hunterwithablog · 2 years
↪     ᵗʰᵉ 𝑫𝑼𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝒀𝑩𝑶𝑿 .    (  a  collection  of  various unsorted sentence starters .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   will be updated frequently .  )
why are you here ?
drive .  drive fast .
i think we should make an informed decision .
are you coming or not ?
you’ve been avoiding me .
[ name ] ,  what were you thinking ?
this should be your priority .
let me hold you for a minute .
get out of my way .  i won’t tell you again .
that wasn’t supposed to happen .
can you keep a secret ?
i don’t know what i did to deserve you .
you seriously think i could’ve done something like that ?
you’re safe with me .
sorry isn’t good enough .
where is all this coming from ?
who told you about that ?
sorry i’m late ,  i got caught up .
you’re being paranoid .
why are you looking at me like that ?
you’re the single most important thing to me .
all i’m asking is that you hear me out .
whatever they told you ,  it’s a lie .
we shouldn’t stick around here .
hold my hand ,  i don’t want to lose track of you .
[ name ]  …  truth or dare ?
i love you .  nothing’s gonna change that .
can you tell me what happened ?
you can’t come around here anymore .
back off ,  okay ?
what ,  you don’t have time for me anymore ?
you’re asking for too much .
i’m trying to start a new life .
what do you mean ,  you aren’t coming back ?
sometimes i think you must hate me .
why can’t we just talk about this ?
i know i fucked up ,  you can stop rubbing it in .
you’ve got quite a reputation .
i��m not usually like this ,  i’m sorry .
please ,  just let me explain myself .
i love watching you work .
we’re on the same team .
did you ever tell anyone ?
you’ve got a lot of explaining to do .
really funny ,  you’re very mature .
you call THAT a PLAN ?
can we get out of here ?
i thought things would be different .
this is not up for debate !
do whatever you have to do .
karma’s going to get you for that .
it could’ve been a lot worse .
i asked you to leave me out of this .
maybe it’s time to take a leap of faith .
i never want to see you again .
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
i’m gonna be there when you get what’s coming to you .
you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me .
i’ve been waiting all night for this .
i told you not to contact me .
sometimes i really think you have a death wish .
what do you need ?  —  what can i do ?
i would do literally anything to keep you safe .
that was supposed to be a secret .
you haven’t called me that in years .
stop telling me to calm down !
we make a pretty good team .
i have so much i want to say to you .
i’m not going to let anyone hurt you .
can we please not do this right now ? 
wait ,  wait  …  just breathe for a second .
how are you holding up ?
why don’t you stay the night ?  i’ll take the couch .
i don’t need your protection !
you’re not making this easier on yourself .
are you going to let me in ?
i’m supposed to be protecting you .
i will kill you if i have to .
do whatever you have to do .
this is going to hurt ,  i’m sorry .
what happened to you ,  where have you been ?!
there was nothing you could’ve done .
you’re all i need right now .
i don’t believe in love at first sight .
have you been following me ?
i need you to believe me .
what do you remember ?
i’m not a good person .
what the hell’s going on with you ?
you’re being followed .
just when i thought my day couldn’t be any worse .
i’ve been having weird dreams .
so you’ve been lying to me this whole time ?
are you trying to get us killed ?
this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me .
i never asked for your help .
you’re being followed ,  pretend you know me .
why has it started to feel different with you ?
don’t worry ,  i have a plan .
i heard everything .
do you need to sit down ?
i have the right to know what’s going on .
i’ve just gotta catch my breath .
stay out of my business .
what did you think was going to happen ?!
don’t cause a scene .
tell me something about you that i don’t know .
can i buy you a drink ?
what if  …  we played spin the bottle ?
this was never a problem until  [ name ]  came around .
you can’t ask me to make that choice .
are you seeing anyone right now ?
i need you to listen to me ,  we don’t have long .
you’re lying ,  that doesn’t make any sense .
you look  …  stunning .
what are you trying to prove ?
who died and made you the boss of me ?
you can’t just show up here like this .
let me make it up to you .
there’s no way i’m leaving you like this .
can we stay like this ?  just for a little longer .
i don’t need you to fight for me .
so  …  you lied to me ?
you’re the only one that can help me .
