hqangelina · 7 years
“What am I doing here? Oh, I forget things. That is to say, I make others forget them. You know, writing down the names of those who are Obliviated during the day, fetching the coffee without the sugar and such. That sort of job. I have a fancy clipboard and everything, not that you really need to concern yourself with that. I’m- I’m sure you have quite the full schedule. So dreadfully sorry- What were you here for again?“
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“well, you’re good at your job because you’ve made me forget why i started this conversation. do you always talk this much?”
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hqangelina · 7 years
Theo was relieved to hear he’d been right with his Records comment– he’d chosen the description at random, so there had been a chance that the department employee was actually a wizard, or maybe just a bunch of talking magic filing cabinets, but apparently he’d hit the nail on the head. “Intern, huh?” he chuckled, because it seemed like the right thing to do. “I remember those days. I’m guessing you do a lot of refilling tea and kissing ass, right?” He had no idea what the hell he was talking about, drawing from the dregs of his cultural knowledge for relatable tidbits, but at least the witch seemed to be buying it. 
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“Your mum knows her stuff. It’ll all be worth it eventually though– or at least, that’s the plan. I’m still knee-deep in servitude and gruntwork myself.” His eyes flicked down the non-descript hallway for some sign of where they could be, and came up empty. “This– the department we’re in, so– er, you work here?” It… wasn’t his most articulate moment.
“that’s pretty much my official job description. and i’d add on: doing things that could be easily done with a swish of a wand, if anyone was so bothered.” why was angelina striking up a conversation with this man? well, he did seem to have some know-how of the place, maybe she could get him to slip up and say something important. “really? what department are you in? hopefully in one different than mine so my promotions will go a little faster. I’m getting quite bored with pouring tea and such.” a look of confusion flicked over her face at his words, perfectly acted as a couple of thoughts formulated in her mind. one, maybe he didn’t have as much know-how as she’d previously thought, and two, he was hiding something, big or small. “no, i’m just delivering papers. what are you doing? do you work in this department?”
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hqangelina · 7 years
“Be cool,” Ron repeated quietly. “Yeah, alright. I can do that. Easy.” He knew she was just talking to help keep their covers, but the term ‘mudblood’ made his blood boil. He could feel the tips of his ears reddening. Apparently that trait didn’t vanish with his new look. “Something like that. Classified, unfortunately,” he calmly replied with a nod. “How are things going with you?”
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the words had tasted bitter coming out of her mouth, but it was necessary. they didn’t know what kind of security precautions the death eaters had installed and keeping up the act was of paramount importance. “going as well as being an intern could go. honestly, it’s like i’m not even there to the higher ups.” which was a good thing for her mission.
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hqangelina · 7 years
“Jury duty, I guess. Though I don’t know if the Ministry would really use those terms.” Kadrea shrugged. She was always unsure how many Muggle terms slipped into the wizarding world, especially in English. “Though, You’d think that with all the magic in this place that they’d find something better for interns to do,” Kadrea chuckled.
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“i don’t know what that is.” actually, she did, evidenced by the time she’d been called in to do it in the muggle courts. she’d gotten out with some crazy excuse, and it was just as well. “it’s not all bad though, there are some perks. always free tea just around the corner.”
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hqangelina · 7 years
Kadrea was a little shocked at the woman’s encouragement. “I’ve, uh, just been waiting for this thing to start for ages, it feels like now. If I had known that, I would have at least brought a book.” She shook her head, smiling. What brings you here, though? Are you waiting, too?”
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there was no way she could quickly get out of this situation without seeming very suspicious, so angelina decided to just be as different from the angelina that kadrea knew as possible. “what are you waiting for?” she asked, a smile still on her face. “no, i’m an intern. just delivering papers, like an owl. it’s a bore, honestly.”
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hqangelina · 7 years
“What?” Ron chuckled for the first time since he’d entered the Ministry. It echoed down the hallway, reminding him to keep his voice low. “I think that’s a perfectly acceptable excuse,” he whispered. “Do you have a better one?”
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“okay no, i don’t. just be cool.” a smile spread across her face to show she was taking the piss. casually leaning against the wall like they were just chatting coworkers, she said, “so, any progress on your project yet? what was it, something about the regulation of those damn mudbloods?”
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hqangelina · 7 years
Saria blinked in surprise, letting out a rather unattractive squeak as she stumbled forward as the woman began to move. Well, that was strange. Saria could barley keep up with her long legs, but managed to make do, moving so that she walked besdie her. “I-I’m sorry for askin’, but do I know you?”
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“you do, in fact. well, in passing.” clearly saria didn’t know what angelina was talking about, so falling in step with her angelina said in a low voice, “saria, isn’t it?”
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hqangelina · 7 years
“Tell me…” Fenrir drawled, twirling his toothpick between his teeth. “…where are you headed with that?”
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“these papers?” angelina stopped in her tracks, a quizzical look on her face. “back to my supervisors, but i don’t see how that’s any of your— .” stopping abruptly angelina reigned in her tongue a little, the sizzling anger underneath not slipping out at all.
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hqangelina · 7 years
Ron couldn’t help but be taken aback. He thought his voice was pretty convincing. Or at least sounded different enough to help him pass for William. “It’s cold season,” he explained with a shrug, his voice significantly lighter than it was before, but still disguised as best as he could manage. “You know how that goes.”
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when he didn’t get the hint, that she was mercilessly teasing him, a quick roll of her eyes and a quiet, “ron, it’s angelina,” solved that problem. “cold season, really, you were going to go with that? worst excuse ever.”
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hqangelina · 7 years
The first thing Theo realized, less than ten short minutes into his visit to the Ministry, was that he was lost. The second was that there were eyes on him, and they didn’t seem pleased. 
