hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Drarry #3
Draco: Wanna fight, Potter? Harry: No. If we do we will cause a lot of sexual tension and end up shagging Draco: ...so wanna fight? Harry: Sure!
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Scorbus #?????
Rose: Scorp! I was wondering if you wanna go out some time? *ignores the glares Albus is giving her and winks at Scorpius*. Scorpius: *looks between Albus and Rose* I already have a BOYfriend. Albus: *kisses Scorpius* Rose: Are you sure? I don't see anyone of importance Scorpius: *gives her the middle finger and leaves holding albus's hand*
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
In the hospital...
Scorpius: *wakes up slowly*
Albus: Look at that, he's waking up.
Albus: Hey there, sleepyhead.
Scorpius, eyes wide: Wha- wait, who are you? Did the doctor send you?
Scorpius, grins slyly: And you– you are some nice eye candy. Perfect wake up call.
Scorpius, flirtatiously: Are you a model? You have to be.
Albus, stifling giggles and flustered: N-No, sorry to disappoint. I'm Albus, and I'm your husband. *shows ring finger*
Scorpius, gaping: HUSBAND? *blows out a gust of air* I'm married to an angel. Wow
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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Harry Potter and The Cursed child. Eet✨
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Scorbus #3
Scorbus: I have to do it! Lily: No you don't! Lily: What if you mess up! Scorbus: i most likely will. But I got to. Lily: NOOOOO! Your walking to your doom! Scorbus: *walks up and kisses Albus Albus: *happily kisses back* Scorbus: I have wanted to do that forever Albus: agreed Lily: Oh...congrats!
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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Sorry sweety but Scorp is Albus's
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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They are soooooo cute
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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Lmao. I died.
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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Gay as a rainbow dray
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Drarry #1
Draco: Harry! Can I ride your broomstick? Ron: EW! NO SEX TALK! Draco: I was asking him if I can borrow his firebolt...plus I will be riding his broomstick later Harry: *blushes* here *hands drake the firebolt* Hermione: *squeals* Drarry!
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Scorbus #2
Albus: *kisses Scorpius's lips softly* I love you scorp Scorpius: *blushes* I love you too, Al McGonagall: WHY ARE YOU TWO LIKE YOUR FATHERS SO MUCH??? Why did Merlin curse me with this...*sighs*
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Scorbus #1
Scorpius: Hey dad! Draco: WHAT IS THAT? Scorpius: *Looks at where his dad is pointing, the hickey on his neck* Scorpius: Uh.... Scorpius: A hickey... Draco: *smiles* Who is she? Scorpius: Well HE is has raven hair and is a slytherin Draco: Well SHE sounds perfect Scorpius: WELL HE IS ALBUS POTTER! Scorpius: *walks away and slams door* Drarry: Following in my footsteps. So proud. *looks proud*
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Drarry One Shot #1
Draco’s pov:
Why did I have to ask bloody Potter on a date! Why do I have bloody feelings for him in the first place. Ugh. I don’t know what to wear. “PANSY!” I yell. She is the fashion queen. She will know what to do.
The door opened and Pansy walked in amused at my state. “I assume you have no clue what your doing?” She asks. I nod. She chuckles. She heads to my closet and grab out a blue sweater and Grey jeans. She throws me blue shoes to go with the shirt. “There is your outfit! You obviously have the picnic basket and keep your hair messy as it makes you look hotter!” Pansy says and leaves me to get dressed.
Why Potter?
Harry’s pov:
Why did I say yes to go on a date with bloody Malfoy! Malfoy of all people! I shouldn’t even have a thing for him. I don’t even know what to wear! Dean. He is gay. I’m sure he knows what to wear. “DEAN!” I yell. He comes in the dormitory.
“Yeah Harry?” He asks confused obviously by why I would need him of all people.
“Your gay right?” I ask. And he confused nods. “I need your help! A guy asked me out and for some odd reason I said yes and now I Dont know what to wear!” I complain flouncing onto my bed. Dean laughs at my state.
“Well just dress casual! Wear a green t shirt and black pants! Then wear your favorite green sneakers you adore!” Dean says. I smile. He truly is a genius.  I run to my trunk and grab out the outfit
“Thanks. Hope it works out with Seamus!” I yell after him as he leaves me to get ready. After I am done. I head to the black lake where he said to meet him. The cold air hits my skin causing me to slightly shiver.
“You should’ve brought a sweater” A voice behind me says causing me to jump. It was just Dra- Malfoy. He laughed. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Potter” He says.
“It’s Harry” I say smiling slightly. Wait why am I smiling? I shouldn’t be. I should be scowling or glaring at him. Whatever I was expecting was not this.
He smiled. Draco Malfoy smiled. This is a record. Then he said “Well Harry, call me Draco” he says. I stare at him shocked. He just grins. He holds up a basket. “I brought treacle tart, chicken, carrots, corn and pumpkin juice and butter beer” Draco says.
“I just want treacle tart” I say right away. He quirks an eyebrow but says nothing. He hands me my treacle tart and butter beer. “Thanks” I say. He looks shocked. “What?” I ask.
“You spoke in parsel toungue” He says looking frazzled.
“Sorry. I didn’t know. Well I said thanks” I say my cheeks heating up.
“I actually like it. But sadly I can’t understand it” He says smiling. Or is he smirking? I have no clue.
“Well thanks I guess” I say taking a small bit of treacle tart. He just rolls his eyes and takes a bit of chicken. “Why are you eating chicken when you can eat treacle tart?” I ask him.
“Well I actually wanna eat real food before dessert” He says mockingly and takes another bite of chicken. I just roll my eyes. I finish and I lay on my back so I am looking at the night sky.
He shortly lays down with me. We lay in a comftorable silence. “I’m sorry!” Draco blurts out suddenly. My confused expression makes him explain. “I am sorry for how I treated you. I regret it. I never should’ve done that” He says. He looked sad.
“I forgive you. Plus it’s not like I am completely innocent too! I argued back” I say turning my head so I was looking at his.
“But I started them. Some of the stuff I said was horrid. I don’t think you should forgive me that easily” He says sadly. He sits up and looks like he is about to leave.
I quickly sit up and grab his shoulder. He looks at me. “I said horrid things to! I forgive you because you actually changed and apologized. Not many people have the guts to apologize. In my opinion your brave” I say looking him in the eyes.
His hands cup my face and he places his lips on mine. At first I didn’t kiss back. As he was about to pull away I placed my hand on the back of his head and deepened the kiss swiping my tongue on his bottom lip. He parted his lips and I slipped my tongue in. As my tongue explored his mouth he pushed me to the ground and was mostly on top of me his hands cupping my face.
We reluctantly pulled apart for air. We were both smiling like crazy.
“Your hair makes you look really hot. You should keep it normal. Without gel” I say smiling.
Word count: 860
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
My OTP's
·Wolfstar ·Tomarry ·Larry Stylinson ·Drarry ·Deamus ·Phan ·Romione ·Nuna
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
Oh I also ship Larry Stylinson!
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hp-4-infinity-blog · 7 years
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