaction?
How did your sense of agency and control over the computational media influence your embodied experience?
How did the design and functionality of the computational media impact your experience of embodiment?
Can you describe the social and cultural context in which this embodied interaction took place?
How did this experience of embodiment compare to other forms of interaction, such as verbal or written communication?
What meaning or significance did this experience of embodiment hold for you personally
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
On AI and chatbot
Playing. With chatgpt after learning that college essays are dead because students are suing or can use AI to write. A comment on Tik Tok said “we need to reconsider what and how we teach” and I can’t help but continue thinking that we need mirrors not worlds and that AI can be used to connect us to ourselves. Technology is a portal, a transitional threshold between here and there now and then. Ai cannot write about us as we are, but we could use AI as a method of criticality in reflecting and speculating about our own invisible knowledges.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Pedagogical method for bay high:
What if students propose their own final projects?
In coding, what if students can move? Define in their own way?
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Poetry is a linguistic distillation that maintains a powerful (influential, meaningful) expose of experiences but when quantity is not the primary concern.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
What we long so desperately for are new ways of seeing ourselves. Of being remade into something shiny, novel, and ultimately, desired. But by whom? Want for another person or want by another person is simply the reflection of ourselves and our own longing to want ourselves. To love and hold and guide. To be our very own. Technology offers paths to these new worlds, when I think really, what we need, is to use technology as a mirror to see ourselves as we are first.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
We in the sciences seek to understand the world in its entirety and be the one that Cain claim, “aha! I am the one who figured it out!” As though the construction of that knowledge is based less in sharing with others and more central to the ego needing validated.
How can we know how the world works without first knowing ourselves in the world deeply?
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
The more than human means that we see the world beyond ourselves, from a non-egocentric context and widen our view to include the participatory nature and essence of the world with so much existence with in it. It’s not to shift us into our next form as a dominant organizism but to connect us back to ourselves and those we coexist with.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
I think to about the post human and trans human perspectives that we are utilizing technology as this way of finding the more-than-human contextualize in divine. Like wanting to find or achieve some sort of connectedness beyond ourselves but not with ourselves?
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
I think maybe I just am so focused on this conception of real because there is a rhetorical saturation that exists within my own immediate sphere at the moment. And I think there is a collective, maybe not particularly conscious, focus on what is real and not real as a way of mediating the blurring of the right angle, linear order made evident by technology. We describe technology as this magic that happens, as though it is something etherered and othered, when really, to me, it is just a medium that makes visible to deeper order of the world, something beyond that which structures my normal day.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Ephemeral in technology.
Ephemeral documentation, like the footprints left in the carpet after he leaves, or the condensated print of a hand left behind on window.
Dosumentation is what is left behind.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Ok, continuing: technology as a mirror, reflection, something reversed and slightly warped, mimicry, and not truth itself.
A portal to lucid interpretations of self.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
The present is the only thing we can physically touch.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
What is meant by “real” and why are we so afraid of it?
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
World building as a response to trauma.
Are we just building these augmented and virtual worlds as a response to collective trauma? Instead of healing in this reality, it is easier to just construct and entirely new reality that is materially separate from this one.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Slow technology:
Computational media curriculum that engages the sensory systems we already have: sight., sound, touch. Puts us in touch with our bodies as a medium, tool, language as they exist. Not augmented or altered in some radically new way but as a path that returns us to ourselves, that allows us to be wholly witnessed and to acknowledge what lives small in the instant here and instant now.
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howdocloudswork · 2 years
Some recent musings:
My conception of embodiment in relation to technology does not adopt the post-human or transhumanist perspective. We are not beyond or after humans: we are still human, flawed and small and trying our best.
Why are we so concerned with becoming more? Enhancing, extending, expanding ourselves when we cannot accept ourselves as we exist in the present moment, cannot honor our very selves as we are? What would embodied design look like if we created from a place in which acceptance and acknowledgment of our bodies as they are in form and content were the dominant narrative and experience?
With the exponential development of technology, we don’t have time to slow down and accept, knowledge, and be aware of how we are. Technology is not designed for slowness and stillness. The augmentation of our reality via technology is designed to remove us from reality into another adjacent or auxiliary experience, something just slightly different. I feel like this isn’t finding the pleasure but avoiding the pain altogether. But idk.
I think this is why I am interested in the ephemerality of emergence: something always in flux, and unfinished. Something only noticeable in slowness and stillness. Something completely antithetical to the very nature of the Institution.
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