hstayafanart · 8 days
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Been busy studying, but I've taken a bit of a break this morning to update this fellow. Hopefully it's a little clearer he's a sphynx!
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Old Error design
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hstayafanart · 16 days
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The consensus seemed to be 'Red' over 'Fell', though people generally seemed to like both. Red it is!
Click here for all my UTMV kitty designs!
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hstayafanart · 22 days
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Green turtle Gerson! Green turtles have surprisingly little green on them, it seems. He ended up quite similar to his OG design but that's alright.
Don't ask how he's holding that magnifying glass. He's cagey; I don't think he'll answer.
Click here to see all my Down Under AU designs!
Gersford's name is based on the town of Gosford, just north of Sydney. A bit of a hole, honestly, but beautiful scenery.
(I get to call it that because my friends live up there and keep getting homophobic slurs thrown at them, with threats of violence. On the funny side, someone called my buddy a 'poof' a while ago, which is the most hilarious slur I've ever heard).
(Not trying to suggest anything about Gerson, there were just limited options in Aussie-fying his name lol).
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hstayafanart · 26 days
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A lot of little Aussie-isms are in this one. Found some good references on Pinterest.
I don't normally design settings, but I had a bit of fun with this one! Down Under's 'Snowdin' is styled after some remote bush town. Because the populations are so small, usually people run multiple businesses - a pub, hotel and post office all in one, for example.
I haven't drawn him here because I haven't designed him, but Grillby would normally be working the floor here, as well as the Innkeeper's sister. Maybe the bilbies (normally) work at night, being nocturnal, and Grillby during the day (debating making the sister a bandicoot or a numbat or something).
Bilbiesville hotel is named/inspired by the famous Queensland pub in Birdsville. Never been myself but I'd love to go someday - it's just a bit remote!
Click here for all my Down Under designs!
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hstayafanart · 1 month
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Down Under recently got it's first bit of fanart, and I am so honoured I can't begin to describe it. It's so adorable!!!
I've been working on a few things, and had this old set of sketches I've finally coloured in. Trying out a slightly altered design for Underyne. I'll probably continue to fiddle.
Got a few other things for this AU in various stages of sketches and linework, and I've finished writing 7 chapters of my next story. On top of that, I cut down my first woody weeds for my TAFE course yesterday - some senna and small-leaved privet I got to saw down and poison. It's super satisfying omg.
See all my Down Under works here!
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hstayafanart · 1 month
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HAD to draw the two funnel-web girlies together ^^
Jumped for joy when I found this really cool and totally serious au called Down Under :D Srsly tho, it's swag, love the designs and the effort put in <3
Down Under! Muffet belongs to @hstayafanart
Escha! Muffet belongs to me (and @eschatale too)
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hstayafanart · 1 month
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Wasn't certain exactly how I wanted to do Sci, but I knew I wanted him to be grey and to look tired. I think I killed my wrist drawing those spots though haha
I think Red's up next. I'm never sure if I prefer "Red" or "Fell" as his name - any opinions? I like both.
Click here for all my cat UTMV designs!
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hstayafanart · 1 month
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Updated 14/9/24
A Masterpost of my stories and art under the cut!
Search on my blog by:
Catagory (see the following headers, especially under 'Art')
Character ('Dust sans', 'Dream sans', 'Nightmare gang')
Note, most group shots have either 'The Stars' or 'Nightmare Gang' tagged, but it's less consistent in images with a single character. It'll be better to search by that character's name in that case.
Next story update
28/8/24: Chapters 1-8 are in various stages of drafting!
AO3 Blue's Emotional Intelligence Toolkit fanfiction series (all)
Building your own Emotional Intelligence Toolkit with Blue
Having discovered Dream was emotionally manipulating him with his aura, Blue leaves the Stars and bunkers down with Nightmare and the gang.
Happiest Person in the Multiverse
Prequal scenes to Toolkit. Blue tries and fails to cope with Dream manipulating him.
Cross joins the Gang. Set before Toolkit and Happiest Person.
Set before the truce, Horror gets injured in battle and Dream calms him down with his aura. Nightmare takes issue with this.
The Mortal Care Handbook
The truce Blue made between the Guardians of Feelings is so flimsy he feels it could collapse any moment. Blue, expert Outcode-wrangler that he is, needs to work hard against the Gang's hostility and the Stars' naivety to get these people, who've been fighting for so long, to sit down and talk.
Nightmare, meanwhile, is trying to make sure a certain Swap Sans isn't falling apart himself.
Error feels quite left out of the whole thing.
