humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Wednesday, January 19th, 2022
I am looking at a rock right now.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Tuesday, January 11th, 2022
Song: Shine- Cleo Sol
Okay so Hey, PenPal
I have to make a new apple ID today.
I just thought, if someone came into my room right now, and I didnā€™t know them, I would freak out.
I am going to the mall today.
I also have to clean my yoga mat.
I cannot find my favorite crystal
I am making my bed right now
I was going to go for a walk but I saw rain.
I am currently making a new #icloud
I want to go for a walk.
PenPal, Ivā€™e been dealing with a lot of internal drama.
I have something to show you.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Monday, January 10th, 2022
Hi PenPal. I am using a ladder today. I am hanging cool things on my wall. Okay I also have to take everything off my walls and only hang the art on the beam of my room.
Hi, PenPal
What do you think it means to immunize yourself?
I am hungry for dinner
I am sitting at my desk and I scared myself.
My window is across. Itā€™s dark outside.
I saw a reflection of a mans face in the window. It scared me. A lot. I turned around in my chair. And I thought to myself. Will I be eaten alive tonight?
I turned on #Netflix. I am watching the Hype House show.
Hi, PenPal
Song: California Dreaminā€™ - Omar Appalo Cover
I started a new book today. Itā€™s called Be MyĀ  Baby by Susan Anderson
I got a new #iphone. Itā€™s not perfect. I need a new icloud.
I must complete yoga tonight. I am ready to rearrange my room but my dad isnā€™t ready to help me. What else do I have to do? Look into being a flight attendant. How soon will I want to do that job if IĀ  had two interviews today? A lot to consider with time weighing on my shoulders. Omg Omg . Time to watch #euphoria. That's literally what I have to do.
Dude Iā€™m so excited, I am going to work at a hot yoga studio.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Sunday, January 9th, 2022
Omg hi PenPal! I feel I have some news to tell you. I baked it today. I made cupcakes. In three different cupcake pan shapes. There was one in a heart shape, one in a normal cupcake shape, and one in a mini cupcake shape! I had to calm my sweet tooth when I was preparing the cake. After they came out of the oven I frosted them with chocolate icing. I crushed graham crackers in a plastic bag. Then sprinkled them on top of the cupcake. I cut a marshmallow in half and also put that on top of the cupcake. I literally want to go eat the cupcake right now.
Hello, PenPal
Song: Baby My Phone - Yameii online- Baby My Phone
Okay hi, PenPal
I Okay so I asked myself what happened?
This moment feels like Iā€™m trying to break out of who I am.
I want to do a meditation.,
Just yesterday, I remembered that
My avatar
Song: #Acai BowlDominic Fike
I am waiting on my laundry tonight.
I literally was given a crystal today.
Little stones packed into a fragrance bottle.
Every now and then the stars align.
Meeting 1: 1:30pm
Meeting 2 Ā  2:30pm
Donate brown bag _`.ā€™_
Finish cleaning desk , dresser, and floor.
When you clean your room to avoid everything
How do I mentally prepair for all of tomorrow?
I must remind myself there are no excuses to be made. Colored Emotions-Night Moves
This song is so slow.
Like my laundry
Today, I have had to rely heavily on time. I will check on my laundry in 30 minutes.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Saturday, January 8, 2021
I hate my water bottle.
PenPal what are you doing?
Iā€™m still gegtting used to being in this room.
Song: High - Cafune
I feel like I live the day by blogging and stretching.
Song: Plum: Widowspeak
Saturday, January 8th, 2022
Hi, PenPal
I am hanging hangers up in my closet.
When it comes down to it,
There are days of the week.
And we cannot escape that.
Hey, PenPal
I am by a heater.
I like the day dreams that are coming along with the book Iā€™m reading.
I gave myself a to-do list. It was while I was doing my makeup.
I feel like Iā€™m hanging around someone's closet right now. I literally. [spoiler alert, I didnā€™t finish this section]
In my head I feel like Iā€™m scrolling through social media.
So *caution. Love for
Dude, your wall paper can totallt throw you off your phone. My bones were frozen today.
I went for a wak outside.
I am interested in painting a surfboard.
I am looking to buy paints.
I am happy Iā€™m not doing anything crazy right now.
I am in my room. I am very cozy. Covid is still a thing. I walked and ate french fries outside.
I am blessed
What I learned about myself today. I am obsessed with celebrities.
I just finished with yoga,
Time to wash up.
I finished yoga. Now I feel the urge to do more. Maybe I'm just putting it off. I also need to fill up my water bottle. This all feels like a joke. I have the urge to buy something when I just remember I can make it lol
Goodbye, PenPal.
I must part ways with you now.
Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m only as conscious as an infant. I can enjoy this feeling. Then again, all Ivā€™e been experiencing is a battle with my own ego.
I am watching myself while writing to you, PenPal.
Earlier today I was wearing my contacts.
Then I put my glasses on.
My vision became blurry.
My mistake.
Ivā€™e been finding myself in a lot of trouble today,
I feel like Iā€™m at a campsite right now.
Today I did some exploring. Remember how I told you I went on that walk, PenPal.
I walked up three flights of stairs. I was on a patio looking over the lake. I turned the corner. I saw a garden. It was poor. Nothing but moss and weeds were growing. I went down a flight of stairs. Then I entered a hotel. I went down a flight of stairs. I passed a grand piano. Then entered a contest to win a free spa massage at the hotel. I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to win because my account is private. To enter the contest you have to submit a photo of you balancing rocks.My photo had 9 rocks stacked.
There was a tv show or video I really wanted to play but cannot remember what the title is called.
Is it affirmation time? I want to put everything down and start dreaming. I am tired. I want to wait until midnight to finish #journaling. I cleaned my yoga mat. I would like to wake up tomorrow and create a new icloud account.
This is a fun 30 minute challenge. I challenge you to free-write in yourĀ  journal.
I have been dreaming about Paris for a few days. I am ready to romantisize stone. I would also love to take a look itā€™s mysterious culture. I would love to understand the affairs they have.
How does society rule?
I had snacks earlier. A bag of #Lays chips and ranch. It was satisfactory.
I canā€™t make it to midnight.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Friday, January 7th, 2022
Hello, PenPal
I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t write to you the past few days. Today I made ramen for dinner. I ate it in my dining room. While I was eating, I heard the songs from the #Encanto Movie. I have to finish unpacking the stuff in my room. I went to #Ross earlier. I bought a yoga mat and a water bottle. I had the most delishish vegetarian sushi. I also had edamame, miso soup, and hot tea. And for breakfast I had a sugar free vanilla iced coffee.Ā  And for dinner I had soy sauce ramen with veggies.
Song: Lucky Ones Lana Del Rey.
Fav Lyric: Every now and then the stars align.
I went to #Ross today and bought tools for my face. That reminds me of
Yay now I have a legit reason to be #mad
Oh my
My holiday got canceled.
I hope everyone is okay. The weather is poor.
