hugogw · 5 years
stefan raised a brow at the man in front of him and then to the flower in his hand. “do i look like the kind of person that wants a flower?” or better yet knows how to keep one alive. the man sighed as he took the blossomed flower from the other. “what am i supposed to do with this?”
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brows knit into a furrow at the question, giving a shrug of his shoulders, “i don’t think there’s a specific look to someone who might enjoy a flower.” cheeks were tinted pink, “oh! i mean nothing. i mean you don’t need to take care of it...it’s a self sufficient flower. just...put it by a window or somewhere in your room that could use a little brightening. but i mean...if you don’t want it...seriously just um...let me know.”
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hugogw · 5 years
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“Papa says a lot of things,” she said with a laugh.
Hugo was one of the cousins that she never seemed to mind popping up at her flat. He was one that she genuinely got along with instead of having to force it. For all she cared he could stay the night or the week. Lucy never really tired of Hugo. Their connection was never forced or awkward..or tiresome. Their grandfather had told them a lot of things in the past. Some things she believed. Others…. Well, she tried at least.
“Do you really believe what he says about the Uncle Harry being the chosen one?” This was one of the things they had been taught many a time. Sometimes Lucy was keen on it. But others it was hard to believe that her uncle was someone so important. She couldn’t possibly be related. “I probably should, shouldn’t I?” she said in reference to the sunscreen.
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“that he does, that he does. always interesting things! mostly about muggles.” hugo admitted with a chuckle, pulling out his wand and making an impromptu flower crown from the tiny flowers that were on the ground beside them. with a grin, he placed it over lucy’s bright locks that matched the same shade as his. he then made himself one, placing it on his own head before reclining back and letting out a sigh. “i mean...yeah. i think so...i mean he’s in our history books and everything. don’t really reckon that they’d lie.” the healer in training handed her the sunscreen, “for you, madam. us weasley’s will burst up into flames without this stuff.”
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hugogw · 5 years
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hugogw · 5 years
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hugogw · 5 years
brows can’t help but perk up at the familiar voice of his cousin, turning to face the other, “no. not for many reasons.” a soft chuckle escaped from his lips, “have you FORGOTTEN who you’re talking to? when have i ever been able to break a rule of any kind?” hugo eyed her suspiciously, “you’re up to something. do i even WANT to know?”
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❛ A pinch of moral corruption is a small price to pay. ❜ She turned the vial of black market magic in her hands, scoffing at what was nothing more than calming draught. She had tried finding a dealer herself, to get some sort of lead on finding the root of the increasing problem, but no one wanted to sell a Potter illegal magic, especially not one that was a freshly minted Auror. So, she had resorted to sending someone else in her stead, opting to watch from a careful distance. Unfortunately to no avail, but at least it had led her to a tavern.  ❛ Would you sell something illegal to me, like, hypothetically speaking? ❜
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hugogw · 5 years
☄ HOMENUM REVELIO ╱ is that HUGO WEASLEY? the HOGWARTS alumni is the TWENTY TWO year old child of RON & HERMIONE. with the rumours of political unrest, it’s not surprising that the ministry is keeping a close eye on everyone, but especially the HEALER, considering that they are known to be quite ANXIOUS. but if you ask their friends, you might hear that they have a PASSIONATE side to them. according to our records they identify as CIS MALE (HE/HIM), they HAVE lost their magic.
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hi guys! i’m madison and i’m so excited to be here and to be playing my bby hugo and with the beautiful george mackay as his face...he’s my newest obsession but doesn’t have the most resources so pls bear with me as i make gifs of him. ANYWAYS LIKE THIS IF YOU’D LIKE TO PLOT AND I’LL MESSAGE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!
depression tw, suicide attempt tw, anxiety tw
literally such an awkward little bean. he’s very clumsy and due to his long limbs he tends to fall a lot.
has always been bullied because of how shy and socially anxious/awkward he is. still gets bullied to this day and is so much of a pacifist that he doesn’t defend himself.
very gay okay. like he just loves boys.
was secretly seeing his music teacher and believed it was true love but it turns out the professor was just using him to get to his mother because she’s the minister of magic and that wrecked hugo because it takes a lot for him to trust and open up to someone? and he was seriously head over heels. no one knows this. maybe one person. we can plot this?
