httpsolros · 4 years
hey dudes there’s no update today :((
your girl has to fail some exams yet again
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httpsolros · 4 years
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can’t hold me down cause you know im a fighter.
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httpsolros · 4 years
part 22.4 is out!
hewwo i am back with another update,,
i don’t really feel so good with this one so,,, i might go back to it and edit it a bit but right now i’m fine
[taglist]: @geekishfangirl @my-magical-babies @elysijin @la2244 @joyful-jimin @rjsmochii @kuroninjaloli @amicalostgirl @nervouscafe @imtaehyungry @namjewns @namjoonee @babybluebisexual @lvnakook @quantumjoon @krystalizando @sunnyoongles @guiltystars @misouwu @pupusa-kween @messedupfangirl05 @momdancingtomcr @stormingthetroopers @i-like-bagels-274 @bebeyoongs @strawberrym0chii @smoothoneytae @kxk-soul @existingovertherainbow @jiminieschilliepeper @mahakookie @yannacat13 @zico-aesthetics @joyhope88 @wandermyg @abehavedtinychild @goldenchemistry @franmarrburgos1235 @you-need-namjesus @bandgirl2101 @dec-snowy @softayu @infinte-exist-ence @uwuteamleader @handsomeyoongz-personal @booklover240 @goldenguky @ggukkyu @prdshobi @bunnymaknaereacts @justfollowbacon @shinyyoonie @live-2-fangirl @dearbangtan07
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httpsolros · 4 years
You’re back at your bed once again, a little bit tired from the walk, but nothing changed.
“Meow?” Artemis called out for food as he pawed at your leg, which you lazily got up to get for him to put into the plastic food bowl. 
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll get to it.” 
Your earphones were about to get placed back into your ear until you heard the sound of something falling, that was when you noticed that your cat was no where to be found.  Your face scrunched up before standing up to go see what kind of damage the pristine white cat had done.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You say with a stoic face at Artemis, who was innocently staring into your eyes while swaying his tail. It was as if he didn’t topple an entire box from a high shelf. “Eat your food! I swear, it’s like you’re a child sometimes.” You could’ve sworn that the cat rolled his eyes at you as he sauntered past.
Once the little demon was gone, you get on your knees to clean up the mess. Rolls of paper, little trinkets made by a smaller you, and little drawings here and there made by cheap crayons. It seemed as if everything is trying to get you to remember your childhood.
Out of curiosity, you try to take a peek at one of the posters before putting it back into the box but what you saw took you back to your old bedroom at your parents’ house. It was a poster of Kim Namjoon, or what he was formerly called, Rap Monster.
You were such a die-hard fan, too bad that your best friend didn’t seem to share the same sentiment. He just kept staring and staring, not even paying attention to your words. But that didn’t really matter to you, you were just happy that someone would at least be there. 
No one really saw you in your highschool, it was all fake smiles and laughs, but it felt real when you were with him. You tried endlessly searching for the kind of guy like him... but you never saw him again.
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httpsolros · 4 years
part 22.2 and 22.3 is out!
i honestly didn’t think i needed to post last last week but then i looked at my google calendar and i was like oh shi-
[taglist]: @geekishfangirl @my-magical-babies @elysijin @la2244 @joyful-jimin @rjsmochii @kuroninjaloli @amicalostgirl @nervouscafe @imtaehyungry @namjewns @namjoonee @babybluebisexual @lvnakook @quantumjoon @krystalizando @sunnyoongles @guiltystars @misouwu @pupusa-kween @messedupfangirl05 @momdancingtomcr @stormingthetroopers @i-like-bagels-274 @bebeyoongs @strawberrym0chii @smoothoneytae @kxk-soul @existingovertherainbow @jiminieschilliepeper @mahakookie @yannacat13 @zico-aesthetics @joyhope88 @wandermyg @abehavedtinychild @goldenchemistry @franmarrburgos1235 @you-need-namjesus @bandgirl2101 @dec-snowy @softayu @infinte-exist-ence @uwuteamleader @handsomeyoongz-personal @booklover240 @goldenguky @ggukkyu @prdshobi @bunnymaknaereacts @justfollowbacon @typicaltrashbagg @live-2-fangirl @dearbangtan07
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httpsolros · 4 years
“Well, uncovering your memories would take a bit of time, why the rush now, Mr. Jeon? Is there anything going on?” It was a shock to Jeongguk’s family doctor that he would reach out at such a random time.
