hrhgeorgevi · 3 years
PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS TO https://kinggeorgewrestling.wordpress.com/
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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Wembley Arena 
23 May 2020
Attendance - 1,890
Preliminary Untelervised Matches:
Jessica Hendrix v Lizzi Church after a Superkick in 5:31
Fuji Hirari beat Negro Leon in 6:32 following a lariat.
Billy Bingham beat Samir Pande after a figure four leglock submission in 6:01.
[1] Felix Bingham & Leon Van Zandt beat Metallica Panther I & II when Leon Van Zandt countered a Tiger Driver into a pinning combination in 6:57.
The live broadcast began with the Metallica Panthers entering the ring and taking off their ring jackets. We received the in ring introductions while Dougie Wright was much more excitable than usual.
The Panthers started the contest with some cool double team moves including a double hiptoss into stereo dropkicks. Panther I scored a near fall with a swinging neck breaker on Bingham but when the big European entered the ring, the dynamic changed.
Leon and Panther I exchanged wrist locks before Leon broke away and hit a big uppercut and forearm that sent Panther back into the corner. Panther was sent across the ring, he hit the turnbuckle pads hard and then was on the wrong end of a hip throw. Panther was sent sent to the ropes, he ducked a clothesline and hit a flying clothesline.
Panther tagged out and Panther II came in,  he locked Leon in an abdominal stretch and then dropped back for a pinning combination. Bingham then came in to break the count and stayed in beating away on Panther II with kicks in the corner before setting up a backbreaker.
The match came to an end when Leon Van Zandt hit a knee to Panther I, shot him off to the ropes, but it was reversed and Leon accidentally hit Bingham on the apron knocking him to the ground. Zandt turned round and ate a big dropkick for a two count. Panther II came in and hooked both arms for a Tiger Driver, but it was blocked and Leon backdropped Panther II with their arms still linked and pushed his weight down on top for the three count.
Video Interview
A video was played from Mexico City of Metallica Panther III. Dressed in a suit and his mask he sat in a small restaurant eating a nacho. he said that he has had a while to think about his World Lightweight Title loss to Johnny Fresno and that he once again wants to challenge him to a match in Arena Mexico, so he can see what it is like to wrestle in front of a lively crowd.
[2] Barry Bridges and Johnny Fresno beat Jackie Joyce & Tony ‘Strangler’ Lewis when Joyce was disqualified in 9:23 when he hit Fresno with a wooden chair.
A slow start with Lewis and Joyce none to keen to start the contest which made Bridges and Fresno very frustrated. Lewis and Fresno eventually started out, with Lewis ducking a collar and elbow tie up and then poking Fresno in the eye and tagging in Joyce who hit a big knee to the stomach before sending Fresno off to the ropes, he ducked a clothesline and when Joyce turned round he was poked in his eye for his trouble.
Joyce and Lewis both left the ring and refused to reinter until the referee moved Fresno away from the ropes. Joyce and Fresno locked up which saw Joyce hit the ropes and then take Fresno down with a big shoulder tackle.
The match was very stop start, if Fresno or Bridges got the advantage then Joyce and Lewis slowed the action down, either rolling out of the ring or backing off. Eventually the two blue eyes had enough and chased the veterans round the ring before Bridges press slammed Lewis through the ropes back in the ring before bumping him all round with forearms and uppercuts. Lewis was on the wrong end of a belly to back suplex for a two count.
Fresno was able to dominate Joyce in a similar manner when he dropckied Joyce so hard that he flew over the top rope to the ringside. Joyce was livid and grabbed a chair and entered the ring, the  referee prevented him from using it initially before he was able to break it over the head of Johnny Fresno and the match ended with a disqualification.
Team News
Through the wonders of live transmission we see Harold Fray at Wembley Stadium giving us the team news ahead of this afternoon’s FA Cup Final between West Ham United and Preston North End.
Preston who beat Swansea in the Semi Final will have Irish Alan Kelly in goal and be pleased to see Captain Nobby Lawton fit for the game. West Ham who beat Manchester United 3-1 in their semi final will see the great Bobby Moore in the side, while Geoff Hurst up front will be key for them.
[3] Arley Kirk (110lbs, Lake Fenton, Michigan, USA) © beat ‘Gentleman’ Jim Barnes (230lbs, Rugby, England) by count out to retain the World Heavyweight Championship in an unsanctioned match.