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
i never introduced myself ,  i’m [ name ] .
i expected more from you .
you have no idea who i am ,  do you ?
are you real ?  is this real ?
can i stay with you ?  just for the night .
you’re going to get yourself killed .
why did you help me ?
tell me what i can do to help .
pick a card ,  any card .
i never wanted any of this .
do you wanna get out of here ?
what the hell are you talking about ?
i should have trusted you .
get your head out of the clouds .
how is any of this MY fault ?!
what aren’t you telling me ?
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
it’s never just one with you ,  is it ?
you’re not supposed to know about that .
shut your mouth .
i haven’t kissed you yet ,  today .
where is this coming from ?
come over here and make me ,  then .
keep lying to yourself ,  see where it gets you .
i’m not a bad person .
is that what you wanted to hear ?
we can’t be seen together .
i can’t give you what you want .
i need you to leave .
are you drunk ?
i’m here ,  i’m here .  i’m not going anywhere .
you might want to take a seat for this .
have you been listening to anything i’ve said ?
i haven’t heard from you in weeks .
you’re jealous ,  aren’t you ?
who do you think you’re talking to ?
what are you reading ?
you could’ve killed me !
come on ,  we don’t have time for this .
i just need ten minutes of silence .
really ?  that’s all you have to say ?
we could leave ,  you know .  go far away .
you don’t look too good .
i never want to see you again .
why can’t you just leave me alone ?
i thought you died .
you’ll do anything for attention .
how’s the weather up there ?
all you do is hurt people !
i’m sorry ,  none of this makes sense .
you need to get out of here before anyone sees you .
i told you i didn’t want you around here .
is that supposed to be a threat ?
you’ve changed .
don’t look at me like that .
it’s a beautiful day ,  don’t you think ?
i did what i had to do .
you never know when to stop .
i’ve got to get home ,  it’s getting late .
i have nothing to prove to you .
stop LYING to me  …  all you do is lie .
you don’t have to be nice to everybody .
don’t tell me what to do .
pull your head out of the past .
we are not talking about that right now .
are you new around here ?
you have no idea what you’re starting .
i’m gonna get us out of here .
everyone’s staring at us .
is there anything i can do to help ?
i won’t cause you any more trouble .
– just follow my instructions for once !
do you want to come in ?
i don’t know what you want me to say .
you’re not like anyone else i’ve ever met .
i feel like i’m going insane .
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hunterwithablog · 2 years
instigation starters for those muses who just love to pick fights!
❝ what did you just say to me? ❞
❝ what did you just call me? ❞
❝ are you trying to start a fight? ❞
❝ did you… did you just unfriend me? ❞
❝ i don’t have time for this. ❞
❝ you’re the reason i drink at night. ❞
❝ why do you always have to be mister perfect? ❞
❝ you never listen to me! ❞
❝ grow up. ❞
❝ get out. ❞
❝ what are you gonna do about it? ❞
❝ say that again. i dare you. ❞
❝ [name] doesn’t act like this. ❞
❝ why don’t you get a real job? ❞
❝ you’ve always gotten everything you wanted. ❞
❝ this might not be important to you, but it’s important to me. ❞
❝ are you really giving me the silent treatment right now? ❞
❝ you have no business talking to anybody like that. ❞
❝ i respect your opinion. it’s wrong, but i respect it. ❞
❝ why do you always do this?! ❞
❝ you aren’t the center of the universe. ❞
❝ i mean, you kinda deserved that one. ❞
❝ do i have to do everything around here? ❞
❝ i never said you were stupid. not out loud. ❞
❝ told you so! ❞
❝ i’m not trying to start a fight! ❞
❝ not everybody has it all. ❞
❝ you are literally infuriating to be around. ❞
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hunterwithablog · 2 years
&. 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  non - halloween  themed  dialogue  prompts  for  all  your  slashers,  final  girls,  and  other  horrors  beyond  your  comprehension.  trigger  warning  for  dark  themes.  feel  free  to  edit  as  you  seem  fit.  ) 