Jeongguk had this faraway look in his eyes, but he snapped out of it in time to respond. “I- It’s nothing serious, it’s just been there and I want to know what happened after the accident?” It was definitely something serious, his former (?) friend’s whole career was based on his detailed account of what happened.
It took a lot of thinking but he realized that it was unfair that he just outed someone because of some video.
“As I’ve said before, it would take some time but there are ways to get some of what happened to be uncovered.” That statement was what made Jeongguk almost leap out of his seat, but a hand stopped him. It was Haeun’s, he almost forgot she was here with him.
She practically insisted that she accompany him to the doctor, he would’ve been fine alone, it was Eunwoo he worried about. He would’ve preferred her to stay at home to babysit Eunwoo for a little while.
“Please, I want to know what happened that night.” 
The doctor looked as if he was troubled for a little while, until he spoke again with a new idea in mind, “Look, I know how much you want to know what happened the night you and two other girls were hospitalized, but I also know how much you jump into big decisions too quickly. Doing the procedures might be too much at one point, I’ll show you the file the night you were taken in and you can read the student’s side of things. Alright?” Jeongguk just nodded in response.
The doctor walked out of the room to get the file, and Haeun tried to get his attention.
“Hey, JK, wha-” 
The said person was then clutching his head, “Please, don’t call me that.” 
She quickly retracted her statement, “Jeongguk, why are you doing this? I thought this was over a long time ago!” 
But he was remembering another time that happened in his childhood.
It was late in the night and he could tell that they had just eaten dinner because there was still dessert on his top lip, “I wanna be a singer when I grow up!” He boldly declared while his best friend widened her eyes in awe.
“If you’re gonna be a singer, you gotta have a stagename.” She suddenly bolted to find a magazine in her collection and pulled out a magazine with a man’s face on it, “Like this guy! He’s Rap Monster, but his real name is Namjoon. He says that it can help a lot with singers and...” She then goes into a tangent, passionate about her favorite artist.
He just watches her with adoration, but he doesn’t notice that he was doing this.
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httpsolros · 4 years
Your apartment was in disarray, but it wasn’t to a point where it bothered the you. After that video was posted, you had to hold back the urge to say that all the rumors are false without any evidence so that you can go back to the time when you were happily making videos with your friends.
It frustrated you to no end that this anonymous student from your old highschool would bring this up now, how come they get to remember what you can’t?
As of right now, you were under your covers, scrolling through your twitter feed through another account. Hoseok said that you should’ve stopped a long time ago, that it wasn’t healthy, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
It didn’t help that Haeun’s account was getting more and more exposure from her cryptic tweets, it disturbed you to an extent that she was allegedly a part of this scandal.
“You know what? I’m gonna go outside to walk Artemis.” After a sudden burst of initiative to walk your affectionate cat, you get out of bed to walk to your backpack. Mentally, you go through a checklist of what was needed to bring, “Wallet, check, phone, check, keys, check, earphones? Do I even need earph-” Your mental checklist was cut off by a small piece of paper on your floor.
Shaped like a star, the piece of paper looked as if it was made by Eunwoo in his former spontaneous visits, but it was aged and faded as if it was made a long time ago. It must have fallen from your pocket at one point, since it’s a keepsake that you’ve kept from your childhood friend.
You remember not seeing him at school one day, and worrying about him the entire schoolday. Throughout all your classes, he was your seatmate and the empty seat to your left was not unnoticed. You didn’t know what was happening, but your mom pulled the car aside after she picked you up from the lobby of the school to tell you the news.
