human-maeve · 11 years
Understood, Miss. [ she nodded affirmatively. ] I will have the photos ready  as soon as possible. Who is the publisher that I should email the photos to? And... [ She glanced around. ] Where is the mascot?
Good afternoon, dear. *Her grin was bright, she was awfully pleased by the timing the latter showed up in.* Ix200 has a new mascot as of right now, we need a wonderful photoshoot for the newspapers! It’s urgent as well, this needs to be announced in tomorrow’s papers!
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human-maeve · 11 years
scientist-nicole replied to your post: Good afternoon to all. How was your day today?...
Would you look at that! IXs marketing photographer is here! My dear, Ive you an assignment!
Good afternoon Ms. --Faulkner? Uhm...  [ she paused for a moment. ] Yes, what assignment?
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human-maeve · 11 years
scientist-bellatrix replied to your post: t y p i s t - n o t e
[ Yes. :) Good night and thank you. Be well too. See you tomorrow. ]
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human-maeve · 11 years
t y p i s t - n o t e
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human-maeve · 11 years
Good afternoon to all. How was your day today? Eventful, I hope.
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human-maeve · 11 years
T y p i s t x N o t e
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human-maeve · 11 years
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human-maeve · 11 years
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Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) - Resource for Crime Writers
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human-maeve · 11 years
"All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets."
Cory Doctorow
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human-maeve · 11 years
How to Interpret Blood Spatters
1) Angular - If the victim was on the move, drops hit at an angle. The more oblique the impact, the longer the drop’s tail. The head points in the direction the person was traveling.
2) High Velocity - Misty, diffuse spatter is created by external force greater than 100 feet per second — which usually means a gunshot, an explosion, or (seriously) a sneeze.
3) Hair Impact - A traumatic impact between head and surface tends to leave a stain with feathered edges, like someone squished a loaded paintbrush against the wall.
4)   Hair Swipe - If the smear fades out in one direction, the head was likely bloody before contact. The lightest edge of the swipe points in the direction the head was traveling.
5) Fabric Swipe - More fluid than hair swipes, these stains sometimes display the imprint of the bloodied clothing. T-shirt weaves are often the easiest patterns to decipher.
Oh man this is good
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human-maeve · 11 years
"Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society must take the place of the victim, and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness."
W.H. Auden
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human-maeve · 11 years
t y p i s t - n o t e
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human-maeve · 11 years
[ If it wasn't for her need to hold onto the pole for balance, she would've had her arms folded. ] You do as well, you… look better than the last time I've seen you. [ The last time she'd seen him, he looked awful; enveloped by despair, agony, anger, --nothingness. They weren't happy times, not in the least bit. She was gone, and her absence was one of the most sorrowful events in Maeve's life. She could only imagine its impact on Mikael. ] Yet photography could never harm anyone like a gun could. No, I should correct myself. Photographs, that are misused, could cause a lot of trouble. Which then brings us back to the concept of anything misused can cause problems. Then again, it doesn't quite have to be misuse. I know of this case where someone was murdered because another wanted his photographs. [ At first, she took it lightly. This girl doesn't drive, and takes public transport on a daily basis in no other than NYC; getting squished between passengers happened almost on a daily basis, but noticing how focused he was on the person that bumped into her, she followed him ignited a trail leading to her over-thinking  She narrowed her eyes anxiously. Did Mikael see something worrisome in the young man? She'd repeatedly told herself that what happened in New York stayed in New York, but sometimes she worried that it could have followed her across the globe. ] I suppose it's a trait then. Character. [ She chuckled, though hints of her inner anxiety were evident. ] I like to think of my fixation and sometimes literalness as habits instead of traits of my character, because habits can be broken. Character though… changing it is extremely difficult. [ She nodded. ] Nightmares? I mean, yeah. Who doesn't? I'm so accustomed to having them, it's almost odd when I don't. Surely you understand. [ She worked in forensics, analyzing and performing tests on even the most brutally deformed corpses. Each of them came with their own stories. One time after the other, she had to imagine what could have possibly happened to these bodies, the reasons they ended the way they were. She was mostly desensitized, and prepared for such sights and experiences, but even a girl like her, with all her differences, she was a human, and sometimes images of those eyes, with their lids torn out, haunt her in her dreams, chase her even while awake. ] A game of chess, yes! [ An brief increase in the pitch of her voice marked her reaction. ] I brought the same set we used back then… in MIT and other places… I… as weird as it seems, I got it with me. I'm surprised that I did, now that I think of it, I mean… I packed up really quickly in the middle of the night. It was such a rush, I had to grab everything I needed and was important. Left in 20 minutes of being told, or may be less. Yet I have it. I --a game of chess would be lovely. [ Her smile was the widest it could be. ] Please, never leave a door open. It's one of the worst things one can do. [ She laughed softly, while quickly reviewing the schedule of the night in her memory. ] But thank you, Mikael, thanks a lot. [ She was extremely OCD with her calendar, and so as they spoke, she pulled it out of her bag. ] Would you like to stay? [ She suddenly asked. ] I mean, we're not there yet, and people normally ask that at the door, but would you like to stay for dinner and may be a game of chess? I'll call my grandfather and let him know, and tonight is the night he goes out to visit his friend so it wouldn't be a bother or anything. I mean… that is all if you'd like, of course.
