huntress1024 · 4 years
This was incredibly creative, from the venue names to the song titles! You did a great job of showing how all the characters would be in a band, and TYRIL!! His personality, his backstory, and his development really shone here. I loved it ❤️
Brighter Than Any Star:
An intimate look at everyone’s new favorite bass player
(or the blades band au that nobody asked for)
*inspired by @iaraiumi‘s STUNNING guitarist tyril art (here)
tyril-centric and tyril x mc bc this would be 7k+ words if i didn’t focus on just one of them but i tried to give everyone a moment in the spotlight. credits to this fic for the format
used my f!elf mc ryllea graywater for this (though i guess this is kind of a modern au idk asjdla); also i don’t play any musical instruments i’m sorry in advance for butchering any of the technical parts 😬
Tyril Starfury — with his red silk shirts and slicked back hair — looks every bit the part of a rock god on stage with the rest of BLADES; but here, in the confines of their tour bus, he is a quiet presence, calmly sipping tea in the corner with a notepad and pen in his hands, his mind far away in the early hours of the morning.
If you had told me eighteen months ago that I would be shadowing Broadway darling Tyril Starfury as he traveled cross-country with his new rock band, I would have laughed and called you preposterous.
And yet, here I am, witness to the madness.
Nia Ellarious, the band’s youngest member and resident pianist, offers me a cup of the same tea as Starfury’s, telling me to enjoy the quiet with an almost apologetic smile.
I understand what she means not long after.
(There’s no such thing as a quiet morning in the world of Mal Volari.)
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huntress1024 · 4 years
Every single second spent with Tyril💙 but if I could only pick one, I’d have to say when we were chasing and splashing each other in the fountain in that 30 diamond scene with him. It just revealed a whole new side to him, especially since he’s usually so proper, plus it was ADORABLE.
Okay since Book 1 has ended,, what was your favorite moment with your LIs in Blades?
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huntress1024 · 4 years
Storm Ember, I am obsessed!!
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What’s yours? Mine is “Skyrider” Hmmm, not bad tbh. 😏 
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huntress1024 · 4 years
The Missing Priestess
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Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Tyril Starfury x Zamira Nightbloom (f!elfmc)
Summary: Takes place after Ch. 14 as Zamira struggles with the idea that Nia is gone. I stayed up all night writing this, so there’s LOTS of angst, hope you enjoy!! :) Lemme know if you wanna be tagged for future fanfics!
Taglist: @queerbrujas @choicesloversstuff @princessstellaris​
The Whitetower throne room, once pristine and tranquil, is now a rotting space crawling with shadows. I stand in the center of it all, the exact spot where the portal had ripped through the very fabric of time hours earlier, stealing the girl who had become a sister to me as she begged for her friends to help her, and we all watched helplessly, victims to the shadow coils that paralyzed us. Flakes of ash drift down from the obsidian chandelier, scratching the areas of my skin it settles on. Every step I take feels as if the torturous shadows from before are wrapped around my joints, making each movement impossibly slow. I grit my teeth, Nia’s desperate plea of “Find me…” giving me the strength to push through and reach the nearest corridor.
That’s when I hear her screaming.
It is wordless, eternal agony that comes from everywhere and nowhere, but it burns the shadows off me more than any Cleansing Fire could, and my instincts stripped bare from the terror send me hurtling after them as they flood down the hall. The screams lead the shadows and me to the decaying, former Temple of Light, but the scene playing out before me says it is now a Temple of Darkness.
Prince Aerin Valleros, a King of Shadow, holds the blade formed from the Shards to Nia’s throat, a wicked smile splitting his lifeless face. Nia’s hands are clenched into shaking fists, the Light flickering on and off from them. The blade’s shadows writhe against her skin, causing her to unleash another blood-curdling scream. I shriek her name, lunging for her, but the shadows return and slam me against a pillar with a mighty crack, wrapping their freezing hands around my throat to hold me in place.
Aerin grips Nia tightly, forcing her to move to the edge of the crumbling, gaping pit where our party had freed the soon-to-be sacrificed prisoners earlier that day, a lifetime ago. Except this time, the sight of these prisoners makes Nia wail in defeat, flailing in Aerin’s stone-cold arms, trying to use the last of her strength to escape the horrible deed she must commit. An immense rumbling fills the Temple as the floor from the pit slowly rises to the surface, revealing the faces awaiting execution.