Full pre-match ceremony for the main event with the 1 Wrestle Movement Heavyweight Champion of the World accompanied to the ring by a flag bearer and officials from stateside. The referee for this match was Hermundo Salvetti from Italy.
Jim Barnes and Arley shook hands and posed with the belt for the photographers, who had doubled in since since the previous bouts. The match started with Barnes locking Arley in a headlock and staying centre of the ring as Kirk struggled to free herself. He eventually let go and offered to shake her hand but she quickly jumped up and hit a jumping enziguri that dropped Barnes to one knee, she then hit the ropes and dived forward hitting a big flying forearm and he rolled back out of the ring. As he gathered his composure at ringside Kirk flew through the ropes hitting a suicide dive.
Back in the ring and it was Kirk going a hundred miles an hour, first hitting a cross bodyblock from the middle rope, although she only scored a one count she quickly followed it up with a lung blower but again didn't get a two conut.
Barnes retreated to the corner and as Kirk ran in he was able to dodge the attack, she backed up but only a few feet before charging again - this time he got up a back elbow and she stumbled back, he shot a single leg and went for a figure four but she kicked him into the corner and rolled him up, this time for a two count.
The crowd was beginning to taunt Barnes at this point and he viciously grabbed Kirk but she wriggled free and hit him with a kick to the shin that only further angered him. Barnes grabbed her and rag dolled her into the corner before hitting her with a forearm that sent her flying over the top rope to ringside.
Boos rang out through the Wembley Arena and Dougie Wright was even lost for words at the actions he had just seen. Barnes remonstrated with the referee before exiting the ring to go other to Kirk who was struggling to her to her feet, as he went over to help her she hit him with snap mare at ringside before dropkicking him straight in the face, much to the enjoyment of the crowd.
Kirk climbed up onto the apron and then to the top rope, she stood tall above the ringside area and dived into the air hitting her Candy Crush double foot stomp to the outside on Barnes who rolled around holding his mid-section in pain.
Both competitors were in a degree of fatigue and she struggled to get Barnes back into the ring, she rolled in after him but only scored a near fall. Barnes was struggling with pain in his stomach and Kirk decided it was time to try and lock in her Dragon Sleeper, but he pushed her off he then charged her and clotheslined her over the top rope, with himself falling out of the ring landing on top of Kirk.
Kirk looked the livelier to get to get to her feet but with the weight of Barnes on top of her she was unable to get into the ring before the count of ten.
Post Match
After the match jim Barnes was interviewed, still out of breath he said that he was impressed with kirk and she is a worthy Champion.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] International Wrestle Express - Night 2
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Granada Cinema Tooting, South London, UK
22 May 2020
Attendance - 385
Little Roxy and Klondyke Dorothy beat Jessica Hendrix and Mitzi Bopp when Dorothy hit a splash on Bopp in 6:13.
Len Ashurst beat Pune Warrior with a school boy roll up in 15:13.
John & James Murphy beat Leon Maddison & ‘Lethal’ Stevey Walsh in 8:31 when James Murphy hit a top rope elbow drop on Leon Maddison.
‘Gentleman’ Jim Barnes beat Les Allen in 19:26 when Allen submitted to a Cobra Clutch.
Metallica Panther I and Billy Bingham wrestled to a draw in a double knock out in 19:53 in a Heavy-Middleweight match. 
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] International Wrestle Express - Night 1
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Assembly Rooms, Derby, UK
Attendance - 868
Samir Pande beat Leon Maddison by a lariat in 7:31 in a Heavyweight contest.
Jessica Hendrix beat Mitzi Bopp in 9:58 after a moonsault.
Felix Bingham beat ‘Lethal’ Stevey Walsh in 16:10 after a dropkick in a Heavyweight contest.
Leon Van Zandt & ‘Gentleman’ Jim Barnes beat Tony ‘Strangler’ Lewis & Jackie Joyce in 18:10 by disqualification after several public warnings.
‘Battling’ Barry Bridges and Billy Bingham beat Pune Warrior and Dalip Aamir in 21:03 when Bridges pined Pune Warrior following a piledriver.
Johnny Fresno beat Metallica Panther II following a Brainbuster in 13:42.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
Who is the best Heavyweight in Europe?
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With several version of a European crown circulating the content, we ask who is the rightful claimant to being the best Heavyweight in Europe. 
It has been nearly two decades since we last saw a European Heavyweight Championship and belt regularly defended upon these shores when ‘Gentlemen’ Jim Barnes and German Thomas Splitzer trading the Championship twice between them with a series of contests taking place not only in England but also France, Spain and Greece. 
