hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
   Nico let out another soft groan, reacting to the feeling of each kiss and upon her skin. Her movements stopped only when he did, feeling like her breath had been taken away as she met his eyes once more, letting him gently set her down. 
   A gasp escaped her at the feeling on his lips, his tongue trailing over every corner of her body. Her fingers moved to comb through his rust-colored hair, shutting her eyes as her head rested back against the wall behind her. Though, as he lingered at her breast, pulling at the elastic of her underwear tormentingly slow, she flushed a deep red. For, much to her chagrin, she found it ever more difficult to repress the loud groans that issued from her mouth with every movement of his tongue.
   When they finally were off, she caught his kisses, returning them with equal fervor as she pressed her body closer to his, her hands trailing down his toned body before finally going to assist him with his undergarments.
   She’d let out something like a small giggle as he picked her up once more, smiling blissfully against his lips with every kiss. It was only interrupted when he pulled back, letting her look at those bright blue eyes like an ocean she wanted to drown in- filled with a mutual desire and a silent request. Breathlessly, she gave a small nod for him to proceed, eyes filled with a heat and need as she leaned in to kiss his lips once more.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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    She couldn’t fathom why he might require an explanation for what she meant by ‘wrong’ - wasn’t it obvious? Evidently not, and she could only reluctantly oblige-
      “Are you in danger? Is there something going on that I could help, or- do something?” It was rare for Laura to feel powerless, but being put in this position by a friend, someone she had grown close to- it stung, and she sought any way to escape the feeling.
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          he did NOT want to put her in a position in which she was readily involved. this situation was something he had to bear alone -- but he didn't know how best to emphasize that without sounding like a horrendous jerk. " i'm not ... in any immediate danger, laura, no. " as he said the words out loud, he could HEAR how reassuring they didn't sound. " i will be okay. don't ... i don't want you involved, anyway, but i really don't want you to worry about about it. it will i will figure it out. " he tried to smile, but even HE could feel that it was failing.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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Oliver smiled at her. There was something sweet about the way she spoke. “Thank you,” he said softly. “We do sell more expensive stuff, but I won’t bore you with it. Besides, it’s all overpriced. But it’s nice you know? Running a business with family, selling what I want to sell… it’s good.”
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          " it does sound nice, " she agreed with a chuckle before turning her attention to the books and trinkets around them. " so -- curious -- what ALL do you have literature on ? " the book her brother had allowed her to borrow was too good to put down -- and it was unfortunately she never got a chance to finish it. but she wondered just what else he had to offer as far as, well, anything at this point.           for the weird little sick kid, this was a dream come true.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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“Do I come off as a distinguished woman to you?” she teased, nudging his arm. “A burger sounds fantastic, and maybe another time I could cook a nice pasta dish and we could watch a movie.” It was a bit bold of her, to assume there would be another time, but she did like him quite a bit already.
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          it was rare for him to full - on smile like he was just now, but jade had a way of doing that to him. which would also explain why he was actually here -- with HER. but he didn't want to think about that TOO much. " i ... i would like that, actually. " he normally did the cooking at home, so it would be nice to just ... not for once.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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indie. private. selective. moonlovcd.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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    Something seems very strange here. However, Carvel couldn’t really think of any clue since he believes this young girl as his friend. Even if she told him it was just an expression, he felt some strange feeling from Lynette. Does she know that this mountain can be dangerous, especially, at this late hour?
    Though, he didn’t want to make her feel bad when he noticed her trying to lighten the mood. With a gentle smile, Carvel opened his lips as he followed her lead. “There is a lake here? I’m pretty sure it would BEAUTIFUL on this moonlit night.” At the last sentence, he decided to sound like a poet. Hopefully, that would make her feel better.
    As he followed her behind, his psychic mind was telling him to be careful. He would never know why until he would find out the truth from her, but he gave his trust on her since there was no sign of danger up to them yet. “Do you living in this place?”
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          as he spoke, blake found herself feeling so terrible. carvel had this way of being kind no matter the situation, and sometimes -- for that -- she found herself disliking him a little. but -- that feeling would brush off as quickly as it'd come. not a lot of people were kind in general, especially to a sick, weak person like her, and she kind of just needed to count her blessings on that fact.           she trekked in silence for awhile, allowing the unmistakable guilt to consume her. however, she was pulled out her reverie at his last question. " actually ... " she bit her lip, wondering how much she should tell -- then remembered this was carvel, one of the few people she actually liked and trusted. " i own it. with my brother, i mean. "           she stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him dead - on. " that's how i know these woods are dangerous. so ... i mean, next time you want to come around here ... now that you know i live here, you should probably ... just call me, okay ? i'd rather ... guide you so you don't get lost. " though -- she couldn't imagine how many times, if at all, he'd been here BEFORE. the forest was so big, after all, and it was easy for peple to come and go sometimes if her brother wasn't patrolling.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
       It wasn’t that Hailey was pissed at her brother for being an ass; she was more worried – horrified, even – that something might have happened to him. She’d ignored the fact that he hadn’t shown up to their meeting spot and she had to take care of the werewolf herself before ultimately losing her target. And now, he wasn’t even picking up. But hey, their job was messy. He could have lost his phone somewhere. And his other phone. And his other other phone.
    “  Thank you,  ” Hailey breathed. She reached for the cherries the moment they were in front of her. The way she nibbled on each one like a hamster sure said something about the fact that she was stress-eating. In her mind, she went through the directions to the motel she and her brothers were staying in. Then, she went over their wretched – obviously failed – plan. Where could she possibly find him? What if she couldn’t do it on her own?
       Surely, she wasn’t that useless.
       Time passed quicker than she registered. By the time she dragged herself out of her thoughts, she looked up to find the bartender watching her. She pushed her hair out of her face.
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    “  I’m so sorry– You really don’t have to drive me if you don’t want to. I’ll be fine.  ” Or so she HOPED.
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          theo didn't want to take it too personally when she continued to decline -- more or less -- his offer to take her home. after all, he was a stranger, so he didn't necessarily blame her for the fact that she didn't want some nobody knowing where she lived. however --           i don't look, like, CREEPY, do i ? prooobably.           he shrugged then, as if he truly wasn't the least bit phased by her words. " well, you're right, i DON'T have to. it's just the nice thing to do. but -- i won't if you don't want me to. " another quick lift of the shoulders before turning back to the front counter, continuing his cleaning duties, though not so diligently as he should.           he didn't look at her as he spoke again, " not going to tell you what to do, though i suggest that if you do leave that you don't really leave on your own. it's kind of CRAZY out there at night. ᢊ and a little supernatural, but there was no way to put that into casual conversation.
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hunterheartcd-blog · 6 years
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It hardly surprised her that he reacted that way. She’d been full of prejudice most of her life growing up with hunter godfather. After being turned she had come to learn humans weren’t the only ones who could have… unpleasant opinions about whole groups. “Buddy you gotta’ work on that attitude,” Shar clicked her tongue. ‘Dad’ would not approve of her baiting but she had little patience with these sort of things. “sure you even want to serve me? I wouldn’t want to put you out by making you serve a bloodsucker.” 
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          he felt his lip turn upward on one side before the expression died off as quickly as it'd come. he then leaned on the counter just catty-corner to her, eyes never leaving her. " i don't know if you've noticed, but you're not the only one of your kind here. " around this time, creatures of all sorts gathered at the bar, mostly because of the werewolf serving their drinks. " you're just the only one i don't know. "
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