Mal. Imtura. Threep. The sight of the final prisoner’s face has me screaming till my lungs give out, and it is Tyril’s sorrowful gaze that is the last thing I see before the shadows consume me.
I lurch up from the bed, heart pounding. My lungs greedily gulp down the air to reassure myself that the choking grip of the shadows was all a bad dream, and my surroundings support the realization. The guest bedroom I was given when we first arrived to Whitetower has not changed, even though everything else has. The moonlight softens the gilded walls and furniture, lightening the room in a way impossible for the world from my nightmare.
That same glow allows me to see the sleeping figure beside me, the moonlight bathing his pale blue skin to show me that he is here, and he is alive.  I bring my shaking fingers to his lips, his cheekbones, his long, dark lashes that always flutter open in the morning to reveal the deep-set ocean gaze underneath, and I feel my racing heart begin to settle.  
Careful not to make a sound, I ease the sheets off and walk over to the window, my slip clinging to my sweat-soaked skin. Standing in the light of the waning crescent, I notice the bruises that travel up my arms, and become aware of the dull ache in my muscles.
And then I remember everything.
Aerin, someone I thought I could count on, dragging Nia through the portal to the gods-damned Shadow Realm. I remember fighting in vain to reach her, the utter panic coursing through my veins. And worst of all, I remember her parting words before she was sucked into the void and stolen from our party.
“Find me…”.
Nia Ellarious, the most pure-hearted, kind, loving soul I have ever known, has been taken to the Shadow Realm. Her piety and strength in the Light caught Aerin’s attention to see if she could be a worthy host for the Dreadlord, the worst of them all.
Another person I love, lost to that wretched world. When Kade was taken, Nia swore to help me save him without hesitation, that very selflessness being the thing I loved instantly about her.
All Kade did was protect me, and I let my immature fantasies of adventure get in the way of doing the same for him. I promised Scholar Vash, on his dying breath, that I would protect Nia and keep her safe during the journey I couldn’t help but feel responsible for.
I have failed them both.
In the tumultuous hours following Nia’s capture, Tyril was able to keep Mal, Imtura, and me levelheaded enough from tearing the palace down, and we were able to explain to King Arlan everything we had witnessed and come to learn about the Shadow Court, and his own son’s treachery. He granted us one last night of stay in his palace and ordered us to use every waking hour we had to search Aerin’s private chambers for any hidden resources detailing a way to access a portal to the Realm of Shadow. Tyril was wary of the idea, and I remember snapping at him that we had no other choice. I remember the hurt on his face and my immediate guilt, for he too felt the loss of Nia like the rest of us, and still deeply felt the loss of Kaya. I showed my regret to him earlier in the night when we returned to my room through hesitant, searching kisses, but he returned them with fervor, and I knew from his gentle touch that all was forgiven.
They were successful distractions, ransacking Aerin’s room and losing myself in Tyril, but here, in the quiet, unforgiving hours of the night, nothing could stop the despair from flooding my heart and causing the room around me to shrink.
The view of the moon from my window consumed me in memories of sitting around a fire, first with Kade, Nia, and Scholar Vash, then just Nia and Mal, and soon the remaining members of our party had joined. It was those memories of her laugh, her attentiveness and encouragement towards everyone who spoke and shared a story, that do me in. I feel my shoulders begin to shake, and my vision grows blurry from the tears threatening to spill. I raise my hand to my mouth, pressing it fiercely against my lips to stifle the cries, but a whimper escapes anyways, and that is my undoing. Great, heaving sobs rack my body, and the only coherent thought I have is I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, until eventually they become a part of the sobs and are no longer silent words. I don’t know how long I say them, how long I weep, before strong arms wrap around me and pull me close. I bury my head in his chest, instantly recognizing the scent and feel of him, and I let him gently caress my hair, whispering my name again and again like one would calm a scared animal. Although I suppose I am not acting too different from one.
Tyril kisses lightly along my jawline, catching my tears as they fall, and I hold onto him tighter. When the sobs finally switch to hiccups, he pulls back and brushes my hair from my face. I meet those eyes lit with a star-kissed storm, and I’m brought back to the reality of the moment, safe in his arms, the moon shining down on us.
