hunter-125 · 12 days
If my body could specifically lose f4t from my stomach I think my life would be a million times better
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hunter-125 · 13 days
“Getting sk!nny won’t make you feel better about urself”
Umm speak for urself I feel awesome tyvm
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hunter-125 · 21 days
my workout for today? crying for 3 hours. Idc. I'm too depressed to step outside. Fuck off
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hunter-125 · 22 days
thinking about relapsing
i want to cut my whole body. i want to see blood. i want to make myself suffer. i want to feel as miserable as possible
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hunter-125 · 22 days
maybe in another universe i dont have to try so hard to be skinny & likeable
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hunter-125 · 23 days
something about myself doesn't sits well with me
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hunter-125 · 24 days
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I hate how I can create amazing scenarios in my mind but I can't write a paragraph
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hunter-125 · 25 days
The serotonin and adrenaline kick when multiswiping makes me feel like I'm fcking h!gh
I'd do anything for this feeling
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hunter-125 · 25 days
Me being fat definitely makes me get miss gendered more it's just annoying atp
They’ll always see me as a woman until I lose weight. I want to look as sick as I am. I want to look dead.
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hunter-125 · 25 days
Ig i just want someone to care, but can't expect other ppl too when my own parents couldn't
Thought I was over that bs but been thinking about it again recently
the fucked up thing in all of this is, i want people to worry about me and be shocked when they see me. i want them to think „omg she lost so much weight“. idk why 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just want people to treat me like i’m gonna break in half just by breathing in my direction.
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hunter-125 · 25 days
I just wanna be able to not eat anything for days again
Fucking take me back to that time
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hunter-125 · 25 days
I'm wrong.
I'm a mistake that needs to be erased as it never should had existed in the first place.
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hunter-125 · 3 months
I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning
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hunter-125 · 3 months
Honestly haven't been restricting the last few weeks cuz I have had a lot going on and have been working basically 24/7 so i kinda needed the energy, I burned it all off but still feel like shit that I had to eat in the first place, atleats i still only eat 1 proper meal a day lmao
forgot how good it feels to starve myself
It's literally such an addictive and amazing feeling when your stomach feels empty and it just hurts
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hunter-125 · 3 months
So real I only book tables at restaurants ik have calories on the menu, because if they don't I just spiral
Having an eating disorder is literally so embarrassing what do you mean I’m having a breakdown on a date because they don’t have calories on the menu
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hunter-125 · 3 months
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hunter-125 · 3 months
All I do is ruin shit and I wish I had the courage to kill myself bc everyone will be better off without me
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