hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"You my dear, are most welcome." Hudson let out a laugh. Let them come, he thought. If they wanted a fight, they'd get one, but it wouldn't go their way. He had ways of making sure of that, or could if he'd ever use a particular gift again. "Alone on a roof, two men.. This is like the start of some backlot movie. Which one of us will make a move or betray other first? Dun dun dun." The sounds came out like an echoing boom, each meant to be as dramatic as they were. "Where did you go off to, before. When all of us had to find a new place to be. I'd assume somewhere.. exciting. You don't strike me as the type to find a cave and dwell. Unless said cave had a stockpile of booze and pretty things to-- care for your rocks."
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Some of the ever present tension built up in his muscles released from the force he’d gotten to use. He always felt better after kicking or punching something. Following Hudson out on to the roof top, Gabe chuckled. “Well thank you,” he offered a playful wink and took the bottle from Hudson. Raising the bottle to his mouth, Gabe took a long swig. “Here’s to hoping that the people who got the manor aren’t on our trail.” He handed the bottle back to Hudson but not before taking another pull. 
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Don't let me down, slugger." Hudson could've easily opened the door, but he couldn't come up with a reason as to why he'd put in the effort. That and the boy looked like he could use a moment to release all the anger he'd shown the moments before. "I have more faith in you in this very moment than I have in anyone else over the last ten years. So do something or I'll have to snuff you out like a matchstick, darling." He gave the boy a swat to the ass, a little oomph, and watched as the door pushed open. "Look at you. More than meets the eye. For that, we'll crack one of these good ones open." He rummaged in the bag as he stepped out onto the roof, the cool air whipping around, but it mild enough to remain comfortable, or as comfortable as one could get. "Rum, yeah? Rhymes with bum, which I have to say, yours is quite the sight." He glanced down, admiring Gabe's figure and offered out the bottle as his bag came to settle down on the ledge. "Here's to hoping the little shit doesn't get us all killed."
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"Another opportunity for you to be surprised," Gabe grinned crookedly. He had never bulked up, not even through training so strength certainly didn’t show. Admittedly, he wasn’t exactly strong. Gabe was durable. The scope of his power kept him from feeling too much pain and minor healing. "Have a little faith in Stupidity." Turning back to the door, Gabe quickly examined it. He took a step back, angled his foot and slammed the heel of his foot into the junction of the lock and wall. Nothing. So he tried again. The door gave a little, so all he had to do to push it open was put his back into it. "There you are, sir." He waved a arm at the roof in front of them.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"I'm all for picking locks, but I kinda want to see what little ole you can muster up in the form of a good shoulder push." Hudson, admittedly was hazy on the gifts of the Personifications. "If you can't, let me know and we'll just blink to the other side. So long as you don't mind me holding you for a second." He taunted the male with a jab to his side. "No harm in admitting you can't do something, but I say act fast as I'm ready to finish off at least two of these bottles."
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Gabe smirked, “I like to think I’m not completely transparent.”  He felt a weird compulsion to follow Hudson’s order and waited patiently for the man to return. His eyes followed curiously as he disappeared through the door. Upon seeing the bag dangling from Hudson’s hand, Gabe’s eyes lit up.  With a slight nod, he lead the way. The hall had been mostly clear since they’d arrived. Pushing through the door, he listened to for any sort of alarm. Silence gave him the go ahead and he leapt up the stairs two at a time. The door at the top of the flight was locked. “Two options,” he started, “you tell me you know how to pick a lock or I push through it.”
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Is that your way of saying I'm in for a surprise with you, Gabe?" Hudson couldn't hold back his laughter, but for once during that day it wasn't condescending but genuine enjoyment. He pointed to his room, the door just a few feet from them. "Wait here." The words came out as an order, but the smile on his lips allowed the chance for a semi-normal response, that was until he got to the door and went inside without opening it. Two minutes later and a judgement call after, he opened the door and shook the leather knapsack he'd tossed his favorites inside. "Mini bottles are for homeless men or strippers. We're neither, unless you have a secret you'd like to share with me." His eyes dazzled under the lights while scanning the area around them. "Up these flight of stairs. They will take us somewhere, but go first. I should-- make sure no one comes and tries a sneak attack, especially now that I know I have you all to myself."