As I was putting away the dishes, I thought I should become the best ever dish washer putter awayer.
To be the person that makes the sacrifice
Do you have the power.
Apparently I talk too loudly
Thatā€™s so mad
When Iā€™m journaling I can feel surprised.
Maybe itā€™s the music.
I literally feel passion
I 7:38
Friday,January 7, 2012
I heard everything I wanted to hear. But maybe I just heard something.
Song: Living Legend
I have this feeling Iā€™m getting ready for something.
Omg I think a barricade laptop case would look so cool.
I got anxiety abput me sitting in one place for too long.
Song: Arcadia:Lana Del Rey
I feel like Iā€™m recreating a scene from the joker
Life= upgrade time
I can feel it happening. I have this manifestation feeling and itā€™s really powerful
It feels like my entire family is online right now.
PenPal, what was I supposed to think deeply about?
I can feel my past creep up.
I get a new phone tomorrow.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Tuesday, January 4th, 2022
12:01 Itā€™s officially the fourth day of 2022. I have tears in my eyes. Itā€™s a good sign. I feel excited. I inspired somebody else on #tumblr to have a similar writing style. This makes me feel confident in my communication skills. I havenā€™t written for the past 3 days because I havenā€™t opened my laptop. I have been traveling. I am grateful to love writing. It is my favorite #hobby. I am also grateful for #hashtags lol. I love how calm everyone is this time of year. Lana Del Rey reminds me why I love 7/11 so much. I protect myself from anyone casting unethical spells. I protect myself from unethical vibes. I am ethical. I attract ethical vibes.
Good Morning, PenPal. I talked on the phone with my friend. I decided I wanted to get bangs today. Right now I am eating Captain Crunch. This is one of my favorite cereals. I like the taste of the berries. I want to make an egg and put it on a tortilla with melted cheese. I am aware of how addicted to my phone I have been lately. I believe I am worthy of the best. I am being directed to the vibrations of love, joy, success, abundance, and art.
I love lana del rey lol.
Listening to Lana Del Rey
Life as a dope girl. Itā€™s deadly. My dreams enlighten me.-WithoutYou
I have been snapchatting this one guy. We were good friends a couple years ago. We spent time in his garage. We spent the New Years of 2021 together. He was good company to have around. Heā€™s respectful and smart. He was charming and attractive. I want to visit him. He lives in colorado. I made a mistake once. When I first moved out I was supposed to visit him. But I said I didnā€™t want to speak to him anymore. I was in this position where I felt too free. I was scared of my past. I wanted a fresh start so I blew him off. I believe heā€™s forgiven me. I would like to talk to him about our feelings for one another. I canā€™t tell if he is a player. I donā€™t know much about his life today. I donā€™t know what his friends are like. What he likes about women. What he likes about me.
I remember when we first met I had genuine feelings. I was excited around him. I pushed him away. I donā€™t think he resents me. He still speaks to me every day. Itā€™s been maybe 4 days since we started talking again.
I planned a holiday with my friend. We are going to a German town. We must pass through mountains and snow to get there. We are staying in a hotel for a night. It cost $155. I am excited. I love this friend. She is so fun to be around.
Today the car company picked up my car. It should arrive the day I arrive by plane.
I feel happy again. I feel I can love.I donā€™t feel stupid. I donā€™t feel stupid for crying. I feel safe again. I feel open arms that want me.
I was in the wrong for a long time. How was that fun?
How am I free now?
How am I not as scared? I want to build myself again. I never want to be in that position. So alone. Jealous and alone. Wrong and silent. Punished by everyone for being myself. For not being myself. For being alive. I was punished for being alive. Itā€™s over. Itā€™s all over. I will find my favorite person. I will live happy in glory. I will live in victory. Rein in success and abundance. I will create my own path. I will document my path with words and photos. I love my path. My path and I are inseparable. The sound is like a guitar strum.
Requiring nothing brings you everything
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Monday, January, 3, 2022
Hello, PenPal
I have to type extra quietly because I'm on the bottom bunk in my cousin's house.
I will go to the living room so I donā€™t worry about waking her up.Ok now Iā€™m in the living room. I need to play soft music. Nothing that will make me sad. But also nothing that will remind me of how I wanna be white woman. Peaceful nature sounds it is. Anyways, where was I? Ah yes. I cannot stop thinking about my 2 enemies. I have 4 total. Since I have the power to control my mindā€¦ allow me to cast a spell. I had this vision where I had the power to throw fire. I am resisting the urge to use three dots after every sentence. My rising and my moon sign is leo, which is a fire sign. So yea I am a powerful being, and I want them to know how god dang annoying it is to continuously think of them. I throw fire at them to cancel their behaviour in my imagination. Honestly, I am an amazing person so I donā€™t wish anything poor to enter their lives. Lol maybe thatā€™s why theyā€™re always thinking of me. Also I for sure know they think about me or some aspect of me because thatā€™s one of the laws of the universe. I am so curious as to why this has been happening non-stop and why the universe wonā€™t listen to my command. I command thoughts about these people to come to an end at once. Maybe they act in a way where they think I can think about them. That happens to me sometimes when I want someone from a distance to notice me. But I want to release the dead energy that I store. I feel my heart opening up. I experience magic. I experience life in color and in motion and in light. I do not think about people that want to hurt me. I am realistic. I know that alot of people in this world want to wipe the smile off my face. I am not curious as to why they want to do this because I do not like those people. Those people are not worthy of my devine energy. I am grateful everyday for my energy. I am grateful for the days when I feel embarrassed to be under my skin. I am grateful for the days where I experience sadness andl loneliness. Hello, World. Hello, PenPal. I am grateful for the days when I feel lost and uncomfortable. I love when I have no idea what I am doing. I love it when I have no idea what to say. I know the reason why I am grateful for these feelings. I am grateful for them because they are the reminder that I am where I need to be and that I should be proud that I am alive another day. I am happy for the days I am angry because it is a blessing to feel that way. I love my green nails. I painted them white then I painted a glitter green top coat on top of it. I also love my nail beds. I am grateful that right now I am traveling. I love to travel. I am grateful for my mind because I am a comedic genius. I am grateful to have the ability to write because when I write I donā€™t care that people can judge me and I really get the time to connect with my heart. I like my nails green because that is the color of our heart chakra. I like to write because I write like I am speaking to the whole world. I am grateful for today. I can tell you what I did. I woke up. For breakfast I had my leftover sandwich from yesterday. After 2 bites I threw it away because it tasted foul. Then I made myself a lebne sandwich and coffee. I only ate half of the sandwich. I got ready then went to the town with my aunt. We went to almost 6 different stores then chatted at a coffee shop. I tried a soy honey cinnamon latteā€¦ so good omg. When we got home I relaxed for a moment before re-arranging my car. The shipping company is coming tomorrow to pick it up to ship it over to my house in Seattle. Then I went on my laptop and looked for jobs. I wouldnā€™t mind being a personal assistant.