Splitzer left British rings with the trophy and has since retired from the sport. While version of the Championship exist now in France and Germany, neither of them claim any lineage back to the version that Barnes once held. 
Manny fans that attend shows and enjoy their wrestling through the weekly television broadcast would claim that ‘Battling’ Barry Bridges the British Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion must be a top contender for the right, while Belgium’s Leon Van Zandt has impressed many in his last tour of Great Britain, the duo are set to do battle in the coming weeks when they meet in Glasgow on 31 May. 
Greek ace Spiros Marinakos has held a serious of national and regional Championships and is one of the most talked about stars on the continent, but with his commitments in North America, promoters in Europe are now struggling to get dates on the 6’3 adonis. 
France has always had a proud history of churning out top Heavyweights and Teirry Alexis lays claim to one European Heavyweight Championship while Dresden’s 300lb giant Ulf Ekenford has frequently been rumoured to tour Britain but has yet to appear apart from two independent dates many years ago when he was still a rookie. 
If like this writer, you would like to see a recognised European Heavyweight Champion, then King George VI Wrestling Club matchmaker Edwin Luntley has claimed that he has been in constant dialogue with the Chairman of the Lord-Admiral Mountevans Committee Sir Solomon Simpson as well as his European counterparts to try and organise a series of elimination matches for later in this year. 
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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One of the last traditions of the once great sport, Professional Wrestling is set to be abandoned as perverted wrestling bosses have proposed a Man v Woman contest during the biggest show of the year - the annual FA Cup Final Live Special. 
While West Ham United and Preston North End are set to contest the FA Cup in the afternoons main sporting attraction, as per tradition there will be three televised ‘all in’ wrestling bouts before hand. 
Television Bosses were thought to be furious when wrestling supremo Edwin Luntley floated the idea of flying over the reigning One Wrestling Movement World Heavyweight Champion Arlen Kirk in a match scheduled to face former European Heavyweight Champion ‘Gentleman’ Jim Barnes, especially after the Admiral-Lord Mountevans Committee had refused to sanction the contest, but a serious of negotiations this week have appeased their fears with Jim Barnes and the King George VI Wrestling Club signing waivers that medical provisions and a strict enforcement of the ‘no closed fist punches’ be abided by. 
Many fans of the grunt and groan game have already started to voice their displeasure with one letter this publication received from Dorris Winterburn, 71 in Margate saying ‘This is a disgrace, I am not a fan of the ladies wrestling, it is not of Christian values. Why they believe anyone wishes to see them in the ring, let alone against a man is beyond me.’
The match is set to go ahead this Saturday from Wembley Arena, tickets on sale now.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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Once ruled so rough he was banished from televised wrestling for fifteen years, Tony ‘Strangler’ Lewis has returned from the independent wrestling scene after being given a lifeline by Matchmaker Edwin Luntley and will take part in the upcoming International Wrestle Express, FA Cup Final Live Special and World Championship Challenge tours. 
Heavyweight Lewis will make his debut teaming with longtime partner and British Lightweight Champion Jackie Joyce against Leon Van Zandt and another returning seasoned campaigner ‘Gentleman’ Jim Barnes in Derby.
Single matches will follow against Samir Pande in Tooting and Jim Barnes (Aberdeen).
Lewis was finally tossed off TV after a series of unruly matches which saw TV Producers lay down the law to promoters wishing to feature him on the small screen. 
Full schedule 
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
Metallica Panther III set for big screen debut
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Former World Lightweight Belt Holder Metallica Panther III has been signed up for his cinema debut in La Pantera y el Marciano with filming set to get underway this weekend in Mexico City.
Panther will be out of the ring for the next few months during filming but his brothers Metallica Panther I and II are still scheduled to return to British rings in May, with the masked duo set to delight the grapple fans. 
Metallica Panther III had a short lived reign as World Champion but has already challenged current supremo Johnny Fresno to a title defence in Mexico when his schedule permits.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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(Taped 3 May 2020 at Fairfield Halls, Croydon, UK)
Dougie Wright joined us from the dressing room of Los Metallica Panthers. Both Metallica Panther I and II were dressed in tracksuits while their brother World Lightweight Champion was dressed in a suit, masked and with his championship belt on his lap. He spoke to Dougie Wright about how Johnny Fresno is the top star in Britain today, but he is the champion and therefore the superior wrestler.
