hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
“I said,” Suguru repeated, pointing at Tetsurou, “Tha- that I bet the rooster wouldn’t be able to get a date before the wedding.”
That should have been laughed off. Sober Tetsurou had control over his competitive streak. He was an adult, he thought through challenges logically and no longer threw himself into ramen-eating contests that he knew would make him sick. Unfortunately, Sober Tetsurou was nowhere to be found, so Drunk Tetsurou just gave Daishou his widest shit-eating grin.
“Oh yeah? I’m sure that I can find a date before then. When is it, a year from now? No sweat.”
Daishou Suguru and Mika Yamaka are getting married.
Tetsurou overestimates his ability to find a date before the wedding arrives. So, he goes to Yaku for help.
Aka: A KuroYaku fake dating fic written for the @hqtimeskipbb!! This was a lot of fun!
You can find my partner Artemis on Instagram and Ao3, she was a pleasure to work with!
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
hello, all!!!! i am so so excited to share my second work for this year’s @hqtimeskipbb event! thank you again to the mods for all of their hard work organizing everything from start to finish!!
please check out the lovely accompanying art made by tealberets over on twitter as well!
and please enjoy!
Perhaps it wasn’t any one moment. Perhaps it was all of them, all together, suddenly slapping Hinata Shouyou like a volleyball upside the head and forcing him to see the truth.
Hinata Shouyou was in love with his best friend.
And he had six hours to tell him before he left the city, and his window of opportunity closed.
with mere hours to go until his bus leaves the city and he leaves his friend behind - again - hinata races across tokyo to tell his best friend he loves him.
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Perfect Link
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Characters: Tadashi Yamaguchi, Hitoka Yachi
Here is my piece for the @hqtimeskipbb​! A big thanks to my artist fei, whose art you can find here, and my beta Lane. I hope you all enjoy this sweet YamaYachi!
Tadashi’s life was looking up, he thought as he looked in the mirror, craning his head a little while he drew the razor over the stubble of his chin. The days until he graduated college were ticking down into the teens, and he already had a good job lined up for him, which was more than some of his classmates could say. He lived in a nice apartment overlooking a quaint business district full of little tea shops and antique stores. It was sleepy in a good way; no shady business going on after nightfall, but still plenty to do when Tadashi was struck with the urge to take an afternoon walk. Yes, Tadashi was luckier than most, with every little piece of his life falling into place. 
However, there was just one singular missing puzzle piece that was beginning to daunt him to no end—he was single!
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
We have a post! You can check out our full posting over on our Twitter, but for now, please give all the love here 🧡
Under the Lights of Paris
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: AsaNoya (Asahi/Nishinoya), background DaiSuga (Daichi/Suga)
Characters: Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, brief appearances from Daichi Sawamura and Koshi Sugawara
Word Count: 18,479
Summary: Even a dream job can start to feel like just a job, and as the daily grind of adulthood wears him down, Asahi begins to crave something new to bring some excitement back into his life. When Nishinoya mentions that his next stop in Europe is Paris, one of the fashion capitals of the world, Asahi decides to take a risk and ask if he can join in on his travels.
The trip turns out to be exactly what he needs, and being around Nishinoya reawakens a zest for life and adventure that Asahi hasn’t felt in a long time. But a trip to the City of Love with his high school crush reawakens something else in Asahi. Maybe this time, he’ll have the courage to see things through.
Written for @hqtimeskipbb!
A/N: Thank you so much to the moderators for organizing this event! Author’s notes can be read on AO3. And all my love and gratitude to my incredible team! Myeu (@myeuphorio) drew an absolutely stunning piece of art to accompany this story, and Andie (@fireheartaw) has been the world’s kindest beta reader throughout this process. This story couldn’t have happened without your hard work and endless support.
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
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An Important Announcement
Hello everyone! Us moderators here have an important announcement to make. Due to personal circumstances, Ren has officially stepped down from the moderator team and will not be participating in the event looking forward. Know that we all here at the TSBB wish her the very best.
However! This means we have a very special person to introduce to you all: please give a warm, warm welcome to Lukas! Lukas has been very kind in offering  to fill the moderator position, and provided a very impressive application to us during moderator signups.
The four of us will continue to endeavour to provide a pleasant event experience to you all, and we eagerly await reading over your summaries as they begin being submitted soon 🧡
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
If you have missed the signups but still want to participate, please remember that beta and pincher applications are still open!
You have ONE WEEK left to apply for the HQTSBB if you have not done so already! Make sure to get your applications in before it’s too late, and we can’t wait to work with you 🧡
Beta Readers and Pinch Hitters, you have until September 29th, but if you want to see the event unfold in real time from within our Discord server, sign up sooner rather than later~
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Just 24 hours left now! Writers and artists, get your applications in whilst you still can!
You have ONE WEEK left to apply for the HQTSBB if you have not done so already! Make sure to get your applications in before it’s too late, and we can’t wait to work with you 🧡
Beta Readers and Pinch Hitters, you have until September 29th, but if you want to see the event unfold in real time from within our Discord server, sign up sooner rather than later~
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
You have ONE WEEK left to apply for the HQTSBB if you have not done so already! Make sure to get your applications in before it's too late, and we can't wait to work with you 🧡
Beta Readers and Pinch Hitters, you have until September 29th, but if you want to see the event unfold in real time from within our Discord server, sign up sooner rather than later~
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Discord Invites
Everyone! It is July 15th which means that today, the first round of Discord invites will be coming out! Keep an eye on your inboxes–  they'll be a handful of hours from now 🧡
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Application Update
Hello! Apparently I'm still a little bit slow sometimes and had evidently forgotten to add the question for pre-arranged teams to the sign up forms. That question has now been added and I apologise for the delay.
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
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It's time for things to finally kick off in the Timeskip Big Bang, as our Contributor Applications are now officially open! Find them below 🧡
Writers and Artists (until July 28th)
Beta Readers and Pinchers (until September 29th)
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
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Introducing our Moderator Team!
Now, just keep an eye out on our contributor applications opening on July 1st at 00:00 BST! This will be for ALL contributor roles, and the four of us can't wait to work with you 🧡
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Moderator Applicants
Moderator applicants, please keep an eye on your inboxes today as the decisions have been made!
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Our interest check and moderator applications are now officially closed! Thank you to everyone who has registered interest and or applied.
To those who have applied for moderator role, keep an eye on your inboxes! I will be sending out the results within the next couple of days.
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Make sure you get your Interest Check and/or Moderator Application in before it's too late!
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
About Four Days Left!
Hello everyone! Just a reminder that our Moderator Application and our Interest Check both close on June 21st at 23:59 BST– meaning that there is just over FOUR DAYS LEFT! Apply or send in the check before it's too late!
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hqtimeskipbb · 3 years
Moderator Applications Are Now Open!
Moderator Applications for the HQTSBB are now open!
Find the form here!
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Support is greatly appreciated as always 🧡
@faneventshub​ @haikyuubulletin​ @haikyuu-community-board​
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