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Gabe laughed lightly, rubbing his jaw. “I think we’ve both been through a life time of shit. Age feels like a silly number.” Gabe listened to the older male’s proposition. The latter option certainly sounded more appealing. Since getting back into the states, he hadn’t exactly been doing a great job at focusing on the endgame of it all. Talking was one thing but until Utah, that was all he’d done. “They won’t miss us if we’re gone for the night. But first, let me grab all of those mini bottles from the bar in my room.” Gabe offered, a grin stretching across his face.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Would you really? I don't think such a young buck could handle that sight. I assure you it's like nothing else you've ever witnessed before." Hudson's eyes stayed on the male a bit too long again, hell, he'd taken caution on keeping away from people for this reason among many others. "We could go there, and probably be bombarded by old ladies with their chatter, or we can find a way on the roof and drink until one of us falls off. Like I said, I'm in no hurry to go play nanny, and if someone gets their neck snapped or captures the almighty God, then so be it."
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"Well if you’re ever feeling inspired, I would love to see that.” Gabe chuckled. Hudson was a good looking man. And from the description, it sounded like he wouldn’t be hard to look at as a female either. Gabe loved a set of long legs. A nice rack never hurt either. “There’s a bar downstairs.” He suggested, not having much else to go off of. The group had met there the other night. And he’d spent his time since going back and forth from there to his room.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"That depends on your definition of attractive. I've seen shoe soles that have more appeal than that pale little twat." Hudson waved off the thought of the boy being anything but a liability. He had no training, the anger and inability to control was only going to cause them trouble, trouble he didn't have time for. "For fucks sake. Honestly, you get that he did the same here, in this very hall? Anyone could have walked by and saw it. He shouldn't have been brought along, and had I been here the boy would have been ushered back to the manor and probably taken out." It was then, his lack of fucks so clearly showcased. He didn't care, nor could he fool himself or others into thinking he did. "Apparently not all of them." He grabbed the flask back and drained it all, and exchanged it for the smaller one he kept for days like these and took another pull. "To have that childlike way of thinking things will all work out for the best. Did everyone suddenly turn into whimsy?"
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"Cute Asian dude, barely let’s people in?" Zach joked, nodding in affirmation to his own name. He couldn’t deny that Lucien had serious power, but he wasn’t about to admit it out loud. Let him prove himself, and maybe things will get better between us, he thought, not sure if he cared for the latter as much as he should. “I scared him once and he almost froze a hallway on me. Tried apologizin’ but he wasn’t having it. Whatever." Zach mentioned. Remembering on the days he would have — or rather be forced — to train with the man made him smile slightly, they’d always were able to agree more than not. "Circumstances change, as do personalities." It was a simple enough statement, though Zach wasn’t sure if Hudson bought into it or not.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Wait, one of the new-- You don't mean that little snarky shit, do ya? Fuck, you guys are just asking for someone to die. Not that I can blame you, I have one moment with him and I was tempted to snap his neck." Hudson's southern drawl was always more pronounced after a few drinks, and given that he'd not put the flask away since arriving, it was coming out more than ever. "Do you usually have this harsh of a personality... Zach? That's it. You're the other cowboy. I remember now." He said, shaking his finger as if he'd just discovered some groundbreaking piece of information. "As for the others, no thanks. I'm good with keeping out until I'm needed, which hopefully won't be at all." The likelihood of that happening wasn't high, especially with his gifts being so perfect for the mission. If anyone was going to go against a godlike man, it would make sense for it to be the man who could turn into more mythological beings. Though he held out the faint hope the knowledge had gone forgotten. 
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Zach clenched the hand at his side minutely, trying not to become agitated so easily. He’d instantly remembered what kind of guy Hudson was, and just who he’d actually gotten along with. Taking the flask gracefully, he took a quick pull before cooperating. There wasn’t any reason not to, not yet at least. “The plan is to have one of the new people go in first, with Scarlett as backup. He’s gonna talk to him, hopefully convince Uriel to our side, all with no real attention to any of us. Liz is the leader, any more questions ask her.” It was an concise yet accurate explanation, Zach taking another drink from the flask. He didn’t favor scotch, but it was available and doing what it needed to. “
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"About two minutes ago to be exact. Why, are you the check in boy when it comes to the crew?" He continued sipping, wondering just how different the male was. His first run in wasn't exactly doing much to put any faith in him when it came to working alongside. "I'm not exactly one to share, especially with children." Tipping it back, he took his fill before reluctantly handing it over. "So, seeing as we're sharing, give me the rundown. What's been happening?"