❛ it’s the silence that scares me. ❜
❛ i’m every nightmare you ever had. ❜
❛ i want to see your true face. ❜
❛ one way or another, you’re going to die tonight. ❜
❛ just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not already here. ❜
❛ by the time anyone finds your body, they won’t be able to identify it. ❜
❛ you’re playing a dangerous game here, girl. ❜
❛ i’m playing the villain, just like you wanted. ❜
❛ i won’t give up on you, i know you’re worth it! ❜
❛ scream all you want. no one will hear you. ❜
❛ what are you going to do to me? ❜
❛ there you are, my darling! ❜
❛ i knew you would come back to me. ❜
❛ don’t you want to be consumed by what loves you? ❜
❛ i’m going to send you back to hell where you came from! ❜
❛ you can’t keep me here forever! ❜
❛ how are you still alive? i killed you! ❜
❛ sometimes human spaces make inhuman monsters. ❜
❛ please. why don’t you just let me go? ❜
❛ this missing poster has your face on it. ❜
❛ that wasn’t so bad, was it? ❜
❛ what’s wrong, you don’t trust me? ❜
❛ i know a lot about you. more than you think. ❜
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜
❛ we could have been beautiful together. ❜
❛ when you think you’re alone, someone watches. ❜
❛ rest while you can, because i will hunt you and eat you whole. ❜
❛ what you want is very wrong. ❜
❛ you look so pretty all tied up like this. ❜
❛ what, you like to watch? you goddamn sicko. ❜
❛ god isn’t here. god doesn’t even know about this place. ❜
❛ there is something at work in my soul which i do not understand. ❜
❛ i am the devil, and i am here to do the devil’s work. ❜
❛ you know what they say, an eye for an eye. ❜
❛ why don’t you scream for me? ❜
❛ are you… smelling me? ❜
❛ we’re going to die out here. ❜
❛ i’m not afraid of anything. not anymore. ❜
❛ we will be what everyone wants to be. perfect. ❜
❛ no offense, but i think you might be just a little too crazy for me. ❜
❛ we all go a little mad sometimes. ❜
❛ the harder i try to escape, the further i get into this awful place. ❜
❛ this was not how it was supposed to go! ❜
❛ this is the end of your little game. i win. ❜
❛ don’t leave me! i can’t be alone! ❜
❛ no one is coming for you. ❜
❛ you hide. and i’ll try to find you. sound fun? ❜
❛ fuck this place. seriously, just fuck this place. ❜
❛ what’s the matter, honey? you’ve barely touched your dinner. ❜
❛ don’t be afraid. dying is much easier than living. ❜
❛ i won’t let them kill you. i won’t let them even touch you. ❜
❛ let’s get you some clothes before i get too turned on. ❜
❛ you weren’t putting that tongue to use anyway. ❜
❛ shall i drink your blood fresh, or slice your neck and spill it out first? ❜
❛ dying keeps moving lower on the list of worst things that could happen to me. ❜
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hunterwithablog · 2 years
Um... hello again. I've been on hiatus for around 3 years, I think. I've just got a lot of free time. (Only for a short while, though.)
I thought I could maybe get back into role-playing a little. The last time I did this, I got pretty overwhelmed and I realize I took on too many threads. So, I will be handling things a bit different this time. It's not you guys, I promise. I'm just sensitive to certain things and I thought I'd set up some ground rules, first.
I haven't watched S15 fully. I'm on the verge of finishing it, though. I will let you know when I am. So, this is a pre S15 blog.
I will limit the number of people I rp with at a time. So, if I say I can't rp with you, it's nothing personal. I just wanna set my limits.
This time, I thought I'd decide to NOT rp with OC's. I found that things could get pretty out of hand very easily. I'm not trying to be rude but I'd just prefer canon characters for now.
As it was before, I do NOT rp any kind of smut.
If you have multiple rp blogs, that's awesome. But please don't ask me to rp with more than one character. Like I said, I get overwhelmed pretty easily.
I'm down with any ship, whatsoever. I do NOT ship wincest, though. So, I will not be rp-ing that. Please ask me if I'm cool with other ships too.
I will NOT be rp-ing in dm's. All rp threads will be posted.