[1] The Great Tojo, Fuji Hirari and SUPER DOI beat Alf Salisbury, Kumalo and Msimangu (Tojo pinned Kumalo after a Spike DDT in 9:26, full match shown)
Tojo and Salisbury started off trading blows before SUPER DOI and Kumalo entered and showed of their quickness between the ropes with Kumalo catching SUPER DOI in mid air while attempting a leap frog and Powerslam it him to the mat.
Msimangu also looked to have Hirai in trouble with a big suplex from the middle rope but was to slow going for a cover and Hirai was able to lock on an arm bar but was unable to get the submission.
Tojo and Salisbury ended up in the ring with Salisbury hitting a side slam for a near fall, he then charged the ropes, coming off them but Tojo hit a bit boot to the face and then hooked him in a front face lock lifting him up and driving his head down to the canvas for a Spike DDT for the win.
Post Match
The Great Tojo said that he was been impressed by the progress that Fuji Hirai has been making during his excursion in Britain and was hoping he would continue to improve before returning to Japan a Champion.
[2] Johnny Fresno beat Metallica Panther III for the World Lightweight Championship and Belt (Sunsetflip reversal in 29:31, 1st defence, full match shown)
Sir Solomon Simpson was present in the ring for the pre-match ceremonies. Fresno controlled the early opening minutes with a hammerlock and Japanese strangle. Panther did regain control with a side headlock but that didn’t go anywhere. 
Fresno did dropkick Panther out of the ring and chased him to the outside only to be hip tossed into the ring steps hurting his knee. Panther looked like he was about to get a count out win Fresno was just able to get back into the ring. 
An Indian deathlock and single crab were not able to force a submission from Fresno who was able to connect with a knee to the head out of nowhere that looked to open up a cut inside the mask of Matallica Panther III. 
The match turned into a brawl from there with Panther nearly scoring a knock out with a brutal looking headlock that opened up Fresno’s head.
In scenes reminiscent to their contest last month in which the match was stopped due to blood loss Fresno’s blond hair was now crimson red. 
He was knocked out of the ring with a big elbow, as he climbed up onto the ring apron, Metallica Panther III hooked his head for a suplex into the ring but Fresno landed on his feet behind Panther and he then scored a near fall with a German Suplex. 
Panther cut Fresno off with a right hand and looked set to apply his trademark move the Cristo Metallica but Fresno kicked his foe away. Panther then sent Fresno across the ring which he reversed. Fresno bent over for a back bodydrop but Panther leaped over him for a sunset flip but Fresno stayed on his feet, hooking Panther’s legs and cradling him into a pin to win back his championship. 
Post Match
Fresno spoke to Dougie Wright after he received some medical attention to stop the bleeding to his head. He said that he was glad he was able to show he was the best in the World at this weight class. 
Metallica Panther III told Dougie Wright that he has travelled across the world to defend this championship and challenged Fresno to do the same, defending the title in Mexico!
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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(Taped 3 May Fairfield Halls, Croydon)
Dougie Wright was sat in the front row of the venue, there was nobody there yet, it was hours before bell time but there were a few people working on putting the finishing touches to the venue including two young boys cleaning the ring. 
‘We have a real treat for you grapple fans tonight. As you may know we originally scheduled to bring you some contests from a recent event in Worthing. But with all the build up and hype to tonight’s show which has been fabulously dubbed ‘The All Star Extravaganza’, we have received many phone calls and letters asking to broadcast the event straight away so We are going to show you three matches form tonight, with the final three more next week and maybe in a few weeks we’ll have a look back at what was a fantastic night of wrestling in Worthing.’
[1] Jackie Joyce © (118lbs, Northampton, England) and Junior ‘Iron Man’ Morgan (187lbs, Kingston, Jamaica) wrestled to a draw in a match for the British Commonwealth Lightweight Championship and Belt. (double count out in 12:35, full match shown) 
The match started at lightening pace with Morgan sending Joyce crashing around the ring with a series of arm drags, dropkick and snapmares. Joyce was on the back foot straight away and unable to control any part of the match.
He was unable to defend himself in the corner as Morgan hit him with some big martial arts kicks that rocked his head back. The referee pulled Morgan away to check on Joyce who was then able to quickly attack Morgan throwing him out of the ring through the ropes. The two brawled around for several minutes with the referee telling them several times they needed to return to the ring. The referee Brian Rodgers was very lenient with his count and the two return to the ring where Morgan had Joyce locked in a figure four leg lock but the Champion was able to get to the ropes before he had to submit.
