httpminns · 1 year
I can't stop thinking how it would be like if Lestat had his interview with Daniel instead of Louis:
"He was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He also hated himself, which always helps."
"And then he accused me of killing his brother. As if I didn't wait respectful three days after his death to ask Louis back to my bed."
"His mother was hateful. I could smell it. Great fashion sense though. Dark green was in season at the time."
"I turned him in a church. It was...Oh Daniel, the English language fails to capture the picture. Mainly because it's a garbage language."
"He was really freaking out about the baby, like they can't make a new one."
"And then he went into the woods with him. Like a common prostitute."
"So, Daniel, wanna fuck?"
"Naturally Claudia was an ungratefull little brat, who would be nothing without me. But she at least hunted people, which was more than what Louis was doing. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to live with a vampire who hunts vermin? Like a glorified house cat. Which he also ate. I was disgusted and yet I never judged him for it."
"I record one duet and suddenly I am cheating. I mean I was and he did catch me in bed with her, but he was such an over-reacter Daniel I am telling you."
"She didn't want to finish THE GAME?!!! Who does that?!! What kind of self-absorbed, inffuriating- NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!!! *French cursing*"
"So, I turned her into a vampire. In retrospect it was a waste of time and blood. She lasted like two months. And ugh, the attitude."
"Louis cried, he still loved me I could see it. I could feel it. Claudia just used me as an ink bottle. I had to respect the commitment. Follow through was something Louis always strugled with."
"No, but seriously Daniel, I think we should fuck."
"And he put me in a light oak coffin that opened from the inside. After I specifically requested Rosewood. I know it was Claudia's doing."
"In the end *dramatic pause* I ate the rats. When I was younger I thought I would rather have been dead than to stoop so low, but here we were."
"I miss him Daniel, he was the reason I wanted to survive. Claudia hopefully perished in Central Europe somewhere. With her mismatched skirts."
"I won't turn you, but I can give you a night you won't forget until the end of you pathetic little human existance. You can top I don't care."
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httpminns · 1 year
mamma mia, here louis de pointe du lac goes again!
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httpminns · 1 year
The contrast in Louis' favorite past times from when he was with Lestat to when he is with Armand is so interesting to me.
From what we have been shown, it appears that Louis' favorite past times include reading (the man always has a book in his hands) and being in nature.
When he was with Lestat, we saw him with a book in his hands, all the time
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Heard him mention how many books he had read
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Had Lestat reference the pleasure Louis recieved from reading
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And we even learned that Louis had a favorite bookshop
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For his other favorite past time, we always saw Louis surrounded by nature, mostly by trees in the park
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But we did also see him go to the lake with Claudia
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Fast-forward to 2022 and this is not the case anymore. The interior of the Penthouse seemingly clarifies that Louis has the same favorite past times, but it is far more controlled.
While he has a full library, all the books are suspended in the air and appear to only be accessible to someone who can fly, which we know Louis can not
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Its been a while since I've watched all the epsiodes fully, but I'm pretty sure the only book we've seen Louis pick up is Daniel's book, which did not come from the library.
For his love of nature, the interior of the reading room is clearly meant to emulate nature, but is still artificial. The little nook has one tree, one source of light, a couple of stones, and gravel.
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Since it has been over 80 years, it is fair to say that Louis' hobbies may have changed, but when Louis became distraught and started to breakdown, he didn't run to the "love of his life," he ran to the little corner of nature he has in the Penthouse and put is feet in the gravel to comfort himself and regain composure. I think this shows that Louis is still in touch with nature and is soothed by it, but is unable to truly reach it now.
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Now, I don't want to assume Armand's and Louis' relationship, but from what I've seen, Louis is not in control here and does not appear to be free.
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httpminns · 1 year
Black hair appreciation on IWTV
AMC's Interview With The Vampire does such a great job showcasing the beauty and versatility of black hair. These are some a few of my favourite black hair appreciation moments on the show:
Louis' many hairstyles throughout the decades, inspired by the real hairstyles black men wore during those time periods.
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Bonus points for them styling Jacob's real hair instead of using cheap looking wigs like some other tv-shows do.
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Mama Du Lac's fro and Grace's updo at her wedding.
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Claudia putting a headscarf in her hair before bed. I also love the use of hair – her transitioning from cute plaits to sophisticated updos, to show that she has matured from a little girl into a young woman.
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An honourable mention also goes to Lestat playing with Louis' hair during an intimate moment, something that we rarely get to see on screen.
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httpminns · 1 year
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interview with the vampire + text posts (pt.3/3)
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httpminns · 1 year
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things I know will never happen in the show but that I personally think would be very funny
bonus close up of lestat (inspired by yet another måneskin fit)
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httpminns · 1 year
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httpminns · 1 year
we don’t talk enough about claudia plotting lestat’s murder while lestat bickers with her and louis is just trying to get into the holiday spirit
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httpminns · 1 year
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Jacob Anderson and his animal co-stars
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httpminns · 1 year
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Après moi, le déluge
After me comes the flood
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httpminns · 1 year
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Lestat in any serious situation:
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httpminns · 1 year
I am the vampire Lestat. I’m immortal. More or less.
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httpminns · 1 year
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Is this post 6 months late? Perhaps.
But you see, you give me Lestat in Leyendecker's robe - it results in a fanart of Lestat wearing it, that's inevitable. I cannot resist a good art history reference. It's the ultimate bait.
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httpminns · 1 year
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httpminns · 1 year
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LESTAT DE LIONCOURT has been alive for 262 slutty, slutty years. Happy Birthday, bitchboy 🥰
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httpminns · 1 year
yes lestat is the slut of all time but i think my best friend louis deserves an honorary mention for saying “hunger’s got me lightheaded” and then giving his man This look
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httpminns · 1 year
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It is difficult to explain how his words disarmed me, how efficiently succinct and impenetrable his argument was. All my conceptions, even my guilt and my wish to die seemed utterly unimportant, and i completely forgot myself and the barbaric scene that surrounded me. For the first time in my life, I was seen.
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE In Throes of Increasing Wonder…
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