I press my face against his neck, the coolness of it a welcoming reprieve to my fevered skin. “I’m sorry I woke you,” I say, the words coming out in a hoarse breath.
“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, Zamira. Nothing.” He doesn’t have to say what he means.
I stroke the back of his neck with my callused fingers, the fresh pain of it all still lingering when I sigh. “I wish I could believe you.”
He nuzzles his face in my hair, breathing me in deeply. “Do you remember what you told me after we faced the egovore?” I shake my head, sniffling. “You told me there was goodness in hoping, and I should never let anyone take it from me.”
Tyril’s voice cracks with emotion as he breathes, “And in the catacombs, I told you that it is my love for you, and for our friends, that will strengthen me.” He cups my chin in his hand, tipping my face up so I can look him in the eyes. “You taught me that it is fighting for what we love, not against what we hate, that will be the force that ends this.”
He brushes a kiss across my forehead, so soft and full of hope, before continuing. “When the sun comes up, we will leave this palace, and we will continue to fight. Not against the Shadow Court, but for Kade. For Nia.” It is the earnestness with which he says those words, the same faith he has that the stars brought us together all the way from opposing sides of Morella so that we may cross paths, that allows me to believe him.
When his lips meet mine, it is hope that courses through us, stronger and just as tangible as the Light itself.
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huntress1024 · 4 years
He’s at the top!❤️
Reblog if you have Tyril Starfury in your List of favorite LIs
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huntress1024 · 4 years
This looks incredible I want in!! ❤️
Kingdom of Morella (Discord Server)
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(Transparent credits/post organization inspiration to @choicesarehard​ and edit by @blightarts​) 
This is an announcement for the Kingdom of Morella discord server’s grand opening!! Myself, @princessstellaris​, and @blightarts​ have worked very hard in setting up the server in the most fine and elegant way. It is a Blades specialized server with various channels and a place to make new friends so feel free to check it out! 
Signal boosts are appreciated. More details below the cut. 
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huntress1024 · 4 years
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What if this happens to all of the LIs?...
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huntress1024 · 4 years
When PB announces that Blades of Light and Shadow will have a sequel and I don’t have to say goodbye yet to my adorable group of misfits:
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huntress1024 · 4 years
The brave and heroic adventurer yesssss my dream
alright babes, uquiz time.
find out who you would be in fantasy society. i’m reblogging with a link so tumblr doesn’t hide this. 
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huntress1024 · 4 years
Crashing the Masquerade: (Tyril x MC)
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Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2k
Summary: This is my first ever fanfic, and it’s just how I imagined the Blades gang getting ready for the masquerade! I love the dynamic of their group!! 😊 lemme know if you want to be tagged!
Taglist: @queerbrujas​
Nia chatters excitedly as Adrina braids her hair, “Just imagine! The music, the lights, the magic!” She bounces up and down at the vanity and Adrina almost pokes her with a pearl hair pin as a result.
Imtura, already in her elegant forest green and gold ensemble, scowls from the window seat. “You do realize we’re on a mission tonight, right Nia? We can’t exactly dance the night away while simultaneously waiting for a murderer to strike.”
I expect Nia to blush in her typical fashion, but I am absolutely surprised when she turns in her seat to grin at Imtura. “You look too lovely to be so cross tonight, Immy. Has it crossed your mind that we can do both?”
Our orc companion gapes, before quickly recovering and muttering under her breath, “I am going to kill Mal.” She aggressively tugs at the dress’s waistline for the third time in five minutes.
I laugh and motion for her to stand and turn around. “You have to admit, it’s a cute nickname. And Mal says it with love.” My long, nimble fingers make quick work of the gold lacings at her lower back, loosening them ever so slightly. “Better?”
She breathes a huge sigh of relief. “Much.” With a wicked glint in her eyes, she gives me a pat on the back that leaves me winded from her orc strength. “Thanks, Zammy.”
Nia clamps a hand over her mouth, but a giggle escapes anyway. I roll my eyes at the joke. “That will never catch on.”
“I don’t know, I think it’s rather catchy.” Mal waltzes in the room unannounced, Threep perched comfortably on his shoulder. 