Cat Sanses (all)
Error (old)
Error (new)
Group images
The Gang
The Stars
Down Under AU (all)
Underyne, Underyne sketches
Lesser & Greater Dingoes
Budgie That Carries You Over A Disproportionally Small Gap
Bilbiesville Inn & Hotel, and Innkeeper
Fanart (all)
For the Forgotten Ones comic
Underverse 0.7 (2)
The Mortal Care Handbook art (all)
Nightmare and Horror
Blue's not a burden
Blue's Emotional Intelligence Toolkit art (all)
Group Pic!
Chapter Headers
The Mortal Care Handbook:
Chapter One
Chapters Two and Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
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hstayafanart · 1 month
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It's interesting that putting these guys together highlights some possible future changes that may be needed. Dust doesn't have any contrast on him if he has his head turned to the left, and he and Horror may be too similar in shade. They kind of morph together. Horror may need to become a little lighter in colour (Killer and Nightmare are already quite dark, so I don't want to make him darker). Cross is a well needed pop of brightness on the team. Same with Killer's harness.
Decided to have Nightmare as fairly small for a maine coon. He looked hilariously oversized when I made him bigger.
The Stars
Click here to see all my kitty designs!
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Last of the main group! I may keep going with other AUs, just because drawing kitties is fun and doesn't take a lot of brain power. (I'd like to update Error a bit, too. Not happy with his face markings still) I'm still working on my fics but TAFE is so intense, I don't have a lot of brain power left over to write: drawing's a lot easier. Anyway, I'm still hanging around, just vibing and having a good time!
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Taking a break from learning scientific plant names to draw the boy. His eyes aren't totally black, just a super dark brown so they look black. He also seems to have some kind of issue with his left eye that makes it droop. He's a happy little guy, always smiling. :)
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Alphys only asks for lifts when absolutely necessary.
Here's a super quick Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionally Small Gap for my very serious Down Under AU. Getting the most important characters out of the way first, obviously. I kind of wanted to make her a water bird, because I'm basing Waterfall on the Great Barrier Reef, but also... budgies are my favourite animal, and they're classic Aussie. Couldn't go past it. The other cursed alternative I considered was a seagull.
I've gone back to TAFE (government-run collage or uni), and my course is only 4 months, meaning it's soooo intensive haha. I have no time to do much of anything except study plants! Really enjoying it though, I think regenerating forests is what I'm meant to be doing <3
All my Down Under designs!
Greater & Lesser Dog
Bird That Carries You
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Oh lawd
Maine coon Nightmare. Apparently a lot of maine coons have extra toes. Also, I know it's popular in fanon to make Horror the biggest, but a) I don't think that's canon and b) just look at maine coons. Nightmare HAD to be one. Not sure what I'm doing with Horror yet, not sure if I'll find a way to make him bigger (because I admit it is a fun headcanon) or if we'll have short king Horror.
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Star kitties!
Celebrating finishing four chapters of my next fic. One of them may be scrapped and just used as backstory, but we'll see.
Click here to see all my kitty designs!
The Gang
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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I didn't want to make anyone a calico. Trying to remember all those markings if I ever draw them again will literally kill me. And yet, here we are. He just... he just had to be splotchy, ok?
Ink's pupils blow out to give him his 'scary face' look.
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!
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hstayafanart · 2 months
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Ignore the mashed up perspective haha
I have a pinterest board for each of the gang's bedrooms. Horror's is full of plants, and I thought he might need some reference to his past as a scientist, so he got some planets hanging off his bedframe, too.
Finished another chapter of my next fic. Only about two chapters in, but I feel like I'm starting to get the ball rolling a bit. Writing the first draft's the hardest bit: editing is waaaayyy easier than creating something from a blank page.
I'm not sure how much of my brainstorming/outline will stay until the final product, but this is based on vague ideas I had for later in the fic. I don't know if the pacing will allow it but I thought it was a cute image, so I've been poking at this drawing for a month or so.
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hstayafanart · 3 months
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Grey kangaroo Toriel! I considered making her albino, but there's quite a few white coloured characters in Undertale, and I'd like Down Under to be colourful. I tried working out how to make her tunic red, so it had been dyed with natural ochres, but no dice. I think I'll be reworking Muffet's design sometime, too.
I'm referencing Indigenous culture with the royal symbol's meaning, but I'm trying to be respectful and not appropriate any specific stories or symbols. I went to uni with a couple Aboriginal ladies and they would talk about their connection to land - they're as much a part of it as the animals and plants are. They had really interesting views about knowledge & it's pursuit, among other things. A lot of it's stuck with me.
(Also, Toriel's DU name is based on the town Toowoomba. I realised I didn't give a silly name to Muffet, so I'll have to think on that!)
All my Down Under designs!
Lesser & Greater Dog
Bird That Carries You
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