Happiness is temporary.
The day was busy. I love writing affirmations. I had a vision I gained 1 Million followers on instagram. I am in the vibration of receiving 1 million followers on the app instagram. I am capable and responsible for having 1 million followers on Instagram. Large brands and companies, even small brands and companies would love to work with me because of the type of person I am. I travel and get paid a large sum of money because I have 1 million followers on Instagram. I give money to my parents and brothers because I have 1 Million followers on Instagtam. I deserve and I am worthy of 1 Million followers on Instagram. I release my dreams into the universe. I let go of the outcome and my expectations because my faith is in Allah and the Universe. By simply connecting my diving being to my higher power through meditation, yoga, and mindfulness during my time awake, I can achieve my goals with grace. I gained 1 Million followers on Instagram. People love to follow my account. I have the power to make people happy. I love that about my character. I support positivity and I support love. I am sorry for those people who do not believe in me. I believe in myself. I believe in myself. I believe in myself. I can face hardship with grace. I love my mind and I love my body. Together, I am whole. I am whole because I make the effort to love myself and put myself first. I love to make people smile genuinely. I love to make people feel good about themselves, I believe this is my favorite trait about myself. I love that I can recognize the power of silence. IĀ  believe in myself. I believe the universe wants the best for me. I am protected. I am divinely protected. I am protected by the power of grace. I am protected by the power of love and by the power of connecting with myself. I love I do not take life so seriously. People love to shower me in gifts. People love to shower me with gifts. People love to give expensive gifts to me. People I donā€™t know love to give me money. People love to give me money. People I donā€™t know love to give me cash. People give me cash. People I donā€™t know give me cash. People love to give me compliments. People love to brighten my day. I love to read about philosophy and psychology. I can understand philosophy and psychology and create my own thoughts and opinions. NPC love to give me money. I am victorious.
Time Poem
Every second in time is a part of my journey, there is no such thing as bad luck or good luck. It just is. I feel good, I feel bad. I am me. Who am I? I am a soul in a human body. My skin is olive and my nails are green. My hair is black my eyes are brown. I am me. I produce laughter, I produce tears. I am me. I am a woman. I create life. I feel love. I feel hate. There is a spectrum to every situation. It is my job to ensure my scale is balanced.
I remember
Throwback chat.
I remember receiving a message from one of my spirit angels
Weā€™re temporary
For every living being
Air on earth
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Thursday, December 30th, 2021
My favorite activity, Listening so sad music and writing. I am going to write for an hour, PenPal. I have been feeling tired all day. My room kinda smells like dog poo. I donated 40% of my belongings. All my life is money and belongings and food. I donā€™t have anything to my name. I donā€™t have a business or people to report to. Nobody is depending on me. This is a kinda cool feeling. Being so free without any attachments. But itā€™s also my number 1 insecurity. I wonder if there are other people like me. And idk if I would want to hear that answer.
Something I think is sexy is noticing other peopleā€™s habits and iches. For example, when I was at a stop sign I had the thought of wanting to look at a specific picture. But then ended up looking at another one. It shows character. Some peopleā€™s character makes me lose my appetite. Thatā€™s a lyric I got from 21 Savage. I have been feeling ill all day. Itā€™s hard to be in my skin right now, I want to jump out. Literally, I want to do everything I cannot do. Such a pointless feeling. My Ā day has been packing. I am making progress. I got rid of more stuff. I guess Iā€™m starting the new years with a minimalist mindset. Just playing it cool is the number one advice you can give anyone. I want to see if this dude puts his instagram private. That would give me the idea that he looked my name up. And I want that. I want him to want me. I know thatā€™s a weird place to put my energy but itā€™s how I feel. Iā€™m insecure about it. I donā€™t see how it makes me grow as a person. But now I am listening to the Faces album by Mac Miller. Oh my god I want a coffin couch. I scrolled through tumblr for a bit. I wish my room only had two smells. The smell of you and me. I am a magnet to money. After scrolling through tumblr I see itā€™s harder to write. All of the unwanted memories donā€™t exist in my head.Now that I am just writing I feel so much safety and peace. When I was driving I was feeling antsy.
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affirmation time
I believe my prayers are realized. I release attachment to the outcome.
I am the creator of my reality. I am a master at manifestation.
Everything always works out in my favor. I am blessed
I am so totally deeply connected to the divine. I am exactly where I need to be in my journey.
I am divinely protected. I am proud of myself.
I am divinely powerful. I am proud of my background.
I call all my power back to me. I am a teller of the truth.
I am confident. I am rid of negative and stagnant energy.
My body and my mind always comes first. I believe in myself 100%
I surround myself with love and good intentions. I am at peace with myself.
I do and think of things that make me happy. I find new ways to entertain myself.
Awesome things happen to me. I am meant for big things. I am meant for a rich life.
Incredible things happen to me. I believe in the law of attraction. I am connected to my higher power.
I am a money magnet. I am thankful. I am grateful. I love the things and feelings I wish for.
My wishes come true.
I feel happy to be in my skin. My skin is clear. I am in love with my skin.
I am in love with every part of my body.
My trauma is healed. I am giving. I love to give. I am connected to today's world. I welcome positive change. The world is healed. The world is at peace. Nature is healing. People are not at war. I beleive in the world. I beleive the world wants to heal. I am not ashamed at all.
I just posted that on instagram. I wish to expand my contacts. I wish to be connected to the coolest people. Do my angels know who I am talking about. I guess I have dedicated the past 7 months to journaling. I have no issue with this. I do not desire to be anything I am not. Grasping the concept of time does not bring me anxiety. I channel that energy into excitement and executing plans.
I wish to be a part of a fashion show hosted in Seattle.
I think I took Instagram too seriously. Fuck.
I spend all day on my computer writing. I write to my imaginary PenPal. I like this. The best feeling is when you can expand on a topic.
Hey,PenPal. I am like 80% finished with pretending I never lived here lol. I packed my suitcase for the upcoming week. I am listening to #SZA perform live on #Youtube. Still, I feel like I am trapped in my highscool. God I still wonder why it haunts me. I havenā€™t been in that place for almost 5 yearsā€¦ yet I still feel bashed by their imagination. God God God. Itā€™s a shit feeling. Theyā€™re usually self desructive thoughts too. Itā€™s my #1 eye roll at the moment. I kinda wish I started a whole new instagram. I did but it made me sad when I had nobody to follow. Everything happens for a reason, maybe I will see the positive of it soon. Sooner rather than later because like I said, Iā€™m over the feeling of these people making fun of me.
I have a bagel in the toaster. Lowkey, those people have character. See! My mind finds a way to circle back to them. My circle is too small. Anywaysā€¦ My bagel tasted great. Whipped cream cheese on a toasted bagel has to be one of my favorite foods. I need to figure out how Iā€™m about to pack all my food. Then I have a few more things in my bedroom I gotta bring down. I have to clean my bathroom and pack some stuff there. Almost done. I am proud of myself, penpal. I am going to hop on #Pinterest.
