hunihunfjord · 4 years
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MS – AIDS – Jakobs – Asthma – Lupus and so forth…. Og svo framvegis… ♥♥🦄🕊🙏😳 Do you think some things are not curable? OK, fine, but what if I would tell you that being diagnosed with an incurable disease, only means that the “people or institute” that diagnosed you, cannot help you cure yourself? Does that make sense? Trúir þú því að eitthvað sé til sem er ólæknanlegt? Allt í lagi að þér finnist það, en ef ég myndi segja við þig að vera greindur með ólæknanlegan sjúkdóm þýðir bara að þeir sem greindu þig geta ekki hjálpað þér að lækna þig? Hvernig hljómar það í þínum eyrum? Here below are three examples of cures for the incurable: Hérna fyrir neðan eru lifandi dæmi um hvernig á að lækna það sem er ólæknanlegt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ycV9aAWjzM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjgBLwH3Wc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsDLn9ySY9w Ef þú ert ein/n af þeim fáu sem virkilega langar að lækna þig og ert búin/n að horfa á alla þrjá þættina sem ég setti hérna inn, þá spyr ég þig núna: Hvað eiga þau öll sameiginlegt með lækningunni sinni eða lækningunni sem þau mæltu með? If you are one of the few that really wants a cure, and you have watched all three videos, then I want to ask you this, what do all of them have in common? 🤔 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUoernpBt5/?igshid=3ml2nbxmpq9x
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Standandi óttalaus við hliðina á sálufélaga, besta vini, kærustu, nemanda, kennara, ferðafélaga og ástinni í lífinu er ólýsanleg tilfinning. ❤❤🦄🙏 41 árs og 43 ára stöndum við saman sem eining og lífið er fyrst að byrja NÚNA! Elska þig Þorbjörg 😘😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDk-y2pt8j/?igshid=13no83dqq9s2s
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Never too old to play! Visiting trolls and the elementals in beautiful Icelandic nature with my love, Þorbjörg. ❤❤🦄🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCbwzqJzAe/?igshid=nwss11y8t19a
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
Jabez Orphanage My children ❤❤🦄🙏 Jabez.hunihunfjord.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCbO15JrBt/?igshid=1qhkl2mc7k1x0
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Biggest catch of my life. ❤❤🦄🙏🤗 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFaDT-zJyaS/?igshid=1usxltcenbzpt
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Fearless! Dad, I am scared! She did it anyway. As a matter of fact she jumped 15 times, each time a little less fear. ❤❤🦄🙏💪 Pabbi ég er hrædd, svo 20 sekúndum seinna stökk hún. Þetta er nákvæmlega það sem við förum flest í gegnum þegar við gerum eitthvað í fyrsta sinn. Hræðslan er fullkomlega eðlileg og munurinn á þeim sem gera og þeim sem gera ekki, er að fara í gegnum hræðsluna. 😍🌞👍❤❤ (at Flúðir) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3FLqipuZY/?igshid=7rjdvg62ehw
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Frábærri helgi lokið með prinsessunni. ❤❤🦄🙏 What a weekend 😍🌞🤗 #Fun #Mindfulness #húsdýragarðurinn #bluelagooniceland #Nature https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRQwGKJvip/?igshid=18j8bgueq1c3n
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Fun project ❤❤🦄🙏 Gaman að skapa saman 🤗🌞😘 #engineering #build #lantern #flashlight #happy https://www.instagram.com/p/CBup3HQpkOI/?igshid=1o62ug6n2t55s
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
Wild Navy Seals in Iceland 🏊❤❤🦄🙏 #WhereDidThatComeFrom #Nature #Iceland #Mindfunless #Fun #Swimming #ColdWater (at Illugastaðir) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnPbpmJ_sy/?igshid=r9e9zyq6anoi
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
Swimming with whales in Iceland
Wonderful experience with amazing people
❤❤🦄🐋🐳 #IceTribeIceland #StrytanDiveCentre #Hjalteyri #HuniHunfjord #Fun
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
My weekend project was successful.😊🤗 #Mindfulness is very powerfullu present when working with your hands and creating. ❤❤🦄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CACbeU_Aw_f/?igshid=1h6diki6eg1bf
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Sometimes "WE"" can carry more than expected. ❤❤🦄 Oft getum við borið meira en það sem þú hefur talið þér trú um að þú getir. You are amazing! 😊🤗 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8e_3upSvW/?igshid=hr15ko7ebrak
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hunihunfjord · 4 years
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Lambing season is starting in Iceland. Always such magic in meeting these new beings today. Innocents and beauty. ❤❤🦄🐑 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sYgPUpfu_/?igshid=dnx64kbxqj9g
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hunihunfjord · 5 years
On Saturday March 28th (or 29th, depending on where you are in the world), HUMANITY UNITES IN A PRAYER. ***Find all details and the script of the guided prayer here : https://bit.ly/2J45k2a We will start with a very short guided prayer and then you will continue with your own. You can recite prayers based on your beliefs or religion, go into meditation or you can create your own healing ritual. If none of these apply to you, then you can simply join us in a silent prayer to complete the 30 minutes of unity.                        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOGETHER, LET'S JOIN OUR EFFORTS TO MAKE THIS EVENT A POWERFUL, HEALING ONE FOR OUR PLANET. The joining of our prayers across Nations will raise the vibration of our beautiful Planet. PLEASE INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD! Share this event on other social media channels *Email the link with all of the details to the people in your life who are not on social media ( https://bit.ly/2J45k2a ). *Print out the guided meditation for your grandparents or save the audio file on their phone, so that they can join in the prayer too. TAKE INITIATIVE AND BE A LEADER OF LOVE: Feel free to take the script and the guided prayer and translate them into your own language. You can create your own event according to your local time zone. You will find all of these documents in the same link: https://bit.ly/2J45k2a. And most importantly: SHOW UP and HAVE FUN!    ***Peace be upon you, brothers and sisters around the world***
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hunihunfjord · 5 years
22 meters, 4 holes. Ice swimming Seltjörn Iceland. #WhereDidThatComeFrom. #Love #IceTribeIceland https://www.instagram.com/p/B9O8aXvpmM9/?igshid=1jiyr26vh12s3
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hunihunfjord · 5 years
Seltjörn Iceland. Do not try this! Very dangerous!
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hunihunfjord · 5 years
Do not try this at home! https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IZwEBpnzr/?igshid=186twhnm2gmgt
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