hunterverse · 5 years
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Dani comission ^-^
By MaiaraZephyr on amino
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Finally drew my music lovin hobo boy.
I live him
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Bit of a doodle dump.
I don't think I've posted some of these yet
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Some new Aces, I added lightning
Have I mentioned I love this boy?
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Ooh look, some eggs.
That represent some of my lesser known ocs
Which one should i open first?
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Tami is a cutie ^-^
Been playing some campaigns online lately, and Tami is my go to character.
She needed a cute icon.
(Disclaimer i had help for the eyes and pose.)
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Why are you the one that's crying Jay? I'm the one about to die.
Had an angsty dream last night.
Had to draw it.
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hunterverse · 5 years
Not technically hunters related but hey.
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Not technically hunters related but it’s pretty. It’s the same as the pic I posted earlier but not printed with a border.
It’s a poem for my English class over my new oc Angel.
I really like it.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Meet Jay, the hunter's resident vampire, and Ace's best friend and platonic wifey.
Her story is a sad one. And it may be triggering, so read at your own discretion
She lived in Northern Atlantis, in a Vampire exclusive colony. She felt trapped, which is fair enough, given that she wasn't allowed to leave, no vampires are allowed to leave their colonies ever since a group of vamps slaughtered an entire city on the mainland for their blood and abilities. They were deemed too dangerous to be free. But Jay, or Amelia, as she was called back then, wanted to see the world. So she contacted a smuggler to get her off the island. Unfortunately, the smuggler had other plans, and figured he could get more money if he handed her over to a human trafficking organization, which he did.
Amelia spent the next several years as a product to be bought and sold. She blocked most of it from her memory, she got through it by focusing on the birds outside her window, mainly Blue Jays, she'll never forget the day she was saved.
That was the day Ace showed up, the hunters had heard of the operation, and sent Ace to stop it. He showed up and freed all the people they had captive and took them back to their homes, but since Amelia couldnt return, the hunters took her in, and that's when she took the name Jay.
Now she acts as the hunters coordinator, sending the members where they need to, she works out of the basement in Ace's tech room.
And she gets all the blood she needs, mostly from Ace, but the others pitch in occasionally. She says Sam's blood tastes the best but he's weird about it for some reason.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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A messy sketch of my oc Jay i did in library.
Im gonna color it as soon as i get home and put new batteries in my pen.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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New character design kinda.
Working on a witch type character
Loving him so far.
Drawn by @greatpalaceneckcalzone aka my loving sister who doesn't want followers so definitely do not follow her under any circumstances..........
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Hunters prolouge is finally done!!!
Chapter one is in the works.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Finally started on hunters.
This is a preview of the first panel.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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My oc Ace.
Ace was a mobile game developer before joining the hunters, he created several moderately successful games, and lived modestly until joining the Hunters as their own personal hacker, and he has quickly become one of the best. He's the main reason why the police haven't been able to track down the gang.
He has only ever gone one one mission, as he mainly stays in the hideouts basement on his computer.
He is best friends with Jay, the hunter's resident vampire, who shares his particular lack of interest in romance. They are very close, so close that he has given her permission to drink his blood, he doesn't mind, and she doesn't have to drink the bagged stuff, which is remarkably hard to aquire, considering that vampires aren't allowed to set foot on in all but two of the eight regions, and the Eden region isn't one of them.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Quick doodle of Tami. She's technically the leader of the hunters, but she doesn't take the responsibility seriously, Dani leads everything for the most part.
She is Sam's little sister
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hunterverse · 5 years
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Quick doodle of my oc Rachel
She was born and raised in Atlantis, but she moved to the mainland to attend college, and eventually became an expert scientist, she was on the verge of leading her team to a scientific breakthrough in the use of class four tech in transportation, when she was involved in the accident that took her eyesight, naturally she couldn't continue her studies, and as the other members of her team were also involved in accidents, three of which being lethal, the breakthrough was never reached.
She joined the hunters gang for protection, after all of her team suffered from "accidents", she suspected that they were intentional, so her and the only other surviving member of the team, Gabriel, who lost his legs in an explosion, gladly accepted the offer to join the gang.
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hunterverse · 5 years
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" A gun can fire in space because gunpowder contains its own oxidizer."
Here's the picture I promised. Minus shading, I didn't feel like doing it today
Irritated! Boy i know just the oc for this one.
Gwen gets irritated a lot, when Kina messes with her stuff, when Tami stars going on and on about Swen, when Sammy is just to darn cute for his own good, when Rin freaks out whenever he sees a gun, the list goes on. Normally her first instinct when she gets irritated is to shoot (or threaten to shoot) whatever’s bugging her, but while she does that quite regularly with Kina and Tami, she could never think about hurting Sam, and only a monster would threaten Rin, it would be like kicking a puppy with glasses.
So what does she do in these cases? She finds the nearest wall, puts her forehead to it, and recites gun trivia in her head until she regains composure.
(Picture coming soon)
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