Otherwise, I'm super stoked to start rp-ing again. I missed you guys! Also, I apologize if my Sam happens to be a little out of it. It's been so long since I was active here. Do drop me a dm if you'd like to discuss ideas and role-play!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Dear Rp Mutuals:
I am going through and doing a thread scrap, if we are still doing our rp, please hit the like button and or send a reply. Just so I know NOT to get rid of it? 
I’m just trying to tidy up xD Thank you have a good day~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Eyes darting in that direction for a second, Sam slowly nodded as if taking note of what they said. "So they left, that way huh..?" He said, then looking down and reaching into his jacket to pull out his phone.
"Then you don't mind if I just do something?" And in that split second he had caught their arm in an iron grip and had run a clean cut on the skin on their arm. He wanted to see if it would heal since he couldn't exactly check their teeth. He hadn't bought their story one bit.
Fyre was terrified, pacing silently in the abandoned house. They knew that there was at least one hunter nearby, and they had no idea of how to escape hunters. They stopped their pacing when they heard a car pull up, backing into a corner in fear. ~agender-vamp
It had been three weeks since the incident. Sam was shaken and lost. Nothing made sense. Nothing seemed to spark his motivation anymore. All he had to do was bring his brother back. And maybe, just maybe, he’d live. And he was ready to follow any trail that led him to that. Even if it meant, slumming it.
He’d been given a lead which led him here. And, coincidentally, it turned out to be a case, he was more than ‘thrilled’, to work. He swiftly made his way to the back door of the house. He hadn’t planned on charging in, machete blazing, being on his own. He’d decided to try and have an element of surprise.
He tried the door and it gently clicked open, allowing him stealthy passage inside. He adjusted his hold on his weapon and cautiously moved towards the front. He guessed the vamp would be able to sense him and was prepared with a syringe of dead man’s blood in his jacket, if things went South.
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
He couldn’t help but let out a low laugh at her reaction. “Hey..”, he replied, lips parted in an absent-minded smile. His head remained tilted at an angle: an angle from where he could absorb all of her.
He told himself to keep reminding her how cute she was being as he shook his head, walking lazily to her room. He was a little hesitant, knowing this was the first time he was given entrance and he checked himself to properly gauge his own reaction. He didn’t know what to expect. When it came to his room, he normally left it bleak and bare, considering to only have whatever was necessary. Because it never felt like home to him. At her call, he obediently stepped inside and looked around.
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Sam huffed and cocked his head to the side, accepting that she’d probably trump Dean’s wit, calling him that. He watched her, playfully, his smile growing with every word she said. He noticed her flustered form and found it adorable.
He readily let her guide him. He’d follow her anywhere. He raised his eyebrows at her question. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as he caught up to her and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. He pretended to consider the question deeply. “I guess.. I mean, I am.. pretty burnt out for the day.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes as he leaned down to give her a soft, quick kiss. Had he already done that? He didn’t remember for sure..
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Sam looked at Dean and then the floor. “You know, she’s pregnant, right Cas?” He said, playing with his hands, feelings of deep self-loathing gnawing at him again.
“Turns out, father’s a shifter.” Dean continued, taking the load of doing so from his brother.
Lost (Sam x Rosemary)
“Well? Any luck?” The hunter asked hurriedly walking into the room which was now strewn with magical objects and ingredients. It’s only occupant: a some hundred year old witch.
“Location spells may be easy, Samuel, but they’re delicate all the same. Care and precision must be used-”, Rowena began one of her rants which Sam, thankfully, cut off.
“Yeah. We know. Witchcraft is hard. Now, just please, find her.” He said, with his best ‘puppy dog’ look. He had to find Rosemary and if charming Rowena in a cliché manner was the way to go, then that’s the way he was gonna go. She pursed her lips and nodded, working on the spell.
Soon, a glowing dot on the globe she had in her hand, told Sam where his girlfri- was she? They did fight and she did leave. And now, he hears she’s pregnant. Things were complicated between them. But it didn’t matter. All he needed was to make sure she was okay. Relationship problems could come later.
Sam took a good look at the location and nodded. “Alright, thanks Rowena. I owe you one.” He said, dashing out the door in the same pace he walked in.