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Zach watched the liquid from the flask pour out vigorously, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Uh huh. And when exactly did you get here?” He tried to remember what his power was, but Zach had only engaged with the trainer on a few occasions, opting to train alone whenever he could. He offered his hand out, expecting the flask to be put in his hand since it was already out.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Sarcasm seems to be pouring out of all you youngin's today, and I've yet to see Francis anywhere. This makes me excited for what is to come." Hudson rolled his eyes at the personification, not entirely remembering who he was. "I would hope so, or my impression as a trainer wasn't as grand as I thought." Taking a few sips from his flask, the older male sighed, clearly not into the moment. This was only his second encounter with people and already he was itching to leave. 
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"Sorry, darlin’, but I doubt empty hallway can keep its mouth shut.” Zach barked back, before realizing who he was actually talking to. “You….I know you.” Zach looked the older man up and down, still sizing him up as he’d done all those years ago. 
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"I don't always have to change my appearance in order to use my gift, but I will tell you this, I make one hell of a nymph. Legs for days and a set of tits that would make your eyes roll backwards." Hudson rarely ever went into detail about what exactly he could do, especially when it came to the specifics of changing his appearance and taking on the actual being he drew power from. Doing so meant reliving his most painful memory, one that had started to dull over the years, mostly due to the amount of liquor he put into his system. "Do you know if there is a place to sit around this place, or is it that small we're forced into our rooms?" 
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Happily, Gabe accepted the flask and took a sip of the aged alcohol. It burned in the best way as it rolled down the back of his throat. There were perks to the powers each of them possessed as individuals. Gabe figured that if he were going to be alienated for what he could do, that he’d at least have fun  while doing it. “I thought the plan was to lay low?” Gabe joked, passing the flask back to its owner. “I think the presence of any mythical being may be quite the opposite.”
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
Gabe didn't even have to finish his words before Hudson had the leather encased flask out for the boy to take. "It's a hundred year old scotch, I stole it the last time I was in Paris. Poor owner, one little song and he was-- putty in my hands." There was a huge perk in having his gift, with so many sub powers there was little he couldn't do, and with that came the ability to do what he wanted, when he wanted. Nothing had really changed, nor would he. Set in his ways due to his age and stubbornness, Hudson looked at life like another long chapter that was hardly going to go in another direction. "We're here together in the pit of America. Make the best of a terrible situation. If not, one might taunt Terror into acting."
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Gabe agreed. The sooner this was over, the soon they’d (hopefully) be able to get back to a normal life. He knew his inability to keep his actions in check when he was angry was one of his major downfalls. It had been his anger that’d gotten him in such hot water ten years ago. “Not if I don’t get some liquor in me pronto.” He said. While Gabe wasn’t particularly deterred by the idea of getting a bullet to the head, he knew the others weren’t on the same page. He’d picked more than a few metal capsules from himself after shooting his mouth off. But with the others expecting him to keep his head on straight, he decided he’d be better off following Hudson’s advice to not think too much about the others until they had more information.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Which is another reason I'm looking forward to this all being finished with." He looked the boy over, suddenly remembering his name thanks to the many tattoos that littered his body. Unlike the others who had beefed up and completely changed, Gabe looked the same. A term came to mind, heroin chic. "Which is why we have to continue keeping ourselves on the down low. Any outbursts and we're asking them to snap our necks and throw us into the nearest body of water." Squeezing his shoulder, Hudson parted and looked him over again, slowly. "I suggest not thinking about it. If you do, it'll slow you down and that's when you're asking for a bullet between the eyes, and that would be a shame for all of us. Now, do you think you can avoid?"
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Taking a deep breath, Gabe tried to slow the rate of his heart beat. He shook his head. “It just feels worse because we’ve all been back together.” He admitted, giving the old trainer a look. He hadn’t even been aware that he’d rejoined their ranks since getting out of California. “They must not know the lot of us traveled.” He didn’t know what was true but if felt better to tell himself that than think that maybe they all had targets on their backs at this very moment.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"You look like you're to blow." Hudson said as he wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulders and pulled him into the hall. "As much as I'm one for a show, don't do it in there. Remember we're surrounded by 'clueless' townies." He said, not wanting a repeat of Gabe's first TV performance. "We have no word from them but we'll see in a few hours. This isn't any different than the other hundred or so times they've gone hunting for us." 
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"Has any one heard from those back at Peregrine? How did they know people were there? Only three of them were left!" Gabe felt anger working it’s way through his veins. Not even done with their first mission and things were going wrong. They couldn’t catch a break, no matter where they went.