[/There was a part of him that suspected something had happened in his absence. She had said she was in danger back in the States. However, he directed his attention towards her attire which had become far more feminine. Not that she wasn’t before. Now, it appeared that she had put more effort into her attire. Although, they had only been students in the States, and she never had the wealth left behind by his parents, even if it took a while for him to gain access to it. Nevertheless, she appeared well. Futility, he thought back to the last time he had seen her. It was the dawn of summer of 2010 (unless his memory was failing him on the year) when he left the States for Germany where he left behind not only Maeve but Mikael, the name given to him at birth by his parents. Shedding his former name was his way of leaving behind the past, but now that he was older, and (hopefully) wiser, he knew the past was not something that can simply be left behind like a forgotten bag on a park bench or old clothes at a friend’s house. No, it clung to him like life clung to him as a teenager. That last time he saw Maeve — Not a thing came to mind. Her face that day and the clothes she wore was wiped from his memory. Perhaps he had been in a daze or a state a disillusionment at the time, but all he remembered was the hopelessness. The utter hopelessness he felt as images of her bloodied body lying there swam through his mind and over his eyes. The world was stained with crimson.] You look well, Maeve. Very well. [/He adverted his gaze, chuckling softly.] Firing a gun is the same as photography, essentially. It’s physics. [/His hand caught her wrist as her stance faltered while his glossy orbs followed the individual who had bumped into her. A male of average height, a student, presumably. However, a student whose parents were incredibly wealthy, paying for him to attend one of the top universities. Intelligent enough, but terribly arrogant. Of course, such was merely speculation, but he had enough psychology and sociology courses to deduce as much as he had. His eyes tearing from the young man, his grip slowly loosened on her wrist.] But when is a habit considered character? [/When he spoke, he seemed distant, but gradually drew closer.] There’s a fine line between habit and character. Without certain attributes, you’re nothing but a shell, an illusion of an individual. There’s an ancient Catholic heresy that the Christian’s Messiah, Jesus Christ, was only an illusion of man. He only seemed human, when, in fact, he was truly divine. [/Chuckling to himself, he waved it off with a hand. Over the years, he had acquired such a broad range of knowledge that he almost always had some obscure tidbit on whatever the subject matter was.] You’ve been having nightmares? [The expression upon his features was hardly one of surprise. She had always been like him in more aspects than he ever could have anticipated after that first day she sat with him in the library at MIT.] Likewise; I’m afraid nostalgia is tapping at the door. Perhaps a game of chess will keep our unwanted guest at bay — for a short while. [/A smile curled the ends of his lips.] My door is always open. [/He paused for a moment, his brow furrowed.] Not open in a physical sense — That would be reckless. But rather… You’re always welcome. [/He cursed his momentary idiocy, but allowed it to fade into the background of his mind.] If we’re being honest here, I’m not going anywhere right now. I just — wanted to get out for a while. Anyway, I’ll walk you home, unless you don’t want me to.
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human-maeve · 11 years
Event: Themed Masquerade - Musicals
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[Note, IX200 is reusing much of their material in the content of this post from the prior masquerade.]
PLACE: http://ix200-rp.tumblr.com/chatroom              Note: We will send you the password to the chatroom if             you do not already have it.
12:00:00 AM Saturday April 27, 2013 
06:00:00 PM Friday April 26, 2013  
We’ve listed a European and an American time zone. We hope you can figure out what the time is for your personal timezone. If you need help and really cannot figure it out, click here.  ALSO!!!! This event will continue until TUESDAY so that most of the community can attend!
Welcome to the party of the month, the second Masquerade Ball hosted inside IX200! Congratulations on being one of the invited, as you are part of the IX200 community. As one of the invited, you are here only by invitation. If you’d like to bring a single person from another directory, refer to rule six in the list of rules below.
Come dressed in your finest, don your masks-be unrecognizable for this one night, be prepared for a hell of a crowd, brace yourself for the dramatic, and there’s nothing else I can tell you but to enjoy yourselves. 