Morgan started to climb the ropes but Joyce pushed him off and he fell over the top rope to ringside. Joyce looked like he as going to take a count out victory until Morgan grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the ring, rocking him with a big forearm smash. The two continued to brawl, getting extremely close to the font row until the referee was forced to count both men out.
Joyce retuned the championship and belt due to the count out draw.
[2] Jessica Hendrix (112lbs, Austin, Texas, USA) beat Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter (189lbs, Victoria, Colombia, Canada) in the final of the Ladies International Grand Prix (Superkick in 12:l5, full match shown)
Jenny attacked Hendrix straight away but missed a big clothesline to the corner, Hendrix was able to hit two big Dropkicks, but Jenny was quick to cut off the American with a huge back elbow. Hendrix looked to have suffered a head injury but Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter didn't relent with a series of kicks to the spine and one flush in the face. 
The ringside doctor looked concerned as Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter took Jessica Hendrix off her feet not once but twice with blatant punches. She then hit a big suplex but Hendrix was able to kick out.
Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter then hit a package piledriver fora close fall but Hendrix kicked out. Another big kick to the chest and Hendrix was ragdolled to her feet. Hendrix two elbows to the stomach but Jenny threw her back into the corner and then slammed her to the middle of the ring. She went up and sat on the middle rope but missed a splash. Hendrix then hit a superkick for the win.
Following the match she was presented with the Ladies International Grand Prix trophy and a bunch of flowers by Sir Solomon Simpson.
At The Gym
World Trios Champions Los Metallica Panthers were dressed in their sports wear and masks rolling around an empty gym trying out their moves. Metallica Panther III spoke in Spanish with subtitles underneath. ‘Mr Fresno - I am full of respect for you as a wrestler, performer and man. But when we meet in the ring again I will show you why Mexican pride is so important and I will defend my championship once more. It is my goal to raise this belt above my head in Arena Mexico, the true home of Lucha Libre.
[3] Joao Silva © (207lbs,  Albufeira, Portugal) beat Mikolaj Salak (201lbs, Warsaw, Poland) to retain the European Heavy-Middleweight Championship and Bel (18:01 after a Crucifix Powerbomb, full match shown)
The two started off with some exchange of holds, Salak with a reverse hammerlock that Silva beautifully escaped from. Silva then took Salak down to the mat for a headlock but Salak escaped in an equally impressive way before Silva armdragged him in a flashy way just to say he could. 
Salak charged Silva who then hip tossed him and he slit out of the ring to regain his composure.
Once he returned they continued to go hold for hold. Hammerlock into a headlock, headlock into a bear hug, then into an arm bar. Beautiful exchanges of technical wrestling with Silva on top applying pressure to the shoulder joint before Salak was forced to escape with an elbow drop only to then be on the receiving end of a Dropkick. 
Silva used a reverse chin lock before transitioning into a crucifix pin for a one count. Salak returned an elbow and they briefly went to blows before Salak was able to execute an abdominal stretch although Silva eventually escaped by reaching the ropes.
Salak next came off the top with a cross body for a near fall, then a side Russian leg sweep for another near fall. Then then missed a dropkick when Silva held onto the ropes. Silva went to pull up Salak but he was was rolled up into a small package for a close fall. 
Once back on their feet, Salak went again for an abdominal stretch but Silva escaped and lifted him high in the air hitting a Crucifix Powerbomb for the victory. 
Post Match
Dougie Wright interviewed both men in the ring. Salak said it was a tough challenge but now knew what he had to do to be at this level. Silva enjoyed the challenge and congratulated Salak on his wrestling ability 
Next Week
A graphic showed that we will see the three final matches from All Star Extravaganza including the World Lightweight contest between Johnny Fresno and Metallica Panther III.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] Emperor of India Tournament - Night 3
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Thyagaraj Sports Complex, New Delhi, India
8 May 2020
Attendance - 4,367
‘Battling’ Barry Bridges beat Dalip Aamir after 26:31 following a piledriver to win the Emperor of India Tournament and £150,000 crash prize
Jessica Hendrix beat Patti Rose with a superkick and then moonsault in 18:15 to win the Empress of India Tournament Final and £150,000 cash prize. 
The Great Rajiv beat Pune Warrior in an exhibition match in 12:19 following a neckbraker.
