hskin18pluscc · 6 years
tips for walking in an abandoned graveyard
if it’s dark, don’t shine your flashlight into the trees.
if a child approaches and asks you a question, don’t tell the truth.
you may find some harrowing artifacts (i found a ribbon on a tree and some bible pages) pick these up and keep them. they belong to you.
if you walk down a long, straight pathway, you will feel someone behind you. don’t look
you may see people in your peripheral vision; these are the spirits. they won’t hurt you.
if you wish to communicate with the spirits, do not do it alone. cast a protection circle. only ask polite questions.
you will feel bursts of dread and terror. ignore them.
don’t read too much into what the graves say. some things are best left unsolved.
research the history of the graveyard beforehand. you need to know what you might encounter.
some beings may not want you to leave. should you come into contact with one of these beings, leave immediately.
don’t read the hidden graves.
if you find a headless angel statue, don’t look for her head.
if you find a tipped over angel statue, leave her be. she’s only resting.
don’t listen to music. this will distract you from them.
don’t look in the bushes. you will find something that you weren’t supposed to.
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hskin18pluscc · 6 years
Hi, I have multiple Karkat timelines but the one I’ll be focusing on rn is one of my human timelines where I was a ginger and covered in freckles. I dated Gamzee but that didn’t end well and I ended up with John afterwards because he cared more about how I felt. I’ll be willing to talk to pretty much anyone though! I’m always chill with doubles. Like/rb this or message me to talk 😁
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hskin18pluscc · 7 years
Hi, I'm Jade Harley-Egbert, looking for my canonmates from a non-SBURB, humanstuck timeline. I remember John and I were twins, and rose, her mom, dave, dirk, and bro moved to across the street from us when we were in middle school i think? anyways, i have quite a few memories from that and can give you specifics if you would like!!! im looking for anyone who remembers this timeline, ESPECIALLY john, i miss my brother so much
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hskin18pluscc · 7 years
:o) (tumblr is mutedmakara)
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
I have 5 nepeta leijon (usually) from homestuck timelines! I have a main close to canon one (moirail Vriska found lookin for everyone else) human one (moirail gamzee found) bloodswapped (nepeta pyrope, nobody else found), petstuck (lived with John Dave and karkat, no one found), and aquariumstuck (no one found). If anyone wants to talk about memories check my memories tag or hmu at maybeimkin
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
hi, i'm john! i have 8-9ish discovered timelines so far, and i've already found my rose, dave, and davesprite, but i would love to talk memories with anyone else.
I have a Sollux timeline, a Roxy timeline, and a Karkat timeline if you want to talk.  Although my Karkat timeline was cut short.
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hell0, I'm Aradia Megid0, I am a fictive and I just made myself my 0wn bl0g! I haven't f0und any0ne fr0m my timeline and w0uld l0ve t0 talk t0 any0ne! I w0uld l0ve t0 meet new pe0ple and make new friends as well! I am 0ver 18 in case this b0thers any0ne!
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hay its Dave looking for my moirail Gamzee and me best friend Jade. like/reblog this or hit me up at stridershitstorm but be warned there is some kinda triggering stuff over there so be warned.
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Eridan here looking for my moirail Terezi or anyone else really who wants to talk to me. like or reblog this and I will get in touch with you or feel free to massage me as voilet-riptide
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hay Rufioh Nitram here looking for anyone but Dam/ara and Ar/anea like/reblog this or contact me at nevereveranimeland
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hey! I'm Dirk, and I don't have my memories up on my blog yet, but I was demiboy (male + nonbinary), still lived in the middle of the ocean before the game (not entirely sure if my Bro was alive or not), went GT, and was caught in the stardust glitch on my planet for a while before a GT Dave pulled me out. I'm fine with doubles and talking to anyone even if you don't have the same memories, but I'm also Bill Cipher and Thief King Bakura in case either of those kintypes makes anyone uncomfy!
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hey, I'm a Rose with a canon timeline, a no game timeline, a kidswap [Strider] timeline, and an alpha timeline. Too many fucking timelines amiright. My blog is @inlightofrain and I've got a /tagged/memories there, including a huge sorta "masterpost" thing. I've found my Jade from my main timeline and my Dave from my no game timeline, regardless of what that page says [I have two people who've made me believe we share timelines despite it not being true].
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hello, I’m Vee, and I am kin with the Dolorosa and Porrim. I answer to Vee as well as: Porrim, Rosa, Rose or any variation of mother (i.e.-mom, mama, etc.). My pronouns are they/them or she/her. I usually type in Kanaya’s quirk when I am very excited, but I will sometimes type in Porrim’s as well. I will quirk especially when I am excited, and if you would ever like me to not quirk in a response, please let me know! I’ll be answering things as “Mod Rosa,” regardless of how I am quirking!
Also, there is a soul bond here, Kurloz. His pronouns are he/him or they/them. I do not think he quirks, beside the use of emojis such as “:o3c”, “:o)”, etc. He and I both know that not everyone is okay with the Makaras, and he understands and is not upset by this. If you would rather Mod Crim or I answer your ask, please politely make a note of it. He’ll probably answer things as “Mod Kurloz” or possibly with a nickname based off of his name.
Thank You For Reading This,
Mod Rosa
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hskin18pluscc · 8 years
Hey guys! This is our first time doing anything like this so forgiwve us if we seam a little awvkwvard at first. We typed our first draft of this together and literally all of our quirks wvere on it and it wvas a little bit too much. Wve quirk wvhen wve are excited and wve wvere all super excited about this blog and it showved through our quirking.
That said, this is a newv Homestuck canon call blog for both Homestuck kin and soul-bonds. Wve only ask that you are 18 and older wvhen sending in a call. Also, if you could please read our rules beforehand, wve wvould really appreciate it.
I am Dualscar. I can also be called Dadscar as there wvas a timeline of mine wvhere I raised both Eridan and Cronus from grubs. I am also a soul-bond here and wve wvill just go by Mod Crim. (On this blog and @hskin18plusaes) It wvill just make things easier because the quirk wvill change depending on wvho is answvering the call or wvhatewver. (I suppose that’s a note for the aesthetic blog, but it could apply here as wvell.)
Mod Crim is kin wvith Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Signless, and a non-canon troll named Faette Yuilth. There are also many other Homestuck soul-bonds besides myself here. All of the posts that are answvered from Mod Crim’s form wvill be signed wvith their name. The shift they are in or the one wvho answvered the post will sign their name along side the ask.
- Mod Crim; Dualscar
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