hunchakala · 6 years
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Non-Playable Company <NPC> has moved to The Mists! Ward 2, Plot 50! We’ve been definitely enjoying the beach side view! (And showing off some swimwear…) :D
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hunchakala · 6 years
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by Ekaterina Pronina
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hunchakala · 6 years
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House of Refuge Museum
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hunchakala · 6 years
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hunchakala · 6 years
Send me a shade of color for my OC(s) to answer
Red - What makes you angry?
Crimson - Have you ever been in war? If so, describe how it impacted you
Maroon - What are you most passionate about?
Imperial - Are you in any position of power or authority? 
Ruby - Would you consider yourself impulsive or reckless?
Chili - Do you like spicy foods?
Brick - What are some things you dislike?
Rose - Would you consider yourself a romantic person?
Redwood - How tall are you? 
Wine - What is your opinion on alcohol? (and does it exist in your world?) 
Orange - What are some of your comfort foods?
Spice - Do you like to cook? Do you cook often?
Tangerine - What is your favorite fruit?
Peach - Are you generally a more gentle and soft spoken person or a louder and rougher person? 
Squash - Do you live in an agricultural setting?  If so, are you a farmer or something of the sort? What kind of crops do you grow?
Amber - Do you wield any sort of superpower? If so, what is it?  
Honey - Have you ever considered marrying someone? What is your opinion on marriage in general? 
Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?
Rust - Have you thought about becoming old? Can you become old? Are you scared of being old? What do you think about elders? 
Pumpkin - What is your favorite part of Autumn? (If that exists in your world)
Jumpsuit - Have you ever been arrested/ in trouble with authority?
Bronze - What is your favorite way to warm up when it’s cold 
Yellow - Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 
Dandelion - Would you consider yourself stubborn? 
Marigold - What types of flowers are in your setting? Do you have a favorite?
Blonde - What is your hair color? do you like it?
Lemon - Are you more of a clean or dirty person?
Safety - What is the most traumatic experience in your life?
Gold - Would you consider yourself more rich or poor, in comparison to the world you live in?
Butterscotch - Is there candy in the world you live in? If so, do you have a favorite one? 
Daffodil - Do you like trying new things? What is something new you’d like to try?
Sunshine - Are you a more active or lazy person? 
Green - Was there ever a time in your life that you went through a period of growth? describe it. 
Juniper - What is the nature like in your setting? 
Shamrock - Do you believe in luck? If so, are you a generally lucky person?
Pine- If camping exists in your wold, have you gone camping? did you like it? do you go often?
Green tea - Does Tea it exist in your world?  If so do you like it, and which kind is your favorite? 
Fern - Would you enjoy running a flower shop? 
Seafoam - Are there bodies of water in your setting? Describe them if you can
Mint - Does Ice cream exist in your world? If so, what is your favorite Ice cream flavor? 
Laurel - Is there a major victory you’ve achieved in your life? if so, what is it? 
Emerald - If you could be immortal, would you want to be? 
Brunswick - Are you a person who is often jealous? what makes you jealous most often? 
Avocado - Are you a health nut or a fan of junkfood? 
Army - Do you have a fighting style? If so, what is it?
Olive - What is your Greek personality type? (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholic)
Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative? 
Peacock - Are you a more flashy person, or do you like to blend in?
Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?
Arctic - Do you prefer warm or cool weather? 
Cerulean- What is your favorite way to cool down in hot weather?
Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?
Periwinkle -  Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
Denim - What is your fashion style?
Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it? 
Ultramarine - What is your favorite aquatic creature? (if they exist) 
Cobalt - Do you live in a world with freedom? Describe your opinion on the subject
Teal - What makes you feel most at peace? 
Turquoise - Are you good at communicating your feelings?   
Lapis - What is your opinion on religion and the afterlife? 
Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom? 
Purple - Is there magic in your world? if so, describe how it works
Violet - What is your ideal date?
Lilac - How would someone win you over?
Lavender - what is a smell you really like? 
Royal - How do politics work in your world?
Eggplant - What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
Amethyst- What is your aesthetic?
Mauve - What makes you feel nostalgic? 
Magenta - What is your Zodiac sign? 
Pink - Are you currently in a relationship? if so, who is your partner? 
Watermelon - what are your favorite summer activities?  
Bubblegum - Are you a sassy or sarcastic person? 
Salmon - Do you have any health issues or physical disabilities? 
Blush - Do you have a crush on anyone? If so, who is it?
Cotten candy - Would you say you have a sweet tooth?
Carnation - Are you comfortable with PDA? 
Rouge- Do you have an unpopular opinion? 
Pastel - Do you prefer pastel, bright, neon, or dark colors?
Coral - Do you have a strong moral code? What are some moral things that you feel strongly about?
Fuchsia - Are you a generally playful or goofy person? Who or what makes you feel playful or goofy? 
White - Do you consider yourself a good person? What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for somebody?
Snow - Have you ever seen snow? Do you like it? What do you like to do in the snow? 
Frost - What do you like to wear in cold weather?
Bone - When was the first time you ever witnessed death? How did it impact you?
Cotton - What do you like to wear for pajamas? 
Cream - Do you prefer Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa? (If your world has those things. If not, what sort of hot drinks do you have?)
Coconut - What would be your ideal vacation? 
Pearl - What do you look for in a romantic partner?
Parchment - Do you like to read or write? 
Lace - What would you name your child if you were to have one?
Porcelain - Do you consider yourself a delicate person? Do you fall apart easily? 
Salt - Would you consider yourself a mean person? What is it like to fight with you? 
Ghost- Are you easily scared? What scares you the most? 
Ivory - Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones and how well? 
Chiffon - Do you prefer a larger and cleaner environment, or a smaller and cozier one?
