hummingbirddrabbles · 3 years
I'm excited about the Diamond/Pearl remakes! Pearl was my favourite out of the Sinnoh trio.
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hummingbirddrabbles · 3 years
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that feeling when pokemon contest
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hummingbirddrabbles · 3 years
list of reasons why pearl pokespe is autistic
- he’s super impatient and expects everyone to run on his schedule at first
- struggles to communicate sometimes, can come off as bossy because of it
- super smart when he can focus on a puzzle long enough
- experiences sensory overload
- king of hyperfocusing
- comedy and puns are his special interests
- able to take in information and process it on a subconsious level so he can “predict” pokemon attacks just before they make them sometimes
- Extreme Luxio. Just. That Whole Chapter
- more specifically “it’s got a disability, so it can’t communicate clearly with the rest of you. that’s no reason to reject it!!”
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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hummingbirddrabbles · 3 years
Hey babes, time for my half-page of fanfic for the Blue adopts Blake thing because there was a tiny bit I wanted to write and then didn't feel like continuing.
So here's the intro to a fic I will never complete, though I may throw scraps here and there.
@xadhoom-xado, you may take this as you like for your version of this AU, the writing bug just got me for this bit.
Blue had long been ambivalent about InterPol. She could appreciate the idea; the world couldn’t rely on a handful of children to take care of every disaster, and the Gym Leaders were mostly focused on their own regions, as was tradition.
In theory, InterPol could track organizations like Team Rocket and their admins across regional lines and keep them from getting too far into their plans.
In practice, though, they really weren’t that useful. Team Rocket had reformed three times in under ten years, Giovanni was still at large, Sird was no closer to being captured than she was four years ago, Pryce of all people was back in Mahogany Town with no consequences, and, according to Silver’s intel, Lance was only in hiding for the threat of Yellow coming after him again.
They didn’t use their resources very well.
But the resources were good. And they paid very well for the tech she’d made when she was twelve. So she had worked with them. Occasionally.
But last time she visited, she saw something. And then she. Saw. Red. Who agreed that it was pretty fucked up.
She needed a plan.
This was not the plan.
She was supposed to go in, accuse them of unethical conduct, remind them of their history of fuckups, and threaten to sell her inventions elsewhere and release the ones she’d already sold them. Maybe, if they were difficult, she’d leverage her connections and power as a Dexholder. Worst case, she’d have to fight.
She’d had escape routes planned, prepped her Pokemon with new items to boost their power, hid Ditty as a layer over her shirt, anything to make sure she could take whatever they might throw at her.
They weren’t supposed to give in at step one.
She kept expecting a trick; that they wouldn’t let her leave, or set someone to track her when she left. But… nothing. Here she was, not a scratch on her Pokemon, no sign of a tail evident even to her paranoid eye, back in Pallet Town.
With a five year old.
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hummingbirddrabbles · 3 years
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My redraw for Specord’s panel redraw event! I was assigned the SwSh arc, so I chose a panel featuring Schilly and Tera. It was super fun, thank you for the event organizers, partakers and spectators! And the original panel was this:
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hummingbirddrabbles · 4 years
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(pokespe) theyre cute u_u
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hummingbirddrabbles · 4 years
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hummingbirddrabbles · 5 years
Sapphire’s “jealousy” - an analysis post
I’m not gonna beat around the bush here, so let’s get it here quickly. We all saw Sapphire displayed such an aggressive manner with her jealousy in the ORAS arc, especially in chapter 20. But what if there’s something more than that?
See, Sapphire is an insecure girl. I repeat: she is insecure. She got that ever since the Salamence attacked her and Ruby. Signs of her insecurities were showed in RS (specifically in Volume 18, chapter 216: Mixing it up with Macargo, pages 29 - 30) where she beat herself up when she found out that Team Aqua fooled her, thus, making her question herself and her skills. She even called herself “stupid” because she failed to catch them.
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Don’t even get me started when she said she doesn’t wanna slow Ruby down in Volume 21, chapter 256, page 134.
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How did it lead up to this? Why would you say that Sapphire is insecure? Aren’t jealousy and insecurity two different things? Hear me out.
Sapphire grew up in the wild for the first 10 years of life. Meaning that she doesn’t know how to act properly around people. She isn’t quite civilized, not yet, but she’s learning.