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
"Oh how I wish it did, Scarlett. Life would have been-- much more easier." He glanced the girl over again, letting his eyes appear to drift slowly up her body, but in reality it was more so about the clothes she wore than what was under them. Finally, he thought. A bit of amusement, something he'd clearly lacked after spending so much time alone. "I wouldn't be sad if a few other names were added to the list of casualties. Why be selfish and keep people from having one or sacrifices?" He took a seat up on the windowsill, letting his back press against the cool glass in a small attempt to soothe himself. No matter how nonchalant he was acting or would act, being around the personifications brought back too many memories, and a lot of them were the kind he'd prefer boxed away and never thought of again. 
At the mention of his run in with the boy, Hudson let out a sigh that was accompanied by the type of eye roll that could wipe out a third world country. "I can't pretend to be surprised. Everyone makes one mistake in order to repent for something they've done in their lives, and that boy, well.." The information pissed him off to no end, and really only went to put an even larger target above Lucien's head. Next time there wouldn't be a pause in his reaction. Especially knowing the sort of reaction he'd be able to pull from Keegan. "You seem to be under the impression that I'd be worried about upsetting him or anyone for that matter. Let me reassure you that I'm not, nor will I be. Ice melts and becomes but a faded memory of even having existed. And again, dead weight." He tossed back the glass and drained it's contents in one fell gulp, letting the glass tumble to the ground in favor of the bottle. No need to put on pretenses, he thought while jumping down to take a seat on the bed beside her. "Living, not caring, watching. That's about ten years of my life right there. How others feel the need to go on these long winded sagas will forever be a mystery." He turned the bottle and refilled her glass without even waiting to be asked. 
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"What about you, little chaos. Ruin any happy lives with a flick of your tongue, or maybe cause a country or two to fall into a dark manic state? I remember reading something about hysteria in Portugal. Had you written all over it."
Bad Girls Do It Well | Hudson + Scarlett
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
After a not so great encounter with Keegan, Hudson was in an even worse mood. Which was hard to imagine given that he was hardly ever happy to begin with. Nor could he see himself ever being until matters were clear, even then it was a laughable thought. So when he heard the knock at the door, his first thought was to set the thing on fire, but then the voice that carried through was enough to bring a fleeting smile to his lips. With terror around, chaos was never too far away. Now they were there, they were together once more. In the flesh. Sure, he'd never been particularly kind to her in the past, but frankly, he'd never been kind to many people. There were moments, but he was fond of the brunette. If only for her ability to do what she felt necessary with giving much of a solid fuck. It was that small way of being that made them similar. He could be selfish, harsh and cruel without thinking twice about it. Which didn't exactly pan out on winning him the title of friendliest twat of the year, but alas, he was fine with that. Unlike many people, he owned his terrible attitude and sour output. 
Too lazy to walk the distance of the room, he blinked outside and grabbed hold of the girl, taking her along inside to the room with another flash. He'd given up hiding his gifts, there was a beauty to his abilities, it made life far easier. Once inside and pulled apart, he looked at the girl, now woman, and smiled the same devilish smirk. "My my, what a few years have done for you. No longer are you flat as a board and gawky." He teased her, knowing his assessment would either be taken to heart or laughed at as it was intended. "I had been wondering when you'd drop in. Lord knows you're probably itching for some fun after I got a first run in with the new crew... Standards have truly fallen if they are letting children join in." Hudson's hand was quick as a snake with the bottle taken. Cups were already lined out, and he filled them, a bit too full to be considered an afternoon drink, or rather a normal drink in the slightest. He didn't do normal. 
"One rule, mention this supposed god man and I'll toss you into the flames of hell before you can queef. Understood?"
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Bad Girls Do It Well | Hudson + Scarlett
The overwhelming urge to spend the day in bed almost won out with Scarlett, especially as she recalled what she’d promised herself she’d do today. It’d come to her attention last night that another Personification had joined them, an old frenemy who both entertained and terrorized her. He was the stuff nightmares were made of, even for Chaos, but Scarlett wasn’t about to let one of the strongest offensive players get out of her grasp. They needed him, she needed him, his gift would help ensure her survival. If he didn’t try to kill her himself.
"Fuckkk.." As Scarlett stretched she rolled from the bed, a mess of sheet and comforter coming with her. Last night was blurry, she’d spent it binge drinking and tormenting a town just outside of the one they were staying in, a reckless act she wouldn’t be fessing up to. There was no need in her eyes to physically get ready for the day, with an old bottle of Brandy snagged from the hotel’s bar as a bribe for Hudson, Scarlett had little to no intentions of being mission productive. The others appeared confident without her, she surely wouldn’t be missed, especially after her unsettled spat with their leader Lizzie.