has always battled depression so at the end of his seventh year he overdosed on potions and tried to commit suicide.
got held back a year because he spent the majority of his seventh year at st. mungos, healing and getting better. it was there and then that he decided he wanted to be a healer.
is a musician. a pianist, guitarist and singer/songwriter but he’s way too nervous to play for anyone and doesn’t think he’s any good. ( secret: he’s insanely good. think ed sheeran )
genuinely loves everyone. and if you’re one of his friends he will fight and protect you. he loves cuddling and his motto is that you can’t spell hugo without hug so he’ll hug the daylights out of you.
uh i know i’m forgetting stuff but this is what i have for now.
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hugogw · 5 years
the ginger gave an affirming nod of his head, grin evident upon his feature, “QUITE productive. only got a couple of cuts. pesky garden gnomes.” nose wrinkled as he gave a raise of his hand though the cuts were faint, thanks to grandma molly’s expert healing. “nothing exciting...running some errands. how about you? you look pretty. well...you ALWAYS look pretty but yeah...you look pretty.”
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hugogw · 5 years
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“by two months!” he affirmed with the nod of his head. sometimes he wondered if his premature birth was one of the reasons why he was born so fucked up, so abnormal. maybe he never finished cooking. the self hatred spiral was TOO easy for him to fall into and he was working on getting better, catching himself before he got too caught up in the darkness. so instead he decided to fixate on the nice boy in front of him, with the pretty brown eyes that gave him a reason to smile. “well i suppose today is an unofficial hang with your grandparents day, huh?” bright orbs flickered down to the guitar, interest immediately spiked. see, hugo himself, was a closeted musician, “you going to serenade them as well? what a lovely grandson you are.” he teased, playfully bumping ash’s shoulder with his own, already feeling a little more at ease. was he flirting? one could never tell with hugo. “well surely the flower can’t even compare to you and your music.” as if worried he’d offended the flower, a soft smile preyed onto his lips as he leaned forward to gently stroke the flower’s petals, “sorry, babe. fun fact...she’s the easiest flower in the world! self sufficient so you don’t even need to worry about watering her.” one of the amazing wonders of certain magical flowers.
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hugogw · 5 years
his  hues  stared  down  at  the  flower  now  in  the  roughness  of  his  palm  .  one  simple  crunch  and  the  pedals  would  fall  .  still  ,  he  fought  back  the  urge  to  squeeze  his  fingers  and  instead  stared  back  at  the  other  .   ‘  er  ,  thanks  ?  ’   the  words  came  out  awkward  .  not  knowing  how  to  respond  to  the  boy’s  blatant  act  of  kindness  .  ‘  what  do  i  do  with  it  ?  ’
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hugo had the tendency to lean more toward the social awkwardness side of things and cute men made the young weasley even more flustered. “oh...if you don’t want it...that’s totally fine too. just...it’s so beautiful and you’re so beautiful. i thought you’d might like it.” he nervously chewed upon his bottom lip, “but you can take it home. put it by the window. she doesn’t take a lot of care. just a little bit of water.”
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hugogw · 5 years
it wasn’t what ash had been expecting when he stepped into the sun. for the first time in days, he’d managed to drag himself out of his flat and actually experience the world. he hadn’t been expecting much, certainly not hugo, offering a flower, but he appreciated a beautiful flower just as much as the rest. “she’s beautiful, if not a little early, apparently.” truthfully, he didn’t understand gendering the flowers, but hugo was referring to it with feminine pronouns so he would too. “thank you … what brings you out today?”
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ash’s reception to the flower instantly made him feel at ease. he’d immediately felt anxious the SECOND he gave the offer. hugo had the tendency to do the WRONG thing, especially socially and with cute guys. “a preemie flower!” he exclaimed as the sudden thought came to him, cheeks tinting pink, “i was a preemie. not a preemie flower, obviously. just a preemie wizard.” there he was, making things awkward again, rubbing the back of his neck, “oh...just grabbing a couple of things for my grandmum. what about you? i mean...other than coming here to get flowers from weird gingers.”