This is one of my favorite songs to exist ya
My wifi is slower than molasses right now. I posted to my #snapchat story
After downloading snapchat i have experienced the highest feeling of satisfaction know to man. When your one that got away views your story. NUT NUT NUT. i am deeply satisfied. It makes me feel like heā€™s weak for me.
I love that nobody really knows who I am or what I am doing. I am an artist with close to zero attention. I really donā€™t get attention or recognized for my accomplishments. And I have learned to love that part about my life. It makes me feel more secretive. And secrets are sexy. I like living like a spy. Itā€™s a mindset that attracts one in a lifetime moments. However, this all makes me think about the separation of the body and the soul. Souls are immortal. So my body is just a vessel created of mud and water. The way I perceive information and Ā the events that I attract all depend on your soul. Each soul is unique. No 2 souls are the same. (This is a hard truth to slide by because it makes me think of people who are like best friends). I mentally accept to receive. I mentally accept to recieve. I mentally accept to receive. I kinda want to learn reiki. Omg I didnā€™t stick to my routine last night oopsie. Remember, I couldnā€™t get out of bed. I think people want me to ruin their lives. What kind of attention is this? I need a feather in my hair. Maybe I can do that with my cousins.
I donā€™t have much else to write about but I am going to continue typing for the hour. Itā€™s 7:26pm. That means at 8pm I have to start packing again. I guess I canā€™t stop thinking about packing. I can talk about how terrible parking jobs photos are consuming like 18% of my brain. Sometimes I donā€™t care. Sometimes I really have nothing left to give to the world. Other times I will keep on trying until I get it right. But can a poor parking job be the end of the world? Iā€™m sure there are people who have gotten in fights about a poor parking job. I can imagine it very quickly. But those people are also the weird sane people where itā€™s normal to voice your anger to strangers. Lol. I am a mute.I want to read more about being a mute. It kinda feels like a decision. I can swear that I am one of the funniest, most unluckiest people alive but being unlucky doesnā€™t align with my higher power. But thereā€™s no denying my past . There shouldn;t be a way to redefine the story. In fact, redefinying the story takes away honor from my feelings. Ivā€™e felt like absolute garbage after some situations and I would be a fool to ignore my pain. I think my pain is a large part of who I am. I am
OMG I used to lie to people and tell them that I had a very famous anonymous meme page. What a power move. Also I realized today that smoking cigs makes me anxious. I feel more outgoing today.
It kinda makes me happy everyone my age is also chilling right now. Everyone my age is either in school or already financially stable.
I can definitely feel myself tonight. I really canā€™t wait to shower. I really want to boost my confidence this upcoming year. I dont really have much else to journal about besides affirmations and what I do during the day. I wish I was a good artist lol. Aristocrat life. I
Song: Stargirl Interlude- Lana Del Rey ft. the Weeknd. Teehee #iykyk
Dude how do I become a sponsor for a brand? I want to be paid by brands for existing. Not a brand ambassador. Guys, how do I get paid lmao. Also, I found a TV outside by my dumpster. I am going to smash it with my friend trinity. Lol I am excited.
Song- Nights- Frank Ocean. Omg if you listen real closely you can hear some ad libs that sounds like mario kart sounds. Itā€™s cool. Omg i want to play that game. I love playing video games. I swear people find my life so depressing it makes me want to be allergic to them because Iā€™m allergic to my own depressionā€¦ Maybe Iā€™m the problem. Or maybe I can feel the energy of their depression getting along with my depression and it leaves no space for my happiness since Iā€™m trying to escape the embarrassment of simply existing. Existing is literally so cringe it disgusts me. Why must my sould be immortal. No omg I think I just got down to the root of my childhood problem holy shitā€¦ I am embassased to exist. The self awareness rattles my bones.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Wednesday, December 30, 2021
Omg does the world know I take their ability hits?
I totally heart the people ivā€™e been seeing lately.
You know, I wish Ivā€™e never seen death to the day.
How am I just self-inf;ictijng pain?
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
When you hear the advice thatā€™s sure to work but canā€™t register how to apply it. Or but the advice isnā€™t working.
Iā€™m on an excurgain. Excursion.
I want that fucking soundbath
]Chapter: Silent funny time.
Please no life to light the fumes
When you have to be awake. How is this what my soul is going through today? PenPal writing to you I feel addicted to my computer. This is the most boring activity I could ask for. I am thriving. I am oddly cozy. This is a lesson 100%. Do you get lessons in your VR game? Sucks for you my human does.
If somebody were to ask me what I was doing I wouldnā€™t know how to answer. Actually, I am a creative writer. I gave it a title. Ivā€™e never done that before. Are reflective glasses cool? Actually Iā€™m just journaling. Spilling my mind.
Do people ever ask, where is this emotion coming from? IDK if I do often but I take the feeling when I get it. 3:18PM. Something cool about me is that I am silent. Even my brain goes silent. Maybe writing this I feel more in control.
I feel like I just finished crying. But it was like crying somebody elses tears 3:25pm
The empath trend on #TikTok is so funny. So now I am going to give my report of the news. I felt judged for wanting to look at the news. I chose to type #CNN into #Google. I need to call the greyhound bus station later. I got an ad for #Samsung. On the front page there were 3 images. From the left it was celebrity, health, then police. Then I scroll down and I see Trump.And then I scrolled to the next page and saw Dwane The Rock Johnson. Tell me why I smell popcorn. Then thereā€™s a collage. Itā€™s for the pop culture segment.
Iā€™m too frustrated to discuss. Thatā€™s a large part of my personality that I canā€™t change.
Ideas of what I can accomplish in this life: 3:34pm I would like to be paid for taking photos for journalists and bloggers.
Okay obsessed with the Travel section on the CNN website. They have 3 photos under the title, ā€œTopic Dealsā€. They have travel ideas that are priced starting from $879-$3,999. And this caught my attention. I
If thereā€™s one thing I should know about the world today, what should it be? Ā The answer to this question depends on who you are.
Iā€™m kinda pretending like Iā€™m in skinny jeans right now but I am in sweats. Omg this rosemary grilled cheese sandwich is literally so gooey. I spilt my drink a little bit while I was drinking it. I have a feeling I will spill it again. Omg tap me into clay. I am tired of being a Hannah Baker. Ā  I care more about Pete Davidson right now than anything else. Maybe also my salad. Oh yea I made a salad. And rice too. My grilled chese kinda tastes like tofu. I am excited to do yoga later. I am feeling full and itā€™s been raining hard today. Omg I can do sound bath music. I am listening to the Emma Chamberlin podcast. Sheā€™s one of my favorite influencers. She seems really mindful and I can follow her stories.
