I have herpes but:
I’m still beautiful I’m still intelligent I’m still athletic I’m still fun I’m still sexy I’m still enthusiastic I’m still optimistic I’m still motivated I’m still passionate I’m still ME.
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So you just got confirmed that you’re HSV Type Two positive. You have Genital Herpes. You have a disease that will be in your body forever. You have a condition that has a huge stigma around it in our world. Your initial feelings may be, how did this happen?, why me?, did he/she cheat?, fuck this!, I’m ugly, I hate myself, I feel worthless, I’m not normal anymore, am I going to be ok?, are people gonna be disgusted by me?, I feel like shit, I need to get drunk/high right now, will I ever be loved?, I am nothing. These are just initial feelings and it’s ultimately up to YOU on how you’re going to react to the situation. Let the tears roll, vent to friends/family, do your research online and be sad and angry. It’s ok to be sad and angry, those are valid feelings to have. But at the end of the day remind yourself and look at the bright side of things. You have this disease BUT it is not deadly, you have this disease BUT you can still have a normal sex life with precautions, you have this disease BUT you can still find love, you have this disease BUT you can still go on about your day and live a long lasting happy life just like anybody else. Although looking at the brighter side of things, there will always be the voices in your head that say different. They only diminish with time. Time heals and it’s a road to discovering self love and beauty. You are a strong person and you can do this. You are still as beautiful inside and out as the person you were before the disease. Don’t be ashamed of HSV Type Two. Life happens. I am HSV Type Two positive and I’m so proud of myself of how far along my mindset has come since a year ago when I was diagnosed. I felt extremely hopless and the only thing that seemed to help me in the beginning was reading about other people’s experiences and sharing stories. I’d love for this blog to be just that. A place to come for support, inspiration, ask questions, and to share your stories. You are worth it, you are stronger than you think, and you hold so much beauty inside and out :)
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