He wears a dusty charcoal jacket with coattails, gold plating running along the shoulders, arms, and belt area. A marble mask covers half of his face, adorned with a gold wing. The look is distinctly Mal, bold and daring, but refined and noble as well. He winks at me, catching my eye. “Well? Do I pass for a snooty noble?”
I laugh, nodding appreciatively at his look. “I don’t think snooty is in your genes, but yes, you look great. Threep, did you help him with this?”
The nesper, smug as ever, flaps his wings in a haughty manner as he gives Mal a once-over. “Indeed. Perhaps you will learn to respect my wisdom, Valori.”
Mal scoffs, dropping Threep in Imtura’s arms. “That’ll be the day. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m gonna go check on elf boy.”
Usually I would laugh at the joke, but instead my heart clenches, thinking of the current state Tyril must be in. “Has anyone been able to talk to him yet?” Mal, Nia, Imtura, and Threep sadly shake their heads, and I sigh in disappointment. On our party’s trek back from the catacombs, I had tried to come up with something to say, but what could possibly have been said to erase the agony he was feeling? I opted for silence instead, staying by his side the whole time. He had brushed his fingers against mine before he headed to his quarters to prepare for the masquerade, and I have not seen or heard from him since.
Mal gives me a dry smile, trying to cheer me up. “I’ll just tease him about whatever the hell he’s wearing. His pompous, stick-in-the-mud attitude that we all know, and love will come back, trust me.” He snatches an apple from the bowl on the vanity before leaving the room. I turn away from Threep’s praise of Imtura’s dress and her mumbled retorts to join Nia and Adrina at the vanity as the Lady of House Starfury recounts stories from previous masquerades. “Last year, the gorgeous Lord of House Moonfall asked me to dance. Three times.”
Nia gasps, delighted. “Really? What was he like?”
Adrina chuckles, smiling at the faraway memory. “Oh, we hardly talked. I was so nervous to be in his presence that I couldn’t seem to get two words out. And he was such an excellent dancer, I did not want to say anything that would ruin the moment. I would have danced with him all night if I could, but Tyril scolded me, telling me it was ‘improper’ to not switch partners after an extended period of time.”
“Well, hopefully he’ll be singing a different tune after tonight,” I say, smirking. “I don’t intend to let go of him.”
Adrina tips her head back, cackling. “Oh, that will be a sight to see. Tyril is horribly proper when it comes to public appearances, but if anyone can help him loosen up, it’s you Zamira.” She places the final pin in Nia’s fiery braid, then offers her a hand to help her rise from the chair. Nia squeals at the sight of herself, twirling and letting the voluminous skirt fly around her. “I look like a princessss!!” She exclaims, dancing a little jig that has Adrina and me laughing.
“You look stunning, Nia.” The dress features various shades of blue, from sheer mint long sleeves to a cerulean corset, and indigo and navy skirts that give a starry twinkle when she moves. Embroidered flowers and vines grow along the dress, and her blue and gold mask compliments her lovely golden-brown skin. “Lords won’t be able to take their eyes off of you!”
She blushes delicately, giving me a bashful smile. “I do not know about that, but I’m flattered all the same.” Her meek mood dissipates as she shoots me a mischievous grin that is surprisingly more Mal Valori than Nia Ellarious. Perhaps he is finally corrupting her, I muse before Nia interrupts my thoughts. “Besides, you and I both know there is one lord who will be positively indisposed tonight when he sees a certain lady.”
Now I’m the one who is blushing, but I refuse to let a bloody priestess know she got the better of me. I feel my face trying to suppress the pleased beam that threatens to take over, but it’s no use as I reply, “Hmm. I don’t know who you’re referring to, but I’ll take the compliment nonetheless.”
“No one will be ogling you tonight if you go in that horrid potato sack of a dress,” Threep says matter-of-factly, sniffing the intimidating golden horns from the shoulders of Imtura’s dress. “Just out of curiosity, are these tipped with poison? It would make for an excellent weapon against Kaya tonight.”
Imtura gapes, outraged. “That was an option? Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”
“Can we come back to the ‘potato sack’ comment?” I snap, glaring at Threep. “Tell me, Oh Wise One, whatever shall I wear to satisfy you?”
Completely oblivious to the sarcasm, he straightens his posture in Imtura’s arms, studies me with that wide and unblinking stare of his, and definitively replies, “Butterflies.”
