humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Woman play different roles depending upon the branch. Reform Jewish women have a similar role as that of men, but if you are Orthodox, things are certainly harder, and different.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Judaism diffused mainly through migration diffusion, since it's an ethnic religion. Lots of it has remained in the Middle East but it has notable nodes all over the world, such as in America and Europe. The total number of adherents is around 14 million.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Judaism is one of the three Abrahamic religions. The others are Christianity, and Islam. They all have similar core values dispite countless cultural differences and taboos. They all follow a certain number of the Abrahamic commandments.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
A current event in the Jewish religion is the Celebration of Hannukah, which just ended last saterday night. It is the celebration of lights, which is a holiday that spans over 8 days, that is celebrated every year in december. It is often reffered to as the celebration of lights.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Some events of historical signifigance include happenings of the Old Testament as found in the Torah, the diffusion of Judaism throughout the world.
The Holocaust was also a very important event in Jewish history because it diminished millions of the religion's adherents, which is huge. It is one of the many instances in history when Jews have been persecuted.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
The major divisions in the Jewish church are the following;
Orthodox Jews- maintain the most traditional practices of the religion, may be considered more conservative. Orthodox synagogues are gender segregated.
Reform Jews- formed during the 19th century to try and promote alignment with the European Enlightenment. They don't always keep Kosher, dress code, and circumcision. It is largest in the US.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
7 and 8.
There are many Jewish prayers to be said on different occasions.
Some of the 613 commandments include dietary laws or Kosher laws that involve things like not eating pork products.
The Hebrew calander is a lunisolar calander that begins in September, as opposed to January. It was originally formed around agricultural reasons, such as the harvest that came late in the year. 
One of the most important holidays of the year is Rosh Hashannah, which usually begins around September and starts the new year. It is accompanied by Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, during which you fast from sun up to sun down.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
5 and 6.
The holy book of Judaism is the Tanakh, which includes the Torah, and then has the prophetic books.
The place of worship is the Temple or the Synagogue.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Jews have 613 commandments, 10 of which were given to Moses written on stone tablets. These are 10 rules to live by, always. They were guidlines that God gave us to make our lives and interactions with each other better. He just knew what was good for us, like a parent. Jews ask for forgiveness and follow cultural rules like fasting to say sorry for their sins and ask God's forgivness.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
God is called Yaweh. Abraham, Moses, and Jesus are all examples of important prophets. Rabbis are also very important because they are teachers.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
1 and 2.
Judaism originated in Israel, and was created by Abraham, (who has been covered in Christianity and Islam.) God chose the Israeites to follow his covenant and to obey and love him above all else, as he loved them. They are his chosen people and may always depend on him. Israel, today, is still very much inhabited by Jews.
Judaism is monotheistic, and ethinic. You may convert to Judaism, but the process is very lengthy, tedious, and difficult.
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
Introduction to Judaism.
Judaism is often reffered to as "the oldest monotheistic religion." The Israelites are God's chosen people, and they are waiting for the coming of his son, the Messiah. Judaism is an Abrahamic religion, as are Christianity and Islam. It is (in my opinion) the coolest of all the religions. There well over 12 million Jews all over the world today, although it originated in Israel, which is the most holy land in Judaism. It values loving one's neighbor, making peace, and also on faith in God. (or Yaweh, which is the most holy name for God and isn't really used, since it is so sacred.)
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
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humangeo5thperiod · 12 years
15 and 16.
15- Covered in earlier posts.
Sikhism was formed around the equality of all human beings, and so therefore women, young people, elderly people, everyone, it ideally thought of as equal.
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