Insecurity is the root cause as to why Sapphire got jealous over Lisia when she thought Ruby was doing that to Wallace’s niece. Put yourself in Sapphire’s shoes and observe: Lisia is perfect just like Ruby. It would make sense that Sapphire thinks they fit more than her and Ruby. After all, she and Ruby are complete opposites, and when Sapphire saw them together, her insecurities consumed her, making her act aggressively jealous in everyone’s eyes. Ruby was unaware of this, but I’m glad he told her how he felt in ORAS chapter 20.
Even though Sapphire never mentioned that Lisia is perfect, you could see it from her actions how she avoids talking about or talking to Lisia. A good example is Ruby introducing Lisia to Sapphire. She stormed out because she got insecure. She will formally meet the perfect (not to mention girly) person and she couldn’t stand being in the same room as that kind of person. As a result, she displayed her insecurities in angry fashion in that scene. A perfect person for Sapphire is someone like Ruby and seeing Lisia being someone as perfect as Ruby made her insecure. Lisia likes contests like Ruby and she’s also super girly - something she wasn’t. Imagine being introduced to the most perfect person in the world.
Pokespe ORAS arc also showed Ruby leaving out Sapphire from the mission of saving the world because he wanted to protect her. Sapphire, being a Pokedex Holder and being herself, wanted to help people. Ruby knew she wouldn’t hesitate to put her life on the line. And that is the reason why he left her out; he didn’t want to lose her. When Sapphire found out about it, however, it did nothing but increase her insecurities. It didn’t help that Ruby wanted to see Lisia because she has their contest outfits. And Ruby wanting to see Lisia made Sapphire more insecure. She thought they were in this together? Why did he want to see her? Sapphire didn’t know this until Ruby told her how he feels.
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Winter holidays are just around the corner, so I thought I might spread the cheer by hosting a giveaway— Reblog or like this post for a chance to win the entire BNHA sweet dreams charm set + a BNHA picnic postcard!!!
Both reblogs and likes count!
You do not have to follow me, but new followers are always welcome <3
You may reblog multiple times, but please do not spam your followers. (Giveaway blogs do not count.)
Winner will be announced on December 7th!
If you ordered/preordered the charms already and you win the giveaway, I will refund your payment and ship to you for free!
I ship worldwide! If the winner does not respond to my message within 48 hours, I will pick another winner ;w;
May pick more winners if there are many participants :3
You can also order/preorder the charms at: califlair.bigcartel.com <3 Thank you so much for your support and best of luck to everyone!!!
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Winter holidays are just around the corner, so I thought I might spread the cheer by hosting a giveaway— Reblog or like this post for a chance to win the entire BNHA sweet dreams charm set + a BNHA picnic postcard!!!
Both reblogs and likes count!
You do not have to follow me, but new followers are always welcome <3
You may reblog multiple times, but please do not spam your followers. (Giveaway blogs do not count.)
Winner will be announced on December 7th!
If you ordered/preordered the charms already and you win the giveaway, I will refund your payment and ship to you for free!
I ship worldwide! If the winner does not respond to my message within 48 hours, I will pick another winner ;w;
May pick more winners if there are many participants :3
You can also order/preorder the charms at: califlair.bigcartel.com <3 Thank you so much for your support and best of luck to everyone!!!
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
blease provide us with the most wonderful sapphire headcanons, because youre the expert of course!
Aww, thank you so much for the ask! I’ll do my best! Even though I’m not really the “expert”, hehe, but aww, I really appreciate it. T^T
But I have to keep in mind that these are my personal headcanons about Sapphire so some of you may agree or disagree with it. If you disagree, that’s alright! We all have our own personal headcanons for Sapphire.
So I’m gonna share my top 5 headcanons, and without further ado, let’s start! ^^
Keep reading
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Silver is a water boy….
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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some sketches of silver 
( i say sketch, i spent a few hours on these but theyre messy so theyre still sketches)
please dont tag as kin/me/id/ect
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Art by Mizu.
If you enjoy the art and the translation, then be sure to support the artist by commenting, following, bookmarking, ect
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Father-son bonding. When one of them is awake to hear it, finally.
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
Promo-ing my friend’s frantic fic! It’s lovely, go check it out!
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Happy birthday, Sapphire!
To honor her birthday, I colored some panels of her in ORAS! Other than that, I also published a new multi-chap franticshipping fanfic!
Title: Incomplete
Summary: Sapphire, alongside Moon, has worked hard over the past two years perfecting a miracle medicine. However, something happens that’ll put her relationships and career in danger. (Modern Day AU setting. Crime/Romance fic)
FFN link:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13070546/1/Incomplete
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16043540/chapters/37452356
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hummingbirddrabbles · 6 years
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Pokepse Silver Redraw! Looking a lot more dazed but oh well ! XD
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