Okay, I was not expecting that. “Um, is that supposed to be a color?” I ask lamely.
“No, you simpleton. Butterflies signify transformation, renewal, light. For you, Zamira, I find it a very fitting concept.” Adrina immediately leaves the room, shooting me an excited smile over her shoulder while doing so.
“It’s true!” Nia chimes in encouragingly, taking my rough hands into her soft ones. “You’ve come such a long way from the girl I met in Riverbend who just wanted to escape and go on an adventure.”
I blush at her words and give her a playful push. “You’ve come a long way too, Priestess. I wouldn’t even know how to use my Light if it weren’t for you. Scholar Vash would be proud.” Her eyes brim with tears at my words, and I give her a hug, brief but strong. A light breeze brushes my skin, and I turn to see Adrina proudly holding a dress to me, and my heart stops at the sight. “Oh, Adrina…you shouldn’t have.”
She shakes her head, pushing the dress towards me. “Nonsense. You have done so much for my brother in these past few months, and I cannot properly express my gratitude for it, but this will have to do for now.”
If not for the excitement already bubbling inside of me, the hopeful spark in her eyes would have done me in.  I gently take the dress from her hands, nodding in thanks, and duck behind the changing screen. The dress is easy to put on, and I am pleasantly surprised by how light and airy it feels against my skin. I step out shyly from behind the screen, and Nia, Adrina, Imtura, even Threep gasp at the sight of me.
The dress is composed of a faint sky-blue tulle fabric, the color strongest at the bodice and slowly fading to a white with subtle traces of lavender and pink when the light catches it so. It is sleeveless, but on each shoulder a flower in the very same shade as the lavender accents pin tulle identical to the color of the dress so that it flows behind me like a cape. True to Threep’s word, lavender and cerulean butterflies grace the waistline and front of the dress. I feel ethereal in this dress with the colors of a dawn sky, a delightful contrast to my dark skin, and I grin at Adrina, hoping it is enough to convey how much I love it. It works, for she smiles back and makes quick work of my white hair to pin it into a regal low bun, and adds the finishing touch to the ensemble: a lace silver mask inset with crystals that spans across my face and ends just at my nose.
Imtura breaks the silence first, lips curling in mischief. “I’m no fashion expert, but ladies…I’d say we’re ready to piss off some pretentious elves!” She lets out a cheer, passing Threep to Adrina before charging from the room, not even checking to see if Nia and I follow before she leaps onto the crumbling banister and speeds downward to the once grand foyer. I give Nia a shrug before linking my arm with hers, ad we say a quick farewell to Adrina and Threep before descending the staircase to join Imtura and, not originally noticing him from his veiled position in the shadows until we hear the unmistakable scolding voice belonging to no other, Tyril.
“While I am aware of your opinion towards my kind, I implore you to behave in a manner tonight that will not add to their suspicion of us. We will need as few eyes on us as possible if we are going to succeed in obtaining the Scepter.”
“You mean fewer eyes than the ones openly judging you for showing your face around here and bringing the riff raff into Undermount’s pearly gates? Gee, Tyril, you always ask so little of us, somewhat of a challenge would be appreciated,” Imtura snaps, words dripping in sarcasm from her fangs.
Tyril sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose before continuing, “Please. Just try. After tonight, you can drop kick as many of my people as you would like, but tonight, do try to be civil.”
“I think you mean our people,” I say teasingly, trying to lighten the mood once Nia and I have reached the bottom step. Tyril, completely unaware of our descent during his tense exchange with Imtura, snaps to attention and turns to greet us, lips pressed in a tense line before they part in a mesmerized “Oh” at the sight of me. Normally I would glow with pride under his stare, but I’m too busy trying to keep my own mouth from dropping in kind as I take in his appearance.
The outfit bears similarities in style to his everyday armor on our journey, but the colors are pure Starfury. He poses a striking figure in the royal blue and silver armor that extends from his chest to his abdomen, a magnificent steel belt with a royal blue gemstone in the center to accent it all. His shoulders and forearms are adorned in imposing armor the color of an angry sea, and a stormy grey cape clasped by a brooch across his chest. His mask is pure silver encrusted with sapphires and crystals, only accentuating his piercing blue eyes even more. Lord Starfury indeed. It wasn’t hard to imagine him hosting parties and being a prominent political figure in the Undermount hierarchy, not in this outfit where he was the embodiment of a lightning storm.