Benjamin Benson & Lars Van Zandt beat Alf ‘Sledgehammer’ Salisbury and Dexter Eagles when Van Zandt made Eagles submit with the Sugar Hold in 19:41
Sanita Singh, Mitzi Bopp and Little Roxy beat Alis Chopra, Princess Royal and Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter in 5:13 when Bopp made Princess Royal submit with a crossface.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] Emperor of India Tournament - Night 2
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Jimmy George Sports Hub, Kerala, India
7 May 2020
Attendance - 1,9851
Dailp Aamir beat Alf ‘Sledgehammer’ Salisbury by count out in 15:31 in the Emperor of India Tournament Semi Final 1
Jessica Hendrix beat Sanita Singh after a super kick in 10:01 in the Empress of India Tournament Semi Final 2
‘Battling’ Barry Bridges beat Lars Van Zandt in 19:15 after a piledriver in the Emperor of India Tournament Semi Final 2
Patti Rose beat Alis Chopra in 4:45 after a frog splash in the Empress of India Tournament Semi Final 1
Benjamin Benson & The Great Rajiv beat Dexter Eagles and Pune Warrior  with a neckbraker after 9:25 when Rajiv pinned Pune Warrior after a in the Exhibition International Tag Match
Mitzi Bopp & Little Roxy beat Princess Royal & The Farmer’s Daughter 3:58 when Mitzi Bopp made Princess Royal submit with a crossface in the Exhibition international Women’s Tag Match
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] The Emperor of India Tour - Night 1
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Kings Punjab Promotions Presents The Emperor of India Tournament - Night 1 
National Sports Club of India, Mumbai, India
6 May 2020
Attendance  - 2,310
Alf Salisbury beat Benjamin Benson after a brainbuster in 19:31in the 1st round of the Emperor of India Tournament 
Patti Rose beat Mitzi Bopp after 16:53 following a frog splash in the 1st Round of the Empress of India Tournament
Dalip Aamir beat The Great Rajiv via count out in 6:31 in the 1st Round of the Emperor of India Tournament
‘Batting’ Barry Bridges beat Dexter Eagles after a piledriver in 10:39 in the 1st Round of the Emperor of India Tournament
Lars Van Zandt beat Pune Warrior in 5:14 through submission with the Sugar Hold in in the 1st Round of the Emperor of India Tournament
Sanita Singh beat Little Roxy with a cross body block in 10:23 in the 1st Round of the Empress of India Tournament
Jessica Hendrix beat Princess Royal in 2:31 following a Superkick in the 1st Round of the Empress of India Tournament
Alis Chopra beat Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter by count out in 8:27 in the 1st Round of the Empress of India Tournament
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] All Star Extravaganza
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Fairfield Halls, Croydon, UK
3 May 2020
Attendance - 1,605
Johnny Fresno beat Metallica Panther III for the World Lightweight Championship and Belt in 29:31 after reversing a sunset flip (1st defence)
Joao Silva (c) beat Mikolaj Salak in 18:01 after a Crucifix Powerbomb to retain the European Heavy-Middleweight Championship and Belt.
Billy Tucker beat Eugen Batiens in a Non Title Catchweight Contest after a tombstone piledriver in 17:15.
Jessica Hendrix beat Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter to win the Ladies International Grand Prix after a superkick in 12:l5
Jackie Joyce (c) and Junior Morgan wrestled to a double count out in 12:35 for the British Commonwealth Lightweight Championship and Belt.
The Great Tojo, Fuji Hirari and SUPER DOI beat Alf Salisbury, Kumalo and Msimangu in 9:26 when Tojo pinned Kumalo after a spike DDT.
Several matches are set to be featured on upcoming episodes of ‘ON THE MAT’.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
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(Taped on 24 April at King‘s Hall, Belle Vue, Manchester, UK)
Dougie Wright introduced us from ringside, he said we had a top of the bill attraction featuring many of the top names in British rings currently. We would also see a 1st Round Match from the exciting Ladies International Grand Prix an eight women’s tournament and we’d see a ‘couple more’ of those contest over the next few weeks.
We’d also see the televised debut of Zimbabwe’s Alf Salisbury, who is nicknamed the Sledgehammer. He will take on the North Easts’ ‘Lethal’ Stevey Walsh. Lot’s to look forward to know lets’ get to the action.
[1] Jessica Hendrix (112lbs, Austin, Texas, USA) beat Jumbo Kaka (139lbs, Furukawa, Japan) in the 1st Round of the Ladies International Grand Prix (Top rope moonsault in 13:01, 5:00 shown)
Hendrix was trying to lock Kaka in to a STF but Kaka was crawling to the ropes. Hendrix pulled back but this time started tumbling her with kicks. Kaka tried to cover up and rolled out of the ring only for Hendrix to follow her. She grabbed Kaka’s head and smashed it into the ringside desk where Dougie Wright and timekeeper Billy O’Neill sit.