“Yn, I wanted to tell you this at home but I’m scared that you won’t have time to catch him once he leaves.” Your mom’s face was blurry, but you could still recognize her voice.
“’‘Leaves’? Who’s he? Oh! I remember that-” Your younger self asked naively.
Your mom recognizes her mistake but covers it up, “Yes... Leaves... Dear, ---- is leaving today to go to another city.” Her eyes turn sympathetic and little distant, as if she was preparing for you to have a tantrum. But you don’t. You couldn’t hear what your mom said, it was fuzzy.
“Oh. Can I still see him in school?” Your hopeful little mind responded, but your mom shook her head.
Once you got to your neighborhood, you exited the car and sped to the house beside yours. You saw cardboard boxes on the lawn, a truck in the driveway. Were you too late? Your thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening and a little boy carrying a box caught your attention.
Artemis knocked you out of your headspace by pawing at your leg, suspiciously more eager to walk to the park with you. You sigh, getting the leash ready.
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httpsolros · 4 years
part 22.1 is out!
okay so here’s how the story’s gonna be posted
jeongguk is gonna have some memories and those are going to be the entirety of part or chapter 22, i’ll name them as “memory_number” and tag the people in a different post (such as this one!) with the link attached to it. :>
the sched is still the same, every other sunday, but please don’t be sure that a part will actually post on that (but i will say it to you guys when i won’t post!!)
[taglist]: @geekishfangirl @my-magical-babies @elysijin @la2244 @joyful-jimin @rjsmochii @kuroninjaloli @amicalostgirl @nervouscafe @imtaehyungry @namjewns @namjoonee @babybluebisexual @lvnakook @quantumjoon @krystalizando @sunnyoongles @guiltystars @misouwu @pupusa-kween @messedupfangirl05 @momdancingtomcr @stormingthetroopers @i-like-bagels-274 @bebeyoongs @strawberrym0chii @smoothoneytae @kxk-soul @existingovertherainbow @jiminieschilliepeper @mahakookie @yannacat13 @zico-aesthetics @joyhope88 @wandermyg @abehavedtinychild @goldenchemistry @franmarrburgos1235 @you-need-namjesus @bandgirl2101 @dec-snowy @softayu @infinte-exist-ence @uwuteamleader @handsomeyoongz-personal @booklover240 @goldenguky @ggukkyu @prdshobi @bunnymaknaereacts @justfollowbacon @typicaltrashbagg @live-2-fangirl @dearbangtan07
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httpsolros · 4 years
It wasn’t long before Jeongguk wanted to see if the rumors were actually true.
Was it wrong to just leave a slowly developing friendship with a alleged stalker and former classmate without any recollection of what actually happened? ...Probably, but who was he to admit that?
After thinking about it, Jeongguk finally schedules an appointment with his doctor, only to ask him about recovering memories after years of being in ignorance. Today was the day, and he was dreading it.
“What should I wear to Uncle Jin’s house? The yellow shirt or the blue one?” Eunwoo mutters to himself before finally picking his dad’s favorite color. That kid was really growing fast, isn’t he? It wasn’t long ago that his son always needed his help when he saw something colorful but didn’t know what to describe it with. He’s staying with Jin for the time being, he doesn’t have anyone else that Jeongguk trusts him with since that said person was a little bit- a lot mad with him at the moment. to which he still feels bad about.
After making sure that his son’s bag was packed, Jeongguk goes over to Eunwoo’s room to drop it off but discovers that someone dropped a key in the doorway of his room. Once he looked closer, it was more familiar to him than whatever he expected.
The key was made out of yellow paper, you can even see that there was red crayon there to guide the scissors in cutting it out but the one that struck Jeongguk the most was the bright red letters of his own name and Haeun’s name staring right back at him. There was another name that Haeun wrote on, though, but it was shadowed over by the red marker used to cross it out.