So anyways, maybe I should listen. I just changed my mind very fastā€¦then couldnā€™t remember what I changed my mind about. Another news site I am going to look through is the shade room on instagram. Is this a good use of my time? Well 25.2 million other people care to see whatā€™s up with them. Just like any other media page, it consists of celebrities, questionablly wealthy people, memes about money, lots of memes and tiktok videos. Iā€™m off instagram because the content was making me unhappy. I said I was going to the beach but Iā€™m more comfortable at home. Omg I am so good about forgetting my lifeā€™s problems teehee
Dude I might say fuck it and get an android. I tried to make a #tiktok about that but saved it as a draft. Not only is the video awkward but the text I wanted to add gave me the cringe shivers.
4:44pm God bless the cringe shivers and the song 4:44 by #Jay-Z
Song: I think she likes another boy-Oscar Lang
I need to Ā hear every version of this song. Itā€™s one of my favorite songs. I like really slow songs to my favorite songs because you kinda get put on a ride.
Iā€™m so happy right Ā now. But the pessimistic side of me knows that after zooming out and seeing how massive the world is, the peak happiness my soul can feel is me smelling a hot guy's armpit.
Harry Styles's music just gave me a boost to remember my personal affirmations.
I am healthy
I am attracting an abundance of money into my life
I am secure
I love myself
I am healing myself
I am not in competition with anybody
I am surrounded by nature
I am divinely connected to nature
I am attracting the perfect high paying job
I am attracting the job at the yoga studio
I am not living for anyone else besides myself
PenPal I like to imagine who you are. I wonder what other part of my mind we have yet to discover. 4:58PM If I could share one message with the world it would be to eat your vegetables.
Now I am on the New York Times.
I love the world and humanitarianism. World news makes me feel like a human. I could be just waving at the adult mind. No, I don't feel connected to most people. I am doing so much healing in this life oh my gosh. Dude your soul is immortal did you know that. I feel connected to my soul right now. I have no attachments. Have you ever tried meditating but writing down your observations? Thatā€™s what I am doing right now. This is the way I want to practice my time on earth. I love how I said practicing. Like my soul drips so hard people slay me, teehee drag reference.
Song :Hustle- Billy Marchiafava
How come I donā€™t have that? Might be one of the best questions to ask yourself. Itā€™s humbling.
I want to buy a house and fill it up with the most charming items. All one of a kind.
My human wants to buy a house. My human is very obsessed with earning money and then sitting on it. Dude I wonder how something like this is supposed to happen. I am attracting a ton of money to my name. I am whole. I am responsible enough to manage a large sum of money. I am unlearning my ugly lies . I am unlearning a past me that does not serve me. I am releasing all my habits that do not serve me and I am strong enough to stay on the path of healing. I am divine. I am a soul in a human body experinging life. Writing this makes me feel whole. As whole as watching a morning sunrise.
I like the affirmations game.
Song: Blue Velvet- Lana Del Rey
How have I been on a happy journey? A happiness journey is done alone. That's how my journey sounds.
I am excited for the future.
I want to think about affirmations that trigger a reaction from the universe
I am done with labeling myself with words. I was once at a point where thatā€™s the only answer I couldnā€™t understand but now that I can feel myself filling in my body more, saying affirmations like I am healthy and I am beautiful arenā€™t sparking my world as much.
I am grateful for today and all itā€™s blessings.
I feel like I would thrive in a christan college or something.
I am attracting
That is my favorite affirmation because the law of attraction supports the message.
I wou
Going through old dmā€™s with friends makes me so happy. I like to look at the posts we used to share.
People are still people.
I want a new camera. I am so excited to move back in with my parents. I do not want to pay bills. I cannot accept that idea. Now that I am a dedicated geek it will be easy to live with them. I literally will always have writing and I will always have books. I will need a job once I get to seattleā€¦. I feel like I will be judged for whichever job I take. I need to pick the job that makes me the happiest and most stable, and makes a lot of money.
I can't let go of the ten thousand memories.
Someone's face on instagram stories made me happy. Okay itā€™s 5:37pm I am playing the
Song: While Weā€™re Young- Jhne Aiko. I have no intention of moving out of my seat. However, I want a cigarette, I need water, and Itā€™s time to do yoga and meditate. Maybe I can push yoga and meditation to the last hour of my night.
Dude I hate snow so much right now. It just destroyed my plans. Now I really feel like a bum.
I can hear your bones clacking when you do karate.
8:21pm Hi PenPal.
I am deciding if I should leave the house or not.
I donā€™t know what part of me I'm healing but I felt something there.
Is canceling basic???
9:29pm. I kinda feel like I am waking up a bit more. Iā€™m eating cheese fries with diced green onion and garlic powder.
I am deciding if I should go hang out on a blind date or not.
I canā€™t communicate a no right now ugh. I have been staring for so long. Ā 
Jungle is when you canā€™t decide. Okay 9:40pm. This is an indecisive moment so a lot of time is passing. Omg I have to figure out my choices in this life. I guess I decided I didnā€™t want to see this new person today. Is it impossible to get me off the couch right now. Or is the other option white.
My spirit angel will know what that means. I need to finish some nacho cheese and I need to throw my bathroom stuff in my car and everything up until my mattress goes in my car.
Okay I have to remember to pack everything into my car and then grab nail polish remover for my roommate. I am eating more hot cheetos with nacho cheese. Woah, I want to put on the sound of bath music now. I am going to bed soon. I need to remain calm. I feel maybe a little too excited when Iā€™m stressed. Itā€™s a fun thing to be stressed about. I am here today. What does being in fern mean? That sounds very human. Like ha you have to be a human. 10:06pm. Sooo I need to finish my food and wash my dishes asap. I am DUDde. I'm in admiration. I am happy I earned money today and I am happy I donated belongings. My human also ran to a #McDonalds for $1 french fries. I canceled plans with somebody. I did yoga. A plane ticket was sent to my email, someone complimented my headphones, 10:10pm, #YSL. Dude I need to work on my vision board and 7 year timeline for what I want to accomplish. Can the universe take me to the #ysl of #nature?
What does that look like?
Dude a tiny green hippo eating a red apple.
Maybe I was talking a lot about the vision board but where else did I want to create a collage? Skeletons doing karate.
So am I going to start creating collages now? Hmm I will save photos from pinterest to use. I donā€™t want to go on my phone so I will try and doodle this. I lost track of my pen. So now thereā€™s 68 things I have to do before I can get a pen. Iā€™m happy I got to hang out with my sloth though. Itā€™s storming outside. With no plan to collect the bag, I present to you, sleepy time. I finished my popsicle. I wonder what I learned today and what I contributed to the world. I should drink water.I want to watch a movie. I feel tired. I donā€™t know the plan but I have patience. I also want to go to bed soon.
I am working at a collage lol.
I need to think of more text.
Umm is there an adam and eve movie
I am looking at the art section on tumblr. I am so so tired PenPal, I am not looking forward to dealing with that.
I am listening to a guided meditation. Itā€™s nice because itā€™s giving me something to do. I am beyond exhasused. Stank, itā€™s time you clean.