Hendrix was hoping for a count out victory but Jumbo Kaka made it back into the ring. Hendrix sent her across from corner to corner with an Irish whip and followed her in but Kaka vaulted over and scored a near fall with an O’Conner roll.
Kaka then went for a round house kick which Hendrix ducked, who then in tern went for her trademark superkick which Kaka caught, she span Hendrix round but was then on the end of a jumping dropkick to the head. Hendrix went up to the top rope, backflipping into the ring to hit a moonsault for the win to send her into the Semi-Finals.
[2] Alf ‘Sledgehammer’ Salisbury (260lbs, Harare, Zimbabwe) beat ‘Lethal’ Stevey Walsh (223lbs, Newcastle, UK) in a Heavyweight match (4.34 with a brain buster, full match shown)
They locked up but neither man get gain an advantage and the hold was broken. Walsh kicked Salisbury in the stomach and went for an Irish whip which was reversed and he was taken down by the Zimbabwean with a back elbow. Walsh came up swinging but was taken off his feet with big forearm, he bounced to his feet and was then destroyed with a boot to the face. Walsh needed the ropes to pull himself up, he ducked a clothesline and hit a forearm smash Salisbury only dropped to one knee. Salisbury then hooked an arm and Walsh’ head lifting him into the air and dropping down for a brainbuster for a dominate win.
Ringside Interview
Polish grappler and European contender Nikolaj Salak joined Dougie Wright at ringside. Salak was wearing a suit and tie for the occasion. He will challenge European Heavy-Middleweight Champion Joao Silva on 3 May at Fairfield Halls, Croydon. He said he is a proud European, lives in England now and hopefully if he wins the Championship and Belt it will make not just Poland but England proud as well.
[3] Jackie Joyce, Johnny Fresno, Barry Bridges, Len Ashurst beat Metallica Panthers, Billy Tucker in Clash of Champions Elimination Tag Match  (Johnny Fresno and Len Ashurst were the final two men standing in 37:18, full match shown) • Barry Bridges eliminated Metallica Panther I after a piledriver in 7:23 • Barry Bridges eliminated Metallica Panther II after a piledriver in 7:38 • Metallica Panther III eliminated Jackie Joyce by submission in 15:01 after a Cristo Metallica. • Len Ashurst eliminated Billy Tucker through a surfboard submission after 21:45 • Metallica Panther III pinned Barry Bridges following two DDT’s and then locking on the Cristo Metallica at 30:56 • Johnny Fresno made Metallica Panther III submit using his own Cristo Metallica at 37:18.
Dougie Wright carefully explained the rules to us, unsure if that had ever been a televised elimination tag team match broadcast before. He ran down the accomplishments of each man - the match featuring the British Commonwealth Lightweight Champion (Joyce), World Lightweight Number 1 Contender (Fresno), British Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion (Bridges), World Trios Champions (Los Metallica Panthers), World Heavy-Middleweight Champion (Billy Tucker).
There was plenty of discussion on which two would start out, and Jackie Joyce wanted no piece of any of his opposition, so it was rivals Johnny Fresno and Metallica Panther III who began.
Fresno had the crowd in his hand, each and everyone wanting to see him regain his World Lightweight Championship and Belt in his upcoming match with the masked Mexican. There was some pushing and they locked up before Panther took Fresno off his feet with a shoulder tackle. The crowd continued to chant for Fresno.
The Panthers were in control in the early minutes of the contest with the referee struggling to control the contest at times, he also was confused by the Metallica Panthers who all wear the same outfit and mask and did not tag in and out at times.
‘Batting’ Barry Bridges finally had enough of the rule bending and cleared out with the Mexicans before dropping Metallica Panther I on his head with a piledriver for the first elimination.
The referee had hardly got to his feet before Metallica Panther II entered the ring only to be kicked in the mid-section and be on the receiving end of another piledriver to be eliminated straight away by the Heavyweight Champion.
Jackie Joyce appeared to want no part of the contest and spent most of the first ten minutes antagonising the ladies in the front row. Once in he was pulling Billy Tucker by the air and punching him in the kidneys ensuring that the referee was unable to see.
