huntswitches · 9 years
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I have never envied an apple so much.
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huntswitches · 9 years
Matt wouldn’t admit it, but he was nervous. His hands were sweaty and he was constantly looking around if he saw something or someone. He wasn’t even sure what or who he was afraid of. He knew that they were safely on the Hale property. He also knew that Derek was only one button away from coming to help him out. Just like he knew that for now Logan was on their side and wouldn’t hurt his friends. 
But the words from Lydia echoed through his head. She had been angry and he wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to make up for it. Matt checked his watch again. He was a little early, because he had not wanted to risk being late, and he took a deep breath while he hid his hands in the pockets of his jeans again.
              it was a dick move, he knew it. but if this kid was going to learn how to  handle himself, he’s going to have to handle anything that will come his way. so waiting in a tree to jump down and pin the guy in a position that he would die in -- that’s one way to start this. logan remembers doing a similar exercise with mack a couple of years ago, but she actually got scared enough she punched him in the face making it a double lesson, with one underlying rule. always be on guard. so that’s matt’s first lesson, hopefully he takes it well. 
               once matt was in the right position, logan slowly began to climb down before allowing himself to fall right behind the bus boy. Making his fingers into a claw, say if he actually had any, and placed them right on Matt’s neck. “if i was a werewolf, at least a bad one, you’d be dead. so here’s your first lesson in defending yourself, always be on guard. second would be, watch the trees.”
Training with the enemy || Logan & Matt
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huntswitches · 9 years
“Yeah, I guess we can be sure that most people in this town are kinda stupid anyway, so they’ll probably believe everything we tell them. But I’ll be there, tomorrow morning and I’ll try to get some extra sleep tonight. You don’t need to go easy. There is no demon gonna do that, right?”
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          “exactly. no demon, fanger, or anything else that goes bump is going to go easy on you. especially if you’re their meal. so i want to make sure your going to be ready for anything.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“Yeah, there is a gym and such, but it’s always kinda busy and I’m kinda afraid people might start asking question. But I’m sure that the Hale property is fine. So, when are we gonna start? I’ll just make sure to clear my schedule.”
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            “true, people would ask questions. though we could easily just say i’m your self defense teacher. but we can do it on the hale property, i’m good with that. we start tomorrow, bright and early. be ready because i’m not going to go that easy on you just because you’re new at it.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“I guess the easiest would be at school, but that’s not really gonna work, right? So, maybe we can use some of the Hale property? Derek knows that I’m working on this and he said you were on our side for now, so…”
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          “the school could work, i’d imagine there’s a gym or at least a weight room which could be helpful. the hale property could work as well -- probably even safer than the school. there we could ask a hale for help.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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“ …… they’re targetting evil vampires. i can’t really complain about that - so hopefully, someone with fangs is next on the hit list.”
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              “they came to one place on earth that is home to everything that goes bump in the night, i don’t think vampires are their only target. and technically, don’t you have fangs?”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“Yeah, I don’t really need the attacking things, I guess. I’m kinda sure there are people in this town who can do that a lot better than I. I just wanna be able to defend me and someone with me. So, if you can do that, that would be great.”
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         “fine, our main focus with you will be defense. where’s a good place for you to train? we can meet up there some time this week, the sooner the better.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“Yeah, I’m kinda good at the sports thing. I can run for quite some time and such. It’s just the fighting part that I never really tried ad such. I’ve never really gotten into that, because I never really saw a reason to learn that stuff.”
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          “now you have more than enough reasons to want to learn how to fight. for the defense more than the actual taking down, you know? you need to learn that first and i’ll help you with that.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
Matt nodded and took a deep breath, thinking of what Derek had told him. Logan was on their side, for now. It was okay to ask his help. “Yeah, some training wouldn’t hurt. So, when can we start? Because I guess problems aren’t gonna wait until I’m ready.”
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          “as soon as possible, really. first we figure out what you know, what you can do -- strengths, weaknesses, all of that. and then we get into the real shit. you play sports, right? so your endurance and stamina should be higher than most.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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            finally, they’re getting somewhere. “of course, i’d want someone like you to be able to defend themselves. you’re human, you’ll need to give yourself an advantage in this town and not to mention, your friends do need the help.”
Matt took a deep breath and thought about it for another time. “Fine…” He shook his shoulders. “I’ll help you with that military thing, if you’re gonna help me to get some tricks to defend myself.” He swallowed. “I’m tired of not being able to do anything when my friends are in danger.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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           ❝ Nah, I feel like I can afford a little bit of time to feel sorry for you, because I’m assuming no one else is doing it. — I’m surprised you even care. ❞ 
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            “i’m not surprised that you’re surprised. i actually care about this town and some of the people in it. your witch friends aren’t the only inhabitants in this town, so i am allowed to care if other people are taken by the military.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“In that case, I guess I’m not ready to help you.” He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t be the one helping you to kill my own friends.” Matt bent his head and took a deep breath. 
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          “i’m not asking you to kill your friends, at the moment i’m not even worried about your friends. i can’t promise you that i won’t focus on them in the future, but right now all i care about is the military.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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    “If we’re lucky, they left the gas bombs–if they are hunters, well organized ones, they could have marked them, as a warning to anyone who finds them. If the bombs were bought, those tend to have serial numbers, saying where they were manufactured and to whom they were sold. Otherwise, yeah, it’ll mostly be relying on scents.”
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        “-- i’m going to stay positive and hope that actually happens. if not, it’ll mostly be up to you on whether or not we find a trail.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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                                                 “ .  .  .  .   .   . “
                         “Well, I know that. I was there. Klaus being taken was the only good thing                  happening that day. So let’s hope he stays gone - they can keep him.”
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          “okay, not going to argue with that. but i’m sort of already thinking of who’s next.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
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             “ okay but ….. should i be worried? everyone’s                        still freaking out over what happened, but it’s                  over now so… are you not telling me everything?”          
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           “the military took klaus and they’re probably going to come back for more. at least, i hope that people are freaking out about that finally.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“ You not feeling welcomed has nothing to do with whether or not you care about this town. You still live here. How do you know? I’m not sure if you can tell, but I haven’t had much exposure to the military in my life… ”
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          “i care about this town, i don’t feel comfortable calling it mine. admittedly, i’m guessing but i don’t trust the government. i’m fairly convinced that was the military, the whole uniform and strategic attack thing. so i don’t trust that they’re here with good intentions.”
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huntswitches · 9 years
“Look I have no problem with taking that coven down that opened the hellmouth thing. And I don’t really care about what happens with the Originals after what they did, but…” He took a deep breath. “If I help you with those stuff and such, promise me you won’t hurt or harm my friends.”
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            “you know i can’t do that, matt. that is a promise i’m not ready to make.” as much as the hunter wanted the boy to be his ally, maybe even friend, this is a subject that made that impossible. 
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