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Tumblr media
#canva #2022visionboard #soundbath #visionstatus
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Tuesday, December 28th, 2021
PenPal, Hi!
Keep this between me and you but ivā€™e been smelling ketchup.
Yes, even metaphorically.
the stress of being a woman. Meditation is the way I fight. Ā I just jumped out of my meditation to write this all down. After I yawned I heard something blow through my ear.
I really want one of those game sets where you can use a toy scalpel to dig at a block of dirt until you find a crystal. I saw one at my old job. Itā€™s 5:99. God let me get realistic, I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to drive back to Washington. Itā€™s snowing a lot. And my car doesnā€™t get snow. Shit I needed to call my dad and grandma.
Iā€™m doing my dishes now penpal. I made really good grilled cheese. Rosemary sourdough, with olive garden ranch on the sides that touch the pan, and generic brand sliced cheese. I think my dream job is to become a tumblr writer.
Song: So Good At Being in Trouble
I wonder how my soul family is doing. I feel very connected to my spirit angels today. I am also packing. In another perfect life I am weaning a turtleneck and have a car that can withstand snow. But for now I put my clothes in yummy smelling trash bags Even the stained ones.
I put more stuff in my car yesterday. I smeared my nails when they were still wet.
I must finish packing my belongings into my car. I will also give trinity my bong
Good Tourture
I literally just saw the day get brighter.
Do I constantly have anxiety eating at me? I am having an identity attack.
I canā€™t figure out how to move my life back to seattle. Iā€™m worrying. Like mad. But I spoke on the phone with my parents about our options. I am in a situation where I have to sell everything. The only problem is that I canā€™t find people to buy the items. Do I donate everything and request a tax refund. How tragic is that, my life gets swiped. PenPal Iā€™m grateful to have this moment. I am blinded by romantisizing my time. No money gets made. I am living this way now, and I believe past me wanted to see me now. Except experiencing this present moment is also painful. I find it interesting how I found a positive and a negative so quickly. Also I just realized the only negative I can share is through self-hatred. These words might now sit lightly on the mouth. My sould feel fragile today. Iā€™m obsessed with this move. I dont want it to happen. Maybe I can work a low-income job for a few more monthsā€¦ Even the universe needs me to make more money. I need to make a plan.
I am making a plan to make an abundance of money because I feel stuck.
Someone is picking up a piece of my furniture today. I really hope I didnā€™t pressure her into buying it. I am making an abundance of money fo
My higher power includes making an abundance of money.
My higher power includes a plan for making an abundance of money.
My higher power includes security
My higher power is making paintings and selling them.
Anything is possible.
The art of life
If I could do this for the rest of my life I would be completeā€¦ Right now Iā€™m below rock bottom. So below I started enjoying rock music. Ā I see this burning. This dream has potential. I can maybe start to manifest my dream life. Except I need to make a plan to earn the money first. I can imagine people dancing in their success. It haunts me like a bee sting. I love it though because I know it exists. The thought is like a blanket covering my mind but the actual dream feels so so far away.
Itā€™s 3:50 pm. Can I fantisize about my happiness? God I did not turn out to be a team player. My character thrives in fantasy. Maybe thatā€™s why I love learning about philosophy. Or even anything that explains the real reasons behind why anything exists. Maybe people can understand me through the sky.
Itā€™s funny how there are those who look for answers down on earth. Then thereā€™s the people who look for answers in the stars.
Hi PenPal, the sunset right now is nice. The colors include pink. a baby elephant pink. Dark blue, a sly blue, a while blue. My roommate dog is very curious. I like there is a medium animal that sometimes approaches you. And it has the cutest eyes so I forget that deep down he has the urge to bite my hand off. In the clouds I see a submarine, a bird.
How has social media consumed my time?
Shadow man is a reflection of a brain that consumes media. Ā I can
Are you connected to any art dealers that would like to buy my paintings. I know there are far more talented artists out there, but learning the art of painting is what Iā€™m passionate about. It would mean the world to me if you could get me connected to someone interested. Thanks and happy new years!
I am interested in making a magazine/ book that has pages full of poems, photos, journal entries, drawings. Shadow Man is something nice Ā to look at.
Shadow man gives a smile to the blessed.
Hi penpal I was guided to make a 7 year timeline of my life.
Well Iā€™m a little overwhelmed but I want to give it a try.
But before I do, Iā€™ll tell you what I made for dinner.
I took leftover rice and added soy sauce, onion powder, basil, oregano, cucumbers, green onions, and yellow onions. All itā€™s missing is red and green peppers. Iā€™m eating it with a large slice of rosemary sourdough. I want seconds. Iā€™m terrified of filling in the blanks. I could stay in California for longer if I needed to. And it feels like I need to because of the snow storm. But it wouldnā€™t be easy. I would have to find someone to stay with and find a job. Iā€™m consumed with my tiny personal projects.I am fighting the feeling that I am wasting life. How negative. I really must believe in myself on a more subconscious level.
I still havenā€™t competed the timeline 9:15pm. I finished a small walk. I am hearing the affirmation ā€œSTOPā€.
Earn yoga instructor certificate
Coninue networking for art dealers
Sell my lady flow painting for $12,000
Sell my 2 paintings for $7,000
Finish butterfly bead piece
All I have is time ahead of me. I must create my reality. Fill in the column on the right side of the page with what you want to accomplish in your life.
PenPal, there was something I had to tell you. Ā Iā€™ll eventually rember. I almost continued loading my stuff into my car. I am waiting for my date to pick me up. I am having a good day. I am happy I am making the most of my time.
I think I would rather be overbooked with stuff than have nothing to do.
I am deeply connected to doom.
I have to be home at 11pm to sell my crystal case. Itā€™s gween.
My face is heating up and my date is here. I need a tissue and I guess Iā€™m going to go now.
Okay soā€¦ hi PenPal.
The date came to an end. I was expecting to spend hours with that person. No more excpecting.
I heard I was a secret. I make men run away in tears. I donā€™t think I can date for a while.
Iā€™m eating a bagel with cream cheese. I honestly feel like my soul has been dipped in scum and this current life I'm living is me experiencing all the sum I can scrape off my soul. This makes me believe in past lives. Ā Ilike keeping a record of my spiritual awakenings. I can express them through art.
Itā€™s like I can talk with myself. I enjoy writing to you, PenPal. I need to get up and find my bag so I can go on #Instagram. My friend posted photos of me. And I want to download them to my phone.
I wonder what red flags he saw in me. These are my vending machine thoughts
Photo idea. Vending machine with a fairy making a purchase and the text ā€œ I wonder what red flags he saw in meā€.
I think I just heard someone fall out of their chair. Also I made $100 today. Everything about today has been spectacular. I even got the feeling that the worst thing that could happen is I cry myself to sleep. It feels cool to familiarize yourself with pain.
How is my life right now, just life after highschool. Honesty I feel like I fucking fell asleep and woke up a slut. I was supposed to say artist. Ā 
This is still frustrating. I need to get up now. I swear the universe is jealous. Or at least mine is.