The Masquerade: Welcome to IX200, completely redecorated (for the second time around!) thanks to the influx of funds pouring in by way of our dear investors as well as those who purchase androids from these very facilities. Welcome to where music never stops playing as it rings through hallways completely made over in imitation of grand ballrooms where nothing but the most of luxury and marble lined hallways come to exist ((yes, don’t you love the power of holographic illusions for all the marble we don’t have?), where indulging in grandeur unlike any other is key, where opulence reigns high above the atmosphere of both the twin rooms connected. One room for all culinary desires and the other or dancing or perhaps conversing the night away. With the very best that culinary masters can offer in taste and only the highest of fashion passing through these halls as true wonders for the eyes of any observer, what could possibly go wrong? Be wary. All the most beautiful things being cramped together in one space, no matter how large, will be a definite home for some crazy things to occur. Both trouble and romance will find a suitable home here at this MUSICAL themed Masquerade, meant to bring about a light atmosphere to a laboratory facility sheltering so many with lives darker than their smiling faces will let you imagine.  
╠▬▬▬◘■■◘◘◙  RULES  ◙◘◘■■◘▬▬▬╣
* Read the rules, know the rules!
║ ✿ ZERO———YOU MUST message IX200 ANONYMOUSLY which character from a musical (CAN BE BROADWAY/MOVIES/ DISNEY and if you need to think of musicals, we suggest asking our local theatre major, Maria) you are choosing to arrive as. [Don’t tell anyone who you are going to be]. We will put up a list of what characters are reserved for the ball. No doubles. ╫─────────╨───────────────────╫ 
║ ✿ ONE———-Absolutely NO OOC chatting!  Talk outside of Chatzy if you want for OOC purposes, don’t talk about school unless your character is in school for example, but FYI, some of us may not answer our chats outside of Chatzy. 
║ ✿ TWO———-PDA is allowed but if you’re going to get out of  hand, please take it outside of the chatroom.
║ ✿ THREE——-NO godmodding! Never control other people’s  characters unless they agree. If you do something that’s  considered godmodding to the RPer(s) you are talking to, don’t be surprised if you’re ignored. 
║ ✿ FOUR———Please stick to your code names when typing as your character to keep with the ‘masked’ theme. If other RPers recognize your character, do try to call them by the name of their costume. For example, if Person A was dressed as Phantom from Phantom of the Opera, Person B must continue calling them Phantom after they recognize who they are. There are special exceptions for this rule… like if you’re planning for a big announcement- ex. “I’m having a baby!”, then you can say “Congratulations, Person A!” instead of “Congratulations, Phantom!” Use common sense. ╫─────────╨───────────────────╫ 
║ ✿ FIVE———-What code/costume names? Every character has a costume name. If Person A comes in as Cinderella, the name they should go by in Chatzy is Cinderella. Enter the chatroom as your costume name. Your character can be easily identifiable by way of behavior/talk though. See if anyone can guess who you are. Isn’t that part of the fun?
║ ✿ SIX————Can you bring anyone from outside the IX200  directory? Technically no… BUT You can bring one person from an outside directory if one, they are a lover (or are close to being one), and two, they understand very well that this is an AU/OC directory’s event-meaning they cannot start talking OOC or saying “I am going to school in a few hours”. 
Make sure you MESSAGE us and tell us who you are bringing, from which directory if you choose to do so. They must be a lover/ almost lover, as this is pretty much strictly for IX200.
If you have any questions, message the directory! -Remember to READ THESE LINKS: 1. Reminder
2. Outside Directory Invitees?
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human-maeve · 11 years
As you walk downtown, you come across a peculiar hologram of a woman that seems to be frozen in place stationed in the center of the square. As you approach it, the hologram flickers, revealing a plastinated corpse.
Placing the corpse in such a place, with little efforts to conceal it, only serves to show that the unsub is extremely confident, and—
Why am I receiving these scenarios?
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human-maeve · 11 years
Who is Kyuhyun to you?
Mikael is my friend.
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human-maeve · 11 years
Why do you care about doing an investigation and not about the fact that there's a dead woman by you?
In my field, I come across countless dead bodies; each narrating their own stories, from the minor cuts to the broken bones. I have never been the same in perceiving the emotions other experience, normally detached, if I may say. This woman, like many others that I have come to inspect, is not someone whom I hold a personal attachment towards. That is not to say that I do not hold any sympathy towards the dead individuals I work with, or rather, on. This is simply to say; being in the presence of corpses has no effect on me, and the only thing this person can gain from me is information about how they ended in this state, and possibly pointers leading to the culprit.
But yes, in a sense, I am desensitized.
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