In a surprise reversal of roles, I am the one at a loss for words, and he is reveling in the idea. My blood rushes through my body as he bows before me, taking my hand and kissing it with such reverence and admiration before meeting my eyes and pulling his lips away, murmuring “My lady” against my skin in a manner that has me blushing furiously. I move to stand beside him, intertwining my fingers with his, grateful for his presence and leadership, despite everything he must be feeling after the catacombs. I squeeze his hand, hoping to express that and more to him, and when he squeezes back, I know he understands.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” Mal calls as he saunters down the staircase, smirking at the sight of us all waiting for him.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for the dramatic entrance type,” Imtura crows, sticking a foot out in an attempt to trip him as he steps down from the last one, which he deftly hops over.
“What can I say? I’m an insufferable ass.” He offers his left arm for Nia, and his right one for Imtura. “Hope you ladies can tolerate me as escort for tonight.”
Nia curls her fingers around his arm, giggling. “Of course, Mal the Magnificent.”
The rogue turns to me and Tyril with a triumphant glint in his eyes. “See? It was only a matter of time before it caught on!”
In typical Tyril fashion, my elven escort gives an annoyed humph. “I’d sooner be corrupted by the Shadow Court than call you that.”
“Ah. I see even a party can’t loosen up Tyril the Tyrant.”
Even hidden by the mask, I can see Tyril’s sculpted eyebrows rising in horror as he splutters, “Wha—How dare yo—”
Nia, ever the peacekeeper, gracefully interjects “Oh, look, there’s the carriage!” And with that, our party of five sets off into the night, ready to crash a ball.
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huntress1024 · 4 years
Noooo!! My entire life has been a lie
Yess i've been calling him like this too!
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huntress1024 · 4 years
So true! I’m really hoping Nia gets a chance to stick up for herself at Whitetower, and show that she’s not as innocent or naïve as they want her to be.
So there's only one shard left and I've been thinking about character development.
Obviously, Tyril's arc is over, I think, for the most part. He got his house's honor restored, he avenged Kaya and all that. We're done with Undermount, for now.
The thing is that the other LIs haven't gotten as much character development, and especially Nia.
Nia's arc is probably going to be about her faith getting tested. There's already been hints about it, like in the diamond scene at Port Parnassus, when you can go after the little girl that stole Nia's money and stuff, when she first sees that people don't always have it as easy as she thinks, or when the rest of the crew found out that her Light costs her time of her lifespan. I think that's where the book is going to focus next, since we're going to White Tower next and it's the Shard that's more or less going to be about her (like the first Shard was mostly about Mal, the second about Imtura and the third about Tyril).
Now, Mal and Imtura's arcs aren't over either. Imtura still has an inner conflict about the duty and freedom and she still has a lot to deal with back in Flotilla with her mom and all. She deserves a proper outburst because her mother is controlling at the least. Imtura's arc is figuring out what she wants, and even though she already knows that she has to come to terms with either finding a balance between her freedom and what her mom wants or letting go of Flotilla for a while.
As for Mal, he's still learning how to open up to other people and we don't even know his full backstory yet. I hope we'll get to meet his sister and her wife when we get to White Tower, because why would they mention her if they weren't planning on that? They're on the way, so I'm gonna be really disappointed if we don't see them, even if it's on a diamond scene (he only mentioned them in a diamond scene, anyways, and it's not that important to the general plot, so I'd be fine even if it was a "Side Quest" or whatever).
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huntress1024 · 4 years
This, THISSS is what we should have gotten for the ball!!
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Elaine and Wisteria in the dresses they deserved 
So I can’t draw but I saw @night-triumphantt‘s challenge to make your MC in a better dress, so I gave it ago, featuring @mellorax‘s elf baby.
I hope you like it!!
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huntress1024 · 4 years
This MUST happen. We need a Book 2!!
hope we get to save kade at the end of Blades and “defeat” the shadow court and get a “The End” but then it cuts to a scene with Just Kade and his eyes shift color and shape to indicate that he’s not actually Kade and that we invited the Dread Lord into our realm with open arms that would be fucking sexy
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