That thought alone brought on a wave of nausea, fighting back the urge to dip into the Brandy early. It was bad form to indulge in another’s gift before they did and Scarlett wanted this encounter to go well. So, brandy in hand with nothing more on than a silk nightie and fluffy hotel robe, she wandered down the hall towards the room she knew Hudson was staying in. She looked like the lush she was, her curls lose and unkempt, sporting clothes from the night during the middle of the day. With three quick raps against the door Scarlett made her presence known. “Hudsonnnn.” She was now leaned up in the frame of the door, as close to inside she could get with the door closed. “Come on kitten—” Her nail tapped in frustration against the door, patience was not her strong suit “—I just want to…play.” 
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hudsonmarquis · 10 years
So many emotions filled the room while Hudson stood and stared at the boy's, no, the man's back. It was still a lot to take in for him. So many memories of them together replayed as if a film was going on, flickering through the times they'd been together, happier. Well, as happy as an old drunk could be. Sure, Keegan was quick to keep the distance between them, thinking that it had been such for years, but it hadn't, not really. But of course he wasn't going to share that, he couldn't. Anger, lust, need-- the emotions continued, and his face hardened for a brief moment. Not out of frustration, but annoyance. They were better than this, unlike so many others, they, and at times only them, understood the way things worked. Like everything else, that appeared to have changed. He didn't care about the others, past or present, aside from the infrequent thoughts of Warren and his well being, Keegan had been his sole focus. A fact that still grated his nerves. How dare anyone have that much pull. "Now darling, pleasantries are what causes the world to go around, and without them, we'd fall flat and cease to exist. Can't allow that, now can I?"
Never one to take a hint, or rather not one to care, Hudson reached out and walked two of his fingers up brunette's back. There was no helping himself. It was gentle, but fuck was it enough to fill the years that he'd gone without. "Do you really think you can take a god-like man out without the help of your personal devil?" He asked, clicking his tongue in a manner that made it all seem like a joke. "I'm here to assist, Keegan. What else do you think would bring me all the way out of hiding, hm?" Sure, he could tell the truth, but it wasn't the time. Nor would it do them good, no, it had to wait, and that could go on for years. Knowing them. "Yes, the infamous list. How many are we up to, two, three hundred? But you are only into women these days, right?" He slipped on purpose, giving the boy just enough to think about as his hand slid up to turn him around, moving just enough to cause their eyes to hopefully meet. 
"Look at me, Keegan." He said, the words taking on the slightly authoritative tone he'd used for more-- laidback times. Keegan wouldn't need his gift to envision what Hudson was thinking about before his mind cleared and only the image of his homes danced around. "Look at me." He repeated, still pushing to see just how much of a hold he had. It might have been annoying for the other, but it was downright, and the pun made him smirk, terrifying. Leave it to beauty to be the only thing to bring the feeling into terror. 
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Seven Years Too Long|| Keegan&Hudson
     How dare him. How dare anyone to think that bringing him back, bringing these two together were anything short of a ‘good idea’. Though it wasn’t exactly seeing him again that brought his anger to roar through his system but it was the thoughts—no the memories that were brought back to him after seeing Hudson. His face, his stupid rugged face, held every kiss they shared…every peck, every longing stare, and at times…every slap the boy seemed fit for him to receive.  
    Though the one thing that Keegan was having a hard time digesting—other than his ex in his room—it was the way he was acting. Like years after years haven’t past, or many days were their friends, colleagues, and family members haven’t died. So his disposition wasn’t just arrogant but annoying… “Don’t call me that” he hissed, practically spitting the little nickname back at him. “What are you doing here H… I mean it. Stop the pleasantries and spit it out.” he kept his back towards the other, wanting to not look at him—since those eyes of his, blue and horrendous, always bewitched the boy or now…the man into slipping back into old vibes. So while Hudson spoke—once again about things he didn’t want to hear—Keegan tried his hardest not to react, but instead adopted a rather cold demeanor for the time being.
    “Please like I’d ever get fat or ugly….it’s the lust thing. That’s like saying Scar could become sane one day.” he spoke almost in a whisper, still keeping his back to him while he looked out through the window. During all of this he could feel Hudson practically inches behind him. It was a familiar sensation that he equally wanted to embrace but also reject. “Come on, spill… I have business to attend to later and this wasn’t on my to-do-list" he emphasized on the to-do hoping that his tone would give a hint to his ex that he wasn’t going there. 
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