in your 20s you must rediscover the joys of arts and crafts to stave off spiritual decay
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This is apparently a hotter take than I thought but: hating on lawyers as a profession, calling them inherently dishonest etc. is politically reactionary. It discourages defendants from seeking legal counsel, puts forth the idea that it’s inherently suspicious to insist on seeing a lawyer before you answer police questioning (your constitutional right!) etc. which ultimately just benefits the state in making it easier for them to convict you. This is one of those things that “progressives” who were raised conservative often don’t realize is one of the parts of their parents’ worldview they should question more, but they should. Not only are lawyers not The Problem with “our system,” but having someone who is educated in the law whose job is to represent your interests in court — getting one regardless of your ability to pay, even! — is in fact one of the best parts of it.
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I’m a huge fan of yours (requested by Anonymous)
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(via the author, at the Ex Bird place)
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hugs-are-good-for-you · 16 hours
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“You’re allowed to love people, but you’re not allowed to possess them.” —George Lucas
1. STAR WARS: REBELS 4.13 A World Between Worlds 2. MIDNIGHT HORIZON (2022) by Daniel José Older 3. STAR WARS: ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) dir. George Lucas 4. STAR WARS: REBELS 4.10 Jedi Night 5. THE RISING STORM (2021) by Cavan Scott 6. STAR WARS: REBELS 1.08 Gathering Forces 7. STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 7.09 Old Friends Not Forgotten 8. LIGHT OF THE JEDI (2020) by Charles Soule 9. STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 1.13 Jedi Crash 10. STAR WARS: REBELS 4.15 Family Reunion - And Farewell
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"con artist" is maybe the profession with the biggest gap between How Cool They Are In Media and How Cool They Are In Real Life
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So you know those dumb little wordcloud things?
You know, where like, they go through your blog and find the words you use most often, and then spit out stylized text with the most often used words as the biggest ones so you can embed or screenshot them or whatever?
Like, the idea is really cool in theory. A standardized analysis generating an artifact characteristic of you, easily digestible at a glance.
Except in practice everyone's word cloud ends up being "like, people, think, want, make, get..." -- i.e. basically just a bag of the most common words in the english language (presuming they speak mostly english).
But what I actually want is a collection of words I use more than the average person does. And while we're at it, also a collection of words I use less than the average person does.
So anyway I made that:
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It's on Siikr now. New blogs don't get it yet, only blogs that were indexed as of a few days ago (still working on optimizations to allow for real time generation).
The words in green are the words you use weirdly often.
The words in red are the words you suspiciously seem to avoid.
In both cases, the bigger the word, the more weird your usage of it is relative to all of the other blogs in Siikr's index. This is limited to the most extreme 100 words in both directions.
Hovering over a word gives you some statistics about how much it should appear in your blog vs how much it actually appears in your blog.
So that's fun and everything -- but it can and very well might get even more fun.
Because generating this meant creating a list of all of the words used by every blog, and storing a bunch of numbers per word per blog. Currently, that's ~9 million associations over ~57k words.
Every blog->word relation stores frequency statistics, and every word itself keeps a running average of its frequency across all blogs.
Which means we could in theory (and almost certainly will in practice), treat each word as a dimension in a 57 thousand dimensional space.
Then treat each user as a point in that 57 thousand dimensional space, where their coordinates in the space are (user_word_freq - avg_word_freq).
From there, we can measure the distance (as cosine similarity, or euclidean distance, or even just raw inner product) between users, and return for your blog, an ordered list of:
Dopplegangers - blogs most like yours (closest to your blog in 57k dimensional word frequency space).
Foils- blogs least like yours (furthest from yours in 57k dimensional word frequency space).
Manic Pixie Dream Friends - blogs that overuse the same words you overuse (closest to your blog in 57k freq-space with respect to only positive vector components)
Least Like Un-You - blogs that avoid the same words you avoid (closest to your blog in 57k freq space with respect to just the negative vector components)
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goodnight strange homosexuals in my device i will see you all tomorrow if the fog doesn’t get me
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Jenny Bloomfield. Cats in the Meadow.
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when i tell u i would die for mei-chan from the toba aquarium….
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let me stay a little bit above the clouds. not lower, not higher
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Something that I have noticed is I know almost nobody my age that goes to a food pantry. I know people who regularly run out of money for food and in general have to eat an unsuitable diet because that’s what they can afford and they still don’t go to a food bank, im not sure if it’s because they’re embarrassed or maybe if you didn’t grow up going you don’t know much about it but if you’re financially struggling I really recommend it. And look into other options for food assistance too like community fridges and gardens and other programs that can assist you, where I live Salvation Army pays for an allotted amount of grocery delivery for low income people every month, in the summer farmers take excess produce to the library to be taken by anyone who needs it, etc. There are a LOT of resources for free food that you can look into especially if you are literally not eating because of your financial situation
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"do it scared" ok but I would like to do something some other way occasionally. Like at least once. For a change.
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when i forget to log into ao3 and i have to click proceed to see an adult fic, i actually get a kick out of it. like i am an old timey queen and my bard is apologetic: “gentle lady, dicks doth touch in this next ballad. would you prefer another?” and i give him a gesture of command like, “nay, you may proceed, minstrel. bring forth the tale of dicks”
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I know this is the Anti Small Talk Website but small talk is one of the most effective social glues out there for getting to know people and forming friendships with them.
When I was just starting out at a job right after college I had a coworker who I thought was the nicest person alive and after a few weeks I realized this was just because she consistently asked other people things like, "How ya doing? Whatcha having for lunch? Got any weekend plans? Seen any good movies lately?" instead of politely ignoring everyone around her.
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biggest mindfuck is the fact that it can be so so difficult to tell the difference between when it's time for "do it bored/scared/stupid but by jove just do it" and when it's time for "if it sucks hit the bricks"
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