“Of course you do, dear.” Rowena sighed.
He got in his car and drove. It was the middle of the night but he had to get to her. He just had to.
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Sam’s face took on a look of pure concentration as if he wanted to memorize every second they were together; every second they entered bliss. Moments like these were rare and to be cherished.
“I love you too, Becca. More than you know.” He whispered, resting his forehead on hers, eyes closed, reliving the past few minutes. His hands were resting in the crook of her neck, his thumb occasionally brushing against her jaw. He was panting but he wasn’t ready to give this up. He gave her a quick peck on her lips before slowly, opening his eyes and retracting his head.
“Hey uh... unless you want my brother to come and hound us for this.. forever..”, he started, letting out a chuckle, knowing Dean would definitely be a child when it came to things like this.
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Few more steps.. “Yeah just uh..”, he said, giving them a small smile, as he put his blade away. “Before we go, do you know where your kidnapper took off to?” He asked, looking at them, with a slightly pleading look. “Any detail would help.” He was now standing a few feet away from them.
Fyre was terrified, pacing silently in the abandoned house. They knew that there was at least one hunter nearby, and they had no idea of how to escape hunters. They stopped their pacing when they heard a car pull up, backing into a corner in fear. ~agender-vamp
It had been three weeks since the incident. Sam was shaken and lost. Nothing made sense. Nothing seemed to spark his motivation anymore. All he had to do was bring his brother back. And maybe, just maybe, he’d live. And he was ready to follow any trail that led him to that. Even if it meant, slumming it.
He’d been given a lead which led him here. And, coincidentally, it turned out to be a case, he was more than ‘thrilled’, to work. He swiftly made his way to the back door of the house. He hadn’t planned on charging in, machete blazing, being on his own. He’d decided to try and have an element of surprise.
He tried the door and it gently clicked open, allowing him stealthy passage inside. He adjusted his hold on his weapon and cautiously moved towards the front. He guessed the vamp would be able to sense him and was prepared with a syringe of dead man’s blood in his jacket, if things went South.
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Her heart fluttered, and exploded into a million bursts of color when he spoke. Ever forest green eyes, wide, filled with tears. Usually when she poured her heart, she was laughed at or… Worse… But Sam, was… Returning her affection? No. He was asking her to accept him? Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at their hands. “I should be asking you that question. I’m the outsider after all…”
She finally looked at him, glassy pools of ever green staring into warm hazel. A fire had ignited in her, a spark unlike any other. Before she knew it, she was leaning up on her tip toes. She gently placed her lips on his, a small, subtle, sweet kiss. She pulled away, her face flustered in a wild display, of ivory, and red. Her bottom lip safely tucked between her teeth, a small smile tugged at them. Hopefully she had gotten the message across.
“It should be me… Asking you…” She murmured once again, her heart pounding like a wild horse in the Oklahoma plains. “I… I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you. You’re sweet, kind, soft… I’m so drab compared to you. You’re like color on my gray days.” She spoke softly, each word, she was letting him in her mind. These were her thoughts, on a daily basis. She was a dreamer this one, she loved to dream, it sent her into a different plain every time. “You’re my favorite dream…”
He hadn’t expected her to be so willing to take up the.. mess that he was. People ran away from him; called him broken and irreparable; always gave him the worst of looks but here was this girl, thinking he was some.. dream. He was surely, not a dream. A nightmare maybe, but no dream.
He felt like he could stare at her forever. No one had entranced him like that ever before. And the way she spoke.. was just.. so poetic. How could he have anything to offer her? Could she not really not see that the only colours in his life were red... fiery red and painful black. What was she saying calling him that?
The sense of touch her lips had left on his made him go insane with wanting. It entrapped him in that place, forever just wanting nothing but that. He hadn’t planned on being mute this evening but he couldn’t help himself. She was leaving him speechless. He simply held her face in his hands and brought their lips together again. He relished every movement, every taste. He needed her, now more than ever. He could feel her soft flesh swelling under the roughness of his own but Sam Winchester was always known for one of many things: being stubborn and never letting go.
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
“Yeah?” His features slightly softened as he walked closer to her. He looked around the room, to make sure this girl wasn’t bait laid by the vamp.