A memory hit him.
It was too blurry to see what the faces looked like, but there were only the two of them in what looked like a run-down shack.
Jeongguk couldn’t hear anything except what was going on around him, but he could read what the other person was saying; “This is our spot, okay? Don’t forget about that. Whenever you need help, go here and call me.” Sweet words for a girl, from what he could see, with no discernible features.
He could feel himself nodding at the girl’s words with a determined expression, as if there was actually something, or someone, to run away from.
The girl stood up to open a hatch, revealing a window, and then beckoning him to follow her there to stargaze, from what he guessed. She produces a key from her pocket, the same one that he saw on his kid’s bedroom floor, and gives it to him. “Here, I’ll give you the key to this treehouse ‘cause you can use it anytime. If anyone comes and asks why you’re here, just show them this and they’ll know that I trust you with this.” She takes out a red crayon and adds his name to the remaining space in the key.
It wasn’t long before she turns around and opens another hatch that was on the floor this time, and waving at him before he sees her figure running into the house. His form goes to the sleeping bag placed there and he just falls into it out of exhaustion, from who knows what.
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httpsolros · 4 years
the taglist is closed!!
i’m so sorry guys but
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httpsolros · 4 years
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To Taehyung, who always reminds us to love ourselves no matter what and serves as an inspiration in whatever we do. Thank you for your love, and Happy Birthday Taehyungie!  x
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httpsolros · 4 years
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It’s Taehyung’s Birthday!!!
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httpsolros · 4 years
I'm kinda confused with rosebud situation, like someone make jk think she is a stalker,but she says she doesn't remember? What she does not remember?
just to clarify;
that “someone” is the joint effort of a past classmate and exposed, a new (but popular) drama channel
the fact that someone else had to say something about it meant that when they were sent to the hospital, no one in the victims could remember
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httpsolros · 4 years
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httpsolros · 4 years
your blog is pretty 🥺🌸
aww thank you!!
ᵒʰᵉᵐᵍᵉᵉ ⁱ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵍᵒᵗᵗᵃ ˢᵃʸ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʷʳⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ ⁽ᵉˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᵃˡˡʸ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵉᵗʰᵉʳᵉᵃˡ ᵒʳᵇⁱᵗ⁾
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httpsolros · 4 years
Hey I’m on the tag list for Euphoric but I changed my user from @stormingthetroopers to lovekookiie so if u could change it that’d be awesome thank you 🥺❤️
ohh!! thank you for telling me uwu
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httpsolros · 4 years
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EUPHORIC. | single dad! jeon jeongguk [21]
[summary]: yn, the youtuber by the name of rosebud, has captivated the heart of Jeon Eunwoo, a little boy who videocalled on accident.
[parts]: previous - “loud and clear” - next   masterlist
[a/n]: hewwo i have more time to update since it’s the break :>
[taglist]: @geekishfangirl @my-magical-babies @elysijin @la2244 @joyful-jimin @rjsmochii @kuroninjaloli @amicalostgirl @nervouscafe @imtaehyungry @namjewns @namjoonee @babybluebisexual @lvnakook @quantumjoon @krystalizando @sunnyoongles @guiltystars @misouwu @pupusa-kween @messedupfangirl05 @momdancingtomcr @stormingthetroopers @i-like-bagels-274 @bebeyoongs @strawberrym0chii @smoothoneytae @kxk-soul @existingovertherainbow @jiminieschilliepeper @mahakookie @yannacat13 @zico-aesthetics @joyhope88 @wandermyg @abehavedtinychild @goldenchemistry @franmarrburgos1235 @you-need-namjesus @bandgirl2101 @dec-snowy @softayu @infinte-exist-ence @uwuteamleader @handsomeyoongz-personal @booklover240 @goldenguky @ggukkyu @prdshobi @bunnymaknaereacts @justfollowbacon @typicaltrashbagg @live-2-fangirl @dearbangtan07
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