My ā€œwho caresā€ character gets put into exercise quite often. I feel like pain is healing in another form. Simular to love and hate, where we can say theyā€™re both powerfully equal. Maybe when youā€™re experiencing pain itā€™s because you also experience feeling healed.
Feeling healed to me is like when youā€™re doing your job right. Or riding your bike when you were a child. But or buying a new pair of shoes. Or not wearing shoes when youā€™re not supposed to. Or walking through grass without any shoes. Or when youā€™re walking and you almost step on a slug. But then you donā€™t because you were able to move your foot fast enough. But now Iā€™m wondering, does the slug feel the pain? Did he sense his own fear and begin to experience pain? Was the fear painful? Do slugs sense fear in that way? Being so open as an artist has brought me so much freedom. That being said, the world doesnā€™t love me. The world doesnā€™t love free women. Or maybe the world loves them too much and cannot find a way to let go. Does the world need to be freed by women? My universe definitely needs a spell fixed. My angels keep me safe. My angels provide me with abundance. My angels provide me with an abundance of wealth. My angels provide me with excellent decision making skills. Before tonight I have to meditatie. I have to shower. And make everything feel more alright. Itā€™s time I start getting ready for bed. Goodnight PenPal. I need to find my sloth and hug it omg
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Is this how you make money?
IF I MAKE A MAGAZINE WOULD ANYONE BUY IT???????? I like art stuff teehee
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Sunday, December 26th, 2021
Good Evening, PenPal
I am once again upset at #Tumblr for deleting my draft. I did an album review of Adelā€™s new album, #30. I wrote about the feelings that each song brought up. It was an amazing album. Iā€™ve listened to the same 3 songs and a lot of her old music throughout my day. Todayā€™s been okay. Another day as an unemployed and rotting woman. I am always reminded of this feeling of loneliness. Throughout the day I found ways to have fun. In fact, I thanked myself for learning how to entertain myself so well. However, my smile dropped when I remembered I always wanted to be someone worth more than a person focused on their self-love. I know that sounds silly and even like a sel-savatoging statement, but itā€™s the truth in my mind. I thought I would be invited to these secret society parties and at the least be treated with respect. But not here in LA. Or at least not for me. Iā€™m not one of those people that can remember movie lines or famous artist names. Thatā€™s how I can tell Iā€™m not one of them. I can tell you about my day, PenPal. I woke up and did yoga and meditation outside in my back lot. I introduced myself to a neighbor. I met his brother not too long ago and we hung out. I wanted to invite him to my apartment tonight but he has already traveled back home. I made a stop by the library. I got a new mystery. I hate fiction but it should help with my social awareness. I read through some chapters at the beach. Had a cigarette there. I also meditated which felt nice. I was freezing. The tips of my fingers were numb. When I made it back to my apartment I jumped in bed and binged Netflix for a few hours. I made rice. I burned a potato. After watching more netflix I decided it was time I do something with my life so I took myself to a drive-thru. I ate my food at the beach and did an orical card reading. Now I am back in my apartment, ready to fight in the dream world even though being conscious is hard enough. I wonder what dreams I will have tonight.
I am being struck with the feeling that Iā€™m missing something. That I am still hungry. Could my ego be that giant? Asking for more of something when I canā€™t even identify it.
A thought that totally makes 100% sense: You know how regular people hate elightned people, is that because they are more enlightened? They see the enlightened as the obvious while they are pursuing another force. That must mean they have a lot of talent. Do they feel rewarded? Whatā€™s our differences?
I found a website that has jobs I want to apply for. I will ask my friend for help on applying. I fear I canā€™t do it alone.
Affirmation Time:
I am worthy of receiving my blessings
I receive beautiful treatment
I am worthy of love
I am worthy of my success
I am way more than enough
I am blessed
I am collecting money
I am collecting cash in bills and coins cre
I am collecting money in my savings account
I am watching the ainase am a yoga studio receptionist
My computer is restored
I changed my wallpaper. I am going to try and not wash my hair for a while.I can feel the texture become hard and knotted.
Tomorrow for breakfast I am having an egg over brown rice. Yay..
I want to remind myself of what I said many years ago. I said there's no point in forming connections with anyone because I will be gone soon. I passed by the most incredible people because I didnā€™t want to hurt and traumatize them. I didnā€™t want them to know me alive. Not many people know me alive. Does my name ring a bell in anyones name? Here I am, alone in a city Iā€™m not from. And I am wondering if anyone can find a fuck to give to my name. Again with the obession of what everyone has to think about me. When I was younger it was like a root of my passion. I could ask so many questions on the topic of perception and have fun conversations on it. But now everyones grown and is making money off all the answers. At least I am aware of the gears needed to leave me out. Inserting myself always seemed like a humiliating option. Not that I oppose trying, but it always comes out the wrong way when the message is delivered from my mouth. I bet theyā€™re calling me crazy. I would agree. Just today I thought about how I am not pregnant and it was funny that that is what mattered to me this morning. I am deeply upset and deeply frustrated. I am hurt and afraid to love. Itā€™s not something that comes easy for me, I like to make it confusing because I know the world is confusing and thatā€™s how you play those cards. Right? I just know I should trust myself. Everything is just a manifestation.
A letter to my younger self,
I am sorry you spent time consuming when you wanted to create. I am sorry nobody laughed with you and I am sorry they yelled instead. They are human too, please have the strength to understand that. My younger self, I would hold you so tight and give you the biggest hug, You were so good. You were bad in the right ways too. You knew how to play with your imagination, I think that is a lucky life to have. I wish I could tell you to yell, to scream, and to punch when you felt like it. Expressing those actions arenā€™t just for the characterā€™s in movies. I love how younger me paid such close attention to the actors and the way they moved. Like I was always learning from the human dance. I think itā€™s funny how I was always so impressed and shocked at how people could flow so naturally. A part of me like that still exists, it just feels half as heavy. I think my ego has protected me there, or maybe I'm just not around anyone to observe. I would tell younger me to never touch a man and to never let a man touch me.
Something my spirit guides want me to share: I am good at hearing scripts and due to the tone, I feel like it changes my course of life. I am super sensitive to hearing people talk so I may look like I'm expressing interest when in reality Iā€™m scared or uncomfortable. I would like to make the voices go away. They scare me. It makes me think I am being watched or felt when I donā€™t want that.
All together, I might just be a bad deal.
Who is she? To break rules she didnā€™t mind existed. To upset the fool and receive nothing in return. Besides hearing her own forgiveness, she turns humiliation to anger. Wishing to disapear after showing she can transform into someone more than sweetness. Ā Is her sweetness her weakness?
I canā€™t stop checking my phone tonight, something must be happening, right spirit angels? Do I want to even know, wonā€™t the truth just hurt.
