howtopee · 3 years
More screenshots lol
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howtopee · 3 years
Um, is that kid... could that kid be... you know...🏳️‍🌈
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howtopee · 3 years
Hey guys? I don't know who else noticed, but I realized something really sweet at the end of the movie.
So, remember Luca's attempt of a bike helmet? The strainer?
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When it first appeared in the movie, it didn't have anything on it, right?
Right. Now let's jump ahead to Alberto's drawing halfway throughout the movie, back when Alberto is telling Luca about the things he added to the drawing, how he added colors.
How he added flames!
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Good. Now lets jump ahead again even further, when Luca starts bicycling his way through the race. His strainer is back on, but...something is new!
"Also I added flames"
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Luca added flames to the Strainer!
Even if Alberto is the artist of the duo, I doubt it could have been him the one to draw them-
The last time we saw the makeshift helmet was when they rode their also makeshift vespa the previous day before leaving to the human town. The boys didn't go there again, not until Alberto flee there after his reveal, and I seriously doubt that Alberto drew the flames then, all with the whole trashing things to the ground and being angry and sad with the world.
It was Luca who must have grabbed it for the race at the last hour and added them on his own.
And it just warmed my heart. Like-
Luca needed to search for a bicycle, for his helmet, and a swimming suit all before the race, and he still found some time to think about Alberto and his drawing, about what he'd said.
It's a reminder as for why was Luca racing, was doing this. It was for them, for their vespa, for their dream.
What a beautiful thing to add in such a subtle way. I really love how Luca's character has a very internal world, but manage to fill in the gaps here and there in the best of ways.
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howtopee · 3 years
Sometimes I think about Alberto's face when Massimo sees the boys as sea monsters and I'm floored because I can't remember such a look of absolute panic from a male character in popular animated media ever.
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I already tend to relate to male characters the most in a story so I focus a lot on them and their expressions which are much easier for me to pick up in animation as opposed to live action(neurodivergent thing), and I genuinely cannot think of a single movie/TV show moment that captured that specific look that Alberto had except for maybe in anime(but even that felt different).
Often in moments where the Deep Dark Secret is publicly revealed the character in focus(usually male) stares in defiance, even if a bit hesitant, like in Luca's case in the same scene. But I love how Luca had Alberto, the Tough One, Mr. "We don't need anybody but ourselves", the character so afraid of expressing anything but nonchalance and excitement in front of everyone else, look away in shame and fear, and when in sole focus, stare back up at Massimo's face, clearly prepared to be rejected by another father figure again yet absolutely and openly fearing the words he thinks are inevitable.
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It's such a powerful expression. Not everyone can stand up to their greatest fear with defiance. Sometimes all the emotional repression in the world can't hide absolute fear. Luca and Giulia were prepared, if a little afraid, to face Massimo to try to convince him; but Alberto couldn't stand the thought of Massimo rejecting him, not after all that time they spent together, learning from each other, bonding over being born different in different ways.
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(Watch Alberto closely, he gets even more scared/upset when Massimo approaches them :( )
Imagine the absolute relief Alberto felt when Massimo took his hand and declared them the winners of the race instead of reacting fearfully, standing behind them and daring the other fishermen to try and hurt them. Imagine how Alberto felt when he realized Massimo accepted him fully, sea monster and all.
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howtopee · 3 years
idk if this has been done yet but LUCA PRIDE FLAGS
The MLM flag sampled from Luca and Alberto
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The trans flag with colors sampled from Uncle Ugo
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And the lesbian flag with colors sampled from Giulia
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Enjoy :D
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howtopee · 3 years
Look how Alberto shields Luca during this whole debacle. So cute!!!
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He protecc.
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howtopee · 3 years
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I finally watched Luca right after I finished my exams the day before yesterday and it was amazing!!! Def gonna watch it again. The second comic was inspired by Brooklyn99. Those two are different comics btw. Sorry if I made grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language!
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howtopee · 3 years
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They’re siblings alright
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howtopee · 3 years
“stay???? 😉😉😉😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰”
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look at him, so pleased with himself, because now he has an excuse to kidnap this adorable bundle of joy that one day just appeared in front of him like an angel sent just for him and blessed all his days ever since, and have him all for himself and only for himself forevermore, without having to tell him how much he really means to him because that would be totally uncool.
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howtopee · 3 years
Bro just letting you know that I would die instantly if you made the doctor meme ft. Luberto but no rush no rush at all ok? ily
but anyways Eve you always have then best ideas so you automatically get kicked to the top of my to do list cuz I GET SO EXCITED TO MAKE THEM AJSHHDHH HH YOUR BRAINCELLS ARE SO HUGE
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howtopee · 3 years
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This is the money Luca post. Reblog to be granted prize money in the near future
*money may come in form of Euros or Lira
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howtopee · 3 years
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Things I noticed in the Luca Junior Novelization.
1.) Ercole apparently can’t swim. In the first picture when he was thrown into the fountain by Ciccio and Guido he freaks out and screams “I can’t swim!”
… I mean, it’s like a foot of water and you’re sitting in it, but go off.
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2.) Luca’s real reasoning for risking his life for a Vespa. “My parents were going to send me away! I was never going to see him again! That’s why.. we did all of this.”
Luca, you homo. We all knew that was the reason why. Because you love Alberto value Alberto’s friendship.
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3.) Alberto sulking in his hideout and then realizing he’s going to go have to save Luca. He doesn’t seem very thrilled about it though.
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howtopee · 3 years
No thoughts, just Alberto’s fins doing happy lil flutters:
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howtopee · 3 years
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Explain this atheists
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howtopee · 3 years
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cursed luca screencaps i found in my folder, buon appetito
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howtopee · 3 years
The animators knew what they were doing 💀
(Tiktok not mine)
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howtopee · 3 years
are you telling me that these 
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are paralels
excuse me im going to jump off a cliff
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