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hugogw · 5 years
if youre attractive and you talk to me first, chances are im very confused
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hugogw · 5 years
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hugogw · 5 years
it’d been a nice day, eerily warm for feburary but he wasn’t complaining. sunny days like this meant more time in the garden with his grandmum. hands were still dusted with dirt, forgetting to wash up before going to run some errands. expression immediately brightening up at the sight of the other as he handed them the flower, “here...she bloomed early. was hoping to find someone to give it to. my room is already FILLED with flowers...besides she seems to like you better.” hugo had the tendency to talk about flowers as if they were people.
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hugogw · 5 years
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pianists fingers were awkwardly shoved in the confines of his worn out jeans, a hand knit grandmum molly sweater hanging loosely over his frail shoulders, grateful that he didn’t have to wear his winter coat. a grin preyed onto his lips at the sight of his cousin, unintentionally going and blocking her view, “and all day yesterday, grandpa kept saying how it was going to rain today.” hugo said with a chuckle, collapsing onto the ground beside her, anxious energy being translated into ripping strands of grass from the ground, “i have sunblock by the way...if you need it.” his cousin unfortunately shared his fair skin.
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A lazy morning for her day off. Lucy laid in her front yard of her flat. Letting the sun soak into her naturally pale complexion. She thought that getting some vitamin d would be good for her. Though all the little heat that the sun in the February sky offered seemed to do was make her rather sleepy. Lucy stared up at the clouds, making shapes out of them as they passed by.
“That one looks like a grindylow,” she mused to herself with a shrug.
Though when a shadow cast itself over her, Lucy squinted. Her periwinkle eyes staring up at the one who had come to visit her.
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hugogw · 5 years
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hugogw · 5 years
one rarely found rose granger weasley without her signature camera hanging from around her neck, intertwined with long ginger locks, her eye very rarely escaping from the viewfinder’s trance. though the trance was immediately broken at the sight of her cousin, expression brightening up as he now became the subject of her camera’s focus. a quick snap, something she assumed her family was USED to at this point. “albus!” she finally cooed with a smile, wrapping her arms around him and took him in a hug, “you sort of LOOK like a ghost. not your fault really...blame the cold. i’d pinch your cheeks to bring some color into them but we’ll leave that to grandmum.” her camera immediately produced a moving picture of al and rosie was TRANSFIXED. the slight wind, the way the light produced a beautiful backlight for his figure, the trees behind him. “al...when did you become so photogenic? jeez. save some pretty for the rest of us.”
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open .
                 the  crisp  february  wind  tousles  raven  locks  .  he stands ,  unsure  .  pulling  his  coat  tighter against  him  to  ward  off  the  cold  seeping  into  his  bones  .  home  ,  again  .  he  has  grown  since  he  was  last  seen  .  he ‘ s  taller  ,  and  thinner  .  his  hair  is  longer  ,  and  his  cheeks  are  hollowed  .  his  eyes  ,  they  remain  the  same  striking  shade  of  green  .  lighter  though  .  happier  .   —  unsure  of  how  to  act  ,  and  with  his  hands  in  his  coat  pockets  he  musters  up  a  crooked  smile  .    “  you  alright  ?  ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶   you  look  like  you ‘ ve  seen  a  ghost .  ”
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hugogw · 5 years
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          ‘ why would i punch you in the face ? ’     the blonde asked with confusion before he explained further, making her raise her eyebrows in surprise.     ‘ wait, me ? ’     that was even more of a surprise, but she could see why they might have chose her, she was probably looking nothing like someone who would accept it and she supposed that must be fun for them.  well, not this time.     ‘ i mean  -  it’s your first game, can’t let you lose, right ? ’
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“for being a creep and invading your personal boundaries?” he offered with the raise of his shoulders, knowing that the question was WEIRD and probably unwarranted. after all, who’d want to kiss him? “i uh...yeah.” holland admitted with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck, “my friend thinks you’re pretty. i mean I THINK you’re pretty too, obviously but i’m um...yeah about as gay as they come.” holland beamed at the statement, “god, you’re a fucking angel and a life saver. i’m holland, by the way.”
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