I am excited to live at home again. I think I may move to Oregon after a while. Do I dedicate myself to spirituality, meditation, and yoga. How do I support myself? If I make this my goal, I will find challenges but at least I will have a goal. I wonder how successful I can become in this path. How long will I stay with my parents ? I am excited because itā€™s something I can do.
Itā€™s funny how I went to college and I still canā€™t function. Will I go to yoga teacher school?
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
Saturday. December 25, 2021
Morning, PenPal.
I woke up very sad today. I am in bed feeling restless. A check that was supposed to come in the mailĀ many weeks ago hasnā€™t. I was lied to, they took my work with out paying me. I went outside to check the mail. When I opened the box it was empty. I sat down on my neighbors steps. I heard the buzzing of a hummingbird surrounding the feeder. I made a prayer on behalf of my mistakes. I can imagine everyone smiling today. With their loved ones and presents. Their intake of life is large. Iā€™m seen as a scary human to those people. ha. I will never trust somebodyā€™s love again. I feel numb today. PenPal, how has everything gone the way itā€™s not supposed to? I was supposed to be a psychologist providing help for people-making their lives better. Iā€™m stuck in the cycle of not knowing what I want to do since those closest to me believe Iā€™m the one who needs help. Iā€™m disappointed in myself, deeply. I am sad to be alone. A tear from my eyes because I canā€™t stop hearing what his love has to offer. Even his smell lingers. Itā€™s wild. The last thing I would want is for anyone to know how bad it hurts to be beneath my skin. Please stop. Just leave. I am hurting. I blink my eyes into reality. This might sound dumb, PenPal. Thoughts and feelings like that make me never want to care. I am embarrassed to care. I loved but I let them go. I canā€™t wait to make a friend when I move back to Seattle. What big mistake did I make to always get wronged? Ā Maybe itā€™s because I talked to a man when I wasn't supposed to. Hung out with a girl that smiled when my heart would break. Took a job thatĀ I'm far over qualified for.Ā 
I got an interview to schedule with a yoga studio back in Seattle. It pays well. But I will only work short hours.Ā 
I figured he wanted me to be his mystery woman. And thatā€™s all. How token of me. A shadow, backseat rider. Afraid to be yelled at. For me, anything goes. This was my mistake. People hate people like me, Why was I born this way? I asked that in my prayer this morning.Ā 
Starting the New YearsĀ thereā€™s things I want to do every day.Ā 
I want to take a photo of my face and hold both my hands below my chin in a V formation.Ā 
I want to write to PenPal every day and publish my letter on Tumblr.
Ā I want to meditate for at least 5 minuets. And do yoga for at least 10.Ā 
I feel irrational. How embarrassing.Ā 
Iā€™m reading sad comments on a sad playlist on youtube. Itā€™s comforting. I wonder who is behind the pain. It reminds me of the anonymous smell behind a shirt you would pick up at the thrift store. Ā You just donā€™t know.Ā 
SONG:Ā A soulmate who wasn't meant to be - Jessica Benko
A particular love reminds me weā€™re destined for the same. My inner peace is at play when Iā€™m looking from the outside and not participating in the warmth.Ā 
Now that I am reflecting on everything since march, I have come to the conclusion that my old habits found a way to stalk me. I feel where I was a year ago. Excited for the future and terrified of the past. I was taught to feel this way my 19th birthday after I was admitted to receive mental treatment. To always be hopeful of the future. But here I feel I turned back to my old crazy low-self esteem self. My self love journey thrived during the 11 months I was here alone. But I still know I canā€™t amount to other people around me. They know more, and can bend more. I got mad from how happy other people were. I got mad from how mad other people were. The tone wouldnā€™t leave me alone.Ā 
Who hurt you? Who hasnā€™t?Ā 
I finished the movie Corpse Bride. And my favorite line was Lillies for sweetness and roses for love.Ā 
Hi PenPal. I am going to do my dishes now.Ā 
Why is there an Orca by the mushroom. What was there first?Ā 
Chapter: I will remember shortly.
Ā Chapter: I'm babysitting myself?
dude I did peekaboo to sloth after my meditation. Ā To prove my theory from yesterday, I begin working at 1:14pm.
I have toast in the toaster toasting. Because itā€™s bread once before and now itā€™s toasting.Ā 
I am eating toast and coffee
dude yea Iā€™m alone standoff vibes
Ā So now I am eating a popsicle.Ā 
How could you be wasting your life away?Ā 
5:16pm Awake from my nap. Itā€™s still faintly light outside. It makes me want to stay awake until the sun rises. I should get out of bed.My mind has also been on making food.Ā 
5:31pm Itā€™s far more dark.
Song: Bitches Broken Hearts- Billie EilishĀ 
My stomach got excited. I am going to make ramen. I wonder what I have to get to right now.Ā 
I have many film cameras I have yet to develop. I didnā€™t go outside today. I want to watch another show. My mind needs to be distracted by something.Ā 
Maybe I can watch something while I eat my food.Ā 
I am watching Emily in Paris. I have a photo I want to edit. I finished eating my ramen. I can reheat tea.Ā 
I love sitting on the floor. I just went for a skate. I went to a park beach and heard a mans voice. I got scared so now I am back home, I am having tea. I canā€™t stop thinking about candles. And books. I need new ones. I am obsessed with #Spotify.Ā 
Song: Test & Recognize- Flume Edit - Seekae, Flume
I am now cleaning up storage on my computer
I like eating out of a glass bowl. I poured a can of beans for a snack, I added lemon and seasoning, Itā€™s 10:10pm I am still waiting for a photo to upload on my instagram. I canā€™t upload the photo anywhere.Ā 
Song: Sex Dream; Marine- Ā infinite bisons.
How am I at the point in my life where I am just content with a roof over my head? I guess I walk around neighborhoods a lot, I like houses. I canā€™t wait to go camping. I am going to pour the rest of the beans. My new friend just crossed my mind. I think I should invite him over. What if we just sit in awkward silence again? Am I in the mood to break silence? I was singing earlier. But if I can think if a good prompt then I don't mind writing for the rest of tonight. BTW #Google is my friend at this point I ask that box all my life questions. Also sometimes I like to pretend Iā€™m in a #Googlecommercial because those always make me cry! Theyā€™re actually the best. I liked the Sign of The Times one.
My favorite things in my kitchen are Icing and Soy Sauce packets. Those packets are just the perfect size. You can really ruin a dish with too much sauce and soy sauce sometimes pours out really fast.Ā 
I added lavender and half a lemon to boiling water to help make the apartment smell a bit better. It was smelling awful after I threw away my flowers.
I need a milkshake or some kind of dessert. Ā I just got the best Idea, I want a dessert from #McdDonalds. But I donā€™t want to drive. But I donā€™t want to skate. So I want ice cream but I donā€™t want to move? Woah. #McDonalds is worth the hype because I am very excited. I bought a case of water bottles. I should have just gotten a gallon. However, at the grocery store I did have a mental breakdown doing the math on which one is better.Ā 
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
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humancupid444 Ā· 3 years
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