“Alright. Now, did they bleed into you?” He asked, looking her over for injuries. As he spoke, he took slow steps towards her, face expressionless.
Fyre was terrified, pacing silently in the abandoned house. They knew that there was at least one hunter nearby, and they had no idea of how to escape hunters. They stopped their pacing when they heard a car pull up, backing into a corner in fear. ~agender-vamp
It had been three weeks since the incident. Sam was shaken and lost. Nothing made sense. Nothing seemed to spark his motivation anymore. All he had to do was bring his brother back. And maybe, just maybe, he’d live. And he was ready to follow any trail that led him to that. Even if it meant, slumming it.
He’d been given a lead which led him here. And, coincidentally, it turned out to be a case, he was more than ‘thrilled’, to work. He swiftly made his way to the back door of the house. He hadn’t planned on charging in, machete blazing, being on his own. He’d decided to try and have an element of surprise.
He tried the door and it gently clicked open, allowing him stealthy passage inside. He adjusted his hold on his weapon and cautiously moved towards the front. He guessed the vamp would be able to sense him and was prepared with a syringe of dead man’s blood in his jacket, if things went South.
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
“Why, Cas? Did you hear something?” Sam asked, wondering if there had been anything on angel radio about Lucifer’s latest activities. He knew they wouldn’t know anything besides what he wanted them to know but it was a start.
Lost (Sam x Rosemary)
“Well? Any luck?” The hunter asked hurriedly walking into the room which was now strewn with magical objects and ingredients. It’s only occupant: a some hundred year old witch.
“Location spells may be easy, Samuel, but they’re delicate all the same. Care and precision must be used-”, Rowena began one of her rants which Sam, thankfully, cut off.
“Yeah. We know. Witchcraft is hard. Now, just please, find her.” He said, with his best ‘puppy dog’ look. He had to find Rosemary and if charming Rowena in a cliché manner was the way to go, then that’s the way he was gonna go. She pursed her lips and nodded, working on the spell.
Soon, a glowing dot on the globe she had in her hand, told Sam where his girlfri- was she? They did fight and she did leave. And now, he hears she’s pregnant. Things were complicated between them. But it didn’t matter. All he needed was to make sure she was okay. Relationship problems could come later.
Sam took a good look at the location and nodded. “Alright, thanks Rowena. I owe you one.” He said, dashing out the door in the same pace he walked in.
“Of course you do, dear.” Rowena sighed.
He got in his car and drove. It was the middle of the night but he had to get to her. He just had to.
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
He hadn’t just noticed. No... he had reveled in that feeling. The feeling of having someone you can be yourself around; someone you can count on to always be your anchor. And he knew he found that with her.
And he needed her too. They had found each other and they were trying to hold on. Which is exactly what they should be doing. Not letting go just like that. No, this was the right thing to do and he knew it.
“Yeah, Becca... I.. haven’t had what we have”, he gestured to their hands still interlocked, “in a long time now. And honestly? I didn’t ever think I would again. And it would be.. just.. cruel to let this go. We have to try. Otherwise,,we’re.. just not”, he searched for the right term, “living.” He said, his eyebrows curved up together, in his infamous ‘puppy-dog look’.
“So, let’s just... put all this aside.. and.. if you’ll have me, I’d love to be yours.”
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
Head Count Call For Supernatural rpers
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hunterwithablog · 5 years
His eyebrows raised in awe of her sudden control over him. He let out a sigh, amused. “Wise words. But, I don’t really think, I can afford the luxury.” He muttered under his breath, looking away. He knew having a sense of humour about their life usually helped. If only, to make them look superficially in control of their feelings.
“Look, Becca, all I’m trying to say is, I’m in love.” He let out a snigger, laughing at himself; unable to believe what he was hearing. “And usually, when that happens, it doesn’t really end well for the person on the other end. But I can’t help myself that I wanna be with you.” He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb as he looked at their hands.
He then looked at her again, a glimmer of hope within him. The same glimmer that he’d use as his guiding light, whenever he found himself lost. “And who knows? Maybe this’ll be different...”
No Other Like ME// Closed~!
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