Metallica Panther III, World Lightweight Champion entered and the fans were waiting to see what these two top wrestlers in their classification could do. Joyce though wanted no part, but was not quick enough to tag out and was beaten around the ring before being locked in the Cristo Metallica for the submission.
It was now down to Fresno, Bridges, Accurst against Metallica Panther III and Billy Tucker. Despite the one man advantage the three Brits were against two World Champions and fine wrestlers from across the Atlantic.
The match settle down and it was time for the two Heavy-Middleweights to impress, after going to a sixty minute draw a few weeks ago Len Ashurtst and Billy Tucker went hold for hold ending in the World Champion being submitted by Len Accurst with a surfboard move.
Metallica Panther III was now the only wrestler surviving from his team, he battled his three opponents admiral, and after nine minutes of single handily  going toe to toe he stunned the audience and Dougie Wright at the announcing table when he hit the much larger Barry Bridges with two DDT’s and eliminated him with his Cristo Metallica submission hold.
The World Champion was starting to run out steam now though, especially with Len Ashurst and Johny Fresno his remaining opponents. He did a wonderful job showing his speed and agility though, almost scoring a pinball on Len Ashurst with a DDT and came close to locking on his trademark submission hold on Fresno but it ended up being reversed and Fresno submitted him with his own hold.
Post Match
Dougie Wright asked Johnny Fresno if that was the perfect preparation for his World Championship rematch, he said it was and that while Metallica Panther is a great wrestler, he knows that with his great fans behind him, there is no match he cannot win. The two meet at Fairfield Halls, Croydon on 3 May.
Closing Notes
Dougie Wright reminded us that the All Star Extravaganza would take place this Sunday at Fairfield Halls, Croydon with only a handful of tickets remaining. ‘Don’t worry wrestling fans’ he said as many of the top bouts would be televised in a few weeks time on the show. Matches next week would come from The Pavilion, Worthing.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
Emperor of India Tour Announced
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Kings Punjab Promotions the official partners of King George VI Wrestling Club in India have announced their contracted talent for the upcoming Emperor and Empress of India Tournaments. 
The respective winners are set to pocket a reported prize money of £150,000 each, making it the most lucrative tournament in the world. 
Contracts have been exchanged between the two promotions with Matchmaker Edwin Luntley sending five Heavyweights to India for the three night tour. 
Benjamin Benson (Canada), Alf Salisbury (Zimbabwe), Barry Bridges (England), Dexter Eagles (USA) and Lars Van Zandt (Belgium) will all feature in the tournament. 
The Great Rajiv, Pune Warrior and Dalip Aamir will be represent the home nation. While Felix Bingham will represent Canada’s Shining Road Pro-Wrestling. 
In the women’s field both finalists from the Ladies International Grand Prix tournament - Jessica Hendrix (USA) and Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter  (Canada) will no doubt be favourites while Little Roxy (England) and Mitzi Bopp (Germany) will all be well known to British wrestling fans. 
Also set to join the field is Patti Rose (USA), a prominent wrestler in international rings who is tipped to be making an appearance in King George VI Wrestling Club bills in upcoming months. 
Sanita Singh, Princess Royal and  Alis Chopra are all Indian wrestlers set to take part. 
For a full look at the bills click here.
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hrhgeorgevi · 4 years
[Results] Road To All Star Extravaganza - Night 5
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2 May 2020
Vale Hall, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK
Attendance - 1005
Jessica Hendrix beat Miyoki Suzuki  in 10:01 after a Superkick in the Semi Final of the Ladies International Grand Prix
Jenny The Farmer’s Daughter beat Klondyke Dorothy in 7:51 via count out in the Semi Final of the Ladies International Grand Prix
Leon “The Professional” Van Zandt beat Metallica Panther II in 12:42 in a catchweight Contest via submission with the Sugar Hold.
Les Allen, John & James Murphy beat Leon Maddison, Stevey Walsh & Samir Pande when James Murphy hit a top tope elbow drop on Stevey Walsh.
Johnny Fresno & Billy Bingham beat Fuji Hirai & The Great Tojo via disqualification when The Great Tojo threw salt in the eyes of Billy Bingham in 9:12.
Barry Bridges beat Len Ashurst in 21:41 in a catchweight contest following a piledriver.
Metallica Panther III beat Junior ‘Iron Man’ Morgan through submission with the Cristo Negro in a Non Title Lightweight contest.
Johnny Fresno came out after the match to check on Junior Morgan and there was a small altercation with Metallica Panther III.
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