Alabaster - What is the most recognizable thing about you? What are people most likely to notice about you when they first meet you?
Egg-nog - Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what traditions do you have? Which are your favorite?
Ecru - Do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? 
Beige - What kind of foods do you eat when you’re bored?
Tan - What is your skin color? Do you like it, or do you wish you looked different?
Buttermilk - Do you prefer pancakes or waffles? (if those exist in your world)
Oatmeal - What is your usual breakfast?
Linen - What clothes do you wear to work?
Sugar cookie - What reminds you of your childhood? 
Sand - Have you ever been to a beach? If so, what’s your favorite thing to do at the beach? 
Hazel - What kind of folklore/myths/stories are told in your family/community?
Sepia - Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Buff - Would you consider yourself to be fit, fat, or skinny?
Latte - Do you like milk in your hot drinks? 
Brown- Where do you call home? 
Mocha - How do you like your coffee? (If you like coffee) 
Cinnamon - Which of the “Cinnamon Roll” memes fits you best? (looks like they could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll)
Tawny - Cats or Dogs? (or any animal for that matter)
Hickory - How smart are you? Would you consider yourself more book smart or street smart?
Leather - How “basass” would you say you are?
Brunette - If you could change your hair color, what would you change it to? 
Gingerbread - What is your favorite holiday? 
Penny - If you could make a substantial living doing anything, what would you do?
Chocolate - Do you like chocolate? If so, what is your favorite way to eat it? 
Chestnut - Have you ever ridden an animal? If so, which one? 
Umber - Who do you call your friend? How many Friends do you have?
Carob - What do you look for in a friend? 
Cedar - How old are you? 
Caramel - How much does sugar affect you? 
Mahogany- What is your moral alignment? (Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic good, Lawful neutral, True neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful evil, Neutral evil, Chaotic Evil)   
Peanut - Do you have any allergies? 
Grey/Gray - Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert? 
Shadow - What is your biggest regret? 
Silver - What do you imagine the future to be like? 
Graphite - Do you like to draw? If so, do you draw often? What do you like to draw?
Smoke - Have you ever taken any drugs? 
Fog - Was there ever a period in your life when you were confused and lost? how did you get out of it? 
Fossil - Do you have any older relatives other than your parents? If so, how many? Do you like them? 
Slate - If you could erase any memory from your life, would you do it? If so, which memory would you chose? 
Cloud - What do you spend the majority of your time thinking about? 
Ash - Is there something or someone from your past that you miss? 
Iron - Have you ever used a weapon? Do you own one? If so what is it?
Black - What is the darkest thing you’ve ever done? 
Ebony - Describe your family
Onyx - What are your nightmares most often about? 
Obsidian - Do you suffer from any mental disabilities? 
Spider - What irrational fears do you have? 
Charcoal - on a scale of one to ten how would you rate your survival skills? 
Soot - How hard do you work to achieve your goals? 
Midnight - Are you a night or morning person?
Raven - Can you fly? If not, do you ever dream about flying? 
Ink - write your autobiography in one sentence 
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hunchakala · 7 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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hunchakala · 7 years
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Lionel Walden
Seescape by moonlight
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hunchakala · 7 years
Okay so this piece of work was published by Kotaku. Yeah I know what a reputable source right? This was a craptasic article that in short says that the /doze emote is only meant for ERP. That’s right. /doze is only for ERP. I must have missed that memo when the emote was released. Oh! And did you know it’s only for your private chambers too? Must have missed that memo too because I guess those chairs in Costa or the ones you can put in your front yard aren’t suppose to allow you to /doze. Nope you’re using the emote wrong!
The writer behind this article obviously has no idea what the hell she’s writing about and interviewed one player about the use of this emote then went on to make assumptions about those who play dead in Ul’dah as being ERP’ers as well in the middle of the act. It’s a bullshit opinion piece that the writer had no desire to even look into what other views are of the emotes we have because that wouldn’t get her any clicks. She’s a puffed up blogger that got some job with Kotaku writing crap like this. I think she needs to go back to her personal gaming blog because if this is what passes as an article then a lot of us should go get jobs at Kotaku.
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hunchakala · 7 years
Miqo’te level 15 retainer on a quick venture:
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Miqo’te level 50 retainer on a quick venture:
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Miqo’te level 70 retainer on a quick venture:
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Miqo’te level 70 gathering retainer on an 18-hour venture:
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hunchakala · 7 years
when ur friend won’t show u their art
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hunchakala · 7 years
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Pirate Merlwyb 👀👀👀
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hunchakala · 7 years
If your muse is attracted to my muse’s LOOKS, send a ➤ !! If your muse is attracted to my muse’s PERSONALITY, send a ★ !!  If your muse is attracted to mine ROMANTICALLY, send a ❥ !! If your muse is attracted to mine PLATONICALLY, send a ✿ !! If your muse is attracted to mine SEXUALLY, send a Ⓡ !! If your muse is has POTENTIAL to be attracted to mine in any of the above, send a ↳ , along with the symbol has potential !! If it’s UNREQUITED, send a ☢ along with the symbol of which is unrequited !!
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hunchakala · 7 years
The best sound in all of Stormblood.
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hunchakala · 7 years
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Stormblood is off to a great start
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hunchakala · 7 years
By the time I finished uploading this video, the line got longer.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hunchakala · 7 years
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wrow @vesperlillet
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hunchakala · 7 years
I created a guide to every plant referred to and encountered in FFXIV, as a roleplaying and writing resource. In case you ever need to source a rare, authentic-sounding flower, fruit, vegetable, or poison, or just add a bit of flair to dialogue. Wondering where you’d find the Eorzean equivalent of a real-world plant? That’s covered, too. Please go ahead and share this document, and enrich your roleplaying with some botanical knowledge!
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