howeamimusical · 5 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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howeamimusical · 5 years
yeah theres no way to stop using amazon completely because they own so many things and many websites use them for hosting, but audible is something we really dont need. amazon is already trying to replace public libraries with “audible amazon libraries” and we cant let that happen. your libraries are already payed for with taxes ((though normally way underfunded because politicians normally dont care enough)) 
use libby or overdrive for audiobooks or ebooks, support libraries and buy from their used books sale (ive scored so many awesome books, and old books! as well as some great cds and movies) , and many libraries also mail out books!! theres so many options and libraries are always changing to make themselves more accessible for everyone, so support them! theyre such an important part of your community.
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howeamimusical · 5 years
Less than 80 days until the 2010s are over.
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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howeamimusical · 5 years
Mickey Mouse says:
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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reblog if you’d end a date if they said they voted for trump
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howeamimusical · 5 years
So my pet pufferfish transitioned today
I know lions are usually the example used to debunk the whole ‘being trans makes no biological sense’ agrument but please let me introduce another trans animal, the pea pufferfish
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Bee here, (as pictured before transition) was female for the longest time. Females have white bellies. But one day I woke up and boom, bee had a black stripe down their belly, a sure sign of a Male fish.
Turns out pea puffers actually change sex depending on their social environment. In fact, they’re sexless when young and can develope into males, females and anything in between. Some even remain sexless.
I’ve only had bee for about three weeks. In the shop, bee was surrounded by other puffers. The ratio of males to females caused bee produce a lot of feminine hormone, and so bee became female at maturity. But bee lives alone in my tank now. And without others around him, he produced Male hormone and is now Male!!!!
Congrats little man 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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howeamimusical · 5 years
The most genius I’ve ever felt was when I was working in the physics lab. We had installed a camera at a pressure chamber window so we could watch a laser do pulse ablation on a metal plate. However, we had a problem no one could figure out; the laser would phase in and out on our live feed from the camera. The team was freaking out about the possibility of this 30k laser being defective and they were about to take apart the vacuum chamber when I was like “uh... guys? We’re firing the laser at 23 pulses per second.”
Mind you, I’m a sophomore at this point, working with 3 grad students and a professor. I’m at a point in my career where I can barely explain the math behind what research I’m actually doing.
The professor is like “.... Yeah? What about it?” And I explain: “Most cameras film at 24 frames per second. The laser looks like it’s phasing in and out because it’s out of phase with the camera” so we adjusted the pulse per second a bit until it was in phase and shockingly! It worked perfectly. The prof and the grad students just looked.. dumbfounded? And I guess camera fps rates aren’t common knowledge, at least to them. They treated me like I was the smartest person in the room even though the only reason I knew that information was from making gifsets of Pacific Rim when I was in high school
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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Bro what the fuck
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howeamimusical · 5 years
i was sitting with a bunch of cis people at lunch who think i’m cis and they literally had an entire conversation on how “nowadays you can’t tell who’s transgender” while i there wearing a trans pride flag t-shirt
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howeamimusical · 5 years
Do any other american high schoolers have intense survivor’s guilt and trauma with school shootings even though they weren’t at your school?
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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URGENT! If you're in Colorado, please, please be careful! If you know any trans men or transmasc people who might be in Colorado soon, please let them know about this. If you know any trans or LGBTQ+ groups, community centers, etc. in Colorado, make sure they're aware!
If you're cis, it's encouraged that you reblog this. Just spreading the word is a great opportunity to be an ally.
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howeamimusical · 5 years
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September is cool and all, but who’s ready for OCTOBER THIRST?
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