howieabel · 48 minutes
“Our society distinguishes itself by conquering the centrifugal social forces with Technology rather than Terror, on the dual basis of an overwhelming efficiency and an increasing standard of living.” ― Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
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howieabel · 2 hours
“More data means more information, but it also means more false information.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
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howieabel · 4 hours
"The error in positivism is that it takes as its standard of truth the contingently given division of labor, that between the science and social praxis as well as that within science itself, and allows no theory that could reveal the division of labor to be itself derivative and mediated and thus strip it of its false authority." - Theodor Adorno, "Why still philosophy?" in Critical Models (1998), p. 10
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howieabel · 6 hours
“You do not want to win an argument. You want to win.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
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howieabel · 8 hours
“Any commemoration is also a betrayal.” ― Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Signs
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howieabel · 10 hours
“You need a story to displace a story.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
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howieabel · 11 hours
“A Stoic is someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.” ― Taleb Nassim Nicholas
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howieabel · 13 hours
“Certain issues are not yet clear about the final shape of society in America. Some form of co-existence with whites is the desired goal of virtually all black leaders, but it must be a society which blacks have a hand in shaping, and blacks should have power commensurate with their numbers and contribution to US development. To get that, they have to fight.” ― Walter Rodney, The Groundings with My Brothers
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howieabel · 15 hours
“I'm putting it to my black brothers and sisters that the colour of our skins is the most fundamental thing about us.” ― Walter Rodney, The Groundings with My Brothers
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howieabel · 16 hours
“Last words and last thoughts are not invariably those most replete with human wisdom. If this seems to be the case, it is because unmemorable ones are not remembered.” ― Raymond Geuss, Who Needs a World View?
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howieabel · 18 hours
“Who reflects too much will accomplish little.” ― Johann von Schiller
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howieabel · 20 hours
“Art breaks open a dimension inaccessible to other experience, a dimension in which human beings, nature, and things no longer stand under the law of the established reality principle...The encounter with the truth of art happens in the estranging language and images which make perceptible, visible, and audible that which is no longer, or not yet, perceived, said, and heard in everyday life.” ― Herbert Marcuse
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howieabel · 21 hours
“It was civilization itself which inflicted this wound upon modern man. Once the increase of empirical knowledge, and more exact modes of thought, made sharper divisions between the sciences inevitable, and once the increasingly complex machinery of State necessitated a more rigorous separation of ranks and occupations, then the inner unity of human nature was severed too, and a disastrous conflict set its harmonious powers at variance. The intuitive and the speculative understanding now withdrew in hostility to take up positions in their respective fields, whose frontiers they now began to guard with jealous mistrust; and with this confining of our activity to a particular sphere we have given ourselves a master within, who not infrequently ends by suppressing the rest of our potentialities. While in one a riotous imagination ravages the hard-won fruits of the intellect, in another the spirit of abstraction stifles the fire at which the heart should have warmed itself and the imagination been kindled.” ― Friedrich von Schiller
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howieabel · 23 hours
“Malcolm X, our martyred brother, became the greatest threat to white power in the USA because he began to seek a broader basis for his efforts in Africa and Asia, and he was probably the first individual who was prepared to bring the race question in the US up before the UN as an issue of international importance.” ― Walter Rodney, The Groundings with My Brothers
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howieabel · 1 day
“The voice of the majority is no proof of justice” ― Friedrich Schiller, Maria Stuart
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howieabel · 1 day
"Only in a socialist system are the interests of the individual, the state and the collective at one. That is why only a socialist constitution can encourage the citizens to fulfill enthusiastically their duties to the society and the fatherland." - Ho Chi Minh, "Report on the Draft Amended Constitution", (December 18, 1959)
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howieabel · 1 day
“Under civilization poverty is born of superabundance itself.” ― Charles Fourier
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