“Sorry to interrupt, I’m just on a bit of a walk. I don’t get down to this part of the building that often.” He leaned against a nearby wall, hands in pockets, and tried to look overworked and under-caffeinated. “But Merlin, I’d do nearly anything to put off visiting that troll down in Records. Last week she kept me here for nearly an hour, just to pull two files. Bureaucracy, right?” He punctuated the word with a put-out eye roll.
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turning to look at the man that had spoken angelina looked confused for a second, then nodded. “sorry, i didn’t think you were speaking to me. people don’t really talk to the interns unless they’re asking me to do something that’s doubtless going to take five hours to complete that they could do with a flick of their wand.” she said, the words spilling her mouth as she looked every bit the exasperated intern that she was. “god, i know! she’s the worst, when i was filling out my papers a couple weeks ago, she took forever, just because she could.” she said, lying straight out of her teeth. “should’ve listened to my mum when she said working here wouldn’t be all puppies and sunshine.”
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hqangelina · 7 years
“Pardon me! Could you do me a lil’ favor and point me to the Department of International Magical Cooperation, please? I’m due for a meetin’ and the Ministry is a lot different than MACUSA! Map ain’t very helpful.”
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“yeah, it’s right along that way. here, i can take you.” angelina vaguely recognized the girl from the order, though she doubted she could recognize angelina under the guise of her polyjuice potion. taking her hand and squeezing it once, and hoping that was a good enough signal, angelina began to walk towards the office.
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hqangelina · 7 years
Alexander moved quietly through the long stretch of hallway that led in the direction of the Department of Mysteries. A stony expression settled itself onto his features, and he kept his wand gripped tightly in his hand as he sauntered down the halls. His mental blocks were already locked securely in place, though for the kind of work he was doing today, he sorely doubted any of his victims would have the time to try and pry into his mind.
They’d barely even have time to cry their mother’s names before he had them locked into place, he thought grimly as his eyes scanned the corridor, searching for anyone out of place on his trek to visit with the Unspeakables.
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so this was the life of an intern. getting coffee, acting as her superiors’ personal owl, and generally scurrying around looking busier than anyone else. angelina loved it. where else would she get to sit in on meetings about quidditch 24/7? besides from the undercurrent of blood politics and general fear, it was just wonderful. she was having the time of her life, and it showed in the bounce in her step, the slight smile hinted at the corners of her mouth. 
she’d spotted him while they were still quite far apart in the hallway, her coming from delivering some confiscated trick quidditch brooms and him going to do god knows what. nothing about her demeanor changed— she was very careful of that, and she shot him a quick smile as they passed each other, like she did everyone she passed.
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hqangelina · 7 years
“While the Ministry is real pretty and all, this wasn’t exactly how I planned to spend my day.” She looked up, cringing and blushing as she looked up to see someone standing in front of her “Sorry, that wasn’t any insult towards you. Or your company.”
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“no please, tell me more.” angelina said before spinning around to face the woman who had spoken, the sides of her eyes tightening almost imperceptibly when she saw it was kadrea. she knew angelina too well, could blow this whole operation before angelina even had a chance to start it. this was not good.
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hqangelina · 7 years
Ron had no reason to be nervous. As long as the polyjuice potion did its job, he had nothing to worry about. He was William Jones. He had every right to be here, and no reason to set off any alarms to his true purpose within the ministry. Still, with each step came a ping of anxiety, causing his stomach to perform somersaults as he walked down the halls of the Ministry of Magic. If it could even be called that anymore. The place reeked of death eaters, which was part of the reason he was here, walking down a hallway in search of his best friend and mission partner. He tucked his sweaty palms (bloody anxiety….) into the pockets of his coat and continued walking. He only lifted his head when he heard footsteps approaching. That’s when he realized he wasn’t alone. 
Ron cleared his throat, and with the deepest voice he could manage said, “Evening…..” Nothing good, nothing bad, just a casual greeting meant to be exchanged in passing. 
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oddly, amidst the death eaters, death eater sympathizers, and pawns, angelina didn’t feel uncomfortable. on edge, yes, cautious, double yes, one of her famous outbursts would not be taken well here, but uncomfortable, no. maybe it was because they’d found the best possible job for her, an internship with the international quidditch regulations office. just being surrounded by the sport again, and people who lived and breath it was enough to electrify her skin again. honestly, she was having the most fun she’d had in a while, and her mood was up in the clouds.
that was why, when she bumped into ron, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the effort in his voice, albeit quietly.  “evening! do you always talk as if there’s a frog in your throat, or is that just today?”
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hqangelina · 7 years
Harry Potter
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: is it cliche to say brave? I’m going to go with his strength, because kid’s been through a lot and he’s still out here truckin.worst quality: he gets down on himself for a lot of things that aren’t his faultship them with: ginny?? just because who else??brotp them with: ron and hermione because they would both individually kill me if I picked one over the otherneeds to stay away from: everyone affiliated with the death eatersmisc. thoughts: such a good kid, needs more fun in his life
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hqangelina · 7 years
Draco Malfoy
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he was smart enough to survive a death eater family and get out, so there has to be something thereworst quality: the unnecessary brooding, we get it, you’re grumpyship them with: honestly, I don’t know? anyone that isn’t part of you-know-who’s crewbrotp them with: theodore nott?? i think they were friends back in the day and you know he needs all the friends he can getneeds to stay away from: harry potter, because I am sick and tired on the bickeringmisc. thoughts: crucify me, but when he’d not brooding or complaining, which is 99.9% of the time, he’s actually okay
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hqangelina · 7 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: her kindnessworst quality: her kindness (too kind!!)ship them with: me?brotp them with: MEneeds to stay away from: literally all the death eatersmisc. thoughts: would probably die for her
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